
One Piece-Blaze

A Boy was Seen Walking within the Forest when he came upon a House with Sliver Gate so he open the Gate and went inside then he start to walk toward the Door and open it "Hello is anyone home" His Small Childlike voice sound out. When he hear Nothing he proceeded to Walk inside. He saw a Notes and Read it. (5 Min Later) Luffy start to Cry to himself "Stupid Marine and jiji" Luffy said to himself. Luffy saw a 2 Sword and his Notes. "Luffy these Sword Are Ying/Yang the Twin Sword they used to be mine but now it yours since i am Gone" From Mom to You Lu. Luffy cry to himself Again he Wipe the Tear Away and Start to Touch Both Sword and Start to Hold them He Touch The Handle with Both hand and Take his Other Hand and Touch the Other now ye got Both Sword in Hand. 5 Min Later Luffy Start to Move his Body and Put both Sword Down and Walk The Gate he Close it then walk toward inside And Colse the Door and then Walk Toward a Box on the Table With the Notes Said. "Luffy Inside the Box is a Furit called a Devil Furit they take your Ability to Swim and gave you the Power The Fruit Has that you have Eaten...The Devil Furit Name is Called Sakura Petal" Luffy look at the Furit in Awe and start to read again "The Sakura Furit is so Dangerous Combine With the Ying/Yang Sword and Haki can be Unstoppable". "What is Ha..ki" Luffy Said then look Down Again. "Luffy if you want to Know Haki...Haki is Everyone that can be unlock through Training there 2 Haki people Learn and there 1 Haki that people are Born 1 in a Millon has and it say people who unlock it can he King" Luffy Mine start to process it then It came to his Sense He read Again. "1 Haki is Called Kenbunshoku Haki Which can allow you to see Where your Foes going to hit you so you can dodge it The 2nd Haki is Called Armament which can harden your Skin act like a Layer that can cause Damage to your Foes if use Right...The Last one you had Which you are Born with is called Haoshoku Haki Also called King Haki is you can figure how to use yours Ok Luffy" Luffy start to process the information Again. "Luffy The is the last One in the Box ok" Luffy start to nooded his Head and Open The Chest next to the Letter and read it again "Ok Luffy i going no matter what happen i am Watching you no matter what happen ok" Luffy Nooded his Head and a Smile started to Form. " Luffy No Matter What do not Join the Marine the Absolute Justice is not Justice at All They Will kill you no matter what Unborn,Children and Family ok....By Luffy Taken Care" Luffy Start to pick up the Furit and Ate it then almost puke but he ate it all then tooo another bite out of it then the Color of the Devil Furit start to turn to an Original Base Furit. "Sakura Dance" Luffy called out then Sakura Petal start to Appen twist around him. So Luffy Walk forward while the Sakura continues to follow him and Pick up his twin Blade and Bring it to his Room Along with his Mom letter and Picture. As Luffy put everything down and sleep on his Bed he Drift into Dream

kingrosest55 · Others
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As Luffy is Sleeping a Little girl from by Sakura Petal by his Bed She put her Hand On his Face and Then to his Hair "Luffy is a GoodBoy" The Girl said and Look at The Window "oh it getting DayTime Luffy Wake up" The Girl said and Dissapper.

Luffy Woke up and Inspect the Room "mmm...I tought i heard Something" Luffy said.

"Might be my Imagination" He said to himself.

Luffy Got off the Bed and grab His Necklace and put it around his Neck Along his Back his sword is in a cross beside his bed and He Ran to the Door he open it then open the front door and Close it then he ran to the Gate open it then close it.

Luffy then Ran Back the Village And then walk as soon he Inside the Village and Walk to Party Bar "Makino Morning" Luffy said while a Smile is on his face.

"Moring Luffy Ready for Breakfast" Makino said.

"Shishishi yeah" Luffy said and grin.

"What you Like" Makino said while look at Luffy and a soft smile started to from on her face.

"uh..Pancake with A Glass of Orange juice Please" Luffy Said.

"Ok" Makino Said while going to the Kitchen upstairs while humming a Small Tune.

As Soon Luffy saw Makino went upstairs he Start to Look Around the Bar and Saw a Music Box and Saw a Gold Coin so Luffy put it into the Slot and it began to Play a Song Bink's Sake.

Luffy start to go back to his Small Seat and Listen to the Song while humming alongside it.

(5 Min Later)

As Soon the Song End Makino came Back holding a Plate and a Jucie"Luffy here you go 1 Plate of PanCake and Glass of Jucie" Makini Said.

"Thank you" Luffy Said then he dig in his Plate as Soon Luffy finish he drink his Jucie and Start to go upstairs and go to the guest room.

"Makino-nee-chan i going to be in the guest room ok" Luffy said from upstairs and Makino Replied Back "ok Luffy" As soon heard the ok he went inside and close the door.

"Haoshoku Haki is a Person Will and Spirit and born one in an Million people people who are use it are rare" Luffy Wishper and began to try to find the source when he heard a Girl Vocie "Luffy Close your Eye and Breathe Clamly and let your Will and Spirit Merged ok" The Girl Said.

"Ok" Luffy start to listen to the voice And Close his and he Breath slowly and His Hakoshou Haki started to Start to from a Small Aura Around him And it started to Glow Luffy open his eye and The Arua Dissapper "Yes Thanks you" Luffy said Out loud and start to take a Short Nap Or a Long Naps.

(Noon 12:00 PM)

Luffy start to Wake up and And Start to Look Outside the Window and see people outside walking As Soon Luffy Came Downstairs he heard a Voice "Priate ship are Coming" a Person Yell and Makino Came Outside with the Mayor and went to the Port Then a Bored start to Connect with the Dock.

"What do you want Priate" The Mayor Said to the Captain.

"We Just want Some Supplies and Restock our food and rebulit our Ship if it ok" The Captain Said.

"Ok..." The Mayor Said then.

"But first what your Name" The Mayor Said Again.

"...Shanks...Captain Of the Red Force Priate" Shanks Replied while giving a Smile to the Crowd.

"Where The Bar me and my Crew are Thirsty for some Sake and Food" Shanks Said.

"Follow me i Own a Bar" Makino Said.

"ok miss" Shanks Said while he and his crew Follow the Girl they look around the Town And Saw people happy and living a peaceful Life.

(3 Min Later)

"Here we Are" Makino Said to the people who Follow here and began to walk inside Makino went behind the Counter and Pass Along the Sake and Cook some Meat in her Backyard.


Luffy Start to Go Home and Train in His Sword Training he took them and Use them as a Reverse Girp and Swing them Against the Tree.

_______(3 Min Later)

Luffy start to get tired and Read the Letter.

"Luffy these Systle is called the Reverse Sytle" then it show the Picture of how to use the Sword and Luffy Began to Follow it then Walk to the tree and Said "Twin Sword-Reverse Sytle" Luffy Hold Start to Move At his Pace and Then start to become a Blur Sticking the Tree is 3 Place at One and Then stop and Fell Asleep.

(5min Later)

Luffy Woke up from his Nap and Look Around The Backyard he pick up his Twin Sword and Went back inside the House and put the Sword Away in his Room and began Training in his Haoshoku haki and began to Speard it Around his Body and Then he let it lose Everyone in the island began to feel it an Collapse.


At The Bar Shanks and his Left and Right Hand-Man Began to Feel it they got up and Start to walk around the Village.

"Ben$Yassap did you feel that Haki" Shanks Said.

They both Nodded and then began to walk to the forest then the Conqueror Haki began to Grow Stronger as They took a Step to Shanks began to from his and continued to walk Forward then it Dissapper as Soon Shanks about to took Another Step.

"Weird" Shanks said an Began to Gaze into the Forest and saw a a Sliver Gate

and a House Shanks shake his Head and Drag Yassap and Ben with him to the Bar Everyine got up.

"Miss What that House with a Sliver Gate" Shanks Said.

Makino Drop her Plate and Then look at Shanks and Repiled "That House Belong to My Sister but were not Related but we act like it" Makino said while tears start to from in her eye "a..and then Marine Came and They began to Fight She Suffer Injuries that Would kill a Normal Person but she Fought on Finishing Them on and dying from her injuries we bury her inside the Backyard of that house" Makino Began to Cry.

"oh Sorry for your Lost" Shanks Say And Then Repeat "Dose she have a Kid"

Makino came to her sense and Said "Luffy".

"Where Luffy Then" Shanks Replied Back to her with a Smile.

"Did you check the House" Makino Said

"No Why"Shanks said while look at makino then to yassap then to Ben.

"He might be there" Makino said.

"Miss what your Name" Shanks Said

"Makino" Makino said to Shanks.

"Shanks Let go get the Kids" Ben Said Then Shanks Left the Bar while Yassap and Ben follow.

(5Min Later)

They Appear In front of the Sliver Gate When Sakura Petal Start to Fall.


"Who are those people are they good or Bad...Maybe they want to take momy Home" Luffy said then his Eyes start to turn Cold then Luffy Wishper "Sakura Scatter" Luffy ran toward the Group with his Twin Sword then start to turn into Sakura Petals.

Luffy swing his twin Blade at Shanks,Shanks Turn around and Block it

"Kid Stop it Dangerous to fight" Shanks Said to Luffy while using Haoshoku Haki.

Luffy Disappear in Sakura Petal and start to release his Own Haoshoku Haki.

Then Luffy Reappear next to Ben giving a Kick to his Back kicking him forward and Disappear and reappear before him and kick him into the Air and "Twin Sytle" 101 Cuts" Luffy disappear when Sakura Petal Start to Rise up and almost cut Ben.

"Luffy Wait...Stop" Makino Said.

Luffy look at Makino Then a Warm Smile and luffy close his eyes and His Haoshoku Haki dissapper along with his sakura Petal and fell Down to the ground .

Shanks Grab and gave him to Makino "Thx Shanks".

Shanks Replied "So that Luffy he Going to be a Powerhouse when he grow up.

Shanks Smile along side Yassap while Ben backflip Down toward the Ground.

Shanks "Ben,Yassap Let go and bring Luffy and Makino back to the village ok"

They both nooded and left the Forest.