
One Piece: Battle of Trafalgar

Trafalgar Law's little sister survived but she has the soul of a very ancient being, the former Empress of a different realm. How will the future be impacted after adding the troublemaker in mix.

SizoZondi · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 5: Law's realisation and shock

[ Two years later]

A lot of events have occurred in these past two years since Lami and Law became members of the Don Quixote Family. The Don Quixote territory has expanded all over the North Blue, and Law started taking lessons from Doflamingo.

Law has been spending every day reading every book given by Doflamingo, trying to acquire more medical knowledge, how to manage businesses and all the ins and outs of the Underworld. While also training his combat and physical abilities under the guidance of the top executives of Doflamingo's crew.

During the process of training his combat skills, Law turned out to be a protegee and a natural-born swordsman resulting in Lami sharing some of her sword techniques with him.

On the other hand, Lami has been gathering knowledge on the most basic things of the world she is currently living in. She also received some of this knowledge from Corazon, who was even the one who gave her the explanation of what Haki is.

After spending most of her time training with Law and the crew, Lami was able to utilize her Kenbunshoku Haki easier since it was similar to her " Qi sense" abilities. She hasn't started to train her Busoshoku Haki( Armament Haki) yet due to her current weak physical state.

Lami has been trying to cultivate her body which was weak due to a lack of nutrition and training before joining the Don Quixote Family. Her cultivation process has been rather slow, which she suspects is due to the White Lead poison still in her body.

The progression of the White Lead disease has also been monitored by Lami and Law with Lami's cultivation techniques and a martial arts technique she got from Corazon. Unfortunately, she hasn't been able to get rid of it completely, which is a course of concern for her and Law.

Despite these challenges, Law and Lami are determined to keep growing and improving their skills.

At this current moment, Lami and Law are currently seated by the seashore having a chat with two other members of the Don Quixote Family.

" We already told you our real names, what about you Lami, Law?" Baby 5 asked with a curious tone.

Baby 5 used to suffer from a psychological disease which led to always looking to be needed by someone until she spent more time with Lami who taught her the importance of self-love and independence which in turn helped her overcome her illness.

Law answered first," I'm not interested in telling you and I don't care about your real names," he said bluntly.

" If you don't tell us I will tell Doflamingo that you stabbed Cora-san two years ago," Buffalo threatened Law.

Law sighed and started speaking," Trafalgar D. Water Law," he said, stating his full name with a hint of annoyance in his voice. Lami smiled and responded," Mine's Trafalgar D. Lami".

Baby 5 and Buffalo lost interest in prying however, this conversation made Corazon who was secretly listening from a distance start sweating and walking towards them with a grave expression that did not go unnoticed by Lami.

Corazon picked up Law from the back of his shirt collar and dragged him from the group, he also gestured to Lami to follow him.' What's with Corazon's sudden behavior?' Lami thought to herself and she quickly followed him.

As they reached an empty alley, Corazon turned towards Lami and Law before asking in a serious tone," Is that true? What you said about the secret name "D."?". " If it's true you two need to get away from here, away from Doflamingo!" Corazon added.

Lami and Law were taken aback by Corazon's sudden outburst and exchange of words." You can talk?" Law asked, surprised by the fact that Corazon can speak which means he has been fooling everyone all this time.

" Hoi Lami didn't you tell him about our deal?" Corazon asked ignoring Law." Well, you did say not to reveal it to anyone," Lami replied with a confused expression.

As Lami and Corazon continued their conversation, Law couldn't help but feel left out.' Deal? When in the hell did Lami make a deal with Corazon, wait that means she knew about his ability to speak but kept it a secret from everyone including me," Law thought to himself, feeling uneasy and betrayed by Lami's actions.

Law felt a sense of betrayal and confusion as he realized Lami kept more secrets from him. He wondered if she didn't trust him enough.

" Wait! Corazon can speak and Lami you knew about it?" Law shouted bringing the attention back to him.


Corazon created a transparent purple-like sphere and everything went silent. " Stop making noise Law," said Corazon.

" Ho I see so this is the power of your devil fruit, it's good for nighttime if you know what I mean," Lami said impressed by Corazon's ability.

" Wait! Cora-san ate a devil fruit?" Law exclaimed in surprise forgetting about the betrayal he felt early. " It seems so," replied Lami with a hint of amusement.

" The secret name "D"! There's no mistake about it,". Corazon's seriousness brought Law back to reality. " To think you two are part of that fated family, the Family of the "D".

Corazon went on to explain how the "D" was viewed by the World Government as a threat and needed to keep their name hidden. He went on to explain how the "D" always brings a big storm to the world.

Law's mind was spinning at the information he just received." What are you saying? Are we some kind of monsters?".

" Maybe, nobody truly knows the truth about the 'D" however some places in this world consider the "D" to be the sworn enemies of the gods themselves," answered Corazon with a grave expression.

" By gods, are you referring to those pigs the Celestial Dragons?" Lami asked with disgust.

" Exactly, the purpose of your people may very well be the destruction of this world," exclaimed Corazon.

" I hear you so by saying we should get away from Doflamingo means that he is either working with the Celestial Dragons or has some sort of connection with them so which is which Rosinante?" Lami asked after analyzing their current situation.

" Your intelligence always frightens me Lami, but yes my older brother and I are former Celestial Dragons who revoked our status and left Marijou," replied Corazon with a heavy heart.

Law felt a mix of shock and disbelief as he listened to the revelation." I see well we were going to leave the family at one point so I guess now we have a reason to leave even more," Lami said causing Law to turn toward her in surprise.

" Lami what do you mean leave Doflamingo? Why should we listen to Cora-san and why did you call him Rosinante?" asked Law confused.

Lami and Corazon then went to explain everything, the deal they had made, the true mission of Corazon to take down Doflamingo.

Law's expression turned serious as he had been informed of everything he did not know of. " Wait Lami why would we leave Doflamingo?". " Did you think that we will stay with the family forever, we only came here to get stronger and find a way to cure our illness but we still haven't found a cure I think it's time we go our way and leave," stated Lami firmly.

Law was taken aback by her words but nodded in response. " But where to if we leave?" Law asked thoughtfully.

" We'll figure it out when we get out of here for now, our priority is leaving this Island alive," stated Lami with determination.

" If you brats are leaving then I'm coming with you," interrupted Corazon with a resolute voice.

Lami and co went off to make a plan for their escape and left the Don Quixote Family behind.

[ Doflamingo's ship]

The ship of Doflamingo was currently sailing at sea after running away from the Marines. As the ship sailed, the members of the Don Quixote Family realized that three of their crew mates were missing.

After searching the ship they came across a letter written by Corazon saying he took the siblings to find them a cure for their illness.

The news left Doflamingo furious as to why they would leave without his consent. ' What are you up to Corazon?' thought Doflamingo as he questioned the true motives of his brother.

[ Back to Lami and co]

Lami and co were currently sailing away on a small boat, with Corazon's help they were able to get off the Island unnoticed.

As they sailed Corazon decided to call someone on his Den Den mushi. Law and Lami watched and listened curiously to the person on the other side of the call.

Corazon explained to the person on the other side that he was no longer with the Don Quixote Family and requested a break-off on the mission. This shocked the other person and he wondered if Corazon was in trouble or not.
