
One Piece: Against the Gods

Born with pedigree. Deemed by the masses as gods, but caged in a hellscape that camouflages itself as a holy land. What would a person do after seeing the atrocities that humanity are capable of? Destined to be a puppet, a child struggles against his chains and vows to bring down the so-called Gods on earth who only bring suffering and torment. __ Hello everyone, I just really like One Piece's story. The GOAT Oda is simply too poweful. And I'm going to try to put a spin on it. A celestial dragon doing his own things. I will try not to rehash the original story. So do forgive me for copying the GOAT a couple of times. This will be a bit slow for some, a bit fast for others. I'd say it's a mix of both which is weird. Anyways, give this a shot. Warning: He'll have a lot of girls as there are too many good ones in One Piece. I won't waste your time if you don't like that. Though I will try my hardest to make it organic.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 3: Ambition

Tyr got hit right on the face. Hancock and the others noticed it, but they weren't quick enough.

"What the hell, old man." Tyr clicked his tongue as he checked his forehead.

"Heh, I guess you can be a little spitfire too." Garp grinned at him.

"Tch, just teach it to me old man. We're not here to play games." Tyr glared at him.

"Yeah, yeah, that was lesson one. Observation haki. Catch these and shoot me." Garp closed his eyes as he tossed them some guns.

Tyr looked at the sisters and they nodded. 'Well, vice-admirals are strong enough to catch high-level pirates. This should barely scratch him.' Tyr looked at the ammo and they were just iron balls.

"Fire!" Tyr started firing at Garp and the sisters did as well for messing with Tyr.

But Garp just dodged them with a bored expression on his face. Looking like it was just completely effortless.

"Observation haki equals dodge. Armament haki on the other hand." Garp blocked a bullet with his forehead and Tyr heard metallic clink.

"What the." Tyr thought that should have at least hurt a bit.

"It's for defense or beating the shit out of others. Armament haki can even cancel devil fruit abilities." Garp smirked at him.

"Woah, that's cool." Tyr didn't even sense anything changing.

"Heh, as for the last one." Garp locked in and Tyr froze on the spot.

'What the... I feel like the world's on top of me.' Tyr started sweating. He then looked at the sisters and he started to walk in front of them with shaky legs.

They were trembling like a leaf and Tyr glared at Garp.

Two forces clashed for a brief second before it went away like it wasn't even there.

'Good lord... This kid is a conqueror?' Garp blinked.

"W-what was that, old man? You prick." Tyr breathed heavily and the Boa sisters latched onto him.

"That, is the color of the supreme king. Conqueror's haki. It's like a mix of armament and observation. Only this time, instead of feeling intent like the latter, you enforce your will onto others.

And like armament, your pure force of will clashes with others. The weaker theirs are, the stronger the effect." Garp explained and Tyr wrote it down immediately.

"So they're tied to your will?" Tyr asked and Garp nodded.

"I didn't know there's another one." Hancock blinked.

"Uhhh, Tyr. Training haki is quite strenuous." Marigold warned him.

"It's, quite a workout." Sandersonia nodded and Tyr snorted.

"How bad can it be?" Tyr asked and they sighed at him.

__A few moments later__

"Ahhh! Ow! Motherfucker!" Tyr swore like a sailor as he got hit by Garp with a stick.

"Suck it up brat! Dodge! Feel the intent of my stick of love buhahaha!" Garp was definitely having fun in beating him up.

"What the fuck does that even mean you old fart!? Ahh!" Tyr shouted in pain again as Garp trained him the fastest way he knew.

By inflicting pain, so you would learn as fast as you could.

The Boa sisters winced, as every meaty slap of the stick on Tyr resounded. Garp was definitely hitting him hard.

"Uhh, should we help him? Maybe tell him we can train him in armament and observation haki first?" Hancock asked them and they nodded.

"Huh? You brats are next!" Garp heard them mumbling and they paled.

They were then blindfolded and beaten with a stick as well. With Garp dual wielding a mighty stick made of Adam wood. The strongest wood in the world.

Topman saw Tyr's situation and he nodded. 'Garp would definitely shape him up. Only if he could focus more on him.'

The group then returned to Tyr's room, exhausted.

"Shitty old man, I thought he was going to beat me to death." Tyr looked at his ugly bruises that were beginning to look purple.

The sisters nodded and they plopped down on the bed.

"Bringe us some food please, quadruple the amount." Tyr was starving.

He then sat down on the ground and grabbed a rubber ball.

'Feel the intent? I guess I'll have to practice a lot more.' Tyr looked at Hancock.

"Hancock, please throw this at me. I want to get a feel of observation haki." Tyr requested and Hancock nodded.

She then started to throw it at him. 'What am I getting wrong?' Tyr was getting frustrated.

"You're having the wrong idea, Tyr. Training haki takes years. At our home, Amazon Lily. We just start really early, that's why we know how to use it." Hancock explained.

"Thanks for the little pick me up Hancock. I'll just dilligently train then." Tyr smiled at her and she nodded with a beaming smile.

When the food arrived, they started eating like they didn't eat for days and flopped on the bed to sleep.

Tyr noticed a little bit of itching on his back. But he just ignored it, thinking it was due to the bruises.

__Next day__

"Wake up you brats!" Garp threw ice-cold water on them.

"Fuck! What the hell!?" Tyr screamed and he looked around in a panic.

He then saw Garp with a wide grin on his face. Tyr checked the clock and it was still four in the morning.

Tyr deadpanned at him. Knowing that Garp won't change.

"You could've woken us normally, you stupid old fart." Tyr grumbled and Garp laughed.

"Shut up! I'm your master right now, let us now tap in to your armament haki." Garp carried them like sacks of potatoes.

"I hate him already." Hancock glared at Garp and everyone else nodded.

They then got tossed into the training area. "See those steel plates? Punch them like you mean it." Garp ordered and he put his hands on his hips.

'Are you serious?' Everyone looked at him incredulously.

"What? We don't have all day, you punks are wasting my time. Or do you want to feel armament haki directly!?" Garp raised his fist and they whimpered.

"That's what I thought." Garp snorted and Tyr went up to propped up steel plate first.

He psyched himself up. 'I can do this, it won't hurt at all.' Tyr gulped.

He then threw a punch at it with a roar. "Fuck! That hurts like a bitch!" Tyr grabbed his knuckles and the sisters went up to him in worry.

"Buhahaha! Do it until you can't do it anymore! Imbue your will on your fists like a real man!" Garp laughed boisterously.

'Shitty old man...' Tyr clicked his tongue, but he endured.

"Should we stop him?" Marigold asked Hancock as they watched Tyr punch the steel plates until his knuckles started to bleed.

'Heh, this brat's got some spunk in him.' Garp grinned as he nodded at him in approval.

'This will strengthen bones due to micro-fractures, right? Then better put this out of the way.' Tyr gritted his teeth, powering through the pain.

Hancock bit her lip and was about to stop him, but Garp blocked them with his arm and shook his head.

"Look at that expression, that's a man on a mission. Don't get in his way." Garp whispered to them.

"But... But he'll hurt himself." Sandersonia winced every time he punched the steel.

"Then so be it. A small price to pay for strength that will be known by the whole world in the future." Garp took out some senbei and started eating them.

Watching Tyr closely so he won't seriously injure his knuckles.

'He will receive treatment anyways, he's a celestial dragon.' Garp was pushing him because he can recover quickly.

The ugly bruises on his skin looked like they were starting to heal too. Sea king meat truly works wonders.

'But the brat is healing too quickly... Hmmm, maybe I'm just overthinking this.' Garp looked at Tyr and his instincts can just tell that something was different with him.

After training until the afternoon, Tyr's knuckles were bleeding profusely and he suddenly felt an arm tap his shoulder.

"Any more and you'll see your bones showing. That's enough, kid. Let them heal first then continue." Garp shook his head at him.

"About time, old fart. I thought you wanted me to break my hands." Tyr sat down as he panted.

Doctors then started treating him, giving the best treatment that people can receive.

"Don't squander your privilege, brat. Use them to the maximum." Garp advised.

"I know, old fart. My recovery will be faster, I already have a plan for that." Tyr snorted and Garp laughed, smacking him on the back.

"I will return after a year. You better learn already! Or you'll taste a fist of love." Garp raised his fist.

"Alright, alright! You damned old fart. Thanks for teaching me." Tyr said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Ungrateful brat, taste this!" Garp whacked him on the head, infused with haki.

"Aghh! My head! That hurt like a bitch!" Tyr rolled around in pain.

"Saint Tyr! God warrior Topman will hear of this!" The servants glared at Garp.

"Buhahaha! Want me to come with you and tell him?" Garp laughed fearlessly.

As hurting celestial dragons will result in admirals being called in to deal with the offender.

But he didn't get a promotion because he'll directly be under them. A lapdog for the world government that's on a leash.

So he remained as a vice-admiral, not wanting to deal with the pigs of Mary Geoise.

"One more thing, brat. Your conqueror's haki can only be sharpened by you. The sky is the limit, your ambition and will are going to dictate the path you will walk on." Garp raised his hand and waved goodbye as he left.

'My ambition huh?' Tyr trembled as he remembered once again.

'I have plenty, old man.' Tyr squinted his eyes, thinking of how to topple down the world government.

So, they entered a routine of training in the morning with haki. And Tyr had classes right after.

A year passed pretty quickly and Tyr was now three years old.

With Hancock, Marigold, and Sandersonia guiding him. He unlocked his armament and observation haki.

"Tyr, I have a question..." Hancock shifted uneasily besides him as he thought of ways to use his conqueror's haki consciously and more effectively.

"Hmmm? Sure, go ahead." Tyr nodded at her and Hancock opened her mouth a couple of times. Hesitating to speak as she bit her lip.

"Don't worry, I won't judge you. Are you asking if I'll let you go in the future? Do you want to leave me that much?" Tyr teased her and she chuckled.

"No silly, I... I want to know, even if I have this ugly mark on my back... Will you still stand by me?" Hancock asked with an expectant expression.

"Huh? What kind of question is that. I'll get rid of that in the future. Skin grafts are a thing, you know?" Tyr ruffled her hair like the mark of the celestial dragons is nothing special.

"Y-you can? And you will?" Hancock's lips trembled as she stared right into his jet emerald colored eyes.

'His eyes are sucking me in. Such verdant green orbs that look like emeralds.' Hancock was enamored.

"Hello, earth to Hancock. Don't worry, that mark's not a problem for me. I just gotta look for a pretty good doctor and it will be just peachy. The after care will be tedious though." Tyr smiled at her and she started tearing up.

"Un... I would love that." Hancock beamed at him and he wiped her tears.

"How about you? I have a question too. What do you want to do when you get away from Mary Geoise?" Tyr asked and Hancock didn't hesitate one bit.

"I'd love to travel the world with you." Hancock had a goofy smile on her face.

"Then I better shape up so I can protect you well. You're going to have a lot of people gunning for you when you mature." Tyr flexed his biceps and she pouted at him.

"So you're saying I can't protect myself?" Hancock raised a brow.

"Well, two is better than one, isn't it?" Tyr snickered.

"Hah, you just say the right things, don't you? How about you, what do you want to do?" Hancock rested her head on his shoulder.

"Well, I'd love to see the world live in peace. No slavery, no pirates, no corrupt marines that are lingering around." Tyr smiled wryly.

"It's a goal as high as the clouds in the sky. But I want to live my life with that kind of peace of mind. As a noble, we are supposed to help the masses. It is our duty, noblesse oblige." Tyr looked at the skies and grasped the air.

"I see... I will help you with all my might." Hancock craned her neck upwards to look at the blue sky.

"Can you see that bird? Flying so freely, without a care about what happens below. The price of freedom is steep. But it's a price nonetheless, that I am willing to pay." Tyr grinned at her.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.