
One Piece: Against the Gods

Born with pedigree. Deemed by the masses as gods, but caged in a hellscape that camouflages itself as a holy land. What would a person do after seeing the atrocities that humanity are capable of? Destined to be a puppet, a child struggles against his chains and vows to bring down the so-called Gods on earth who only bring suffering and torment. __ Hello everyone, I just really like One Piece's story. The GOAT Oda is simply too poweful. And I'm going to try to put a spin on it. A celestial dragon doing his own things. I will try not to rehash the original story. So do forgive me for copying the GOAT a couple of times. This will be a bit slow for some, a bit fast for others. I'd say it's a mix of both which is weird. Anyways, give this a shot. Warning: He'll have a lot of girls as there are too many good ones in One Piece. I won't waste your time if you don't like that. Though I will try my hardest to make it organic.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 22: Feudal Japan

After resting, Tyr went towards Kuina's recovery room. There was a small bald spot on her head and Tyr was shocked.

"Damn, the tech here is insane. They can already do laparascopic brain surgery here." Tyr remembered the minimally invasive surgeries back at earth.

"She's recovering nicely, she's in a medically induced coma for now so she won't injure her recovering spine." Vegapunk informed Tyr and he nodded.

"Anything interesting islands around here, Vegapunk?" Tyr asked him as a month will be quite boring. Even with all the advanced tech.

He wasn't a nerd in the first place. "At further east is Elbaf. Do you know of the Ohara incident?" Vegapunk frowned heavily.

"Ohara?" Tyr raised a brow as he doesn't know about any island like that at all.

"Ohara is an island of scholars. Intent on unraveling the mysterious history of the world. And they were destroyed by the world government through a buster call." Vegapunk sighed sadly.

"What!? A buster call?" Tyr furrowed his brows.

"Yes, it seems they were close to deciphering information about the lost century. You see, a few centuries ago. A hundred years of history simply does not exist; called the void century." Vegapunk expounded.

"The world government most likely buried any information about it. And Ohara's scholars were making progress about it." Vegapunk remembered visiting the place after it was bombarded.

"A massive cover up..." Tyr gritted his teeth, if they can't be more despicable. They outdid themselves again.

"The library of Ohara has been preserved as much as possible though. And now, it resides in an island north-east of here, Elbaf; the land of giants." Vegapunk informed him.

"Then that's a relief." Tyr thought that was good.

"There's currently a survivor of the incident. The only one left who can read the ancient texts. Nico, Robin; the devil child." Vegapunk gave him a wanted poster.

Tyr gasped as he saw the poster. A child had a bounty of 79 million.

"Truly despicable." Tyr's conqueror's haki almost exploded.

"Hah, I need to calm down. I'll keep a look out on this girl in the future." Tyr sighed.

"She has been through a lot. If she's still alive that is." Vegapunk nodded at him, agreeing that he should take her in if he finds her.

"There's also another island here, to the north-west of Egghead. Wano's the country of samurai. Though their borders are closed off." Vegapunk shrugged.

"Hmmm, Elbaf is extremely interesting. Especially the library of Ohara there." Tyr rubbed his chin.

"But the land of samurai is on the other side? It's a tough pick." Tyr went pensive.

"Wano's also the source of the world government's seastone. And a lot of the named swords came from there." Vegapunk added.

"Wait... Kuina's surname is Shimotsuki. Maybe there's more of them there? And I am learning swordsmanship." Tyr's interest tipped to Wano.

"Here's a log pose for the new world. You still have the eternal pose here for egghead. You can come back here after you visit there." Vegapunk instructed.

"Yeah, I'll be back. I'll just check if Kuina still has relatives there." Tyr waited for the log pose to lock on to Wano's magnetic fields and he took a map from Vegapunk.

Sailing towards the island, Tyr saw some anti-ship measures; cannons.

"Hmph, plebs. Eat shit." Tyr grabbed his boat again and flew.

"Woah, so is this place like on top of a mountain? It also has a reverse current." Tyr saw some huge ass koi swimming in it.

After going higher, he checked the layout of the island and saw a beach that was pretty deserted.

"I guess I should land there. This is the new world, I should be careful." Tyr put his boat on the beach so it wouldn't get swept up.

He then checked out the surroundings. "A forest huh? But why is there smog here?" Tyr looked out further and it was like China.

Tyr used his observation haki and saw tons of huge boars, tigers, and a large sea monster or something.

"I guess I should cull them down." Tyr sweeped them up, hunting everything dangerous down.

He needed some food too after all. But when he cut through a boar. "Eww, what the fuck?" Tyr could smell strong chemicals coming from it.

"This isn't edible, at all..." Tyr checked the cross between a crocodile and a shark too. But even that was inedible.

"Damn, everything here's inedible." Tyr sighed.

"You... You can come out now." Tyr looked behind him.

"You! You're an officer of Kaido. What more do you want here?" A samurai wearing a tengu mask confronted him.

"Kaido's officer? What the hell are you talking about?" Tyr raised a brow.

"Shut up! King! Those jet-black wings, that white hair, wait. Why is the flames on your back, black? And you're smaller?" The samurai suddenly stopped.

"Of course I'm small, I'm seven years old." Tyr thought he must've seen a Lunarian like him and assumed they were large as hell.

"You... You're not King, who are you." The samurai was still wary.

"I'm Tyr. I sought medical attention for a friend of mine in a nearby island. Her name's Shimotsuki, Kuina." Tyr thought he might know them.

"Shimotsuki!? Kozaburo's kin..." The samurai suddenly went quiet.

"Who are you?" Tyr asked. "I'm Tenguyama Hitetsu. Did you meet Kozaburo perhaps?" He asked back.

"Yeah, the old man with the weird hairdo? Are there any more Shimotsukis here?" Tyr wanted to tell Kuina a story after she recovers.

"No... Unfortunately not, remember what I said earlier? Kaido? They took over Wano a long time ago." Tenguyama revealed.

"Damn, so it's a hostile take over!?" Tyr blinked.

"Kozuki, Oden our Daimyo was to be shogun. But he was killed by Kaido and the slimy bastard who sits as shogun now." Tenguyama clicked his tongue.

"Are they here? I can't let them see me if they have a Lunarian here too." Tyr sweated.

An emperor of the sea is nothing compared to the fodder of Paradise.

"No, they're on an expedition with his officers." Tenguyama assured and Tyr sighed in relief.

"So, Kozuki, Oden's an upright guy huh? And he failed to protect Wano, that's really unfortunate." Tyr sighed.

"Kuri, this region of Wano has been laid to waste due to weapon factories. Our village of

Amigasa is struggling to produce food for everyone." Tenguyama gritted his teeth.

"Damn, what the hell is happening here?" Tyr frowned heavily.

They went to the village and Tyr saw that it was like rural Japan. Only dirt poor, as the houses were basically bamboo fibers and straw.

"Clean water is also scarce, as the weapons factories are polluting the rivers." Tenguyama added.

'The residents are also dirty... They must be preserving water to the maximum.' Tyr frowned.

"I'll be back in a bit, old man. I'm gonna do something." Tyr flew to the skies before Tenguyama can speak.

Tyr went to the calm belt and beat the shit out of a 100 feet class sea king.

He then carried it and flew back towards Kuri's beach.

A heavy thud resounded at Amigasa and the villagers hid in their homes.

"Tenguyama! Here, I brought something." Tyr grinned and Tenguyama blinked at the sea king.

"Y-you really brought that here?" Tenguyama was shocked.

"Of course, come! We'll have a feast today." Tyr called out to the village and they slowly peeked.

Murmurs resounded, but children started to go near the sea king in curiosity.

"Let's have some meat!" Tyr grinned and he started dismantling it with Tenguyama's wakizashi.

"Uoooh!" The children saw the glistening meat of the sea king and they drooled.

"Tenguyama, prepare some firewood. Let's go and eat good today." Tyr smiled as he patted the heads of the children who cheered.

The adults slowly trickled out of their homes. Tyr then started a fire after Tenguyama gave him some logs.

"Come here and help me, let's feed the children first." Tyr smiled at the residents and they nodded vigorously.

"Wait here, the other villages must be starving too, right? I'll get some more." Tyr flew away again and Tenguyama gritted his teeth with tears in his eyes.

"Go on! Eat! Eat to your heart's content!" Tenguyama shouted and the villagers who were starving, cried.

After an hour, Tyr returned with a much larger sea king. He dragged it under the sea before he was practically next to Wano and flew to Kuri so they won't spot him.

He can't carry a 300 feet long sea king with such ease after all.

"Tyr... You have our gratitude." Tenguyama bowed to him deeply with the other villagers.

"Nii-chan's the best! This is the first time I've eaten this much meat!" Children started swarming him and he chuckled.

"Kids should be able to eat lots to grow, right?" Tyr smiled at them.

"Quick, we must salt or dry the meat to last us for years to come." Tenguyama ordered the other villagers and they quickly started preserving them.

"This is a lot of meat, Tenguyama. Give the other villages some alright?" Tyr ordered and he bowed again.

"The people of Wano will not forget about this." Tenguyama can't believe that a child is helping them.

"All in a day's work." Tyr shrugged. "Hey, you said Kaido's big shots aren't here on the island right now, right?" Tyr asked him.

"They are looking for something. I don't know what, but they constantly go sail every year." Tenguyama explained.

"Then I'll go sneak around for a bit, try to see what they're looking for. Whatever it is, it must be bad." Tyr frowned.

"Are you sure about this? You're strong, but that will still be extremely dangerous." Tenguyama was worried.

"I can fly. And if this King dude is out of Wano. Then nobody can catch me." Tyr was also confident of his soru with the use of his wings.

"If you say so, just be careful. Even Kaido's goons are pirates of the new world." Tenguyama warned him.

"I will, I'm not that irresponsible to pick a fight in a place I have no knowledge about." Tyr chuckled as he remembered Luffy.

That budding crackhead would definitely try something here.

He also has high proficiency in his haki. So Tyr was sure he won't get caught. Unless there's someone much stronger in their base.

"Kaido's base of operations is in Onigashima. It's an island that is pretty noticeable. It has a stone sculpture of a skull." Tenguyama informed and Tyr nodded.

"Thanks, I'll go there for some reconnaissance." Tyr decided to be stealthy and swum towards the island.

He quickly saw what Tenguyama was talking about and Tyr made his way to the island.

Checking a way in the place, he went to a cliff and climbed.

"Damn, I feel like I'm in splinter cell or something." Tyr sneaked around and saw a traditional Japanese house.

Checking for any guards, Tyr entered the house and he craned his neck towards a room immediately.

'Shit, someone sensed me with observation haki.' Tyr thought the place was abandoned.

"Oi, who are you?" Someone wearing an oni mask suddenly appeared, wielding an iron club with spikes.

"Tch, Kaido's goon huh?" Tyr prepared to fight immediately.

"Huh!? Who are you calling Kaido's goon!?" They swung their club at Tyr and he clashed with it.

A shockwave exploded, destroying the house. Their haki crackled and Tyr squinted his eyes.

'We're pretty even... I'll have to use this!' Tyr gave in for a second and his opponent overreached.

"Eat this!" Tyr created a jet behind his elbow and smacked the shit out of the enemy on their face.

"Uwaah!" Tyr heard a girl's voice as the mask shattered and she flew away.

"A girl? Tch, no matter. Equal rights, equal fights." Tyr flapped his wings with soru and arrived at her position in an instant.

"Hah!" Tyr raised his arms for a hammerfist and she blocked with her club.

But she was still buried under a few feet of rock due to the violent blow.

"Kagh." All the air in her lungs escaped and her vision started spinning.

"Tch, an enemy of my old man's here for revenge!? Come back later! He's not here!" She hissed at him and Tyr stopped.

"Your old man? Wait, you're his daughter?" Tyr thought he could get some information from her.


"Hey! Hey! What the hell are you doing!?" She struggled as Tyr pinned her to the ground.

"Tell me everything you know." Tyr squinted his eyes.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.