
One Piece: Against the Gods

Born with pedigree. Deemed by the masses as gods, but caged in a hellscape that camouflages itself as a holy land. What would a person do after seeing the atrocities that humanity are capable of? Destined to be a puppet, a child struggles against his chains and vows to bring down the so-called Gods on earth who only bring suffering and torment. __ Hello everyone, I just really like One Piece's story. The GOAT Oda is simply too poweful. And I'm going to try to put a spin on it. A celestial dragon doing his own things. I will try not to rehash the original story. So do forgive me for copying the GOAT a couple of times. This will be a bit slow for some, a bit fast for others. I'd say it's a mix of both which is weird. Anyways, give this a shot. Warning: He'll have a lot of girls as there are too many good ones in One Piece. I won't waste your time if you don't like that. Though I will try my hardest to make it organic.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 12: Flames of Liberation

Time's ebb and flow continued and Tyr was now five years of age.

"Hey, I think we need to visit Marineford, check the state of the marines." Tyr wanted to inspect Marineford.

After all, they too. Will be obstacles in the future.

And he needed to check how the new recruits with improved doriki due to Saturn and Vegapunk's modifications are.

Not only are they the backbone of the navy, they are also the ones who interact with civvies the most.

"The marines huh? I don't trust them." Hancock squinted her eyes immediately.

"How can we? When they let slavers roam around the seas." Sandersonia rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, the amount of slaves here in Mary Geoise had to come from somewhere." Marigold huffed.

"That's why I need to check if they're really doing their job or not. Based on how Garp views Sengoku, he might be a competent fleet admiral." Tyr concluded.

"I think the marines should obviously be a free organization, not under the world government. But that's just impossible." Hancock sighed.

"Yeah, they're under the thumb of the world government. They either should be at the same authority as them, or be simply not under them." Tyr massaged his temples.

"Who are you gonna check there anyways?" Hancock asked.

"Well, there are currently no admirals right? And the great pirate era is quickly gathering traction. So I want to check the prospectives." Tyr shrugged.

"Garp can't turn into an admiral, he'd never accept the position. Well, maybe if you make a deal with him, he'll be one. Though I pity his subordinates." Sandersonia chuckled.

"How about turning Garp into your subordinate or something?" Marigold suggested.

They then looked at each other and grinned. "Wait, wait, I'm pretty sure that father and the gorosei won't accept my request." Tyr sighed.

'That could've been the best payback, too bad.' Tyr was disappointed.

"Yeah, they would use him for their agendas." Hancock signed to them.

"Well, how about we ask Garp there if he thinks they're good people. I believe they're rear admirals right now?" He estimated their rank.

"Then go ask your father if we can check Marineford o-" They suddenly heard explosions go off in droves.

Tyr immediately went towards the window and he frowned heavily. "A fire, in Mary Geoise. Well that's a first."


At the red line that divides the grand line. Atop of it, Mary Geoise is built upon the labor of millions upon millions of slaves.

And one such slave that has suffered a similar fate. Was currently climbing the red line in order to reach Mary Geoise.

Thousands of feet above sea level. A seabream fishman who had a symbol of the sun on his chest, climbed with his bare hands.

His salmon-pink skin turned redder as he climbed the steep mountain. But he was undeterred.

"Wait for me, I will release you from there." Fisher Tiger, a former slave who escaped from Mary Geoise.

Couldn't, in his good conscience. Leave people to their fates in Mary Geoise.

"I know better than anyone... What these sick bastards can do to people. Wait for me, it's only a matter of time." Fisher thought of the supplies in his large backpack.

After a few hours of climbing non-stop. He reached his destination, Mary Geoise; the city of the gods.

"I can still remember everything..." Fisher prayed for the lost souls in Mary Geoise.

He then started taking out bottles of pressurized gasoline from his backpack.

With the minimum strength of fishmen being ten times stronger than the average human. He brought a lot of supplies.

'I guess raiding tombs and being careful of traps in our adventures came in handy.' Fisher avoided the guards with ease.

After all, who would dare attack Mary Geoise? And that's where they were wrong.

Fisher left the bottles with fuses on their corks near locations with a lot of flammable objects.

He then planted a trail of unrefined gunpowder so it wouldn't burn too quickly. Connecting them all together.

"For freedom." Fisher lit the fuse and his molotovs exploded, spreading gasoline everywhere.

The fires quickly began and Fisher closed his eyes for a second as he grabbed a gun.

"I have to save as many as I can." Fisher ran around and rallied the slaves as much as he could.

"Slaves of Mary Geoise! Fight! If you can't, then run! Run for your freedom!" Fisher slugged the nearest guard.

"That's the boss' signal. Quick, let's prepare the ships for the slaves." A blue-skinned whaleshark fishman rallied his team.

__Tyr POV__

'This... I can't squander this opportunity... I can't let them be under me forever.' Tyr clenched his fists.

"Listen to me." Tyr grabbed them tightly and they went wide eyed at his sudden shift.

"Don't ask any questions, be quick, just follow me." Tyr opened the windows and jumped.

Trusting him with their lives. The trio jumped as well and they ran.

'As I expected, slaves would use this opportunity to escape from here.' Tyr noticed the shouts, screams, and panic.

It was total anarchy. Something that the guards of Mary Geoise weren't prepared for.

'I need to help... The docks have marine battleships stationed at all times. Thousands of people can get in there and sail away before the navy reacts.' Tyr pulled the Boa sisters towards his personal dock.

But before they could reach, a wall beside them exploded. The room behind it containing ammunition for hunting down slaves.

"HANCOCK! SANDY! MARI!" Tyr managed to held on a rock, but the others fell from the red line.

And what awaited them was a bed of sharp rocks. Accompanied by the sea which would kill them, not the fall.

Tyr jumped without even thinking and he bullet dived towards them.

The sisters saw what was waiting below them and they began panicking.

"Stop flailing around! Increase your contact with the air! Damnit, they can't hear me!" Tyr gritted his teeth.

'Come on, work!' Tyr tried to step into the air, attempting geppo.

But it was simply too hard to use. Being the hardest form of the six powers.

"Work damnit!" Tyr relentlessly tried to kick the air, his conqueror's haki crackling around him in distress.

"Fuck!" Tyr screamed as he changed directions and went towards the rock of the red line.

Infusing his limbs with haki, he accelerated with soru.

Not noticing that a black flame ignited on the middle of his back.

"Reach! Take my hand!" Tyr was close enough for them to hear.

Sandersonia quickly transformed and wrapped her sisters with her longer body.

She then reached out to him, but it wasn't enough.

"No!" They were going to hit the water in a second. He could feel it in his bones.

There was no moonlight, it was pitch black darkness. The currents, violent. He will not be able to get them all once they crash into the water and sink like a rock due to their devil fruits.

'Who will I save?' Tyr's eyes scanned them all incredibly quickly.

'No! I have to get them all!' The flames on his back got extinguished and he felt his skin rip.

Sprouting jet black wings on his back, he subconsciously flapped them and accelerated with unprecedented speed towards the Boa sisters.

Grabbing them with a death grip, he did a cobra maneuver and flapped his wings hard.

Without the conscious coordination needed, he lost control and he flapped his wings clumsily and managed to land on a ledge.

The sisters immediately used haki and gripped the rocks with a death grip.

"You girls alright?" Tyr was panting heavily, his adrenaline rush making his pupils dilate.

"Y-yeah, we're fine." Hancock looked at her sisters and they sighed in relief collectively.

Tyr looked upwards and Mary Geoise was still burning like a torch.

"I need to get you girls out of here." Tyr hugged them tightly.

"W-wha?" They went wide eyed. "You need to go to Amazon Lily, you girls will get killed if I take you with me. I plan on using the confusion to escape." Tyr explained and Hancock immediately glared at him.

"TYR WARCURY! Do you not care about what we want!?" Hancock was furious.

"LISTEN TO ME!" Tyr shouted as well and they were taken aback, he has never raised his voice at them, ever.

"This isn't about we want! It's about what you need. If I take you with me, you'll get killed and that's it! I will have better chances hiding alone. Nobody knows me, you girls are noticeable." Tyr sighed as he slicked back his hair.

"B-but... We're supposed to be always together. We're going to achieve our dreams!" Sandersonia argued.

"Enough! We will still meet. I promise, we will see each other again. I will visit Amazon Lily." Tyr didn't want to argue anymore.

"Sis Hancock, Sandersonia... Tyr already made a decision. He's right, Sandersonia and I are already almost 8 feet tall. The gorosei will also absolutely ask about us to look for Tyr." Marigold explained to them.

"But! But what about me!? What about what I want!? I don't care if I die trying to live how I want!" Hancock was being stubborn.

"Then you leave me no choice... You're being too irrational, Hancock. You're supposed to lead your sisters and lead them to a peaceful life." Tyr closed his eyes.

He tried the mechanics of his wings for a second and they were confused for a second.

Hancock realized he was going to fly them somewhere, but she was too late in grabbing a rock to anchor herself.

"Marigold! Sandersonia! Wrap around her like your life depends on it!" Tyr ordered and Marigold quickly restrained Hancock.

Sandersonia hesitated, but she quickly followed and Tyr grabbed them.

Hancock thrashed like hell as she glared at her sisters for following his orders, but they were undeterred.

Tyr flapped his wings and flew to the skies. With Mary Geoise like a torch, he quickly saw the boats that were being filled with slaves.

He dropped them in a ship that had the whale shark fishman. He was helping the most amount of slaves.

"You, let them on or I'll hunt you down. I'm a celestial dragon!" Tyr didn't have time, so he resorted to threats.

The fishman saw the symbol of the world government on him. He also looked too nice to either be a slave or a guard.

What he was confused about though, was why he helped three girls who obviously weren't celestial dragons into escaping.

"Tyr! Don't leave! Tyr!" Hancock started crying and he sighed at her.

"Remember my promise, I will come back to you. Take this, it will always lead to me." Tyr handed them a piece of paper.

It looked just like normal paper. But it was fire-proof and water-proof. The paper of life, a vivre card.

Made out of clippings from his nails, Tyr learned it from Vegapunk and asked him for one.

"That's a vivre card... It will always lock in to his position. Even if he is in the grand line, come on." The fishman pulled them into the ship.

"My name is Tyr Warcury, take care of them. I will be in your debt." Tyr prepared to take off.

"Jimbei, I will hold you to that." Jimbei nodded at him.

"Don't leave me, please..." Hancock sobbed as she saw him turn around.

"Sorry, I have to." Tyr flapped his wings and went back to Mary Geoise in order to help Fisher.

"Tyr!" The air stilled for a moment. A wave of pressure was then released from Hancock as her heart broke into pieces.

All of the slaves that were boarding the ship fainted.

"A conqueror... This will be troublesome." Jimbei frowned heavily.

"Hatchan! You have more arms! Carry as many people as you can!" Jimbei called out to an octopus fishman.

Meanwhile, Tyr floated above the streets of Mary Geoise while covering his face and noticeable hair.

"Go! Go! Move to that direction! Ships will take you away from here!" Tyr was sheperding the panicking slaves.

"You! Who are you? I'm Fisher Tiger, can you help them at the docks while I distract the guards!?" Fisher saw him as it was pretty easy to spot someone with wings and black fire on their back.

"You have a deal!" Tyr barked orders while flying, avoiding the crowds.

"Sir! My... My lover! She has a bum leg! Please take my Stella away from here!" A heavily injured man was carrying a crippled woman.

"Damn, I have to find another way to gather all of them efficiently. Come with me!" Tyr carried them to a ship.

He then dropped them to the deck and began searching for something.

"Thank you sir! I will remember this for as long as I live!" The green haired man cried as he held the woman.

"Sure, I don't have enough time though." Tyr quickly found a net and took it with him.

He went back to Mary Geoise and saw Fisher was starting to get swarmed by armed guards.

"I have to make this quick." Tyr flared his conqueror's haki and almost everyone dropped down on the ground.

"Fisher! I hope you can do more with that!" Tyr started loading the slaves in the net. With the elderly, young, and women at the top.

Carrying the slaves towards the docks, he made multiple trips as Fisher took care of the guards due to his timely help.

"Fisher! We need to go, Cipher Pol is here!" Tyr started seeing some people in black.

They quickly rushed towards Fisher and was posed to strike immediately.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.