
One Piece: Ace's Brother - Rex

A man reincarnated into the world of One Piece. His identity is Ace's twin brother.

Thundertroy · Others
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26 Chs

Chapter 3: Is This a Trap?

Samba Kingdom.

It was almost afternoon, and the sun shine brightly on this Kingdom. People were doing their everyday life happily, as they are blessed by the fair governing by the Moqueca King.

On one part of the seashore far far away from the Royal Palace, a pirate ship can be seen moving along the shore of the land. This pirate ship was the ship that Rex got from the pirate that he defeated two weeks ago.

After two weeks of sailing, Rex finally ran out of water and food supplies. Luckily, he reached this land not long after that. If not, he would be starving for some more times.

After he found a rather hidden place to dock his ship, he then come out of the ship and headed towards open land, in order to search for foods and water. He didn't forget to bring all the gold, and money that he got from those pirates, in case he found a town to buy those supplies.

As he looked further into the island, he saw many tall buildings. He could even see a place further away, where a majestic palace was standing tall. 

"There must be many market and stall that sell supplies in this area. I should go check it out." said Rex.

He then quickened his pace and headed for those building. After some times, he reached that area. He now could see many people walking here and there, playing music, dancing, and even some marching bands.

"Ladies, come to my store. I got new brand of clothes. Some of my suppliers brought me a unique clothes from the Grandline."

"Everyone, here's the new music instrument made by Mr. Pipper Pepper."

"What? Did Mr. Pipper Pepper delivered to you his new created flute?"

"You are very well information there, my dear customer. Come, come. Let me show you the flute."

As Rex looked at the surrounding place, he could see many people are busily selling and buying items. This area are so lively with these market situation. Though, Rex could tell that there are many shops that selling musical instruments. Look like these country really prioritize music.

On a wide platform, a young man who was carrying a large bag on his back selected a good spot and stayed there. He unwrapped the bag that he brought, and then started setting up a stall.

"Lalala~ heeeyyy y'all. Come see this craft that I got from Grandline. You will be astonished when you know what it is." Advertised the young man.

"Liar. Those are just some seashells." Said a boy, looking at those items disdainfully.

"No no no. This is not just some seashells." Said the man, shaking his head. He took a metal plate, and placed one of the seashell on top of it. He then took a hammer and give the hammer to the boy. "Go on. Hammer that shell."

The boy was confused, as he said to the man, "Hammer it? What if I broke it? Oh I see. You are trying to scam me to pay for it, right?"

"You are thinking too much. Just break it if you can. I promise, I won't charge you, even a single berry." replied the seller.

While they are talking, many people got attracted to this little challenge, and come to watch.

"Fine. Don't regret it later."

The boy then lifted the hammer as high as he can. After that, he hammered down as hard and fast as he can. The hammer instantly hit the seashell, but there is nothing that happened.

"Hey kid, did you really hit it hard? Or are you helping that young man advertise his seashell?" Asked a bulky man, sneering at the boy. To him, this two must be in cahoot to attract the people attention.

The boy face was red. He felt really embarrassed. Just now, he already used all of his strength to blast that seashell. However, he didn't get the result that he wanted. 

"Oh, this brother seems to be unconvinced. Okay boy. Give that hammer to him. And let him break the seashell." Said the owner of the stall.

The boy complied and gave the hammer to the bulky man. oh, are they trying to challenge me? Hah, you will regret it, thought the bulky man.

He then took the hammer. He casually lifted the hammer with one hand, and then hammered down towards the seashell.

Nothing happened!

The man frowned. Is it that really hard? He then used two hands to lift rhe hammer, and swung down the hammer as fast as he can.

Nothing happened!

"Tsk. One more time!" Said the bulky man.

"Be my guest." Replied the young man, chuckling as he looked at the bulky guy.

This time, the bulky man took two step back. After taking a deep breath, he then jumped forward while lifting the hammer up. As he dropped down towards the seashell, he also swung down the hammer.

It hit! But still, nothing happened!

"Fine! I admit that this seashell is hard. But what's use it is for only being hard." Complained the bulky man.

The people in the vicinity also nodded in agreement. What's the point of it being only hard. 

"That's where you are miataken" said the seller.

He then took out a specially crafted gloves, and wore it. After that he hold the seashell in his right hand. He then came down of the platform and walked towards a big tree nearby.

"What is he doing?"

"Not sure. Let's just watch."

The onlookers were curiously looking at the man action. Even Rex who already guessed the function of the seashell was intrigued to watch the man. The man then placed the seashell on the trunk of the tree. With his right hand holding tightly onto the seashell, he used his left hand to press a button on the back of the seashell.


Instantly, the tree shook, and a big area that was directly in front of the seashell was broken, as if it got smashed heavily.

"Holy smokes!"

"How did he do that?"

"Did he use the seashell to knock down the tree?"

"I didn't see him knock the seashell onto the tree. He just placed that thing on the tree, and that happened."

The people were astonished, and started discussing noisily. The man smiled when he saw that. Although his hands feel abit numb, thanks to the specially made gloves, he didn't suffer any injuries from the recoil.

"Everyone. This seashell is called Dial. It is not that hard, nor it can blast the tree just like that." Said the man. He then explained how the Dial work. By pressing the button at the back of the seashell, it is now ready to absorb some pressure or attacks.

To release the absorbed impact, one needed to press the back of the Dial once more. However, the recoil of releasing it will be one twentieth the power of thhe released impact. To avoid getting injured, one needed to use the specially crafted gloves.

"Now everyone, I only have twenty set of these Dial and Dial Gloves. So, please come and buy while you have the chances." Invites the man.

Instantly, everyone rushed forward to get their share. However, not all of them are able to get one. The price is a little high as those Dial were priced at 500,000 Berry. 

Some people wanted to snatch those thing without paying. However, they were beaten down by the seller. Although he looked young, around early twenties, and doesn't look that strong, he was able to show a great strength when he wanted to fight.

"Hey, how dare you hit me!" yelled a young and rich guy. Just now, he tried to snatch a set of Dial, but got kicked on his stomach by that young seller.

"That's what you get for trying to steal my goods. Try it once more, and I guarantee that you will lose your hand." Scolded the young man, while unsheating a sword on his back.

"Tsk. I will remember this." 

The rich young man then run away leaving that place. The young seller frowned when he saw the hatred shown in the face of that guy. However, he didn't care much about it.

In just a short time, those Dial were sold out, and all the buyers showed a happy expression. They hurriedly leave the place, eagerly wanting to test the prowess of those Dial. 

Rex didn't buy those Dial, as he didn't have that much of a money to pay for it. He watched the man selling the seashell for a moment, before turning around and heading to the shop that sell food supplies.

On the other hand, the man also watched Rex for a second but didn't seem to really care. He then packed his thing and walked away from that place.


On the shore not too far from Rex's ship, a girl around fifteen to sixteen years old was running away as if hiding from something. She quickly found a bush, and then hid there.

Not long later, some shop owners arrived not far away from that bush where the girl was hiding.

"Dammit! Where did that thief run off to?"

Theose five people looked around, checked all around the place, but didn't manage to find the girl.

"Darn it. She got away again. Now, I lost the money that I just earned today. What am I gonna say to my wife? Argh!" 

"I got it worse. That thief have stolen my diamond."

"You think that worse? That thief managed to steal a Devil Fruit that I just got this morning."


The other shop owner was shocked beyond words. That's the legendary fruit, that could grant one with superpower. Such a thing is certainly more valuable than any diamonds.

"In that case we really need to find that thief."

"Let's go check around once again."

The shop owners dispersed towards several area to find the girl.

"Fwaaahh. That was really close. I almost lose my breath there." Said the girl, slowly appearing from thin air.

Just now, those people already checked the place she was hiding. Fortunately, she could turn invisible by holding out her breath. 

She then looked at the Devil Fruit on her hand. It looked a bit like two hands was shaking each others. "This Devil Fruit is too weird. Shaking hand? Whatever. If I sell it, I could get millions Berry."

After that, the girl walked away from that place. After traveling for some distance, she saw a ship was hidden in the far side of the shore.

"An abandoned ship. Nice. I could use it to sail the sea, and sell the Devil Fruit somewhere else."

The girl then hurriedly approached the ship. As she arrived near the ship, she checked around, and then checked inside the ship. However, she didn't found anyone.

"Is this really an abandoned ship? Whatever. Let's just set out to the sea."

The girl then tried to push away the ship off to the sea. However, she was not that strong to move the ship.

"Nnnggg! Darn it! This thing is too heavy."

The girl sat tiredly beside the ship, while trying to think of a way to move the ship. "I know! I will just wait until the water level rose, and the ship should be removed by its own from the land."

The girl then climbed into the ship, and waited for the water to rise. While waiting, she ate some food that she stole from those shops, owned by those guys that trying to catch her.

After waiting for some time, she get bored.

"The sea is rising too slowly. Should I go take a nap?"

Thinking like that, she then took a little nap...no, she slept for real!

Just then, Rex arrived and climbed the ship. When he got onto the ship, he was surprised to see a girl was sleeping shamelessly on the deck of the ship.

He frowned when he saw that. He looked around suspiciously for a moment, before he looked once again at the girl.

"Is this a trap?"