
One Piece: Ace's Brother - Rex

A man reincarnated into the world of One Piece. His identity is Ace's twin brother.

Thundertroy · Others
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26 Chs

Chapter 1: Your Name Shall Be Rex

On a certain place with many building at the side of a narrow road, there was a van parked on one side of the road. This van was a very dangerous one, as it often hit people until those people died. The name of this van is Truck-kun!

Truck-kun was given a mission to reincarnate a certain teenage into the world of One Piece. That teenage are supposed to live in thise area, and usually came home late in the afternoon. So, Truck-kun has been waiting at the site for the whole afternoon.

Every minutes passed caused Truck-kun to feel anxious. That's because Truck-kun was running out of time. He will be transported back if the time is up, and the mission will be deemed fail if that's happened. After waiting for so long, when it was about to get dark, Truck-kun finally saw the target come out from the distance. Truck-kun then started it's car engine, and waited for that boy to walk a little closer. 

Twenty meters, eighteen meters, fifteen meters... At the ten meters distance, the boy stopped walking, surprising Truck-kun. At this time, the boy was looking at the retail shop on the side of the road. The boy fall into a silent for a moment, before he started to walk towards the retail shop.

"No you don't!"


Truck-kun couldn't let the boy walk into the shop, as he was afraid that the guy will stay there until the mission time lapsed. That would be too unfavorable for Truck-kun. Instantly, the van rushed forward to crash onto the boy. "Now, my mission should be finish."

Before Truck-kun could celebrate his mission completion, a hand pulled the boy, and brought him inside the shop. This caused the van to crash on the wall not too far from the shop.

"That was a close one. Thank God, you are not hit by that car boy." Said the middle-aged man, who was the owner of the shop. "What is wrong with that driver."

The boy who got lucky to not being hit by Truck-kun was shivering in fear inside the shop. The shop owner hurriedly called 911 for the emergency, and explained the situation. A moment later, he finished talking and put down the telephone.

"Kid, you stay here, okay? I'll go check on that driver. Hopefully, he is still alive." said the shop owner.

After that, he slowly approached the van. As he approached it, the shop owner feel the surrounding turning cold. For some reason, he felt the atmosphere was getting weird. "What is going on? Why do I feel uncomfortable?"

Vroom! Vroom!


Suddenly, the van revved it's engine, and rushed backward towards the shop owner. The shop owner was stunned, and didn't expect the van to move so suddenly. Instantly, the shop owner was hit and brought towards the concrete wall, causing his whole body to be flattened.


The boy inside the shop screamed in fright when he saw the shop owner got hit by the same van. He hurriedly rushed out of the shop to check the shop owner's condition. However, something weird happened. When the boy came out of the shop, he no longer saw the van, nor the shop owner, who got hit by that vehicle.

"Huh? What's going on? Where is the van and the shop owner?" 



Inside a dimensional hole, the shop owner screamed in total fright while dropping down through several layers of dimensional illusory doors. His scream continued for a very long time.

After dropping down for who knows how many hours, the shop owner eventually loss the desire to scream, and just looked down, and wondered when will he reach the ground. While doing that, his imagination was already running wild, and imagining his condition when he reached the ground.

"I'm so going to die! Dammit. Is this the afterlife? Where am I heading to?" Yelled the pale faced shop owner. "Have I done something that unforgivable, that I'm being punished to die this way?"

While the shop owner are in the middle of thinking of all his past misdeeds, and mistakes, an aromatic smell slowly enveloped him. As soon as those smell entered his nose, he started to feel sleepy.

"Ugh. My head feels so heavy. Maybe I should just go to sleep. That way, I won't feel the pain when I died." 

The shop owner then closed his eyes, and let his mind forget about the outside situation. Just when he was half asleep, he suddenly heard a voice.

"Sorry man, you saved the target of reincarnation. With the time mission was about to end, Truck-kun have no choice, but to pick you as the substitute. Hopefully, you will forgive Truck-kun for that, and just live your new life as best as you can.

To help you survive in the new place, Truck-kun has granted you a way to live. If you somehow died in the new world, you will turn into a zombie, and still live until your body truly rot. As an extra gift, Truck-kun has opened a pocket space in your left eyes as a mean for storage. That's all. Good luck."


The shop owner wanted to yell and scold that *BASTARD*, but the heaviness on his head forced him to fall into deep slumber.


This is the world of One Piece. 

On a place called Baterilla in South Blue, a pregnant woman was about to undergo childbirth. This women is Portgas D. Rouge.

"Wah! Wah!"

After a hard labour, two babies were birthed. The first baby was quite, while the second one was crying loudly. The moment the babies were born, Garp entered the room, and saw those two babies. 

"This is really unexpected, but this is a great blessing. Huff* Huff*" said Rouge, embracing her babies dearly, while panting and breathing weakly. "Me and Roger already decided the name for our child. However, with the two of you came together, I need to give more name...huh?"

Just then, Rouge realized that the first born baby was no longer breathing. In that moment, she knew that that baby didn't manage to survive after being kept so long in her womb. Tears of sadness started to flow down on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry."

The sadness caused her condition to deteriorate even further. Rouge almost lost her consciousness, but she forced herself to stay conscious. She looked at Garp, and said, "Please, let my baby live."

"Sorry Rouge. I don't have power to revive people." Replied Garp, shaking his head in sympathy.

"I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about this baby." Said Rouge, pointing at the crying baby. "His name should be Ace. Gold D. Ace."

Garp didn't talk, and just gave a little nod. Rouge smiled when she saw that. After that, she embraced the living baby for one last time, before letting a navy girl to hold the baby to deliver him to Garp.

After that, Rouge lay down on her bed, and took the dead baby in her embrace. She hold the baby, and cried while saying, "Don't worry. I will not let you be alone. Mom will accompany you forever."

Rouge then closed her eyes, and breathed her last, while embracing the baby dearly. The sight of the mother and the baby laying dead on the bed caused a great disturbance in the emotion of the onlookers. Garp was included.

"Wah! Wah! Wah!"

The living baby cried even harder, as if knowing that he has lost all of his family members. This caused some of the navy to feel uncomfortable.

"Vice-Admiral, what should we do?"

"Let's leave. We're already overstayed in this place."

"What about them?"

"Just go and hire some local to bury them. Also, don't separate the two, just bury them together." Commanded Garp. After that, he left together with the little baby.

Bogard who received the task proceeded to find some villagers and asked them to bury the dead. The villagers saw the dead Rouge and her baby, and turned sad. Many of them volunteered to help bury them. They even pushed away Bogard, saying that he was the reason for the death of these innocent girl.

If the Marines didn't insist on killing a just born babies on this place, something like this should have never happened. Now, many mothers become sad, and some of them decided to go suicide after losing their child.

Bogard saw that he was in an unfavorable situation, and wisely left the place. He knew that these villagers will certainly go and bury these dead people. Thinking like that, he then headed out to meet up with Vice-Admiral Garp.

In Baterilla, the villagers brought Rouge and her baby to the graveyard to bury them. However, something unexpected happened when they are halfway towards the site.

"Wah! Wah! Wah!"



The villagers were shocked to see that the baby started to cry. Some of the villagers even jumped away in shock.

"The baby is alive! He is still alive!" Shouted a woman. All of them looked at the little guy who already stopped crying and looking around towards all of the villagers. The baby then reached out his two small hands, as if wanting the villagers to carry him.

"Oo... He is so cute. It's so unfortunate that he loses his mother."

"So, what do we do with him? Should we go and bury him together with his mother?"


The one who said that got his head knocked by some woman. The rest of the women who lost their babies also stared dagger at the man who suggested to bury the baby.

"Shame on you? Are you still human?"

"How dare you said to bury the innocent baby! Do you yearn for a beating?"

The women become angry, and threw their scolding towards the man, causing the man to sweat profusely, and tried his best to apologise to this group of women.

While those women scolded the man, a young lady who loss her first born baby silently took the baby and embraced him caringly. She then wanted to left the group silently with the baby. However, some women saw her.

"Hey, she is running away with the baby."

"Hey, come back here. We also wanted to carry the baby."

"Let her be. She just lose her baby, and that was her only child. Maybe this will make her happy again." Said an old man, who is the mayor of the Baterilla.

The other women showed an unsatisfied look.

"Some of us also lose our babies. We should also have the right to get that baby. Or at least, we have the right to be the babysitter for that little one." Said a woman.

"Yeah. I want to carry that baby too."

"Me too."

"Me three."

The woman spoke out their many opinion on the baby. This caused the mayor to sigh. His villagers were really unfortunate to have their babies killed by those Marines. He really hated those Marines for doing those killing, just in order to prevent Roger's to have any descendant.

"How about this, you all let that young lady take care of the baby, while you all can often visit her place, and the baby?" Suggested the mayor.

The women looked at each other, and then complied. Although they wanted to care for that baby, they don't want to argue further. 

"I want to go see the baby. Excuse me." One of the women excused herself, and hurriedly run to the direction on where that young lady headed out with the baby.

"I want to go too."

"Me too."

"Excuse us then."

In the end, all the women rushed out towards the place where the young lady was staying. This left the men feeling speechless and sighed at the sight of those women rushing away.

"Let just bury her." Said the mayor.

The others just nodded, and proceeded to bury the dead Portgas D. Rouge. After burying her, they erected a tombstone on the grave. The mayor personally wrote the information regarding the dead person on the tombstone.

While the men was busy burying, the young lady already reached her house. She felt overjoyed after getting a baby. She sat down, and smiled sweetly at the little guy.

"You are a miracle baby. All the guy already thought that you already died, but you still lived like a king. I wanted to name you King, but that is a bit arrogant. So, let me give you a similar name." Said the women.

She then started thinking of a good name for the child. After pondering for some time, her eyes brightened as she found the name she wanted.

"Your name shall be Rex."