
Disappointed By Karate Island?


It's been 2 months since May was injured. We found an old doctor in a port town of Sorbet Kingdom whose been treating May and all of us too. I mean I don't see anything wrong with the rest of us but he's doctor. Gotta' follow his advice or so Cassy's fist conveyed.

Seriously she's gotten a lot more violent since we started our journey and I mean outside of fights. Taiga and I, we seem to be getting on the wrong end of her temper a lot nowadays.

Sheesh! The vice-captains beating me up and I can't even complain to anyone since I'm the captain!

But atleast she seems to be smiling again. She seriously stopped smiling and spent a lot of her time awake sitting on May's bedside.

It got to the point that Mio came up to me to fix her.

And what did I do? Dragged her straight to a clearing in the jungle and started to beat the living shit outta' her. She came back to being herself pretty quickly then.

Mio found us that day, both sleeping on the ground next to each other, exhausted, or so she says. I personally believe, Taiga had enough booze for that day and was ready to stretch all 4 of his legs found us and just roared, because I'm pretty sure I heard a roar that day and not when I was awake. Then Mio came following the roar.

May's been doing good too. She woke up halfway during the first week in the village so about 15 days after she was… injured.

Once she was given the all okay by the doctor; she came straight up to the usual bar we all sat in daily, and dragged Cassy out.

Curious as we were, we followed.

Turns out she dragged Cassy out to get her to start training her once again.

I'm so proud of that girl. She's finally taking her training seriously and is giving it her all. Hell, she back to participating in our free-for-all (crew only) battles and is doing better than ever.

When she asked us what happened after all the pirates had fallen, I told her, "You slept through the night, while Cassy woke up after a few hours. Once she awoke, we moved towards Black Drum. Once we anchored there, Cassy stayed behind as Taiga and I jumped onshore, and got busy gathering supplies.

Sure we needed to cut down a few people to get them to stop firing at us but I don't think it mattered all that much.

We were back on the sea within hours and sailed towards Sorbet kingdom.

We anchored on the ports of the first port village we saw and asked the villagers for the doctor. They gave us directions only after seeing Cassy carrying you with red bandages on your torso. I mean we're pirates so there was that hesitation that came."

That's about all that happened since then-

OH WAIT! We got new bounty posters.

Mine had no changes in photographs but I am now worth 25 million beri!

Cassy's too upgraded to 20 million beri while she too got no change at all in photographs.

May's remained unchanged in all aspects.

This drove Taiga into depression seeing his name missing once again. He drank more rum that day than he did in the whole week before.

We even got another article in the news regarding how vicious we are and how we tore apart more than a few hundred people.

We had to do that since they were throwing themselves at us looking to kill us! What use were their becoming a pirate if they weren't ready to die when they set sail?!

Anyway, we're about to set sail now towards Karate Island.


"And we're off!" Taiga cheered as their ship pulled away from the port of the town. He celebrated this by downing another mug of South Blue Vodka.

May let out a laugh as the breeze took her hair with it, letting it billow behind her.

Mio stood next to the main mast letting a smile envelop her face.

Cassy stood at the bow of the ship, next to Cliff. She was looking towards Cliff and let a small smile grace her face.

Cliff looked out at the never-ending blue water, small sprays of it landing on his face which right now was playing host to a huge smile, "South Blue, we're back!"

At that moment, right in front of them a sea king rose with a roar. Its eel like face looked at the tiny ship sailing towards it as it opened its jaws ready for a meal.

"And we've got our lunch too!!!" Cliff said at that moment.

Just as Cliff said that, Taiga jumped bringing his kanabo down onto the sea king's skull, ending its existence.

This prompted Cliff to laugh quickly joined by others.

"Rahahahahahahahahahahaha…" (Cliff)

"Trararararararararararararara…" (Taiga)

"Hehehehehehehehehehehehe…" (Cassy)

"Hehehehehehahahahahahaha…" (May)

"Mioioioioioioioioioioioioioioio…" (Mio)

Karate Island, an island known for its abundance of martial artists many of which are masters of their craft, is right now in a panic. Well alright only the port town is!

Why you may ask? Well if you ask one of the residents here the answer you'll receive is- "Pirates! The Roaring Tiger Pirates are here!! They're all bloodthirsty and will kill us all!!!"

Ans so the entire town is currently running around like headless chickens. These headless chickens include various martial artists as visible with their white uniform and various coloured belts as well as several masters as visible from their black belts.

Back on the Roaring Tigress, Cliff seemed to frown, seeing all this happening. He looked back and saw his crew's expressions. Mio, who had told Cliff of the approaching island but not the pandemonium happening even though it was visible from the crow's nest, seemed to find this amusing. Taiga seemed to be in a depression and was drowning himself in the South Blue Vodka in an effort to get over the lack of a good fight. Cassy and May seemed to be missing but were actually downstairs trying to get a measure of what supplies were needed.

And so, Cliff sighed, seeing as his ship getting near enough to the port resulted in the entire town appearing deserted.

"Well, this is disappointing. Mio take Cassy and May into the town and get whatever supplies we need. Be back as soon as you can, we'll set sail for Baterilla soon after." Saying this he sat down next to Taiga pouring himself some vodka.

"I really didn't think this would happen." Cliff bemoaned.

"I know right? All those pirates we beat back in the last month built too much hype. How many did we beat up again?" Taiga bemoaned right alongside him.

"A few dozen or so. Mio was right, the southern edge of the blue is chock full of pirates." Cliff continued.

And so, they continued to drink drowning out their disappointment...

A few hours is all it took for the girls to return with their supplies and a handful of shopping bags, which they claimed were actually needed. Cliff let it be as he was now looking forward to getting to Batterilla.

…And beating up the Captain Bear-man. That was all he could put his hopes on and look forward to…

Sorry for the delay! Was a little busy!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

THE_SECRET_SCROLLcreators' thoughts