
One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!

He is Monkey D. Luffy, but not the original Monkey D. Luffy, because in this world, that one is Lucy, his blood sister, while he had a peaceful childhood with his other three brothers. They all ended up following different paths since he didn’t have his memories. It was only when he entered a barrel lost at sea to save himself that he finally began to regain all the knowledge he had of this world from his past life. On top of that, he realized he could use this knowledge to his advantage to acquire everything he needed on his adventure. He was given four chances to summon people to start his journey, and more importantly, he finally received his two devil fruits, becoming powerful from the very beginning, with a plan that stretched to the end of his adventure. This story is the adventure of a man called Monkey D. Luffy, with the goal of becoming the emperor of all the seas in the world. For that, he will find the One Piece and destroy the World Government, for they cannot coexist. Be it the Marines, government agents, CP units, Tenryuubito, Holy Knights, Gorosei, or Im, Luffy will walk over a mountain of corpses. “I want you in my crew. Together, we will change the whole world and turn it upside down.” “Hahaha. Don’t worry, I believe in your potential, that's why I want you in my crew.” “My swordsman already fought you and lost. Now let’s see the strength of the world’s greatest swordsman too, right, Yamato? I hope you don’t mind fighting two rookies at once...?” “Awaken... Awaken my power... and destroy all your enemies...” “It’s good to see you after so long, Grandpa... and you, sister.” “Monkey D.? The most dangerous family in the world!” “Isn’t it a beautiful scene? Two Shichibukai and a Vice Admiral as my trophies! Come on, take a good picture and put it on tomorrow’s newspaper cover!” “I declare this kingdom my territory!” “Enel, you’re nothing but an idiot with a god complex. If you’re a god... then I’m a god slayer.” “As you said, Teach, people’s dreams never end! And if people’s dreams never end, why should I stop?” “Doflamingo... Jake... you’re so far from home. I hope you don’t regret this.” "You narcissistic woman, how can someone be so annoying and arrogant?" "What did you say, you damned man?!" "I now declare you husband and wife." "It's time to return to the Blue Sea, after all, we have a world to shake." "CP9? What a disappointment, Sengoku. I want money for them and Doflamingo... I want 2 billion berries at Enies Lobby in a few days." "Enies Lobby was completely destroyed...?" "I've fought Mihawk, Jimbei, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Hancock, and Moria... you're the only one left, Kuma..." "It seems we've finally met, Rayleigh..." "Let's invade Impel Down!" "I came here to find you, sister, it's time for you to join my crew... Joygirl..." "It looks like we've finally arrived at the war." "Sengoku... you tried to arm yourself to execute my brother, so I'll make an example of this Tenryuubito for the whole world." "You can't do this...!" *BANG!* "He actually did it, that bastard...." "Your chains are loose, move your ass and get out of Marineford!!" "Saturn!!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" "I couldn't kill you last time, Akainu... but I'll make sure to do it now." "Destroy the rest of Marineford." "Let's get out of here. When you return, you'll take over this country for your family, Rebecca." "No matter if we're on opposite sides... I will always love you, grandpa." "It's time to start our training." "Let's begin. Now, let's head to the New World, capture territories, and grow our fleet." "Is the entire Straw Hat fleet ready? Now let's head to Wano, after all, we have a war against two Yonkou!" -------------------------------------------- This Fanfic's Schedule for the week, updates on: Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. ----------------------------------------------

RaccoonLeague · Anime & Comics
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397 Chs

Chapter 375 - Sabaody Again 04.

Chapter Size: 2100 Words.]

Third Person POV




The battle between the man and woman continued to spread throughout Sabaody. Even the other Straw Hats had to step out of the bar to see what was happening.

It didn't take long for them to see Luffy running, flapping his wings through the forest, knocking down a tree here and there while many places exploded with clashing energies as he fought against the woman. At the same time he was launching lightning with his sword, the woman defended herself with a shield, reflecting and throwing back the attacks.

The battle was between winged beings, and Luffy even looked like an angel while fighting the woman who was determined to destroy him. This perception was not limited to the Straw Hats. Others noticed it too, despite the sailors who were in reserve and at bases, monitoring the entire operation, were frightened by the fight on such a scale, yet unaware of who was involved.

"Commander Sentomaru!!"

"Commander Sentomaru!!"

"Commander Sentomaru!!"

Calling his name several times, Kizaru's nephew finally managed to move his still-closed eyes as he woke up in an area completely destroyed by Luffy's initial clash with the woman.

"What's happening...?!" He murmured then, in the next moment, explosions came from the sky before another tree was cut down and an attack blew up an entire column, disintegrating it not far from where he was, staring with wide eyes.

He quickly grabbed his special Den Den Mushi, making a high-level call to Mary Geoise. "Straw Hat is in Sabaody! The real one has appeared!" He exclaimed.

"What? Tell me exactly what's happening... we're getting some reports from Sabaody." The voice, initially surprised, returned to a calm tone asking about the situation and he began to recount everything that happened.

"I see, let's see what we can do," A voice from one of the four Elders responded from the other side.

Then he just hung up the Den Den Mushi and continued to observe all the chaos being created, merely watching the ongoing battle as a spectator.

"So he's back..." one of the elders said in a somber tone.

"After we thought we were just dealing with an impostor... the real one appeared..." Another spoke in a somber tone.

"But... we still don't have the project ready... it's so close and now we have a chance..." The third elder spoke in a frustrated tone.

"Yes... in the end, it's not worth it... it's still risky to send forces..." The fourth spoke.

"We should send Venus again to come back and not prolong this fight, after all, Sabaody is an important place..." another spoke.

"Call her... we can't destroy Straw Hat here, but soon... when Dr. Vegapunk finishes creating the mechanism here in Mary Geoise... we will attack and even use Uranos... if Im-Sama wishes." He concluded the discussion.

Meanwhile, the fight continued with the two battling across the island while flying through the sky, her shield managing to reflect all of Luffy's attacks while he tried to create an opening against the woman, but she was extremely fast, strong, and skilled, giving some trouble to the Straw Hat at level 1 of his mystical akuma no mi, as he hadn't used his flames yet.

But this was not only difficult for him, as the woman also struggled while she tried to catch him or even hit him with reflected attacks, but Luffy was very good at dodging with future sight.

The holy knight, tired of having difficulty dealing with this inferior being, had stopped in front of Luffy at a distance, as she began to unleash her full power, while her sword and shield disappeared in white light and a large sword was formed at that moment, as she lifted it and her four wings turned into six.

"Hey, she wants to attack with full power?" Luffy looked curiously and surprised at that, the woman really was going all out.

"She intends to wipe out Luffy along with the entire island?!" Yamato commented in a surprised tone.

"This is bad... the captain better handle this..." Zoro commented nearby.

"There's only one way for him to deal with this... and it's...." Yamato murmured before widening his eyes.

"He's going to use that?! I don't want to be anywhere near that!!" Uta exclaimed in a slightly scared tone as she immediately moved away.

Even Yamato and Zoro grimaced at that. Meanwhile, Luffy watched the woman beginning to glow as she started to accumulate energy in her sword. "If that's the case... I'll try not to destroy this island..." He murmured as he moved his sword to the side and began to concentrate.

Energy began to accumulate as Luffy released yellow lightning with his Conqueror's Haki, but they started to change as the lightning began to turn redder, eventually becoming completely bright crimson, and everything around him began to distort as Luffy unleashed his most powerful Haki.

This power was risky, but it was the only way to face her and her attack. Purple flames began to appear soon after, burning much more intensely than over a year ago, as they seemed to even disintegrate the matter in the air.

On one side, divine light, and on the other, the flames of chaos—two mythical elements that quickly prepared to face each other.

The space above the island began to change, and a storm started to form, as if the end of the world was beginning there. This caused all the inhabitants of the island to feel a bad omen, while the whole place began to tremble.

The woman looked at Luffy with determination. "I will eliminate you!" she murmured, as her energy began to finish accumulating for the attack. Luffy did the same, releasing his red Conqueror's Haki with his powers of his mythical beast for the first time since training. They were moments away from finally facing each other.

However, a Den Den Mushi in the woman's armor rang at this moment, and she didn't even need to answer to hear it, after all, the person on the other side was at the top of the hierarchy. "Stop this immediately." The voice was none other than one of the four Elders. Although surprised, she quickly nodded, even though she was frustrated at the moment, she had no choice but to obey.

Her light began to diminish, and Luffy raised an eyebrow while also decreasing his powers prepared to launch the attack and sighed in relief, after all, he did not want to lose control in this state and destroy the island as well.

The woman clicked her tongue while both were again in their intense battle forms, before she looked at Luffy with a serious tone. "You may leave here alive this time, inferior, but you won't be so lucky next time," she said, conveying her anger and frustration.

"What a pity... maybe next time I'll invite you on a date," Luffy teased her. The woman, emanating even more anger, just shook her head as she flexed her wings, returning to her hybrid form, shooting up into the sky at high speed, returning to Mary Geoise.

"It's a pity, I didn't even get her number," Luffy murmured, still making fun. But despite his teasing, he genuinely recognized her as a powerful force.

"She is the strongest member I have faced from the World Government. She could even compare to Yamato after training or even be stronger, showing that, even among the Holy Knights, there was an even higher hierarchy. Such power further strengthened the Government when they needed to use them." Luffy thought as he still hovered in the air with his wings.

Luffy knew that the World Government used three ways to intimidate their enemies: public execution, Impeldown, and the bridge of forced labor, Tequila Wolf. But the latter was made chaotic by his father, Sabo, and the other revolutionaries releasing the prisoners that the world government had placed there, even being whole kingdoms that don't pay taxes to the Tenryuubito.

Thinking of this, Luffy couldn't help but remember his brother, Sabo. A year ago, after Sabo met Ace on Whitebeard's ship, Ace made a call, while Luffy and Lucy finally spoke with their brother after so many years, promising to meet as soon as possible after Luffy reached the New World.

Dismissing these temporary thoughts, Luffy just sighed as the Holy Knight had already left, and his companions were nearby. Even Uta, who had run away, came back, seeing that everything was now fine.

He flapped his wings and returned to the ground, before they disappeared. As Luffy opened a smile to the three there.

"I hope you haven't gotten too rusty just training for a year, Captain," Zoro approached with a joking tone.

Luffy shrugged. "You underestimate me, my swordsman. You see... it's not every day we get to fight an angel..." He replied before widening his smile even more. "Anyway, let's head back to the others," Luffy said. They began to return to the bar.

Upon meeting the rest of the crew, Luffy was immediately bombarded with questions about what had happened, but Luffy just shrugged. "I faced someone who got in the way of my recruitment," he explained, without much detail. "Speaking of which," he continued, "I couldn't help thinking about the groups I left behind to fight the woman. We need to deal with them now. They're probably trying to flee the island. I want you guys to capture them for me," Luffy requested, showing some wanted posters of his targets.

The fake Straw Hat was running along with other members of his crew towards the coast. They had suddenly woken up and found themselves many meters from where they should have been before Luffy's Haki knocked them down. They quickly woke those who were still sleeping and ran to save themselves. "We have to get out of here immediately! We can no longer use these clothes or we'll be killed!" the fake Luffy spoke as he ran as fast as his fat body could manage.

"Captain, this was a terrible idea," the man dressed as Zoro murmured as they continued running.

"I know, it's pretty obvious, but now we have no choice. Let's run!" the fake Luffy replied.

"I don't want to stay here anymore!" the fake Nami exclaimed.

"Quick!!" the fake Robin said alongside, who was actually a man dressed as a woman.

They finally reached the coast, where there was a ship with a crookedly drawn Straw Hat flag. As they approached to set sail, hoping to never appear here again, an explosive sound occurred and the ship suddenly began to lift, immediately frightening them.

"What is that?!" They exclaimed.

But Bepo appeared on deck and, before they could react, he began to attack each of them, disappearing and reappearing in front of the first.





Bepo shouted with each kung fu blow, until he dealt with the last of the impostors falling to the ground unconscious and looked with a funny glance at them, especially at the fake Luffy. "So similar to the Captain," he murmured.

Some time later, the fat man didn't even know how he was hit, but when he woke up, he found himself tied up in an unknown place. "What's happening?" he said, before looking ahead and seeing Luffy watching him with crossed arms and a not so pleasant smile for him.

"..." He immediately became speechless, while sweat dripped from his face.

"Captain, we're dead! I knew it was a terrible idea!" the fake Enel said.

Luffy waited for everyone to wake up while all returned their frightened eyes to him. "What should I do with you, huh?" Luffy spoke, looking at them with interest, while they continued to stare at him in fear.

They couldn't even speak, paralyzed by fear. Luffy sighed. "Well, if you're wondering if you're going to die, and the answer is no, I'm not going to kill you," he said before flashing an even wider smile. "However, I liked your creativity. You're going to join my fleet and go through hell, until you're strong enough, or at least die trying." Luffy declared. The impostors didn't even know how to respond to that.

"Now, I can't let you use my name, so I will name you myself. From now on, you'll be known as the Two Piece crew." Luffy declared, remembering a YouTube video that made him laugh in his past life.


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