
One Piece - I'm Whitebeard

The Man, the legend, The father. Whitbeard know by many name, respect by many people. Kings, Marine, and pirate show respect and fear when hear his name. And old legend from the previous era, a rival of pirate kings. But surprisingly someone takeover whitebeard soul before he go to Summit war to save his son, Ace. Meet new adventure of living legend, and discover what else world has to offer. ___________ This my first fic, and it’s not originally mine. I translate it from MTL and write it here, if you the original owner feel free to DM me for takeover. Realese schedule: 4ch a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday), with some bonus chap in certain occasion. _________ You can read the original MTL right here : https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/pirate-im-whitebeard.html _________ I also need some support, if you want please drop here, patreon.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs

177 Golden Lion join one armed club!


Momousagi was incredibly shocked. 

Very shocked!

During the Battle of Festival Island, Akainu and Whitebeard clashed. Even though Akainu was defeated, he managed to hold on and help others.

But now, it's just one month.

Whitebeard's strength has grown so much that he can easily overpower Akainu.

The speed at which he was getting stronger filled her with fear.

"You can use any means you have!" 

Whitebeard surveyed the group of people.

"Even if you defeat the Fleet Admiral of the Marines, won't you be proud?" 

Momousagi took a deep breath.

The Fleet Admiral of the Marines isn't just anybody; he's a powerful figure at the pinnacle of the world.

Now Whitebeard was easily defeated, but he didn't really care about it.

This demonstrates Whitebeard's extreme self-confidence, even when he's certain of victory from the start.

Confronting such a confident and powerful Whitebeard.

Momousagi felt the mounting pressure, and her arm holding the longsword tightened unconsciously. It appeared to be the only way to make her feel secure.

"Should, ... damn it!" 

Akainu fought through the intense pain and stood tremblingly.

Enduring the excruciating torment, his anger reached its peak, and scorching magma erupted from his arms, forming a towering molten column as he thrust his fist into the sky.

Dark Hound!

This move was incredibly fast, reaching Whitebeard in an instant.

Whitebeard didn't dodge this attack.

Instead, he raised his fist and delivered a powerful blow.


The air cracked.

The series of cracks and Dark Hound collided with each other.

There was a loud explosion, and the smoke went straight into the sky.

The others exchanged glances and then attacked without hesitation.

They witnessed Akainu's tragic condition.

They understood that unless they attacked together, they couldn't defeat Whitebeard.

"Whitebeard, die!"

Golden Lion shouted.

He moved like a streak of light, raising his right foot and swinging the sharp longsword down.

Whitebeard casually looked around and then took two steps back.

As this happened, the Golden Lion's longsword was sliced through, but as Whitebeard withdrew, the sword's tip narrowly passed in front of him.


Golden Lion squinted his eyes.

They noticed that Whitebeard's evasive moves were incredibly precise.

However, he didn't give up and kept swinging his longsword.


The sound of the air being pierced exploded.

This time, he swung his right leg in a vertical attack with an incredibly sharp angle.

But, Whitebeard only took one step to the left.

The determined longsword slashed through the air, missing its target.

Seeing this, the seriousness on Golden Lion's face deepened.

He still didn't believe it and launched a series of attacks.

But Whitebeard appeared to predict the future, evading from every angle and countering each swift swing of the sword.

Whitebeard could avoid the attack one step in advance.

And so, a peculiar scene unfolded.

Golden Lion swung his legs vigorously, and the longsword created a series of air-piercing waves.

But every time he swung, he couldn't make contact, making it almost resemble a comical acrobatic routine.

"Whitebeard, you old fellow can see the future!"

Golden Lion couldn't bear it any longer and let out a roaring shout, his face filled with frustration.

As a great swordsman, he is extremely confident in his swordsmanship.

It would be impossible to dodge so many attacks solely through quick reactions.

So the only plausible explanation right now is that Whitebeard's Observation Haki has reached its pinnacle and allows him to foresee the future.


"Golden Lion, did you figure it out yet?" 

Whitebeard chuckled.

"Sure enough!"

Golden Lion gritted his teeth, feeling a mess in his brain.

Observation Haki initially countered the swordsman, and now that Whitebeard has the power to foresee the future, it can be said to fully counter him.

Nevertheless, he was the king of the old era, and he quickly regained his composure.

When he knows how to fight, he can't be easily distracted.


The sound of the air being pierced reverberated as he launched another attack.

But the outcome remained unchanged; the longsword swiped across Whitebeard's side and completely missed.

And when he glanced up, he noticed that Whitebeard had vanished right before his eyes.


Golden Lion was taken aback.

He couldn't comprehend why Whitebeard, who had been right in front of him a moment ago, had suddenly disappeared.

"Be careful!"


"Quick, get out of the way!"

At that moment, Kaido and the others shouted.

Golden Lion was startled and suddenly realized that the brightness of the sky had diminished.

He looked up and saw a naginata appear, less than forty centimeters from his head.

"Not good!" 

Golden Lion was horrified.

In the life-threatening moment, he attempted to use his sword to block it.

But he forgot that his longsword wasn't in his hands at all; but it's on his feet.

Seeing the approaching blade, the fear of death consumed him, driving him to a state of madness.

"Whitebeard, you really want to kill me!" 

The Golden Lion roared.

In a life-or-death moment, he raised his arm, protected by Armament Haki, to block the attack.


The naginata was struck down, and blood sprayed out.

Even though his arm was coated with Armament Haki, it was impossible to block Whitebeard's strike with Armament Haki alone.

Blood splattered as his arms flew towards the sky.

Golden Lion... his arm is cut off!

In a life-or-death situation, he made the choice to sacrifice his left arm to save his life!

"Damn it!" 

Golden Lion's face twisted in frustration.

But he hurriedly made his first move and escaped from Whitebeard's attack range.

Once he was certain he was out of danger, his face contorted with disgust as he looked at his empty left hand.

He didn't anticipate that not only did his attack fail to achieve any results.

Instead, Whitebeard severed one of his arms, leaving him feeling angry and frustrated.

"Even Golden Lion..." 

The faces of those present wore serious expressions.

Kaido was beaten and Big Mom was crushed.

Even after the Marine Admiral arrived, the situation remained the same.

First, Kizaru was injured, then Akainu being brutally beaten, and now Golden Lion has lost an arm.

The powerful individuals were consecutively injured, which raises many questions.

"Even if the five of us join forces, can we still not defeat Whitebeard?" 

Momousagi couldn't help but wonder.

If that's not the case, why are they in such a sorry state?

Either injured or with broken arms!

"The strongest man in the world is simply not someone we can deal with."

Kizaru sighed deeply.

As an Admiral, he strength stands at the world's pinnacle.

However, after going through this battle, he came to understand what is truly the world's strongest.

The so-called Admirals and Four Emperors,

In the presence of the world's strongest man, they are utterly insignificant!


"Kaido, Akainu, this war should come to an end" 

Whitebeard said with a serene smile.

After battling for a while, the Whitebeard Pirates also gained the upper hand.

So, next, they should secure a complete victory in this war!





I put an advanced chapter at P@treon, you can read 60+ chapters ahead of everyone. 

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

Note: you guys probably asking why the five of them, or the fight before with Big Mom, Kaido and Golden Lion doesn’t fight at the same time? Well, the answer is they don’t have teamwork at all, they all overlord, a Yonkou, they usually fight alone without any sort of help, when they fight Whitebeard it’s better to fight solo so the rhythm doesn’t add up. And most importantly, they don't trust each other so they fight alone.

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