
One Page Stories ......

These are one page stories of teen girls of their dreams ,their struggle, their life experience and their achievements....stay tune for more...

deviloo · Teen
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Once upon a time, in the year 2050, there was a brilliant scientist named Dr. Ammy Carter. Driven by her insatiable thirst for knowledge, she decided to embark on a remarkable journey back in time, longing to experience the wonders of ancient civilizations. Equipped with cutting-edge technology, she could retain all her memories from the future, making her voyage all the more extraordinary.

Arriving in the splendor of the ancient world, Dr. Carter found herself born into a prestigious family, residing within the prime minister's opulent abode. However, as destiny would have it, her life would take an unexpected turn at the tender age of 15.

Dr. Carter was chosen to be the wife of the crown prince, destined to be the empress of the nation. Overwhelmed by tradition and the weight of expectations, she struggled with her decision. She found herself caught between her love for the crown prince and her own ambitions, torn between fulfilling her duties and following her heart.

With each passing day, Dr. Carter's affection for the crown prince only grew stronger. But she grappled with the idea of sacrificing her independence and dreams for the sake of tradition. Ultimately, she made the difficult decision to decline the proposal, despite the love that burned within her heart.

As the years rolled by, the crown prince ascended to the throne, yet he remained unmarried. Speculation and wonder whispered through the kingdom, but only a few knew the truth. The crown prince, deeply affected by Dr. Carter's refusal, chose to honor her strength and determination. He vowed that he would only marry someone who shared the same unwavering spirit and passion.

Although they pursued separate paths, the love between Dr. Carter and the crown prince remained unchanged. Their lives intertwined through chance encounters, where their eyes would meet and their souls would stir. They cherished the stolen moments, the unspoken connection, and the silent promise that they had made to each other.

Dr. Carter's time in the ancient world drew to a close, and she returned to the year 2050, bearing the memories of an extraordinary love story. It was a tale of sacrifice and courage, of choosing personal fulfillment over traditional roles, and of an unyielding love that transcended time itself.

In history's pages, their story shall forever be remembered as a testament to the power of individuality and the strength to follow one's heart. Dr. Carter's decision to forge her own path not only set her free but also inspired others to embrace their own desires and dreams. And as for the crown prince, he remained forever devoted to the woman who had captured his heart, ensuring that their love story would never be forgotten.