
One & Only

Hiro is a 19-year-old college student. He and Robin have been dating since they were 16 years old in 2025. Prior to Robin going away to college, they had a happy relationship. During one of the holidays he takes part in every year, Hiro traveled to his parents' home. During his visit, he tried to figure out what had been happening between him and Robin. While they've been together for a long time, they've lost touch ever since Robin started college. Despite their efforts to improve their relationship, they face many challenges. In the end, will they be able to make everything ok again, or is it too late? (I'll try to post every 1st, 10th, and 22nd of the month, but there is no set schedule (Also sorry for any spelling mistakes I make, English isn't my first language)

Robin_man · Realistic
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26 Chs

Chapter 10 (Hospital)

When Hiro's plane landed everyone got out as normal, but little did they know there was someone. Someone that wasn't supposed to be there. Omar…. Ok yeah, Omar is allowed to be there but not like this. Not with what was in his possession. A…. A gun… Weren't they supposed to take that when he went through security?!? Why does he have it?

"HEY, YOU! PUT THE GUN DOWN!" Someone yelled, but who? Hiro questioned himself, but it was too late.


There was something red flying around, people were running toward me. But why, why are they running towards me? Nothing wrong with me, I know that. Wait, why is everything getting farther and farther away? Am I falling? I am, I totally am. Hold on, did I get shot? Omar is getting tackled to the ground by the police.

"Hey, hey! Are you ok?!?"

Everything turned black.

"Hey, you call the ambulance!"


Everything is so dark, but I can hear everything so clearly… I can't move anything. People keep asking me questions, I wanna reply, but I can't. I'm trying so bad to move my lips, make a sound, literally anything! But I can't. I just want everything to be silent. I want to be able to think, think without any noise, without feeling anything.

"Where are they!"

"They're over here"

"Oh my! They're losing a lot of blood! Everyone move away!" Everyone walks away from the body.

I can feel some pressure on my body and then a poke. What's happening to me? This is too much! I just want to go home and see Robin or my parents. I just don't wanna be here anymore.

It's been a few days, and I've been hearing random people. I've been guessing that it was the doctors because there has been a ton of doctor language, but I wonder why no one has come to visit me. My parents haven't come, Robin hasn't come, neither has my best friend come. But oh well, at least I get to think about stuff.

Creek. Oh?? The door has opened. I wonder who it is because it's not the normal time the doctors come in.

"He's currently in stable condition. When we got to him, he was bleeding out and unconscious. He is currently in a coma and is predicted to wake up in about 2-3 days. But there is a possibility that he will be able to wake up today or tomorrow."

"Alright, thank you so much," wait, that voice is familiar, is it, Robin? Did he finally come to see me?

"I'll leave you alone with him now."

"Alright, thank you!" Robin said with a smile, "Hey Hiro, it's me, Robin. I'm sorry I wasn't able to get here sooner. I wasn't able to get the time off, but I'm here now. I'm sorry that Omar did this to you. It was my fault he did this, if I hadn't met him or befriended him none of this would have happened."

Don't blame yourself, please stop! I don't want to hear you like this! None of this is your fault! You didn't make him do this, you didn't know that he would act like this! Please just stop! I want to say something bad or do something. I don't care if it's just a slight movement of something. I just want him to know that he didn't do anything wrong, please just move body, move!

Hiro tried his best, but it didn't work. In the end, Robin kept on blaming himself and Hiro just hearing him, hoping that he could do something. After 3 hours, Robin left to go to his house. He promised to visit Hiro every day to make sure he would be there the day he woke up.

Wow who thought Omar would do this

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