
One & Only

Hiro is a 19-year-old college student. He and Robin have been dating since they were 16 years old in 2025. Prior to Robin going away to college, they had a happy relationship. During one of the holidays he takes part in every year, Hiro traveled to his parents' home. During his visit, he tried to figure out what had been happening between him and Robin. While they've been together for a long time, they've lost touch ever since Robin started college. Despite their efforts to improve their relationship, they face many challenges. In the end, will they be able to make everything ok again, or is it too late? (I'll try to post every 1st, 10th, and 22nd of the month, but there is no set schedule (Also sorry for any spelling mistakes I make, English isn't my first language)

Robin_man · Realistic
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Bonus (Hiros Sick)

  Brrring! Brrring!

  I woke up to my alarm scaring me awake.

  "Ugh, I don't feel so great" I'm currently at Robin's house, but Robin isn't here. Where is he? I get up and walk out of the room. I felt a bit sluggish, but I brushed it off. I walked over to the living room and got greeted by Robin's roommates.

  "Morning, Hiro!" Rey announced.

  "Morning, Rey," I replied, slurring my words, "Where is Robin?"

  "He's making breakfast for the both of you," Curtis answered, "You doing alright? You don't look so well."

  "Yeah, I'm good!" I straightened myself out, realizing I was starting to worry people. "I'm going to go to Robin now, goodbye." I walked away.

  "Bye!" All three replied.

  "Robinnnnnn," I say while walking into the kitchen.

  "Morning Hiro!" Robin says while cooking. "I'm almost done with breakfast…" He looks over at Hiro and stops what he was doing.

  "Huh, what's the matter?" I say worried.

  Robin turns off the stove and takes off his mittens. "Are you doing alright?"

  "Yeah, I'm good? I answered.

  "That sounds more like a question than an answer, my love." He walks over to me and puts the back of my hand on his head and then mine. "I think you might have a cold."

  "Oh, really?"

  "Yeah, why don't you go back to bed, and I'll bring you some food and tea to help with it."

  "I'd appreciate that, thank you." I smiled at him, being thankful I had someone as sweet as him help me out.

  "I'll be done in a few, just get comfortable."

  "Ok!" I walk back over to the bedroom and get back into bed. I try to stay awake until he's done, but sleep overtakes me.

  "Hiro, my love, I've got food for you." Robin places the food down on the bedside table and helps me up.

  "Thank you," I exclaimed.

  "No problem, it's the least I can do after what I've done to you." Robin helps me eat the food that he made for me while we talk about stuff. When I'm done with the food and tea, he brings the plates to the kitchen and cleans them. I start to drift off to sleep. While I was asleep, Robin got back into bed with me. I woke up every few times to go to the bathroom or to eat, and each time I did he was there to assist me. When I was done with the thing I was doing, he helped me go back to sleep in any way possible.

  "I'm thankful to have you as the person that I love." I looked into his eyes while I said that. I could see his face starting to get a bit pinker after he heard what I said. He looked away a second after in embarrassment. I smiled and went back to bed.

  When I awoke the next day, I felt way better, and I was ready to get on with the day.

I'm going to be honest, I only made this because I needed a change of pace with what I was writing. So you guys are getting this. The next chapter is still going to get posted when it's supposed to. This is not a replacement for the new chapter.

Robin_mancreators' thoughts