
Heros vs Villains (Intro)

Chris: "Welcome to Total Drama All Stars! After my involuntary year-long 'vacation' I really need to be in a familiar environment, surrounded by the people I love... to hurt. (Devious chuckle). Its a condition of my people, except for the 'hurt' part, huh, thats all Mclean. So I'm bringing back 15 TD All Stars to battle it out in the most dangerous, death defying, 1 million dollar competition, ever! And here they are now! From 'revenge of the island' say hello to...

Multiple Mike , aka Chester, Svetlana, Vito, & Manitoba!

Mikes best friend, pushover, Zoey!

Mrs. Edgy, kind badass, y/n!

Athletic non-suporter, Lightning!

Bubble boy brainiac, Cameron!

Mutant loving gamer, Sam!

Challenge-throwing, dirt farmer, Scott!

Bossy brusier Jo!

And from our original cast...

Cranky know it all, CIT, Courtney!

Courtneys bestie turned to boyfriend stealer, Gwen!

Broody bad boy, Duncan!

Devious diva Heather!

Loveable lame brain, Lindsay!

Super fan, Sierra!

And farel freak show Ezekiel.

(Mischievous laugh) kidding! No way Is that guy coming back again "!

The robot grabs Ezekiel and shoots him far away.

Chris: "Man its great to be back"!

The contestants swim to shore and cough up any water they have swallowed.

Chris: "Greetings old friends"!

I look at Chris with an 'Imma kill you' face ".

Chris: "We've got a lot of big changes for this season, for one, the island is now 100% toxic waste free".

Sam: "What!? I only came back to get up close with some of that toxic goop so I can become a kick butt mutant like my gal Dakota".

Chris: "Gee, too bad, guess its gonna be all pain no gain for ya, huh! (Laughs) on the up side, I've upgraded your accommodations this season. The losers will sleep in a stinky old cabin, but the winners get to stay in an all new eco-friendly McLean spa hotel"!

We all cheer

Chris: " And for your All Star status, Im dividing you into teams off of your past performances "Heroes vs Villains "!

--Static buzzes--

"I really don't care what team they put me on"

--Static buzzes--

Chris: "Heather, Duncan, Lightning, Jo, Scott, and Gwen. From now on you're the Villinous Vultures"!

Lightning: "Sha-team"

Gwem: "What!? Why am I on the villains team"?

Courtney: "Because you stole my boyfriend and became the new Heather"!

Chris: "Yeah! What she said".

Gwen: "But I've done so many good things-"!

I decided to stop hearing their conversation cause it was getting to dramatic.

Chris: "Mike, y/n, Zoey, Cameron, Sam, Courtney, Lindsay, and Sierra, you're the heroic hamsters"!

Jo then complains how our team had more players so Chris gave them the robot. Chris then explains the first challenge and we get to it.

Mike: "Wait, shouldn't we change into our swimsuits first"?

Chris: "Sorry! No time"!

Chris then drives away to the other side of the island. We all start to walk to the other side of the island. Everyone began to engage into conversation but I just decided to stay quiet, until Mike started talking to me.

Mike: " Hey, I remember you from ROTI, but we didn't talk much cause you were in a different team. But if I remember your name was y/n right"?


Mike: "Well you're always welcome to talk to me and my friends"

"Uh, alright"

We all head for our challenge location.


Chris: (laughs) "Greetings All Stars, there are your carriages, blood red for the villainous vultures, and purest gold for the heroic hamsters. You've got 30 seconds to pick your carriage drivers, starting now"!

"I'll drive since my legs are 'pure' muscle"

As I went to put my hand on the carriage, Courtney saw me and pushed Lindsey twords the carriage.

Courtney: "Lindsay will do it"

I look at Courtney with anger

Chris: "okay everyone but Jo and Lindsey, up the cliff you go"

The teams make their way up the cliff.


Lightning: "Sha-first"!

We all get there after Lightning. Scott, Mike, and I peek from the cliff and see Fang, we scream out his name in fear.

Chris: "Who's the best key spotter, and who's dead in shark infested water? Find out when we return on Total.....Drama... All Stars!

I came from Wattpad, wanting to expand my platform! Hope you liked it!

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