
one of his

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 416 Seizing the Throian Galaxy (Subscribe)

  Everything is different from the past.

   The Empire's double-headed eagle is slowly replacing the Wotan Alliance.

  The glory and authority of the old nobles have been spurned by people.

   Those who supported the Thorian system lived in the past, stubbornly thinking that they were defending their homeland.

  But I have a different opinion.

  No matter what kind of idea, what kind of political system, what kind of deed, its heart should come from people's happiness.

  Even if words like defending the country are used to whitewash the actions of those people a hundred times, it cannot conceal that the top and bottom of the Wotan Alliance have been separated.

  No matter what noble purpose and noble dream a regime is created by, no matter what great achievements it has accomplished and what feats it has accomplished.

  As long as it deviates from the original path and no longer stands on the side of the general public, then this regime should be eliminated.

  The failure of the Wotan Alliance is not only due to the strength of the empire.

   More importantly, countless planets and countless people are separated from each other. They no longer believe in the beauty that the Wotan Alliance once preached.

  The diehards manipulate public opinion, in the name of defending their homeland, bewitching and fooling those ignorant bottom-ups to die.

   However, the seeds of the crisis have been deeply planted.

  Even if it can survive the defense of the Thorian galaxy, it is destined to be unable to continue.

   Some people will call me a traitor.

   But I think I'm on the right track.

  Every member of the Patin family will not violate their ancestral precepts.

  From the moment he stepped out of the galaxy, the first member of the Patin family had sworn oaths.

   will do everything to protect the survival of human civilization.

  Honor or disgrace is irrelevant, only due diligence.

  Padin followed the warriors along the corridors full of statues.

  Padin felt great pressure when passing by those giants in heavy armor.

   It was like walking past those ferocious beasts, and the fear of death involuntarily emerged in my heart.

  It's like walking across a single-plank bridge between 300-story high-rise buildings at night, for fear of being swallowed up by the endless darkness if you are not careful, you can't help but tremble.

  Padin was confused.

  What kind of existence can create these warriors who are as powerful as gods.

  When he was in the Thorian galaxy, he saw with his own eyes the holographic images of these fighters in battle.

  These giant warriors are like the gods of **** who came to this world as humans.

  They are giant beasts in mythology, bulky and bulky, with knotted muscles, revealing a killing spirit.

  When they roared, it was like the roar of the gods of war who were passed on by word of mouth, making the enemy terrified.

   Patin is in awe of the strength of these giant warriors

   Also curious about the holy emperor these giant warriors are loyal to.

  What kind of prestige and courage do you need to make these godlike warriors offer their loyalty.

  Advancing along the corridor, Patin was dormant by the huge size of the imperial warship.

   They are almost like a planet.

   Has a large number of factories and residential areas.

  Padin used trains, gunboats and other means of transportation along the way.

   But it still took a lot of time to reach the destination.

  The final journey is an interior with no windows to the outside. corridor.

  Padin, led by the Primordial Warrior, walked through this corridor that mixed technology and faith.

   Priceless golden sculptures hold aloft torches and braziers.

   Holographic projections flicker and swirl on either side of the hallway.

  Flying metal baby robot holds incense.

  The mechanical priest took sesame oil and smeared the surface of the force field machine, praying for the protection of the machine soul.

  The empire's technology has been powerful enough to create black holes and destroy stars.

  But use a brazier to illuminate the interior of the battleship, believing that the interior of the machine has its own soul.

   Advanced and ignorant.

  Technology and religion.

  These things that shouldn't be put together are strangely combined on the empire's battleship.

   If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, Patin would never have dared to imagine such a mixture of contradictions.

   Perhaps it is this kind of weirdness that allows the empire to maintain itself in the terrifying galaxy.

  Padin was finally taken to a huge vaulted hall.

  It is very big here, like a super square, surrounded by statues of the Eight Primarchs, and in the middle are statues of the Holy Emperor and the Great Emperor.

  The statue stands in the hall, supporting a circular vault.

  It means that they hold up the hope and future for mankind, and hold up the barrier against infinite darkness and terror.

  There are many people in the hall. They wear imperial robes with golden double-headed eagles on their bodies, and there are more or less mechanical parts on their bodies.

   Above their heads, flying baby angels and servo skulls buzzed.

  The floor is covered with intricately woven and intricately designed carpets.

  In the lobby, there is an information window floating in the air.

  People click to write on the information window floating in front of them, and then the window will automatically float to the next person who processes the program.

  Hanging on the walls and pillars, ancient frescoes and oil paintings of heroes stared at the crowd with their indifferent faces.

  The hall is huge, and Patin predicted that it would be as big as seven or eight football fields combined.

  People are busy in it, walking back and forth, or ordering servo-skulls and cherubs to deliver files.

  The original cast warrior led Patin through the crowd and came to the door on one side of the hall.

   After confirming his identity, the door was opened.

  He walked in.

   It was a circular room with a high ceiling.

  The room is dimly illuminated by braziers hanging from the walls and lumen lamps on the roof.

  A huge holographic projector is suspended in the center of the room.

  It rotates slowly, and the light beams that make up its image appear very bright in the dim environment.

  Several soldiers in heavy armor and Imperials in officer uniforms surrounded the projector, and the faint halo reflected on their stern faces.

  They looked at Patin who walked in, the seriousness in his eyes made him feel a lot of psychological pressure.

   "My name is Marrog, the Chapter Leader of the Explorers Chapter, Mr. Patin, you said you were once a member of the Thorian Council?" A soldier in heavy armor walked in front of Patin.

   "Yes, I used to be a member of the Thorian Council." Patin tried to stand up straight, pretending to be neither humble nor overbearing.

   "They are voting to launch an extermination strike. I hope that the information you provide can be weighty." Marog said: "Otherwise we can only welcome the ruined Thorian galaxy."

   "The ones you are going to slaughter are compatriots who have been separated for a long time." Patin said calmly: "Please consider carefully."

"Killing one person and saving tens of thousands of people, the crime is our responsibility." Andy interrupted and preached directly, "The Holy Emperor, we can't waste too much time here, this universe is not just about Andromeda. Nebula needs to be saved by the empire, the entire universe will be illuminated by the glory of our emperor, Thorian's resisters have lost the chance to be redeemed, and the only thing that meets them is destruction."

  Member Patin frowned slightly when he heard what the other party said.

  He scans the men.

  The faces of these imperial people are confident and calm.

   It seems that the words of the female imperial commander are their consensus.

   Arrogant to the extreme.

  Partin commented on them.

  Even their ancestors dare not say that they rule a universe.

  Choose to assist the empire, I really don't know whether it is right or wrong.

  If it wasn't for avoiding the tragic death of so many innocent people in the Thorian galaxy, he would definitely turn around and leave.

   If you stay with the crazy, you will surely fall into the abyss.

   This is the ancestral motto of the Patin family.

  The arrogance and ambition of the empire will eventually bite itself back.

  So warlike, how far can this empire go? ?

  Padin took a deep breath, trying not to refute the other party's crazy words.

   "It is very likely that the defenders of the Thorian galaxy are no longer controlled by the Wotan Alliance, but by the intelligence of the abomination."

   "Go on," Marrog said.

"Before the outbreak of the war, Usar, the Man of Destiny who was in charge of defending the Thorian galaxy, let some peacemakers leave with the old and weak women and children. However, not long after the war broke out, the ships that originally planned to send away the old and weak women and children Instead of continuing to set sail, the top management of the Wotan Alliance not only stopped the plan, but also used the old, weak, women and children as human bombs."

"I tried to contact Destiny One-Uthar several times, but found that the other party's reply was extremely weird. Even if I said the code agreed before, the other party was indifferent. This is why the defenders of the Thorian galaxy are so crazy. They've been duped, and the omnics are doing whatever it takes to make humans kill each other."

   "Is this why you chose to help the Empire?" Marrog said: "Just because you suspect that omnics have replaced the top management of the Wotan Alliance."

   "I can't just sit back and watch so many people die." Patin said: "It is our family's belief to protect the people."

"It doesn't matter who is in power between the Omnics and the top leaders of the Wotan Alliance. The problem is that we must take down the Thorian galaxy as soon as possible. Mr. Patin, if you can provide some important information, the empire will never forget your contribution." A chapter master said: "If not, then you can only leave."

   "I know there is a way to sneak into the capital planet. If it goes well, you can end this war within a few days." Patin said.

  As soon as these words came out, Marrog, Andy, Seth and the others looked at each other.

  Even if an extermination strike is used, it may take a long time to completely destroy the Thorian galaxy.

   But if the beheading operation can be carried out, the speed will be much faster.

   "I have only one request, you are not allowed to launch any form of massacre." Patin said: "If you swear in the name of the holy emperor of your empire, I will help you enter the capital planet."

  Padin stared at these imperial commanders.

   No Imperial man will break his oath to the Holy Emperor.

  Even at the cost of their lives, they will try their best to do it.

  Padin's conditions were finally accepted.

   The price is that he must tell how to enter the capital planet under the supervision of the think tank and the mechanical sage.

  Under the double protection of technology and spiritual power, no lies can be hidden.

   At the beginning of the establishment of the Wotan Alliance, there was a group of people who were obsessed with subspace witchcraft, and they believed that everything in the world could be understood.

  The reason for being unable to understand is that human technology is not advanced enough and knowledge is not enough.

  As long as the technology is advanced enough and the knowledge is sufficient, humans can master everything.

  In this state of mind, they conducted an in-depth study of the Warp.

  The final outcome of this group is very bleak.

   Even if it is far away from the galaxy, it does not mean that the subspace is safe.

  In the long-term research, the people in that team either went crazy, or had serious mutations, and were eventually executed directly.

   All records of them have been wiped out.

  Because the truth and knowledge involved are too dangerous.

   Just understanding, there is the possibility of corruption.

  Padin's family kept a copy of this forbidden knowledge.

  That team ended bleakly, but they still have some achievements left.

   Those people built a short imitation of the webway from Terra to Mars in the Thorian system.

  Failure is a failure, but it leaves a path that can cross the stars.

  That road is very secret and dangerous. Anyone who enters it will get lost and be torn apart by the monsters hidden in it.

   But this road can ignore the influence of the gravitational field of the stars on the subspace, and can directly send a large-scale army to the capital planet.

   After checking Patin's soul several times.

  Everyone confirmed that this message was not a deliberate bait.

   That path is real.

"As long as we set up a curvature force field projection device in the Thorian galaxy, we can directly open a road and directly land on the capital planet of the Wotan Alliance." Marrog said: "This is a wonderful opportunity, as long as the enemy's The head, the limbs will soon lose their vitality and be dismembered with ease."

"Will it be too dangerous to go deep into the enemy's rear?" An imperial commander said: "The large-scale Wotan Alliance troops and abomination omnics are not easy to deal with. Even if it is a fighter who has completed the second upgrade of the original casting, There is also a great risk of being killed in the siege. More importantly, the Wotan Alliance has giant omnics that can bite through time and space. Once they find the weakness of our path and bite it off, they will enter the Thorian galaxy The imperial army will be left alone and helpless."

"Every day we delay here is to delay the pace of the expedition by one more day. According to the current war situation, we need at least one or two months to completely disintegrate the opponent's defense. If the opponent's support can keep up, this time may It needs to be doubled or tripled. Leave this task to the flesh tearers, and we will tear their defenses apart."

   "It is very likely that your entire army will be wiped out!" Andy warned, "We should use absolute artillery fire to tear them apart."

"The original cast warriors are the strongest ground troops in the empire, and the flesh tearers are the best among them. We can complete the task of beheading. Not only is the extermination attack a waste of time, but it may also cause those Wotan alliance sons who have surrendered to the empire The antipathy of the people. A beheading raid is the best way to end this protracted war."

   "In the name of the Holy Emperor, what we want to bring to this galaxy is salvation. Even if those people are on the opposite side of us, we should try our best to redeem them."

  Seth sticks to his guns.

   Everyone couldn't say anything to refuse, and finally decided that Seth would lead the Flesh Tearner to launch a surprise attack on the secret subspace road, establish a beacon, and destroy the space-time barrier.

  As long as the gap is opened, the large troops of the empire can use teleportation to continuously enter the capital planet of the Wotan Alliance.

  ps: The latest update is so bad, I'm working hard, and strive to be better every day

  (end of this chapter)