
one of his

don't read this book this is not my book nor my property I am just copy and pasteing if from another website I do this so that may have a interesting story to listen to in class or work 40k

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 386 Wrath of the Horned Rat (for subscription)

  The person who asked the question just looked at Dax like that.

  There was ignorance in his eyes and a hint of immaturity unique to young people.

   There is no malicious intent, just pure curiosity.

  When Dax saw those eyes, he remembered the spring when he was fifteen.

   That was the youth that I would never get back.

  At the age of fifteen, he hasn't joined the army yet.

   It wasn't until a year later that he entered the army and became a recruit.

  Beside the old tree well at the head of the village.

  He once looked at a man with the same curious eyes as the young man today, and asked him a question.

  The man boasted that he got ten women in one night.

  Dax asked the man that eleven people share a bed, wouldn't the bed collapse!

  At that time, the man's eyes were also wide open, and he forgot to close his mouth.

   Those eyes seem to say, are you kidding me!

  Dax finally understood at this moment.

  That guy's mood must be exactly the same as his current self.

   Laozi told you that I kill rats like chopping melons and vegetables, and I am brave and invincible.

  You are here asking if my eyes are dry!

  Dax just wanted to speak.

   Spit out the old phlegm in my heart.

  The navigator of the airship shouted.

   "A high concentration of dimensional energy has been detected, we may have reached the territory of the Ratmen."

  Hearing this, everyone who had gathered around Dax to listen to the story all dispersed.

   trotted back to his post.

   So did the young man who asked the question.

  Looking at his unfinished, reluctant look, it is obvious that he really wants to get an answer.

   "What's the reading!" Dax tidied up his clothes.

   Step over to the navigator standing in front of the console.

  The instrument made of brass is extremely shiny, and the pointer inside also swings back and forth as the environment changes.

   Thick thumbs, polished pipes connecting the gauges.

  Present the detected data on the instrument through the precise mechanical mechanism.

  Dax glanced at the reading, and gave up decisively.

  He is a brash man, and the work of a scholar is not for him.

  The technology of building an airship is extremely profound.

   It is necessary to have a full understanding of the principles and laws of the subspace and the real universe in order to use those steel pipes, bearings, bolts, pulleys and gear chains to build a spaceship that can fly in the sky.

  The furnace rumbled, vibrating like a huge steam engine.

  The board of the ship was also trembling slightly.

  If you walk into the cabin at the bottom, you can see a group of engineers busy.

  A giant egg-shaped metal creation powers the hovering airship.

   That is the core of the airship's furnace.

   Forged by the sages of the empire.

   Combined technologies from multiple fields of the empire.

  By prying the etheric energy of the subspace, heavy ships can fly in the air.

  Complicated runes and pipes are all over the hull, forming an intricate energy circuit.

  The crystals installed on the pipes all over the airship sometimes dance with strange brilliance, stimulating the metal devices covered with runes to be lit or extinguished.

  The furnace is the core of this complex system.

  It pulses rhythmically, like a human heart.

  Those energies are circulated and then sucked into the furnace by the tubes. After being refined and supplemented again, the energy that can stimulate those devices will be transmitted out again through the complicated tubes.

  The arcane devices all over the surface of the hull are also pulsating and flickering rhythmically, ensuring the smooth flight of the ship.

"More than five thousand, already close to the red line." The navigator said, "If it wasn't for the Abandoned City of Demon Rats, there might be an open-air high-purity dimensional stone vein below, and the scale is definitely the largest we know so far. ."

   "Observatory, can you see anything!" Dax said to a brass sounder.

   "Can't see anything, my lord. Both the upper and lower lookouts can only see the endless swamp miasma."

   "These dead mice hide so well!" Dax cursed in a low voice.

  He thought for a moment.

  According to some leftover adventure letters and historical records, the location of the Abandoned City of Demon Rats should be in this area.

  Now there are dimensional energy readings, is there really a vein of mine below!

  Thinking of the mineral lode, Dax shook his head.

  How could the Rat Man let a vein of dimensional stone stay next to his house and not mine it?

  Dax walked to the side of the airship, leaned on the railing with both hands, jumped out, and saw the mottled fog below.

  Those mist rolled like ocean waves.

   It seems that there is really nothing.

   After watching for a while, Dax turned around and shouted.

   "All ships maintain a pyramid formation, blow their horns, and order all ships to fire towards the ground to see if they can blast anything."

  The pilot pushed one of the power levers, adjusting the speed of the airship.

   Accompanied by a tremor and the roar of the furnace.

  The arcane device at the bottom of the airship shone brightly.

  Dax's ship accelerated slightly and became the leader of the fleet.

  The airships with many imperial double eagle flags also adjusted their positions, forming a pyramidal battle formation according to the positions during training.

   "Fire." Dax roared.

   Like the loud noise of thousands of thunderstorms.

  All the gun barrels, torpedoes and muskets on the fleet began to roar at the same time.

  Smoke and flames of ammunition roared into the mist.

   There were bursts of explosions on the ground, and the turbulent air waves stirred up the disgusting poisonous fog.

   Tear open the miasma that has accumulated for an unknown number of years.

   Allow Dax and his party to see a corner of the swamp.

  Dax smiled.

  In the torn miasma, he saw the howling Skavens.

  They roared towards the sky with voices full of hatred, brandishing rusty swords.

  The explosion just now caused the tragic death of many Skavens.

  They have indeed arrived at the Wasted City of Demon Rats, and they are just swimming on top of it.

  The layer of miasma not only blocked the sunlight of the Abandoned City of Demon Rats, but also shielded the escaping energy of the dimension stone, weakening the transmission of sound.

   This is the reason why Dax and the others couldn't find the Abandoned City of Demon Rats.

   Until the fleet sails over the towers that use warpstones.

  The device of the airship detected the dimensional energy readings and found anomalies.

  The Ratmen fought back.

  Breaks of green light shot out from the dimensional stone tower of the Demon Rat Waste City, pierced the miasma, and hit the energy shield of the human floating ship, causing a series of ripples.

  Dax ordered the fleet to counterattack and bomb the enemy with all its strength.

   Following his command, all the cannons of the fleet roared.

   There are also some soldiers holding bombs and throwing them down.

  When those shells and bombs hit the ground.

   It is as impactful as a volcanic eruption, setting off flames and debris, and bursting out with earth-shattering explosions.

   Blow those Skavens to pieces.

  Some Skaven took out their bows and arrows and shot at the sky.

  However, even the most powerful skarat archers can hardly hit the human floating ships suspended in the sky, let alone cause damage.

The only ones that can attack the human fleet are the Dimensional Stone Tower built by the Skaven mage team headed by Gray Prophet, as well as the Dimensional Lightning Cannon and Dimensional Torch Cannon built by some Ratman engineering warlocks, which can hit floating ships. .

  But those tall towers and artillery are often attacked within a few minutes of revealing their positions.

  Following a series of bombardments, the towers built by the Ratman mages and the artillery built by the warlock engineers were pulled out one after another.

  The Demon Rats quickly lost their ability to counterattack the human fleet.

   Even if you can fight back.

   Those rat people who are good at preserving their own strength dare not continue to fight back.

  As long as you expose your position, human fire attacks will follow.

  The Demon Rat Waste Capital has ushered in the most humiliating moment in thousands of years.

  Humans continue to bombard.

  Destroy all those tall buildings.

  The air waves and flames formed by the explosion drive the miasma.

   Let the devil's nest, which has been shrouded in darkness, be seen again.

   "Continue to blow up." Dax was sincerely happy when he heard the wailing of the ratmen on the ground and saw their desolate and painful appearance.

   He always had a lot of fun dealing with those **** ratmen.

   It's just that those cunning brutes quickly found a way to deal with the bombing, and they abandoned the surface.

  All moved to the ground.

   Even those dimensional stone buildings were quickly demolished and sent underground.

  There is their base camp.

  The cave cities built underground by the Ratmen are far larger than the surface.

   Their roots are in the ground, not on the surface.

   After turning all the buildings on the ground into ruins and confirming that there were no more ratmen on the surface, Dax ordered to land and fight.

  Dax brought a fleet of more than 400 ships.

  The fleet is composed of attack airships, transport ships, multi-functional landing craft, bombing craft and other flying ships.

  A total of 15,000 trained elite human soldiers participated in the battle.

   There are also a large number of engineers and migrant workers for logistics support.

  His crusade against the Demon Rat this time can be described in four words.

   Not only did they take away all the suspended ships built by Middenheim, but they also brought all the officers and soldiers trained during this period of time, who understand tactics and how to operate new equipment.

   There are also a large number of migrant workers originally used for construction.

   This battle is only for the complete elimination of the Skaven.

   Valyrian did not object to this either.

  The nobles have collapsed, and all humans will be united.

  A victory against alien races will greatly increase the influence of the Holy Emperor on this world.

   Let them know how the Holy Emperor's banner will change them.

  A flat area was chosen as the landing area.

  The first to be sent down were those steam-powered war robots-the Ripper.

  The Ripper is five meters high, as huge as a house, protected by a thick iron shell.

  Cooperatively operated by four humans staying in the cockpit.

  The shape presents a humanoid design.

  The overall material is wood and steel treated with a special process.

   Built in a powered steam furnace.

   It is not the inefficient energy consumption materials such as wood or coal that heat the water, but those energy stones.

  The Ripper is equipped with a sawtooth wheel on one robotic arm and an automatic cannon on the other arm.

  The two huge jet pipes on the back are responsible for discharging unusable steam and heat to avoid excessive heat.

  Fischer, the former junior officer of the Middenheim City Defense Force, is now rising in status.

   Now he has become the commander of the mechanized force.

   It was he and his subordinates who were the first to land.

  Five Rippers were deployed to the landing site immediately.

  When it was more than ten meters away from the ground, the floating ship used the zipline to drop these heavy war weapons.

  When they landed, the screams of the Ratmen rang out, and they poured out from all directions, rushing towards the five Rippers.

  Demon Rat Waste is the first city given to the Skaven by the Horned Rat, and it is also the home of the Skaven's rise.

  The human invasion made all the ratman clans full of anger.

  They withdrew underground, but it doesn't mean they will let it go.

   When the Rippers hit the ground, they fought back.

  They want to let humans know that this is a place they cannot set foot on.

  The Ratman's counterattack had already been predicted by several Dax commanders.

  Those beasts are not a race that gives up easily.

   "For the holy light, the all-knowing and all-powerful emperor of the empire." Fisher shouted: "Fight for his glory."

   "For the sake of the holy light, the all-knowing and all-powerful emperor of the empire."

   "For the sake of the holy light, the all-knowing and all-powerful emperor of the empire."

   "For the sake of the holy light, the all-knowing and all-powerful emperor of the empire."

   "For the sake of the holy light, the all-knowing and all-powerful emperor of the empire."

  The other four Rippers also responded to Fisher's battle cry.

  They have not seen the Holy Emperor himself.

   Only Valyrian and those who wear mechanical prosthetics can hear the story of the Holy Emperor, and see the honor of the Holy Emperor from the projections they provide.

  The Holy Emperor is the monarch who is destined to rule the universe.

   is the savior of countless human beings scattered in the heavens and worlds.

  All suffering people will be happy because of His presence.

  All dead souls no longer need to fear being taken away by evil gods, but will go to the domain of the Holy Emperor, where they will sleep happily.

  Skaven swarmed screaming, howling madly.

   Fisher operated the Ripper to attack.

  The high-speed rotating sawtooth easily cut off the Skaven's weapon.

   Cut off their filthy bodies.

  A skaven clad in rusted armor is sliced ​​by the Ripper's chainsaw.

   Without a moment of stagnation, the high-speed rotating sawtooth slid over its body, splitting it in two amidst the ratman's painful howls.

   Dark red blood spurted out, and the intestines also flowed out together.

  The scene was so **** and brutal that it was impossible to look directly at it.

   In just a moment, the Ripper was painted red with blood.

  Another robotic arm's automatic cannon is also firing.

boom! boom!

  The sound of gunfire was deafening.

  Powerful bullets with terrifying penetration and explosions.

  Skaven that were struck disintegrate like swollen blisters.

   Broken like ripe fruit.

  A dark red mist of blood spurted out from every torn corpse.

  The Ratmen attacked the five Rippers in a frantic manner.

   But all to no avail.

   Countless ratman corpses fell in a pool of blood, howling in pain.

   Not even the gigantic skaven trolls are a match for the Ripper.

  The body was easily cut open by the circular sawtooth, blood was spattered, and he died screaming.

  The massacre of the five Rippers created conditions for the landing of other troops.

  Several steam tanks were also lowered by zip lines.

  They made rumbling roars, like awakened monsters.

  Six huge iron wheels stirred the ground under their feet.

   The tall smoke pipe installed at the tail emits billowing steam.

   The front of the steam tank has a metal-wrapped ram.

   Extending from it are huge ruthless iron spikes.

  Like the Ripper, the steam tank is also riveted with thick steel plates, so it is not easy to be damaged.

  The Skaven's dimensional guns and bows and arrows hit it, and there was only a crackling sound, but no real damage.

  In the thick armor on both sides of the steam tank, there are rows of shotgun ports and flamethrower ports.

  Steam tanks cooperate with the Ripper to build an indestructible line of defense.

   They fired shells while advancing.

  Those iron thorns easily pierced the rat man's body.

  The flames ignited the ratmen who wanted to attack the steam tank.

   Their fur sizzled in the flames and gave off a foul stench.

  The shotgun muzzles on both sides also sprayed out sheets of tiny marbles.

   The Ratmen at close range were beaten to the brim with holes and many of their heads were knocked off.

  The Ratmen were blocked out by the steam tank and the Ripper.

  The spaceships begin to descend, releasing the soldiers they were carrying.

   "For the sake of the holy light, the all-knowing and all-powerful emperor of the empire."

   "For the sake of the holy light, the all-knowing and all-powerful emperor of the empire."

   "For the sake of the holy light, the all-knowing and all-powerful emperor of the empire."

   Shouts kept ringing out one after another.

  Human soldiers generally wear a full set of armor engraved with special runes.

  These armors have terrifying defensive power, and at the same time are light enough to not consume too much physical strength for the wearer.

   In his hand is an automatic rifle made specifically for this world.

  Thousands of humans shoot the skaven waves with automatic rifles.

   Formed a terrifying firepower net, harvesting the Ratmen in droves.

  In the absence of oil, the exploration team found another way to establish an alternative industrial civilization through electricity and magic.

   For this reason, the soldiers also use thermal weapons in the style of industrial civilization.

  As for energy weapons, the reason why these did not appear is that the weapons of the industrial age are enough for the exploration team to conquer the world.

  And more resources should be put on building outposts and finding alternatives to petroleum derivatives.

  Dax also joined the battle.

   The rampant Ratmen gushed out of the ground like a tide. The scene can only be described as crazy.

  The transport ship released a group of small attack airships.

  They are generally operated by one person and equipped with automatic rotary machine guns.

  Using its high maneuverability, it continuously provides fire support to the ground in the air.

  Use the machine gun to shoot wildly at the Ratmen on the ground to relieve the pressure on the ground troops.

   To be honest, this is a massacre against the Skaven.

  In just a few minutes, thousands of Ratmen died tragically.

  The number of casualties continues to rise.

   Yet the Ratmen have no fear.

  When one skaven falls, more skaven rush up to fill their positions.

  However, their fate is nothing more than repeating the former tragedy.

  Dax rushed into the rat wave, and he still used the two-handed power sword from before.

  The activated power field leaps with a dazzling arc, making it extremely sharp and cutting iron like mud.

  The unique ratman smell of the Rat Waste City is mixed with the pungent humid air. Even if the helmet has a filter, you can still smell the disgusting smell.

   Because of this, Dax almost threw up.

  After so many battles, only these **** ratmen can make such a strong and disgusting stench.

  The green and sickly dimensional stone shines in the ruins, and there are green patches everywhere, giving the illusion of a ghost.

   A large number of slave rats in ragged clothes, armed with all kinds of rusty and filthy weapons, rushed towards Dax.

  The two-handed power sword in his hand fluttered and danced, and any enemy who tried to get close to him was slashed and killed by the sword.

   Not long after, there were ratmen corpses all around him.

  Many ratmen were cut off by his sword and scattered on the ground.

   Remnants, broken arms, heads and intestines can be seen everywhere.

  A huge ratman warlord set his sights on Dax.

  Its size far exceeds that of other skaven, as huge and strong as a grizzly bear in a dense forest.

  The terrible muscles are like the cables used to moor ships, very thick.

   Covered in heavy, rusted steel armor.

  When it moves, the ground will vibrate.

   Appears to be able to smash through a stone wall with little effort.

   Their tails flicked back and forth like whips, making a whistling sound.

  Holding a huge mace, with a large number of metal spikes inlaid on it, glowing with a strange green light.

   It was obviously smeared with plague poison or something.

   As long as a small wound is drawn, it will kill immediately.

  Heads hung from the dilapidated banner tied behind the bulky body.

  The red eyes of the Skaven Warlord were filled with pure malice, and the foul-smelling saliva flowed from his mouth.

  It rushed towards Dax, the mace in his hand exploded in the air.

  The deafening sound made the eardrums ache.

  Dax bent down, lowered his body, and the mace whizzed past his head with a piercing sound.

   Just a few seconds later and he would have to fly out.

  Imperial armor has defense capabilities beyond imagination.

  Dax is still just flesh and blood, not an immortal god.

  Skaven warlords will knock him out like a baseball, which can break his bones or blow his head off.

  The disgusting smell of mixed animal feces, stinking sewers and rotting corpses emanated from the rat man warlord and poured into Dax's nasal cavity.

   Made his stomach churn.

   The most disgusting thing about fighting the Ratmen is this.

  Dax dodged to the side, just going around behind the opponent.

   Wait until the other party turns around.

  He squatted forward and stabbed forward violently, and the long sword pierced the opponent's abdomen a little downward like a tofu.

   That's an important place.

   As long as a race has gender divisions, that's where it matters.

   Rat people have amazing fecundity, which means they will find female rats to communicate with each other anytime and anywhere.

   For this reason, it also has a well-developed reproductive system.

   Anger and fear flashed in the eyes of the Ratman Warlord, and it opened its mouth to reveal its disgusting, sharp teeth, and let out a deafening roar.

  It raised the huge mace, trying to kill the human who had taken his glory.

   And Dax cut off its legs with one sword, causing it to lose its balance and fall down.

  Amid the painful screams of the ratman warlord, Dax stepped forward and slashed the opponent's forehead with his sword, splitting the hard skull, announcing his death.

   The monster's eyes gradually dimmed, and he died immediately.

  Dax showed a smile, and he raised his **** long sword, "For the sake of the holy light, the omniscient and omnipotent emperor, kill all these sewer rats."

  The suspended transport ship is still constantly putting down its passengers.

  The heavily armed soldiers formed small battle formations and kept advancing.

  These soldiers were trained in the manner of the Imperial Star Army, equipped with full-body protective armor, automatic rifles and bayonets, and daggers for close combat.

  The range of automatic rifles far exceeds the muskets of the Empire and the dimensional guns of Skaven.

  Using magazines, unlike Ratmen's Dimensional Guns, you need to reload once you shoot one shot.

   Gunshots rang out endlessly, and ratmen were constantly knocked down by bullets.

   The Ratman rushed over like a wave, leaving behind piles of corpses.

   But they are still very crazy, trying to shorten the distance between them and human soldiers with massive sacrifices.

   However, when they got close enough, the heavy machine guns and mortars deployed on the commanding heights of the soldiers roared.

  Heavy machine gun fire rate up to 300 rounds per second.

  The bullets flying at high speed tore the Ratman's body apart instantly.

   Mortars bombarded the gathered Ratmen in a targeted manner.

  The shells that fell on the ground instantly blew up piles of ratmen.

  The piled up ratman corpses also suffered the same fate.

  The charging Ratman lost cover and was slaughtered by human soldiers again.

  Continuing to make heavy sacrifices, but unable to push forward.

  The warlord who directed the Ratmen's attack could hardly afford such a loss.

  The eerie horn sounded.

  After realizing that they could not resist the landing of humans, the Skaven had no choice but to give up.

  The surviving ratmen retreated underground.

   Without the interference of the Ratmen, the floating ship released all the thousands of humans.

  Soldiers all wore full armor.

  The scholars and workers responsible for building the defenses wore protective clothing with breathing apparatus to avoid being brought down by the plague gas of the Ratmen.

   It is not an easy task to capture the waste capital of the Demon Rat.

   Smash ground defenses are just the beginning.

   Ratmen have a scale far exceeding the surface underground.

   The most important thing is to completely destroy the underground part.

   Someone once suggested using ground shakers to trigger the collapse and bury the Skaven Empire.

  After several attempts, Dax gave up.

  The Ratmen's city roots are too deep.

  Earth-shock bombs can only destroy part of it, and cannot hurt the deepest part.

   If you want to get rid of the Ratmen completely, you have to go into their lair with real swords and guns.

  After consolidating the defense of the landing site, Dax plans to attack the underground.

   This time there is no help from the original warriors of the empire, only 15,000 soldiers recruited from the mainland.

   Dax doesn't have much of an opinion on this.

  The soldiers recruited from the local area must let the empire see its value.

  With the advanced weapons equipped by the empire, even enemies like the Ratmen couldn't be wiped out.

  Then why did the empire spend so much energy cultivating and training such an army.

   The steam machinery unit led by Fisher is responsible for staying behind.

  Steam machinery is generally very large, and it is easy to be destroyed by the enemy's concentrated fire when entering the narrow underground.

  Put them on the surface to wipe out the Ratmen who dare to take the lead, do a good job of logistics support, and give full play to the importance of mechanical troops.

   Suppressing the Demon Rat and the Waste is not something that can be completed in a day or two.

  Dax estimated that it would be difficult to wipe out the Ratmen in less than a month.

   At that time, the Ratmen from all directions will probably respond to the order of the Thirteenth Council and rush to defend the abandoned capital.

   This battle is not so easy to end.

  Dax selected a group of elites to be the vanguard with him.

  These elites are all selected from the private guards carefully cultivated by the nobles.

  Everyone is a full-time soldier who has been training **** the enemy since childhood.

   is the reliance of the nobles.

  After the fall of Altdorf, many nobles were captured.

  These soldiers were also accepted by the exploration team and retrained.

"For the sake of the holy light, the all-knowing and omnipotent emperor, we must kill every ratman." Dax said: "Don't be afraid, and don't be timid. When you complete your mission, your soul will be taken away by the holy emperor." Go, and sleep in His heavenly kingdom."

   After delivering a motivating speech to the soldiers as usual, Dax ordered the assault.

  The assault team brought high-brightness lighting equipment.

  Those devices can illuminate the passage as bright as day, and can also make the ratmen who stay in the dark so stimulated by the strong light that they can't open their eyes.

  Relying on advanced firearms and Dax's lunatic massacre, the vanguard quickly smashed the Ratmen's surface defenses and entered the intricate network of underground passages.

   Winding loops and intertwined tunnels echoed with skaven screams and the sounds of firearms and commands.

  Other troops are responsible for maintaining the places captured by the commandos and ensuring logistical supplies.

  The tunnel extends in all directions.

   Dax has no intention of capturing every tunnel.

   If you do that, no amount of manpower will be enough.

  He only seized the main road, and set up defenses at the nodes of each main road to ensure logistical supplies.

  The vanguard is responsible for all the way to the very center of the Ratman City.

   Fight to destroy the Temple of the Horned Rat and the Thirteenth Council.

  Both are key to the unity of the Ratmen.

   If these two are destroyed, the Ratman's morale will be greatly reduced, and they will become the opponent who is at the mercy of others.

  The battle in the underground tunnel is more intense.

  The Ratmen defend their capital by all means.

  The Thirteenth Council is also very clear that it must defend the Abandoned Capital of the Demon Rat, which is the headquarters of the major clans.

   Once it is taken away by humans, it will definitely cause an unimaginable blow to the morale of the Ratmen.

  The members of the Thirteenth Council also acted like lunatics, continuously issuing orders, requiring the clans to send elites and take out various weapons they had collected.

   Some unfinished weapons have been moved out of the workshop.

  The two sides launched an unimaginably brutal fight.

  The promoted Udi also participated in this battle.

  He led his team to patrol back and forth in the dank tunnel to ensure the smooth flow of logistics routes.

   Fierce battles are commonplace, and signal soldiers can be seen running back and forth at all times, asking for reinforcements from follow-up troops.

  Bright lights illuminate those dark tunnels.

  The ratmen with red or green eyes came flooding in like a tide.

  The heavy machine guns on defense roared continuously, forming a firepower net, tearing up those Ratmen.

  After a battle, there are often broken limbs and broken arms everywhere.

  The barrel of the machine gun is also deformed at high temperature due to excessive shooting in high-intensity battles.

   Every once in a while the barrel needs to be replaced.

   Of course, attacking the Ratmen's underground city is not without cost.

  Skaven mages who possess special sorcery tend to cause casualties to the squad.

   There are also some ratman assassins who will hide in the corpses of the same kind, and when humans pass by, they will suddenly rush out and stab the plague-stained Dimensional Stone Sword into the soldiers' bodies.

   Their weapons are so vicious that they will take the life of a soldier in seconds.

  They must be careful enough not to be plotted against by those despicable and shameless rat people.

  The number of Ratmen is their great advantage.

   And their dimensional stone magic and engineering creations are another advantage.

  Dax led the elite veterans into the Ratman's defense like a spear.

  The rest of the troops provide cover for them, help defend the intricate network of tunnels, and protect their logistics from being cut off by the Ratmen.

  The narrow tunnels cannot accommodate a large-scale army, so they can only be divided into small teams, seize important nodes, and slaughter those ratmen.

   The team led by Dax rushed the fastest.

  After another brutal fight, the Ratmen left a large number of corpses and fled to those intricate tunnels.

  I thought that the enemy would lose part of the territory because of fear, but Dax and the others had just turned a corner of the tunnel when they saw a group of ratmen with dimensional guns setting up defenses at a node position.

  A dimensional stone tower shining with green light shone sickly, bursting out with thunder and lightning that made people feel palpitations.

  When Dax and the others appeared, the ratmen with weapons also shot and threw bombs with plague gas.

  During the rumbling explosion, the plague gas spread unscrupulously.

  Dimensional stone bullets flew in the air, leaving behind strange green tricks, shining in the night sky.

   "Boom those rats." Dax gave an order to his team members.

  The two soldiers carrying the bazooka carried out the order without hesitation.

  They stood up from the bunker, and after simply aligning the target, they pulled the firing trigger.

  Two rockets with bright tail flames roared forward.

  A huge explosion shook the tunnel.

  The dimensional stone tower was blown to pieces, and the Ratman was also blown away, hitting the wall like a rag bag.

   "Kill." Dax roared, waving his sharp sword and charging forward.

   Those ratmen were frightened and ran around, but they were chased by Dax and others, knocked down and killed them one by one.

   "For the sake of the holy light, the all-knowing and all-powerful emperor of the empire." Dax walked past the corpses of the ratmen, roaring.

   Other soldiers responded with the same shout.

  They broke through the defenses built by the Ratmen time and time again.

   went deep into the ground and entered the solid rock plate.

  Where they passed along the way, broken rat corpses can be seen everywhere.

   They arrived at a vast underground space.

  There is a beautiful and magnificent temple there.

  Countless huge ratmen stood in front of the temple, waiting for human invaders.

   There are ratman archers, rat trolls, and huge ratman warlords, ratman mages and priests wielding green staffs.

   At the front are the Ratmen holding a giant shield, and behind them are the firearms troops holding Dimensional Carrying Guns, Dimensional Stone Firearms, and Dimensional Flame Throwers.

   A little further behind, you can see a large number of dimensional stone towers emitting green light, rattling muskets like Gatling on the battlefield, and the huge destruction wheel, dimensional lightning cannon.

  It is in stark contrast to the slovenly and dirty ratman and the beautiful and clean temple.

  Obviously, that temple is the **** worshiped by the Ratman clan, the temple of the Horned Rat.

  When Dax and others appear

  The Ratmen all howled, and all kinds of firearms fired together.

  The tunnels were blown beyond recognition by dense explosions and bullets.

  If it weren't for this piece of stone, it would have collapsed in this explosion.

  Skaven assassins armed with warpstone daggers swarmed into the tunnels after the firearms drove the humans back, trying to kill the worlds that dared to invade their homeland.

  Unfortunately, in front of the weapons of Dax and others, the ratman assassins were brought down in rows.

  They should not be used on the frontal battlefield.

  Sneak attacks and assassinations are their areas of expertise.

  The problem is that humans are too close to the main temple of the Horned Rat.

  The members of the Thirteenth Council can no longer care so much.

  Even if it takes the lives of rats, those damned humans must be driven back.

  Dax was fearless in the face of the raging rat tide.

  The two-handed sword in his hand slaughtered those Ratmen like chopping melons and vegetables.

  The other team members relied on him to shoot the Ratman.

   At first they fell into a slump.

  The number of Ratmen is too large.

   However, over time.

  Other teams also arrived one after another, launching attacks from other directions.

  Forcing the Ratmen defending the temple to disperse their troops.

   The pressure on Dax and the others was greatly reduced, and they launched a counter charge.

   With the bombardment of various grenades and rockets, the Ratman's defense line built with various dimensional stone creations was shattered.

   After the brutal fighting, the battlefield in front of the temple was full of corpses and burning wreckage.

   Countless ratmen died, including a few human corpses.

  The bright red blood is about to stain the walls of the Temple of the Horned Rat red

  The gate of the temple was smashed.

  The ratman priests inside were slaughtered.

   When the humans went in, they were trying to summon the horned rats.

  The huge horned rat statue stands in the center of the temple.

  The horned rat has several huge horns on its head. Its mouse-like head and face are covered with armor. It holds a scepter in one hand and a dagger in the other.

  Standing feet first bend back and then bend forward to form an arc.

  Sculptures like that are nothing sacred to Dax, only horror and distortion.

  If you have to describe it, it is your god, my devil.

  The screams of the rat man priests echoed in the temple.

  Blood stained the temple of the Horned Rat, and even splashed on the statue of the Horned Rat.

   After killing the last ratman priest, Dax walked in front of the statue of the horned rat.

  Just about to swing a sword to destroy it.

   "Human." An angry voice sounded in his mind. Like thousands of evil spirits emitting together, it is full of endless hatred.

  ps: I got up late today,

  (end of this chapter)