
one of his

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 361 The duel between Guilliman and Yogg-Sothoth

   Yogg-Sothoth wields power beyond those creatures that the living see as gods.

  The universe is like a plaything in its palm.

  In its eyes, the rules are just building blocks that are assembled at will.

   Beyond time and space as mortals think.

   is one and ten thousand.

   are truly immortal, immortal beings.

   Time cannot imprint on it.

   space can not limit its existence.

  However, such a powerful existence is doomed not to be able to create civilization.

  Just the concept of existence is already extremely dangerous for its believers.

   will subtly affect the minds of those believers, making them a cancerous member.

   For those of you who believe, become part of the cancerous legion and enjoy eternal life.

   Still choose to study those sciences and enjoy the short life.

  This question is not difficult to decide.

   Captain Marvel, and many other heroes have made the same choice.

  Biological nature is always selfish.

  If there is not enough interest and honor, who is willing to sacrifice personal interests for the development of civilization.

  Those believers can't even do the division of labor and cooperation, so how can they build a huge industrial system.

  The power of technology is based on every individual with wisdom and self in civilization.

   It is definitely not an extraordinary creature who can accomplish all this independently.

  The simplest celestial-class starship requires the cooperation of dozens of forge worlds.

  Millions of factories and scientific research bases with clear division of labor, and tens of billions of people involved.

  The materials supporting these factories, the food and the entertainment of the participants involved a larger scope.

   These all need civilization to support.

   It takes a large number of individuals to build a civilization.

  Yug Sothoth can destroy a star, accelerate the destruction of a universe, fool the fate of mortals, and manipulate the flow of time for all things.

  It can also create a universe by inducing the explosion of a singularity.

  But it is just an individual after all.

  Even the former Abaddon could not create an independent civilization.

  The slaves and supplies that support the Black Legion are looted from the Empire.

  The Black Legion withered after several wars when they were unable to continue looting supplies from the Empire.

   No longer able to provide weapons, ammunition, and starship vehicles for the huge legion.

  Even if they can still get the support of the demon allies, they are powerless to fight against the empire.

   This is the difference between civilization and non-civilization.

  Even if the empire fails many times, as long as they are given time, they can make a comeback.

  The essence of civilization is order.

  Order will create new knowledge and have powers that are completely different from chaos.

  Some scholars of the empire also believed that those false gods would be divided into the order camp and the chaos camp.

   It's like the angels and demons sung by ancient civilizations.

  Mortals always think that angels are the good side of order, and demons are the side of chaos and evil.

   But more scholars believe that the camp of false gods is actually not their choice.

  When the will of the individual is above the will of the group, whether the false **** is good or evil, it is itself a chaotic camp.

   Kindness and justice are the very definition of human beings.

  It is undoubtedly a stupid way to define God.

  The shepherd finds grass for the flock and arranges the shepherd dogs to protect them.

  If the sheep define the shepherd as a good god, it will undoubtedly make the shepherd's kinsmen laugh at the stupidity of the sheep.

   The flock is meaningless to the Shepherd's definition of goodness and justice.

  Then is there any meaning to human beings' definition of God?

   It is meaningless to use justice and kindness to define the camp of God.

   Only if the will of the individual is willing to submit to the rules made by the will of the group, then he himself is the camp of order.

  As the embodiment of the will of chaos, Yogg-Sothoth is destined to be unable to grasp the power of order.

  Unless it is willing to give up this method of relying on pollution transformation to seize the universe.

  But that is impossible.

They have all become chaos gods, and they have to amend the law to tolerate the disrespect and resistance of mortals to themselves, and they are also responsible for the life, old age, sickness and death of mortals, their emotional needs, and even consider the price of every decision they make to make up for those losses. people.

  If you can't do whatever you want and control the fate of all people, what fun is there in being a god!

  What God wants is absolute control, absolute freedom to do as one pleases.

  If those mortals make themselves feel bad and unhappy.

   Then send down the terrible punishment of heaven, let them know what is the authority of God.

  The crimes of the world are too terrible, let a flood wash them off.

  The world dares to disrespect me, come to a storm and teach me a lesson.

   This beautiful married woman, put her to sleep.

  If her husband complains, let the illegitimate son kill her husband, and let those mortals sing that this is freedom and justice, and treat the illegitimate son as a hero.

Seeing that a believer has a happy family, he will be punished, his wife will be separated, his family will be destroyed, and he will be tortured, and then he will come out and say that this is God's test. If you want to go to the bliss of the Western Paradise, you must accept such a test. test.

  Ordinary people should worship God, ponder everything about God seriously, and obey unconditionally.

  Believers must be grateful for the suffering God inflicts.

   For small favors and small favors, you have to be moved to the ground.

   Such evil deeds are hard for humans to imagine.

  But for the gods, it is a normal operation, and they don't think there is anything wrong with it.

   They are supreme.

   Mortals should abide by their ideas and will.

  Gods are not divided into good and evil, they will only follow their own will, their own way, their own will to do things.

  Once they claim to be gods, they all belong to the chaos camp.

   Whatever they are, when they place their individual will over the collective, they are chaotic.

  Yug Sotos' flaw lies here.

  His cancerous legions are capable of all kinds of witchcraft and superpowers.

  But there is no way to build an industrial civilization with a fine division of labor, let alone grasp the power of order.

The combination of    and Necrons just made up for the shortcomings.

   Necrons, a purely mechanical creature, are not easily affected by it.

   It also possesses industrial capabilities sufficient to realize various technologies.

   Necromancers Each tomb pyramid is a fortress integrating industry and military.

   Scarabs and Crypt Technicians both have strong build abilities.

  Even if many of them have lost their own will, it is not difficult for them to complete the most basic tasks.

  This giant pyramid that is floating in the void and devouring stars is not an exception.

   Built with the advanced technology of the Necrons and the wisdom of Yogg-Sothoth.

   It is not yet finished, but it also shows its terrifying side.

  It is like a living creature, constantly devouring the energy and matter of the star, converting it into the building materials it can use.

   The pyramids keep getting bigger and bigger.

   Streaks of energy emerge on the obsidian-built surface, forming sinuous lines.

   It even extended out, forming a complex geometric image in the void, like a huge spiritual shield.

  A large number of space undead ships are suspended near the pyramid.

   Tons of orbital Gauss turrets, deep space torpedoes, levitating obelisks and pyramids.

  Their surfaces are covered with complex energy lines, exuding a cold aura.

  The crescent-shaped Necromancer spaceship flies among the pyramids and obelisks.

  The tomb technician controls the scarab and is building a galaxy defense system.

  The generals and overlords are formulating strategies on how to fight the empire.

  Suddenly, sirens sounded in every Necromancer structure.

  The boundary between reality and fantasy is broken.

  The fragile veil of reality was torn apart in an instant.

  Imperial ships bearing the emblem of the double-headed eagle poured out of the twisting vortex.

  They are uniform, as if commanded by a single will.

  Countless light spears, light-speed cannonballs, and pulse waves are released at the same time.

   It seems that it was premeditated.

   In an instant, a gap was torn through the outer defense line that the Necrons worked so hard to build.

  The huge energy beam blasted all the defensive pyramids and obelisks into atomic forms.

  Overlords and generals command a huge number of warships with all their might.

   However, what they did brought about nothing but failure.

   The swarm-like sickle-shaped fighters took off from the giant tomb, but after ten minutes, they all turned into broken metal wreckage.

  Each weapon of the empire is perfect to restrain them.

  Whether it is dimension jumping or active metal, it is useless in front of imperial fighters.

   Overlords such as the Nether Dragon and the surrendered King Sotai have already sold out the details of the Necrons.

   Against an enemy who masters all his weaknesses.

  It would be an unimaginable miracle if this space undead army could win the war.

  Another possibility is that the commander of the empire is an idiot.

   This time it was the Primarch of the Empire, Lion Lion, who commanded the war.

   It is better to expect the imperial army to fight among themselves face-to-face and then surrender to the space undead.

  The latter is a daydream, and the former is a daydream within a daydream.

   Necrons' failure is inevitable and difficult to prevent.

  The defense they worked so hard to build was quickly torn apart.

  A large number of ships were blown to pieces and drifted in the void.

   The empire also had some ships destroyed.

  But after a strange flash, it recovered again.

  The battleships of the empire have all been equipped with time devices. After being destroyed, they use remodeling to restore the ships to their original positions.

   Of course, crew members who were killed before the ship was destroyed will not be revived.

  Time devices are usually anchored by ships.

  Anchoring of the vessel and crew will only be done under special circumstances.

   Such a device requires some extra functionality.

   Avoid data errors on the firewall side when the soul of the deceased is pulled back to the body.

  The souls of the citizens of the Empire will be pulled back to sleep in the domain controlled by Guilliman after death.

  If the individual who originally entered the domain to sleep is pulled out due to some special reasons, it will inevitably cause some problems.

  If it is an individual with a weak mind, it is very likely that the body will mutate and corrupt due to the weakening of the soul.

   As always, Lane sat on the command throne set up on the bridge of the Invincible Truth.

   This throne made of ivory and obsidian was built thousands of years ago.

   has been placed on his flagship.

   After getting the new flagship, Ryan found his seat from the dark angel's treasure house.

  Original mother groups will always be like this.

   That is to protect the things used by the original body as relics.

  Lion's hand rested on the carved armrest of the throne.

   Pointing his fingertips at his face, almost touching his lips.

  Those eyes were a wild green like the jungles of Caliban.

  Looking at the information window ahead without blinking.

   Inside, he calmly watched the ships of the Imperial fleet crushing the space necrons.

  , staring blankly at the space undead ships covered with electromagnetic lines, which disintegrated into pieces in a silent explosion.

  There is no suspense in this battle,

  The power of the Empire is overwhelming.

   Whether it is the size of the fleet or the firepower of the ships, the Empire is overwhelming.

  The Day of the Dead is in defeat.

   After a few hours, it has retreated to the giant pyramid suspended next to the star.

  When the empire's artillery beam fell on the pyramid, it was deflected by an invisible shield and sent into the vast subspace.

  The captains used a variety of attack methods, using space dimensions to cut, shells made of strong interaction materials accelerated to the speed of light, and time ripple bombs, etc.

  No matter what kind of offensive was eliminated by the invisible shield.

   Everything disappeared without a trace.

   "What's going on?" Ryan stared at the alarm that popped up on the screen.

  The attack of the Imperial fleet was blocked by the Necrons.

   This is the first time.

   "Do they have new technology?" Ryan looked at the sage accompanying the army, "It's really unbelievable that new technology can be developed in a technological fault situation."

"The readings that have never been seen before may be a kind of advanced space technology. It diverted all our attacks." After reading the relevant parameters and intelligence screens, the sage came to a preliminary conclusion, "If you want to get For more accurate information, we may have to perform a full scan."

   "How long will it take?" Ryan asked.

   "It will take about twenty-six hours to scan it completely. Using the brain matrix, we should be able to reverse engineer the opponent's technology within three days."

   "It's been too long. Find a way to let us directly enter the interior and crush them. After taking down the pyramid fortress, you can figure out the rest."

  Ryan stood up, and the joints of the armor containing the latest high-tech of the empire made a ethereal and pleasant singing sound.

"If we simply break into its interior, this shouldn't be difficult to do. We can use high-dimensional teleportation to teleport the team in from a dimension that does not exist. Many protective measures are only for three-dimensional space, even if they are for other dimensions. Restrictions, it is difficult to completely block it."

   "Then do that and teleport us in."

  (end of this chapter)