
one of his

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 342 The Terrible Crisis of the Empire (Subscribe)

  Constantine became the darling of the empire, and became a big man unimaginable by ordinary people.

   Those gods who once claimed to take his soul, now all respectfully call him Lord Constantine.

  Constantine is also quite proud of this.

  Never thought that a **** like myself would have a chance to change his destiny.

   It really confirms the old saying that fate is capricious.

  In this world, don't think that anything is impossible.

  In the past, who would have thought that those ancient gods would one day be pulled down from the throne, fell to the world, and bowed their knees to a king, just for the other party to forgive their crimes and let themselves live.

   Of course, some people think that Constantine is a shameful traitor, a running dog of the empire.

  In any case, Constantine's reputation is getting bigger and bigger.

  People are in awe of his identity and status.

  The same goes for the cast out gods.

  The little mage who was once looked down upon by them is now an existence that they need to bow their knees.

  The holographic projection in the bar is still playing news from the Imperial Daily.

"Commander of the Empire Expedition, the person in charge of the development of the universe master - Sanguinius delivered an important speech recently, and summarized and theoretically innovated the social system proposed by the holy, all-knowing and omnipotent emperor of the empire, and put forward the theory of scientific governance of the empire, the first time In his speech, he proposed the establishment of a century-old plan to strive for the long-term implementation of the social system and avoid changing the order overnight, which caused the people's distrust of the imperial system."

"Further enhance citizens' participation in imperial affairs, make the imperial official system more open to the public, operate transparently, enhance the trust of the people, establish a sound supervision mechanism, allow citizens to supervise the operation of officials, and effectively maintain the achievements of imperial construction. Advance human The development and expansion of civilization is a systematic project that requires overall planning, systematic planning, and overall advancement, to correctly handle the individual interests of the people and the collective interests of the empire, and to explore and practice a balanced and feasible path."

"Promoting the cause of the liberation of human civilization in the heavens and the redemption of the human branches scattered in the heavens is a great cause that has never been seen before and will never be seen again. It will inevitably encounter all kinds of unimaginable risks and challenges, difficulties and obstacles, and even stormy waves. It must be strengthened Awareness of urgency, adherence to bottom-line thinking, be prepared for danger in times of peace, plan for a rainy day, dare to fight, and have the courage to fight. Through tenacious struggle to promote this great cause, let human civilization usher in great harmony, great unification, great development, and great transcendence."

"It is necessary to firmly implement the ideology of the Holy Emperor and the Great Imperial Emperor, and promote the development of the cause from the perspective of the overall situation of human civilization. It is absolutely not allowed to shake the ideology of the Holy Emperor and the Great Imperial Emperor. Only by uniting in the sacred light Only by the side of the omniscient and omnipotent emperor can we ensure that the great cause will not deviate from the course and not lose its essence. It must be consistent and encourage all the people of the empire to participate in the great cause and promote the great cause. Adhere to the strategic policy formulated by the holy, bright, omniscient and omnipotent emperor, Adhere to the idea of ​​human-centered and imperial people-centered development, participate in the whole process of development, and fully stimulate the spirit of ownership of the imperial people."

   "Let us toast the great Emperor of the Empire."

  Konstantin raised his glass and said.

   "Look at how good people say this, and then look at you, using big screens to publicize here. Look at your previous practices, it's too backward."

"It's meaningless to do that. The life of a mortal is like a mayfly to an eternal god." Lucifer said without turning his head, "How can a mortal like you realize the idea of ​​having an eternal life? One day, that emperor will get tired of these jobs. Just like Jehovah back then, he will isolate himself from mortals, establish his own divine domain, and become a **** who is high above and cannot be offended."

"Haha, that's you." Constantine laughed and said, "Don't use your stupid thoughts to guess the thoughts of the emperor. You are an unimaginable **** to mortals, but to that one, you I'm just an ant like a mortal. Do you know that when the Lord died, I was there."

  When Lucifer heard this, he raised his head.

  He was the Lord's helper, his left hand, and his strongest angel.

   After falling into hell, he became the lord of hell.

  Hearing the death of his former boss, he felt a pang of sorrow in his heart.

"The **** who was sought after by countless people, his legs were broken, and he was powerless to kneel before his throne. Countless angels roared and charged, trying to save their god. With the sword of the commander of the empire's expedition Next, the god's head was cut off, and the dark red blood gushed out. Under the light of the god, it was crystal clear. I will never forget that scene. The high **** died, and I witnessed it with my own eyes. "

  "In that sacred and beautiful heaven, the angels fell to the ground, their white wings were soaked in blood and blackened by the beacon fire, they fought desperately to the last moment, and then died."

   After finishing speaking, Constantine took a sip of wine.

   "This is a whole new age, a godless age, an age no one has ever imagined."

  Lucifer silently wiped the wine glass without saying anything.

  Constance wanted to have a few more drinks.

   Zatanna came and took him.

  The train to the mainland of the empire will leave soon.

  They have to be prepared.

  The candidates selected to study in the mainland of the empire have been carefully considered.

   Make them fully aware of the crisis facing humanity and the efforts of the Empire.

   When the time is right, the passage between the two universes will be opened.

   Allow people to freely flow between the two universes.

   Walking out of Lucifer's restaurant, an unmanned hover car parked on the side of the road.

  When Constantine and Zatana sat on it, they rose slowly and merged into the traffic like a school of fish.

   Today's Gotham City has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  All kinds of high-rise buildings stand everywhere, and countless suspended vehicles shuttle through the gaps between the buildings, like fish schools swimming among the corals on the seabed.

  No more slums, no more street crime everywhere.

  People are free to go out no matter when and where.

  No matter when, they can get safety guarantee.

  No need to worry about harm from criminals.

  After losing those superheroes, human society has not ushered in the end, but instead has a thriving upward trend.

  The gap between rich and poor is limited to the greatest extent.

  The ethos of money supremacy and individual heroism has been dealt a severe blow.

  The society is still dictatorial in the name of the emperor, but the flow of wealth and the management of society have been supervised by the whole people, and it has become more democratic than before.

  Different from the democracy advocated by superheroes in the past, today's people are not only reflected in the system of selecting and managing officials, but also in the flow of social wealth.

  People have the right to choose who manages the wealth they create, so as to better distribute it, reduce the wealth gap between different classes, and let everyone feel the convenience and affluent life brought by technology.

  Social wealth is no longer in the hands of private individuals for various reasons as before, but in the hands of the public.

  Through the system and popular election, the controller of social wealth and the manager of the social system are guaranteed, and the maximum degree of social fairness is ensured.

  People also really felt the difference between the collective thinking emphasized by the Empire and the superheroes.

  The freedom and democracy preached by superheroes has become a cover to fool the world.

  No wealth is private unless separated from the social collective.

   No single billionaire can create billionaire wealth alone.

  Even the great emperor of the Holy Empire once admitted that if there were not countless imperial subjects, even he would not be able to create such a great empire.

  If the society cannot be regarded as a collective, and the legitimacy of private wealth is overemphasized, the resulting democracy must be an undemocratic result.

  The essence of social operation is to create enough social wealth through the management of the system, so that people can enjoy a normal life.

  Just like a pack of wolves hunts, the hunted things are shared by the group, and the wolf king has the priority to distribute them by virtue of his leadership and strength.

  If the wolf king dared to declare that all the food belonged to him, and the other wolves were just hired thugs, he would be hostile to the wolves and even bitten into food.

People can't choose who to be the spokesperson of social wealth, and they are not qualified to supervise and manage the wealth they create. Such democracy is destined to be a castle in the air, and it can only allow the so-called privatization to encroach on people's interests. Individuals who ultimately control the flow of wealth must Will control the regime, control everything.

   This is why in the era of superheroes, the stronger the Justice League, the poorer people's world will be.

  With the arrival of the Empire, everything changed dramatically.

  After establishing an equal and just social wealth system and a perfect social security system through powerful means, people are more keen on pursuing the realization of self-worth.

  Crime, which has high costs and low returns, is hated by more and more people.

  Man is a creature that considers interests.

  When the cost of breaking the law is too low and the benefits are too high, they will take risks.

  When the cost of breaking the law is too high and the benefits are too small, they will keep their law and order.

  This has nothing to do with any morals.

   Morality is just icing on the cake.

  Everyone Constantine saw along the way was full of self-confidence, no matter what their status was, they looked very neat and elegant.

   Eyes are the best reflection of the civilization of an era.

  In the feudal period, people showed numbness and dullness.

  In the industrial age, people showed the confusion of the future and the hatred that their self-worth was not reflected.

  Now, people exude a confidence that they never had before.

  The rapid development of human civilization brought them confidence.

  Under the leadership of the Holy Emperor, their pace of life was slowed down, and people had more time to think about their own meaning and what they wanted to do in the future.

  They know that even if they fail, there are enough guarantees to let them spend the rest of the day safely, so they are more passionate and motivated to do various things.

  This is the worst era, the gods have left the human world, reduced to a role no different from mortals.

This is also the best era, every mortal has infinite possibilities, they enjoy technology unimaginable by their parents, travel in the scale of time and space unimaginable by their parents, and possess a divine power who surpasses everything and masters everything protect man from all evil.

  The suspension vehicle shuttles between the gaps in the building.

  The grounds have been abolished by roads, replaced by squares with trees and garden lawns.

   There are cobblestone paths scattered for those who like rickshaw and walking.

  Everywhere embodies humanized comfort and coziness.

  Konstantin sat by the car window, he never imagined that Gotham City could become like this.

  The gloomy, dilapidated, and hopeless city has transformed into a paradise that people love.

   This is a paradise for human beings.

   Created by humans, not belonging to any god.

  People living in it do not need to be recognized by those gods, as long as they have the identity of human beings, they are naturally qualified to live in this paradise.

   "It's as beautiful as a dream." Constantine said with emotion.

   "Yes." Zatana nodded rarely, agreeing with this scumbag.

  After this simple exchange, the two fell into silence again.

  When Constantine wants to say something, invite Zatana to have an in-depth exchange at night and consolidate the relationship.

  The suspension car indicates that there are still 500 meters to reach the destination.

  Konstantin had no choice but to take back his words and looked out the window.

  The different universe station is very huge, built on the edge of Gotham City.

  Like a majestic giant mountain range, towering into the sky.

  The highest point has rushed out of the earth, extending into the endless void.

  Anyone who comes to the station for the first time will really feel the majesty of the station, which is so huge that it doesn't seem like it was built by humans.

  His car is located at an altitude of 300 meters.

  However, this is only the lower level of the station. Looking up, you can see this majestic building towering into the clouds.

  When the ancient people saw this scene, they would exclaim that this is the ladder leading to the temple of the gods.

  The suspension vehicle entered the interior of the station from a dock and stopped on a huge platform.

  There are many people at the station, but they are scattered on the huge platform, which looks very sparse.

  A suspended servo skull flew from a distance and stopped beside Constantine.

  The golden double-headed eagle emblem on it represents that it has been blessed by the Emperor of the Empire.

  [Citizen of the Empire: Constantine, Citizen of the Empire: Zatanna, you have been authorized to board the train to the territory of the Holy Empire. The estimated departure time will be three hours later, please follow me. ]

  Konstantin and Zatana looked at each other, then stepped forward.

   Middenheim has fallen.

  The great city became the territory of vampires and undead, and the living people fled in haste.

  When people were terrified that the end was coming, things ushered in a strange turning point.

  A group of creatures who don't know where they came from regained Middenheim with their powerful, god-like power, and began to rebuild the ancient capital.

  They refused to recognize the rule of the original elector family over Middenland.

   Nor does Sigmar have religious status.

   Instead, all provinces are required to surrender to them and integrate into a brand new human empire.

   also proposed to abolish the power of hereditary nobles, distribute land to the people, and encourage the bottom to participate in reforms such as politics.

   Such behavior naturally aroused strong opposition from many nobles.

  This behavior of blatantly corrupting the original tradition caused many nobles to regard the savior of Middenheim as a heretic like the vampire Vlad.

  But the strength of those mysterious people and their willingness to accept refugees have also won them a lot of supporters.

  Many mages and some aspirants who were tired of the endless infighting among the nobles set off for Middenheim.

   Rick collar.

   This province is located in the southwestern part of the empire.

   is the power center of the empire.

  The capital of the empire - Altdorf is there.

  After Middenheim issued a notice to the provinces, the electors began to gather in Rickland, preparing to find a way to kill Middenheim's enemies and prevent them from further destroying the tradition.

  A large number of peasant households were summoned, armed with crude weapons and their own dry food, and set out with the provincial army.

  The weather today is not very good.

  Thunder resounded through the sky, dark clouds filled the sky, and heavy rain fell on the ground.

  Ragged, blue-faced farmers walked on the muddy road wearing whatever they could find to keep out the rain.

  They pulled the skinny horses and donkeys, and carried the army's baggage and supplies and moved forward with difficulty.

  The heavy supplies made the beasts pulling the cart feel strenuous.

   Even though they tried their best, it was difficult for the car to climb out of the mud and continue to move forward.

  Gessler is also one of the unlucky ones.

  His whole body was soaked.

  The coir raincoat kept dripping rainwater into his clothes.

   It made him wet and cold, and he couldn't help shivering.

   Now his only thought is to find a dry place as soon as possible, and light a fire to keep warm.

  Continuing like this, he suspects that he will be frozen to death by the roadside, becoming a dry bone that no one can restrain.

  The soldiers were furious from time to time, and whipped the team that couldn't get away.

  Accompanied by screams, Gessler and his party walked forward in the rainstorm.

   After a long time, they got a chance to rest.

  The team stopped next to a dilapidated temple.

  Hundreds of people were able to raise the fire for a short rest and warmth.

  The torrential rain poured down, making everything between the sky and the earth foggy.

   Gessler rubbed his cold hands and dried his patched clothes by the fire.

The surrounding ice-cold mist surged desolately, as if an evil elf penetrated into people's clothes, making them wet and cold, even a fire could not stop them, and the farmers who kept warm couldn't help but Shivering.

   "How much longer do we have to go?" Someone asked.

  Gessler lifted his ears to listen to their conversation while drying the laundry.

   "We have already arrived in Rickland, and the enemy is in Middenland. It is estimated that we will go for a month or two."

   "I really can't stand it. If we continue walking in such a horrible weather, I'm afraid we will die before we arrive."

   "No way, I have to go."

   "Is there anything to eat?"

   "There's a fart, let the soldiers take it all away, wait for them to distribute food."

   "I'm so hungry."

   "Just now I grabbed a handful of leaves on the road, soaked them in water and chewed them. Do you want them?"

   "If you want, you can eat a few mouthfuls to fill your stomach, and you can be a grass-eating animal."

   A handful of emerald green leaves were thrown into the boiling water pot.

   After boiling, the surrounding farmers shared the drink.

  Gessler also shared a bowl, and after drinking it, his whole body became much warmer.

   Chewed a few leaves to fill his hungry stomach, which made him feel better.

   Altdorf, the power center of the empire.

  Nobles from all over the world gather here.

   So many nobles came that they had to hold a banquet every day to entertain their friends and strengthen the emotional connection between the nobles.

  In the palace, a banquet for the nobles was also being held.

  It was held by the Elector of Nokland himself to welcome the nobles who responded to his call.

  The housekeepers paced in the magnificent and warm hall.

  They all wore wine red tuxedos, and their black leather boots were polished

  They served the nobles, filling their goblets with fine wine and replacing them with freshly baked food.

  The Elector of Nokland sits on the throne. He wears silk from Cathay, sprays the perfume of Araby, and wears all kinds of treasures on his hands.

  Nocklands is the richest province in the empire, possessing wealth beyond the reach of other electors.

  This banquet also fully reflects his wealth and power.

  The best ingredients are used, shipped from all over the empire, and the best chefs are invited to cook them and make them into various delicious dishes.

   As for wine, there are not only good wines from the empire, but also good wines from the elves.

   Just such a banquet is enough to make a small and medium-sized nobleman go bankrupt and sell his ancestral territory.

  The Elector of Nokland watched his servants and stewards, if they made a mistake, it would tarnish his majesty.

  Then he'll throw those fools out into the streets of Altdorf to farm and starve.

  The guests at the banquet were all dressed to match the luxurious surroundings.

  Black embroideries and brocades, exotic prints and floats, ribbons made of silver thread and jewelry made of the brightest gold.

  These precious clothes and jewelry all set off the wealth and status of the guests.

  They are all nobles of the empire, holding a large number of territories and farmers.

   After he was full with wine and food, the elector of Nokland ordered another dessert.

"Now let's discuss how to deal with the intruders in Middenland. What they are doing now is terrible. They threw those noble figures out of the mansion and let those mud legs live in it. Things like this terrible."

  The Elector of Nokland said: "We have to resolve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise it will be our turn next. This matter is definitely a terrible crisis comparable to Vlad."

  ps: There was a little mistake. When I clicked the replacement, all the emperors were replaced with the electors of Nokland. If you still see it, please inform the author to modify it

  (end of this chapter)