
one of his

don't read this book this is not my book nor my property I am just copy and pasteing if from another website I do this so that may have a interesting story to listen to in class or work 40k

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 301 Calgar's Dilemma (for subscription)

   Ryan listened to what both sides had to say.

  One faction wants to take advantage of the empire's positive advantages to crush the space undead, use continuous failure to stimulate the nerves of several space undead overlords, and cause their alliance to collapse.

   A faction of overlords who want to use beheading tactics to get rid of the Necrons in space, speeding up the defeat of the Necrons in space.

   The conflict between the Silent King and the Storm King is irreconcilable.

  The Storm King wants to get his hands on the supreme ruling power.

  The Silent King, as the former head of the Council of the Three Saints, is unlikely to succumb to the rule of the Storm King.

  There is some truth to the remarks of both sides.

   Ryan did not express his position clearly, but acted as a listener.

   Arguments necessary to make sense.

  These generals may not be comparable to the Primarch, but their abilities should not be underestimated.

  Everyone is an imperial elite with rich experience in war.

  A great empire never depends on a small group of people, but on all the people in the empire.

  Lynn knew that one day the empire would break free from the protection of the Primarch and walk alone into the unforeseeable future.

   Watching the changes in the holographic projection on the conference venue and the information in the information window, evaluating the good or bad of the two factions' suggestions.

   He didn't stand up until the argument between the two parties came to an end.

"Perhaps, what you all said makes sense. A frontal war will inevitably make the disadvantaged space undead mistrust each other and aggravate their collapse. The beheading operation can allow the empire to end this war at the fastest speed and at the least cost. Each plan has its own advantages, but also has its own disadvantages. The overlord of the space undead has extremely cutting-edge technology in his hands, and it is not easy to execute them. In a frontal war, facing a disaster that is enough to extinction, each dynasty will It will speed up the awakening of its sleeping companions, and the empire will most likely face an unprecedented behemoth."

"I don't have a good idea about this either. Maybe we should prepare with both hands. Launch a frontal war and find a way to execute those high-level people. The impact of executing the Storm King and the Silent King is very likely to affect the space necromancers." The pattern has changed, so the execution cannot be done against those overlords who are qualified to compete for the position of supreme ruler, but against those space undead who are capable but not qualified to compete."

"The Necrons have lost their ability to reproduce, coupled with tens of millions of years of deep sleep, most of them have lost their minds and become soulless machines. Generals, losing a senior general is an irreparable loss for them, and the weakening of their strength is also irreversible."

  No one refuted Ryan's remarks, and many military commanders fell into deep thought.

  Thinking about it carefully, Ryan's strategic vision has resolved the struggle between the two factions, and they really have nothing to refute.

   "Of course, this plan still needs to be carefully planned." Ryan said: "There is still some time before reaching the frontline battlefield. Maybe we can plan the next battle from this idea."

  The sharp chirping sound echoed in the Glory of Macragge, and the piercing sirens echoed from the bow to the stern, from the metal tower on the top floor to the cabin on the bottom floor, everywhere.

  The crew all ran, driven by responsibility and human survival instinct, scrambling to get involved in the sudden emergency.

  The crew members who just fell asleep on shift got up from the bed as quickly as possible, put on the exoskeleton armor well-trained, and checked the weapons.

  At this moment, except for the red alarm light, all the other lights on the ship went out.

"Scarlet invasion, quick, quick," a man in officer's uniform yelled, "put on your exoskeletons, hold every lane, move, quick, we can't let them take Maku The Glory of Lager."

   A large number of attack alert information is distributed to everyone's panel through the battleship's database.

  The fleet encountered an ambush, and the flagship Macragge's Glory was the enemy's priority target.

  A large number of monsters poured into the cabin through an unknown means, invading like a virus.

  The crew members were all armed, and the only way to survive was to expel those monsters.

  If the ship falls, they will die, perhaps more painful than death.

   "In the name of the Emperor of the Empire, we must defend the Glory of Macragge." The officer shouted loudly: "In the name of the Emperor of the Empire, we must not fail lightly."

   "In the name of the Emperor of the Empire."

   "In the name of the Emperor of the Empire."

   Others echoed loudly.

   "Quickly, go to the fighting cabin, we have to drive them out." The officer waved his hand, signaling the crew to speed up.

   The attack happened quickly.

  When the fleet left the subspace, it was attacked by the enemy.

  The other party has planned for a long time, waiting for work with ease.

   This time the operation should be very secretive.

   No one knows why the enemy guessed the coordinate area where the imperial fleet appeared!

  Geller's force field has not been transformed into a deflector shield and a void shield before it is invaded by the enemy's jump gang.

   Even the interceptors haven't had time to dispatch.

  The enemy has jumped to help the empire's battleship.

   Did not leave any time for the imperial troops to react.

  All those who enter the battleship are monsters or dead people.

  Those imperial soldiers who had already died in the war were dominated by mysterious forces and climbed up like walking corpses.

   With twisted strides, strike at the loyalists of the Empire.

   No one knows how the enemy does this.

  The souls of those corpses have been taken away.

   But the opponent still made them stand up.

  This may be the true meaning of cancer.

  Those monsters never cared about souls or anything.

   They rely on flesh and blood to multiply continuously.

  They are like normal cells contaminated by cancer cells.

  The dead person became a soulless corpse and launched an attack under the control of the enemy.

  The ear-piercing howl echoed every corner of the cabin, and the squirming flesh and blood spread like a tide.

  A bolt of thunder shot out from the darkness, and the hideous monsters rushed towards the defense line organized by the empire with weapons in their hands.

  The automatic turret and the weapons of the soldiers made a noisy sound, drowning in this suffocating madness.

  Main information room.

   Countless information poured into the battleship and gathered here.

  The men and women connected to the main console sit here and listen, and give orders to the various areas according to the emergency playbook.

   Calgar's face was extremely ugly.

  The casualties of the two battle groups forced him to give up the mission of chasing Abaddon, and turned to deal with the evil forces hidden behind the Black Legion.

  Who would have thought that the assembled fleet was attacked by the opponent just as it jumped out of the subspace.

  The opponent pounced on them like a hungry wolf, trying to crush their resistance.

   "The third cabin is lost, and the enemy is pouring in."

   "We need more support, there are enemies floating in space, shoot them."

   "Emergency assistance requested, emergency assistance requested."

  The loud siren echoed in various communication channels.

   "My lord, according to the emergency procedures, you should leave the Glory of Macragge." The captain said, "We cannot let the Supreme Commander fall into the enemy's encirclement. The emergency teleportation has been prepared, please go to the safe area."

   "No." Calgar let out a deep roar, "I want to tear those **** apart. If the Glory of Macragge is lost in my hands, then what right do I have to see His Majesty."

"My lord, staying here will put you in danger." A personal guard also came out, "If you also fall into the hands of the enemy, or die in this battle, the consequences will be disastrous. Please leave a useful body, to be loyal to His Majesty."

   Calgar stared at the guard, he wanted to refuse angrily.

   Still he sighed, realizing that he couldn't be ruled by anger.

  He is not only a soldier, but also a commander. He must consider the victory of the entire battlefield, not personal glory.

  "There is a disordered energy flow in the space. The other party has blocked the space dimension. The brain is analyzing and relocating the transmission coordinates." The monitoring supervisor made a frightened voice, "My lord, the emergency transmission has been turned off."

  As soon as these words came out, the expressions of many crew members on the bridge suddenly changed.

   Calgar breathed a sigh of relief.

  Escaping and staying are both very difficult choices for him.

  The Glory of Macragge is the belief of the Ultramarines. If it is forced to abandon it for the sake of the overall situation, the impact on the entire warband will be immeasurable, and even the morale will be demoralized.

   But if he insists on staying, regardless of the overall situation for the sake of Macragge's Glory, Father Gene will also be disappointed with him.

   Now, the enemy cut off the emergency teleportation, but made the choice for him.

   "The order, the flagship has been blocked by the enemy, and the command is automatically handed over in accordance with the empire's wartime regulations. When necessary, it can withdraw from the battlefield. Don't put yourself in danger for the Glory of Macragge." Calgar said.

   "Understood." The communications director conveyed Calgar's words to the other warships.

   A loud bang came from outside the door, followed by the sound of explosive bombs and the roar of monsters.

   After a while, the voice subsided again.

  "Assembly." Calgar activated his glove and raised the thick muzzle of the bolter, "The enemy is coming."

  His personal guards raised their shields, armed with activated power weapons, and formed a defensive formation at the gate.

  The gate of the bridge is protected by a protective force field, and it is made of the latest materials, so it is extremely strong.

  But with several consecutive loud bangs, the door was knocked open by brute force.

   Huge cancerous Hulks rushed in and fought with the original fighters.

  The bolter on Calgar's gauntlet was activated like a storm, knocking a five-meter-tall Hulk into the air on the spot and hitting the thick metal bulkhead.

  The heart of the empire is running at full strength, turning him into a demigod on the battlefield, with almost infinite power.

  The strength of these Hulks is not strong, they only have the blood of the ancestor of the Hulk-Dr.

   Calgar roared and waved his huge fists, smashing all the cancerous monsters that rushed in.

  Until a black thunderbolt knocked him into the air.

  A monster wearing a winged helmet and lightning armor came out from the end of the corridor, holding a short-handled warhammer full of cracks in his hand.

   "I am the God of Thunder, everything in this world will belong to the great Yogg-Sothoth, stupid mortals, do you want to resist this doomed fate?"

   The Thunder God responded with a roar and a powerful punch from Calgar.

  [Heart of Empire Overload Mode Starts]

  [Target: Cancerous creature-; Lightning power psychic user]

  [The space trajectory has been locked, suppressing the target's thoughts. ]

  [Lock the target space dimension and block the opponent's escape path. ]

  As the capable general of the current emperor of the empire, Calgar is blessed with the most advanced technology of the empire.

  After the upgrade of the original casting in the third stage, he immediately upgraded it.

  Relying on the heart of the empire, Calgar's power has already increased to a terrifying level.

  By distorting the space coordinates, he can instantly span the distance between him and the enemy.

   With just one punch, he shattered the opponent's hammer and grabbed the opponent's head.

   "Monster, who do you think you provoked. With such power, do you want to defeat the human empire?"

   Calgar hit it with a punch.

  The leaping electric arc shone on the glove, and just one punch shattered the opponent's head, and then made a few more punches, smashing his armored body to pieces.

   Calgar threw away the thunder god's body like garbage, and looked outside the bridge, where the flesh and blood corridors squirmed.

  His expression did not have the slightest joy, only dignified.

   "I know you're there, come out, monster."

   "I really shouldn't underestimate you, the gods of Asgard were killed like this."

   A hoarse, twisted, and extremely malicious voice sounded.

  The original Captain Marvel-Marville came out, followed by those twisted heroes with powerful power.

  The Force of the Phoenix.

  The second generation of Captain Marvel.

   There is also the ancestor of the Hulk.

  Each one possesses great power, and after being distorted by Yogg-Sothoth, it becomes extremely terrifying.

  The surviving primordial warriors also gathered on Calgar's body, raised the solid shield in their hands, and stared at these cancerous monsters.

"Your resistance is meaningless. For the great Yogg-Sothoth, it is just a trivial game." Marvell's weird face covered with squirming flesh showed fanaticism and a trace of respect for his followers. The disdain of Calgar et al.

   No power has ever been able to stand against them.

  The fate of this human empire has been sealed.

  The Cancerous Legion will destroy it completely, along with their ridiculous emperor.

   "Surrender, you will be reborn in the eternal realm. When you gain eternal life, you will find how ridiculous everything you have been holding on to."

   "All I saw was a group of pathetic monsters." Calgar said, "Do you think you're sure to win??"

   "The victory is within our grasp." Marvell slowly floated up, "You will witness my true strength."

  (end of this chapter)