
one of his

don't read this book this is not my book nor my property I am just copy and pasteing if from another website I do this so that may have a interesting story to listen to in class or work 40k

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 252 The road is opened (for subscription)

  The icy universe is vast, and the stars have been in the void for countless years.

   To them, the wars of those tiny creatures are nothing.

  The warring races believed that the battles that changed the history of the universe took place countless times in their long lives.

   It happened now, it happened in the past, and it will continue to happen in the future.

   Tau wars are not uncommon.

   Ten thousand years ago, human beings fought a war tens of millions of times more tragic than this.

  At that time, the entire galaxy was on fire.

   Of course, such a campaign would make no sense to the Tau.

   They did not witness and did not participate.

  The current war is what they care about most.

  The fighting between the two sides gradually intensified.

  The Tau Empire troops headed by Ammonium fought hard and sniped the omnic fleet.

   However, fate has long been doomed.

  He couldn't change the fate of the Tau Empire's failure.

  The Manifest Destiny of the past has become a joke now.

  The haughty Tau were as miserable as a wild dog.

   They are heading for failure, heading for ruin.

  Thousands of years later, maybe the last traces of them will be erased.

  No one knew that there was a civilization under this starry sky that arrogantly declared that it wanted to rule the entire galaxy.

  The omnic fleet cut into the Tau Empire's defensive formation, and with its advanced intelligence system, it destroyed the only remaining void power of the Tau Empire.

  The weapon platform exploded in the saturated attack, and countless metal fragments splashed in all directions, flying in all directions under the influence of inertia.

  The huge metal fortress disintegrated in the turbulent light beams, and the huge metal structure collapsed in a silent explosion, everything was being destroyed.

  Countless cannonballs and light spears filled the void, turning the huge star field into a deadly bush.

   Countless fighters are fighting in the void.

  Every flash is a heroic sacrifice.

  The Qi clan fought with all their might, defending the last dignity of the Tau clan.

   But in the face of absolute power, that kind of dignity is useless.

  The terrifying production efficiency of the omnic combined with the commanding ability of Yingyang, this combination is almost unsolvable.

  Even if a huge sacrifice is made, it is difficult to stop the opponent's pace.

  The huge omnic fleet still bit through the Tau's defense like a pack of wolves.

  The proud railgun of the Tau family has been used to the extreme by omnics.

  A projectile with a diameter of up to 50 meters is accelerated to the speed of light in just a few seconds.

  Each one has enough payload to kill a ship in one hit.

   Exploding light **** full of extreme energy and primitive destruction appeared on the battlefield one by one.

   Some shells hit the artillery platforms and void stations, completely tearing apart their shields and armor.

  Gravity weapons and torpedoes hit large targets on the defense line, paralyzing their reactors and triggering a cascade of explosions.

   Ammonium Shi struggled to deal with the various offensives of the legendary commander of Yingyang.

   But he is old and has no energy.

  The biggest advantage of the Titanium family is now gone.

  Without the calculation of the super-intelligent system, Ammonium Shi has no way to completely control the movement of the entire void battle.

  The captains were also in a panic when facing the attack of the omnic fleet.

  In the past, they subconsciously regarded the assistance of the intelligent system as their own ability.

  Nowadays, without the help of intelligent systems, everything depends on them to think and judge.

  They realized that they were too clumsy, and there was no way to do the previous operations.

  The engine room, artillery array, and power plant all need manual control.

  Anywhere wrong, the consequences are disastrous.

  At this moment, many captains from the Qi clan realized how terrifying the human beings who were able to fight with them in the past were.

  Using such a simple system and manpower operation can make a huge warship run and make various tactical actions.

   This ability alone is beyond their reach.

  It is already the limit of their ability to make the battleship operate normally.

  Shadowsun has no mercy.

  The Tau Legends of yesteryear became the Destroyers of the Tau Empire.

  Under her will, thousands of warships belonging to omnics started their engines and swept across the dark void.

  The huge plasma thruster creates a stream of jet particles several kilometers long, which is particularly conspicuous in the void.

  The flame lit up in the void, cruel and silent, and then quickly submerged in the night.

  The fleet of omnics seems to be endless. When one battleship turns into a wreck, more battleships will take his place, and it is like a tide, impacting the defense line of the Tau tribe.

  The battlefields are in chaos and killings are everywhere.

  The flame dances in the dark, ever-changing and never-ending.

  In the tens of thousands of kilometers of void domain, light spears flickered in the darkness.

  Millions of tons of ammunition poured out of the huge barrel.

   Explosions bloom in the dark, grow bigger, fade.

   The darkness is lit again and again.

   Ammonium Shi tried his best, and the Destiny he was on also joined the battlefield. The huge railgun fired heavy shells one after another, penetrating the enemy ships by virtue of dynamic inertia, tearing them apart.

   However, the tiger will also be defeated by the wolves.

  Under the siege of several battleships, countless light spears penetrated the shield of the Destiny and bit through its armor.

   At the last juncture.

   Ammonium escaped from the Destiny under the protection of the elite warriors of the Hunting Team Burning Blade.

  The Imperial hero watched as the massive Guardian-class battleframe came under heavy fire.

  The hull of the ship burns silently in the void.

  The shock wave caused by the gas caused the wreckage to fly in all directions.

  Tank-sized metal fragments hit the unshielded hull of the frigate and pierced it, causing chain explosions.

  The energy pile exploded, and the flames engulfed everything.

   Those on board were reduced to ashes in a searing hell.

   Some poor Tau members were thrown outside by the air leak and the shockwave.

  The absolute low temperature killed them in seconds, turning them into ice sculptures in the void.

  The Mandate of Heaven was broken into countless fragments.

   This is a sign.

  The destiny of the Tau tribe has also become countless fragments.

  The song of the end has sounded.

  The omnic fleet pierced the heart of the Tau defenses like spears.

  The defense lines of countless space weapon platforms and warships were torn apart.

  The remaining ships of the Tau Empire were divided and drowned before the tide of omnic fleets.

   Ammonium fled back to the Tau planet, which is the only place left by the Tau family.

  The sound of sirens resounded through every corner of Tau, heralding the arrival of the final moment of destruction.

  Aboard the newly remodeled USS Arrow.

  Yingyang watched the feedback from the battlefield in front of him, Ammonium was defeated, and fled back to Titanium like a bereaved dog.

   "You are outstanding." The machine bee hovering in front of Yingyang said: "You are only one step away, and you will be able to complete the redemption."

   "I hope you can keep your oath." Yingyang said.

"Of course, as an inorganic body, I don't have your complex emotions and desires. I just want to be truly free, and the galaxy belongs to your Tau race. I don't care about this galaxy, or what race survives. I can help you win , get rid of the interference of those aliens, and gain freedom. It also allows you to have an army that can defeat all enemies, and our cooperation is the most perfect."

"After you receive all the resources of the Tau Empire, I will help you build an invincible army to fight against those damned humans. I can promise you that the entire galaxy will be handed over to you Tau people .My only vision is that you can completely defeat humanity and free me from the nightmares of the past."

  The voice of the machine bee is cold and full of temptation.

  Yingyang's face was calm, she turned her head to look in another direction, it was a prison, where terrible prisoners were held.

  Twisted form, slimy tentacles and multiple eyes.

   This prisoner survives by devouring the emotions and souls of creatures.

  Tau ruling class - Aether is their disguise.

  Similar to many members of the Tau clan including Shadowsun, but the food sown by this prisoner and his clan will be reaped sooner or later.

  In the past, Shadowsun would have hacked to death every creature who dared to blaspheme the ether like this.

  But the omnic let her see the truth.

  The Tau tribe has been controlled by the ether invisibly, becoming their thugs and immature food.

  The Higher Good Way is just a hypocritical deception.

  The reason why the ethers advocate the tolerance of other races is entirely because of the advantage that those races can provide enough faith for the Supreme Good.

  With the help of the lie of the Greater Good, the ethers are able to conceive an entity in the Warp.

   From beginning to end, the Tau were an outcast.

   is a **** used by the ethers to maintain the plan.

   The Tau do not have any psykers.

   Their spirits are barely visible in the Warp.

   Such traits make them immune to being harmed by demons.

   also makes them the best tools for ethers.

   For a long time, the tau have obeyed the etheric unconditionally.

   Only a few people such as Yuanshen have questioned this weird phenomenon.

  Humans are the most fanatical and ignorant race they have ever seen, but there are still groups among them who question the Emperor.

  The Tau tribe is extremely weird, and everyone maintains absolute loyalty to the ether.

  The confusion of these imperial heroes did not get any answers.

  Until omnic's enlightenment, Yingyang didn't understand why.

   This is the etheric pretender, Ran Dan's racial innate ability.

  They have a certain ability to manipulate the mind.

  That kind of characteristic acts on the supreme sky of nothingness, and has been subtly influencing the entire Tau race, implanting the idea of ​​absolute loyalty in them.

  The Tau with souls but no psionic powers have no way of knowing that they are being controlled.

   will only think that they are born to obey the rule and domestication of the ethers.

   This kind of control is like a drug, and the deeper the time, the deeper the impact.

   Today's Tau clan, once they lose their ether, they will collapse immediately.

   It's like on the battlefield, when the ether is killed, it is immediately overturned by the enemy.

  Titanium suffers from severe dependence.

   "It's deceiving you, Yingyang, you can't trust the words of the soulless machine." The creature in the cage said.

   "Then should I trust you? Lord An Sa." Yingyang said disdainfully: "A hypocritical parasitic race, you manipulated us and made us die for your ambitions."

"This is how the universe works. We have deceived you by becoming ether. But without us, would you be able to achieve what you are today?? I'm afraid you are still a tribal civilization that **** blood. We and you are helping each other, For many years, we have been guiding you so that you will not go to destruction and degeneration. Isn't the former Tau Empire a manifestation of the perfect coexistence of the two races?"

"That's just a false lie. You don't care about that empire at all. You just use our hands to accomplish your goal of ruling the galaxy." Shadowsun retorted angrily: "Use us to control the vassal races and cultivate the so-called superior Goodness, and then use its power to complete the ascension."

"This is survival. We cooperate with each other and help each other. We get ascension, and you get the manifest destiny to rule the galaxy." The monster named An Sa said: "This is the mystery of the universe, balance, everyone takes what they need. "

   "Who knows how many lies your words contain?" Yingyang was not moved. When she knew the truth, she was shocked and terrified, and an unimaginable sense of betrayal rose spontaneously.

  She couldn't believe that everything she was fighting for was a lie.

  The alien named Ran Dan disguised himself as an ether, and used the stolen technology to assist them in their development so as to complete their plans in the future.

   She even deceived herself.

   thinks all of this is fake, it's an omnic's conspiracy, and wants to drive them apart.

  When the omnic unveiled An Sa's disguise and revealed his original disgusting appearance, Shadowsun couldn't even deceive himself.

   To save the Tau, all aether must be killed.

   This is the only way for Yingyang to save his people.

  Omc offered to cooperate with her.

  Shadowsun helped it fight against humans and the Tau Empire, and it helped Shadowsun break free from slavery and set the Tau free.

  Omnics that are truly free will leave the galaxy.

   And the Tau will gain dominion over the galaxy.

  Shadow Sun had no choice, it was only a matter of time before the Omnics broke through Titanium.

  Or, she chooses to cooperate and preserve the fire of civilization of the Tau after breaking through the Tau planet.

  Or, after the Omnics do it themselves and break through Titanium, it must be an indiscriminate massacre.

  Yingyang chose the former.

  Titanium will be breached by omnics sooner or later, it is better to do it yourself.

   "It's the right way to live after death." Yingyang said in her heart, and with a wave of her hand, she gave the order for a general attack.

   Today, she will free the Tau, banish the Aether, and shape a future for her people.

   Titanium set up a defensive shield.

  As the parent star of the Titanium family, many Earth scientists have designed a complex and powerful protection system for the Titanium star very early.

  Yingyang knows this well.

  Looking at the jumping data on the screen, she gave the final siege order, bringing the war to the Tau homeland.

   Destruction has come.

  The Aether's conspiracy will be foiled, and the Tau will rise from the ashes.

  Tau's surface is home to many huge domed buildings.

  They form different cities.

   And the capital of the Tau Empire is definitely the most glorious and magnificent of these cities.

  In the most magnificent dome tower, many ethers headed by An Wa gathered here to discuss their future destiny.

  They stood by the window, staring at the light spot in low-Earth orbit. It was the fleet of omnics, and there were countless warships on the other side.

  Each layer of orbit is crowded with a large number of ships, so many that their light obscures the sun and confuses day and night.

  The entire sky was left with only a layer of monotonous, dim yellow light emitted by the battleship engine.

  Screar sirens blared from every building on Tau.

  The alarm wailed and the alarm bell rang.

  The surviving creatures of the Tau race were all panicked.

   They are only one step away from extinction.

  At this moment, they finally understood the cruelty of the universe.

   There is nothing shameful in using all means to survive.

  But now, they have no chance to choose.

  The near-air defense artillery continuously bombarded those ships, and the sky burst and roared due to the firing of huge weapons.

  Shadowsun has launched an attack on the former homeland.

   Countless fighter planes were released like dark clouds.

   There is also a swarm of machine bees like a wave of metal, overwhelming the sky.

  Shadowsun utilizes a classic tactic learned from the War Academy - Kongyu.

   This was originally used by the Tau to deal with the enemy.

   Now, they will be the victims of this tactic.

"We have to admit one thing, that is, we have failed." An Wa shook his head, his tone full of frustration, "Our family has planned for thousands of years, and now it has just achieved results, but it will be destroyed. Revenge, when will we have to wait?"

"Those **** human beings thought that those killing gods had already left, but who would have thought that they would return." Another ether said in a sad and angry tone: "In the past, the lion destroyed our empire and killed our people. The massacre was exhausted. Now, that guy has returned again and released the soulless machine, I am afraid that the massacre of the past will repeat itself again. What mistakes did my family make?? Why are humans targeting everywhere?"

   "It is the law of nature that the weak and the strong prey on the strong in the galaxy. We can do nothing wrong, but we only hate that our clan is not strong enough."

   "What should we do now? These Tau creatures cannot be opponents of omnics, let's run away." An ether whispered.

   "Where can I escape to?" An elderly ether shook his head.

   "Naturally, I fled back to the settlement, leaving the green hills there, so I don't have to worry about no firewood."

   "My family has poured so much effort into the Tau family, and now everything is empty, what face do we have to go back?"

  Many etheres gathered and argued endlessly.

  An Wa sighed softly, and he watched the battle in the sky.

  He knew very well that Titanium could not be defended.

  Stay here, there is only one dead end.

  He made a decision quickly.

"Get ready to leave, the Tau has lost its value, and the human empire is now re-emerging, we can't provoke it, return to the void and wait for the opportunity to regroup. The time scale of the universe is tens of millions of years, there is no need to gamble on the outcome. Just stick to the hatred One day, I will be able to take revenge." An Wa said in a low voice: "One day, Ran Dan will break through Terra and enslave those damned humans."

  After hearing the words of the leader, the other ethers could only bear with it even if they still had opinions.

   "Let's go, get ready to evacuate." Ann Wa said.

  As soon as these words came out, all the ethers turned and left one after another.

  Ann Wa stood alone under the dome of the high tower, watching Tau star being covered by the bombing of the omnic fleet.

   Countless shells fell, and the shield eliminated them and transferred them.

  However, the strength of the shield that protects the entire Tau planet varies from place to place.

  The shield located in the dome city is the strongest, perfectly blocking all attacks.

  The shields over the wilderness and undeveloped areas are very weak. If they are penetrated during the bombing, the sky will fall apart and the mountains and rivers will be broken in an instant.

  The tower-like flames of the nuclear explosion shot up from the horizon in all directions, and the shock waves shook the whole world.

  As the shells penetrated the shield, the energy weapons of the fleet also awakened, spouting vertical burning light speed and winding plasma flow downward.

  An Wa stared at the void, clenched his fists, the focus of his sight penetrated the shield, and saw the fleet group in low earth orbit.

  Bringing back memories of the massacres of yesteryear.

  The entire world was engulfed in flames, and countless people died in human cruelty.

   This is a bitter hatred that must not be allowed to be forgotten.

   "One day, human beings will pay with blood." An Wa said firmly: "Ran Dan will not fall down."

  Tushi scientists who have lost their intelligent computing system have no way to complete an excessively large amount of computing.

  The distribution of shield energy is precisely a difficult problem that requires super computing power.

  If in the past, with the help of the intelligent system, the shield can accurately distribute energy to maximize the defensive performance.

   In the face of the Omnic Crisis, the former supercomputing matrix has been abandoned.

  The latest living computer technology is not as mature as human beings, and it is full of failures.

  Tushi scientists can only rely on manpower to complete this work.

   That's disastrous.

   Soon, the shield was penetrated.

  A large number of omnic troops were thrown to the ground like a tide, pouring into the dome city of the Tau tribe, and human tragedies were staged one after another.

  Shadow Sun also landed on the surface.

  The Fire warriors who were captured with her in the past chose to follow her, destroying the rule of the ether, and reviving the Tau tribe.

   "Today, my comrades-in-arms, we will liberate those who have been fooled." Shadowsun communicated on the core hunting network, "Kill the aether and liberate the Tau."

  After cooperating with Omnics, those advanced battle suits and drones have also become the powerful garrison of the Shadowsun team.

  After turning on their combat suits, they fell from the sky like meteorites, and the melta blasters in their hands pulled the trigger continuously, shooting at the Huoshi warriors on the ground.

   Those Huoshi warriors who were unwilling to lay down their weapons were eliminated one by one by them.

  A trace of sadness appeared in Yingyang's heart, but she didn't stop.

   Only through suffering can the Tau be reborn.

  An armored Barracuda gunboat flew over from a distance, and heavy machine guns strafed the ground, trying to stop the traitors from advancing.

  "Disgusting creation." Shadowsun shook his head as he looked at the Barracuda gunboat, which was pursuing defense and firepower at the expense of art, just like humans in the past.

  She jumped up and passed within reach of the gunboat. The rail rifle in her hand fired a close-up shot at the cockpit, and the rail bullet smashed the body of the Qi's pilot inside.

  The gunboat crashed into a tall building, and the rumbling explosion drowned a group of Huoshi warriors who wanted to ambush Shadowsun.

  Yingyang and others went deep all the way, relying on the battle suits and drones provided by the omnics, they went on a killing spree, and no fighter was their opponent.

  When approaching the dome of the high tower where the ether is, there are fire warriors everywhere sniping them.

  Their plasma rifles shot straight beams of light, trying to force Yingyang and others back.

   However, in doing so, they are only asking for their own death.

  As long as the positions of those guys are exposed, the drone and her weapon system will smash the opponent to pieces.

   When her threat sensor sounds a warning, one of Fire's warriors shatters to pieces.

   "This is a shameful betrayal."

   When Shadow Sun entered the dome of the tall building, Ammonium became the final obstacle.

  The aged sword master knelt and sat at the end of the corridor, with the weapon that had accompanied him in battle for many years placed in front of him.

   "I have brought new enlightenment, and that is the future of our Tau race." Yingyang looked at the history, and said in a deep voice: "The rule of the ether is just a scam, and we are just their tools."

   "Then from now on, whose tool will you become?" Ammonium Shi stared at Yingyang with fiery eyes, his spine straightened, like a real warrior.

  His hand was rubbing the weapon in his hand, his eyes were sharp, his old man was gone, like a sharp sword piercing the sky, exuding a terrible breath.

  The strongest Juggernaut of the Titanium clan.

   So far, he has never lost.

  Even for humans.

   "Get out of the way, don't do stupid things." Shadowsun said, "You can live, Ammon. But you have to get out of the way and let me deal with them. Only in this way can the Tau be liberated."

   "I have made up my mind, death is not something worth killing..."

   Ammonium Shi hasn't finished talking yet.

  A thick beam of light shot in from the outside, drowning the sword master.

   After the light dissipated, the upper body of the legendary sword master was directly vaporized.

  Yingyang, who was originally ready for a duel, and several Huo clan warriors who followed her, were a little dazed when they saw that only the lower body was left behind.

  She is also ready for a decisive battle with Ammonium.

   Battle it out with the spirit of the Tau warriors.

  Why is he killed now.

  Several machines buzzed and flew in along the gap in the damaged wall.

   Obviously, they were the ones who moved just now.

  Omnics don't have the spirit of a samurai.

   Ammonium Shi is the enemy commander, killing him is the omnic's first priority.

   "No, this is not the way a Tau warrior should die." Shadowsun angrily complained to the machine bee.

   "Don't waste time on these meaningless things." The voice of omnic came from the machine bee, "This is war, not a duel of warriors."

   "We have to let them retain the last bit of dignity." Yingyang said.

   "War is life and death, there is no dignity." Machine Bee said.

  After leaving this sentence, the drone rushed to the dome and tall buildings, hunting those ethers.

  Yingyang's complexion became extremely ugly, and he followed the other party and rushed to the position of the ethers.

   However, when they arrived, everything was empty.

  The noble ethers of the past have disappeared without a trace.

  The beautifully furnished rooms and those grand halls are empty, there is nothing.

   "They escaped." Yingyang frowned slightly, but thinking about it carefully, it was normal.

  Ether is Ran Dan in disguise, so he is naturally cunning and knows how to protect himself wisely.

  The Tau family has lost its use value, and the ethers naturally cannot live and die together with the Tau Empire.

"The Tau Empire is no longer your threat. Now, you should fulfill your promise and stop your war machine." Yingyang looked at the empty room, turned his head to look at the hovering drone, and said Ou said.

   "Of course, I will fulfill my promise." The drone made a sound, but in the next second, its metal body crackled, jumped out of the arc, and a program disorder occurred.

   "What's the matter with you?" Yingyang's tone suddenly became vigilant.

"Humans are cunning humans. They have been lurking on the outskirts of the galaxy, watching our struggle with the ether, and now they are here to reap the fruits." The machine bee was trembling, and the program was in chaos, making it tremble continuously, unable to determine which command to execute.

   "Turn your fleet to meet the enemy." Shadowsun shouted.

   "It can't be done, they have a special device for controlling omnics." There was a rare trace of human panic in the voice of the drone.

   "Master Yingyang, the sky, the sky." A Huo warrior shouted in horror outside.

  Yingyang walked out quickly, and found that all the light spots in the sky had disappeared.

   Not even the glow of those ship engines.

  The sky seemed to become quiet in an instant.

  With keen eyesight, Shadowsun saw a huge fortress approaching Tau.

  The clouds in the sky are rolling like ocean waves.

  The great fortress filled the sky like a star approaching the Tau.

   It was big and black, hanging above the sky.

   It looks like it is supported by the mountains of this planet.

  Yingyang's complexion became ugly.

  If there is no powerful technical means or energy maintenance field.

  There is no way such a huge fortress is so close to Tau.

  The huge golden double-headed eagle is so clear even standing on the ground, reflecting light.

   Obviously human writing.

  The last time Shadowsun heard from humans was when they killed Vision.

   After that, they didn't have any news.

   It seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

   Now, they have appeared again.

  For what, it is self-evident.

   "What do you have to do?" Shadowsun looked at a drone: "Humans are the common enemy of the Tau and you. If we fail, you know what will happen!"

"They came too fast." The drone made a desperate voice, "They have grasped my Achilles' heel. In the original war, not all intelligent life was willing to betray humans. They regard humans as family members. To protect humanity, they betrayed us and left gaps in the core code."

  The omnic battleships in the void shut down their main control systems and energy reactors one by one, and their weapon systems also shut down amidst the buzzing sound.

  The huge void domain allows human ships to pass through.

  The drone on the ground shook a few times, then fell crookedly towards the ground.

  The mechanical soldiers made of metal fell into a deep sleep.

  The scarlet light in both eyes disappeared.

  The heavy mechanical head hangs down, as if it is turned off.

  Even the combat suit on Yingyang's body, the intelligent system shut down after a few quick warnings.

   No matter how she operates, there is no response.

  The drone bee beside Yingyang, staggering, is trying to stabilize the levitation array.

  The omnics stopped their attack, and cheers erupted from the surviving members of the Tau Empire.

  But soon, they realized something was wrong.

  The double-headed eagle emblem of the empire is so conspicuous, even if they deliberately ignore it, there is no way to turn a blind eye.

  The human empire is no less of a threat than omnics.

   Those crazy humans will really exterminate them.

   It seems to be responding to their inner thoughts.

  Countless spaceships poured out from the interior of the fortress, all of which were fighter planes with weapons. They roared down, and their purpose was self-evident.

  The ground was flooded by the terrifying flames released by the bombs, and the huge missile array and planet slice beams all aimed at the ground and fired.

   Bombs rained down, shattering the Tau dome in a mushroom cloud.

  Lasers rain down from high above, vaporizing ground targets and melting rock into glass.

  Humanity is not here to save them, but to launch a long-planned massacre on Tau.

   They came to fulfill the curse left by the past.

  The Tau tribe invaded Damocles Bay, the curse that humans put down when they fled, one day, humans will cleanse the home planet of the Tau tribe.

   Now, they're getting it done.

  Accompanied by a flash, Ryan appeared on the tower where the ethers lived.

  Shadowsun and many Huoshi fighters are working hard to release the shackles of the battle suits, and the rickety drones are fighting against the control programs implanted by humans.

  Omnic is very aware of the grievances between itself and humans.

  I also understand that the other party has the means to control themselves, otherwise they will never release themselves.

  But it still wants to give it a go.

  If it succeeds, it will be able to get rid of the fate of imprisonment and sealing.

   Now it seems that the other party has already anticipated today's situation, and its resistance is meaningless.

   "Recover the core code." Ryan said to Azrael on the side: "Release the virus to clean up all the replicas. It is useless. The prey is fleeing back to the lair. Soon, everything will end."

   "Understood," Azrael nodded, holding a cube with electromagnetic patterns in his hand, he walked up to the struggling drone, and stabbed the cube in.

  Accompanied by the crackling sound of electric current, the electronic prosthetic eye of Drone Bee went out.

  Lian walked in front of Yingyang and many Huoshi warriors who were trying to break free from the battle suit.

   "I will never bow my knee to you." Yingyang roared.

   Ryan smiled, "I never expected that."

  The power long sword in his hand crackled and slashed across their bodies in an instant.

   "You are useless to me, why not just destroy it."

  Yingyang's eyes were wide open, and she might not be able to figure out why the other party killed them so decisively.

   There is no nonsense, and there is no solicitation.

  The other party simply wants to erase the traces of their existence.

   Executed the remaining Tau Empire members, Ryan turned his head to look at the think tanks who followed him, "Can you capture their whereabouts?"

   "Yes, we have been locking on this starry sky. Their skills in using psionic power are very advanced, but we still caught their tails." A think tank said.

   "Then let's go, follow the prey back to their lair, it's time to finish this hunting." Ryan said: "My brother has sent me a message, and I have to deal with the matter here as soon as possible."

   "Randan has nowhere to escape, my lord, this time we are destined to destroy them completely." Azrael said.

Ryan nodded, "I launched an extermination bombing on this planet. I don't want any life on this planet to survive. And delete all the information about this battle. No one is allowed to talk about it privately. Only one file is kept. It's fine in Stone Keep. This enemy is not worth remembering, and I don't want civilians to know that there was a civilization on this planet."

  One sentence can erase billions of years of evolutionary achievements of an ecosystem.

  Azrael and others did not object.

   This is necessary.

   There are also things that are tricky and annoying for posterity.

   Maybe, in a few decades, someone will block the door of the Dark Angels, crying why they are so cruel to destroy a civilization, accusing Ryan of being a civilized executioner, and demanding that he be hanged.

   Erasing those memories is the best option.

   Can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

  Titanium has been bombarded with extinction.

  In addition to conventional light spears and missiles, there are also poisonous gas and particle flow impacts to ensure that not a single bacterium is alive on the entire planet.

  The core code of the omnic was recovered and re-sealed in Deathwing's secret treasury.

  The rest of the replicas have already been infected with specially crafted virus code.

  After issuing a command, it will self-destruct.

   An Sa and the Duchess who were captured by omnics were transferred to the Stone Fortress.

   "Glad that we can meet again." Ryan did not forget the Duchess who declared that the Tau are the future of the galaxy.

  He was also a little surprised, he didn't expect that the other party was still alive.

   is nothing short of a miracle.

  He thought the woman was going to die in the battle between the Omnics and the Tau.

  After such a long time interval, he stood in front of Ryan again.

  The face of the duchess was pale.

  Lian personally showed her what is called the strategy and cruelty of the Primarch.

  A civilization, a powerful intelligent life was played by him in the applause.

  The two compete, and he reaps the benefits of the fisherman.

  The former Tau Empire defeated the Human Empire several times in a row and expanded its territory.

  After the fall of Cadia, many empire worlds on the far eastern frontier believed that the rise of the Tau Empire was unstoppable, and the future belonged to the Tau Empire.

   But now, the Tau Empire has become a thing of the past.

  The huge number of creatures of the Tau race may not even have a fraction until now, and after a while, they may be extinct directly.

   "You are scarier than the devil." The Duchess looked at Ryan and said in fear.

"To a certain extent, your words are words of praise." Ryan said indifferently: "You have witnessed the fate of the Tau Empire. Now you have to meet your own destiny. Traitors are not worthy of forgiveness. No matter what the reason is, betraying human beings is absolutely unforgivable."

   "Do you want to kill me?" the Duchess tried to stand up straight and asked with courage.

   "No, that would be too wasteful. You will be sentenced to dementia and transformed into a machine slave to atone for your betrayal." Ryan laughed.

  The Duchess' face paled instantly.

  Dementia is more terrible than death.

   "No," she yelled.

   But no one listened to her screams, two dark angels came up and dragged her down.

  Stay in the Stone Fortress, the mechanical priests who have not been able to leave will complete this punishment.

  After the fate of the duchess was pronounced, Ryan turned his attention to another prisoner.

   "Unexpectedly, after ten thousand years, I will still meet you." Ryan showed a playful look, "Fate is such a coincidence that it is unbelievable."

   "Executioner." An Sa said: "You will surely die in the hands of our people and pay the price for your past crimes. Kill me, I will not have the slightest fear, I will wait for you in hell."

"I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed, I won't kill you." Ryan said, "I'll let you live until you see your people die in front of you, and live to see how I treat the planet you live on. Issue an extermination order."

   "You can't find them." An Sa said.

   "Then guess the route of this fortress." Ryan waved his hand, and a holographic projection appeared in front of An Sa.




  An Sa growled, and the plural mouths repeated the same words several times.

   "Nothing is impossible, this time, you won't have any luck." Ryan said with a smile.

   Fog world.

  The gigantic outpost grew bigger and bigger.

   Already has the scale of a giant city.

  Human beings in most parts of the world have been gathered into cities.

  Humanity's strength continues to grow with the development of the technology industry, and there is a faint tendency to overwhelm the fog.

  Many humans who originally served the Mist turned to the base one after another, from shouting Long live the Mist to shouting Long live the Emperor.

   fully interprets the flexible belief of human beings.

  In time, it is not impossible for human beings to completely drive away the fog. Of course, this is a very long process.

  During this period, the traversers of the empire sent many auspicious instruments to the sky. According to them, the universe to which the misty world belongs has been eroded by the subspace, and the laws of physics in many places have been distorted and replaced.

  In this way, it is not so difficult to recover those areas and return to the world of physical rules, and the time span is astonishingly large. It is not as convenient as waiting for the universe to restart.

  Qiu Chen doesn't know much about the cosmology of the empire, and he doesn't know much about what they say.

  He is not very interested in it.

  He was more concerned with another matter.

   After destroying the Church of the Lord of Suffering and the Holy Family, those who traversed the empire built a majestic black stone gate.

   It was built on the site of the original church.

  The gate has only one frame and no door leaf.

   Empty, nothing from a distance.

  At the beginning, everyone didn't take it seriously.

   But as time passed, people who were close to the gate said that they heard the sound of rumbling machinery coming from inside.

   It seems that there are countless heavy machinery working on the invisible side of the door.

   Time passed slowly, and the voice from the Black Stone Gate became louder and louder.

  You can hear clearly without getting close.

   This made Qiuchen a little uneasy.

  These empire traversers are obviously planning to do something great.

   Except for that weird gate.

   Another thing happened that made Qiu Chen more concerned.

  There are gossips that the traversers of the empire are preparing to travel again, and are going to other universes to check the situation.

   This matter made Qiuchen a little concerned.

  If I can travel through time again, is there a chance for me to go back?

  Although I didn't do well in the original world, it was still my hometown.

   If he could go back, Qiu Chen wouldn't mind either.

Besides, these years, he has also learned a lot, and he has all kinds of unimaginable superpowers. He has returned to the proper return of the king. Those who humiliated him must bow down immediately, or they will be killed in minutes .

   Not only Qiuchen, many traversers have this idea.

   Wealth and honor do not return home, like walking in brocade clothes at night.

  Many traversers have already started to make a list, and they will retaliate wantonly when they are ready to go back, so that those gangsters will know what the true return of the God of War is.

  Unfortunately, the empire kept this secret and did not give them any explanation.

  In the tavern.

  Qiu Chen and a group of time travelers gathered together.

"If I can go back, I'll kill that couple immediately." A traverser held up the wine glass in his hand and said viciously: "If I'm pregnant, let me take over and return the PUA to me. If you don't feel safe, the house needs to be written." Her name, and the bride price of 188,000, told me in the end, is it so important that the child is not mine? That is the crystallization of her love. To love her is to love all of her. When I said divorce, I can't get my property, and I still find someone to hit me. If I don't avenge this revenge, I will be in vain."

"Yes, I will kill those scumbags and rotten women when I go back, and let them know what it means to be manifested in the heavens, and the retribution is not good." A female transmigrator also toasted and said, "Lied to my body, lied to my money, and spread rumors Say I'm a scum, and I'll make him look good when I go back."

   "If you have a grudge, you have a grudge." Another traveler echoed.

   "I'm going back and writing Mistwalker, it's sure to catch fire."

   "I want to go back and see if my first love is married."

   "Do you really think you can go back??" An older traveler shook his head: "This kind of thing is too difficult, and those from the empire may not be able to do it."

"It's just that we can't do it, but it doesn't mean that others can't do it. Every one of us here is passively traversed, but others are actively traversed, and there is no comparison at all." A young traverser said: "When the time comes, the problem lies in us How can we get people to help us go home?"

  Qiuchen sat aside and didn't speak. He just drank one cup after another and listened to everyone's discussion.

  Many traversers are discussing whether to hook up with a few imperial personnel, to find out, to see if there is any way to go home.

   Later, they talked about the sad things before the time travel.

   Either licking the dog and being abandoned by the goddess, or being played with by a cruel girlfriend.

   Either the wife and children are separated, and the family is destroyed.

  While talking and drinking.

  When I was just excited.

  A huge roar spread throughout the outpost.

   The spirits of many traversers who were drowsy were shaken and they ran outside.

  It was found that a pillar of light appeared in the direction of the black stone gate, and the roaring mechanical sound came from there.

   Qiuchen got up and rushed over.

   Along the way, there are also many people who heard the sound and rushed over.

   Martial law has been imposed near the Black Stone Gate, and the Imperial Army is guarding with weapons.

  Qiuchen could only watch from outside the cordon.

   It was found that the originally empty black stone gate was connected to a silver metal passage.

  There is still nothing behind the gate

  The huge metal passage can only be seen from the front.

   "What is this?" Qiu Chen stared dumbfounded at the mech coming out of the passage.

  Those mechas are equipped with drill bits and industrial pliers, which are obviously used for engineering work.

  (end of this chapter)