
one of his

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 237 Who is the Oriole (for subscription)

   Pieces of distorted energy tore through the night, shrouding the entire world in dark purple light.

  Dark clouds rolled across the sky, like being pulled into a huge tornado, dark and oppressive, making people panic.

  The light of lightning shines on every hive city.

  Energy beams and shell fire are intertwined.

   Every street is full of bullets.

  The soldiers of the Empire relied on the Emperor's Church and priests for defense.

  Pious state priests possess the power of faith.

  This power can resist the shadow of the warp, forcing the Chaos traitors to be unable to break through those places with the evil power of the warp.

   Can only rely on hard power to attack the local area a little bit.

  This kind of resistance made it difficult for the Chaos forces, who had been overwhelming from the beginning, to gnaw.

   The cost of capturing a street is even greater than the cost of capturing the entire outer hive.

  Honso, as the warsmith, was tasked with commanding the Chaos forces in Abaddon's absence, keeping them from being exhausted, but to no avail.

  At this time, he had already set foot on the land of Chidixing. Information from various fronts came from different places, and was finally received by those tall iron ring robots and sent to him.

  Hon Suo inherited all the legacy of Piturabo, including the intelligent robot composed of technological fragments excavated from the ancient technological era by his genetic father.

  The iron ring robot is very capable, with terrifying firepower and terrifying computing power, it can assist in processing huge battlefield data.

  Through the data collected from various battlefields, Hong Suo can clearly see the situation of the entire battlefield.

  War is happening on every street.

  The tenacious imperial army is holding on with its fearless spirit and terrifying firepower.

   Chaos warriors struggle to advance.

   Every step comes with a lot of sacrifice.

  As the resistance increases, the loss of the chaotic party increases geometrically.

  But the record is also gratifying.

  The balance of victory is tilting towards chaos little by little.

   They're about to win.

   Just a little bit.

   will be able to win.

   "How is the construction of the Blackrock Demon Crown?" Hong Suo contacted the person in charge of the Word Bearers, Cole Farren, and asked.

  After Lorgar was captured, Erebus was used as a power container by Abaddon.

  The control of the Word Bearers Legion has all fallen into the hands of Cole Farron.

   "Everything is in the plan, but some important nodes are still under the control of the empire. If those nodes cannot be obtained, the Blackstone Demon Crown Ceremony cannot be carried out." Cole Faron quickly responded to the war blacksmith.

  The Blackrock Crown This grisly ritual reversed Vigilus' anti-space force field, causing the corridors of Nachmond to slowly close.

  If Anvil, the prophet of the Eldar race, hadn't found some lost ancient knowledge from those ancient books, it could have slowed down the closure of the Nachmond Corridor, otherwise humans would have lost this important throat channel long ago.

   Obviously, Chaos wants to repeat the old trick again.

  Use the Black Stone Demon Crown to completely reverse the Chidi star and detonate it, so that the empire will never have the opportunity to maintain the passage of the empire's holy land and the dark side of the empire.

"We must step up our efforts." Hong Suo looked at the current progress and said, "At this time, we are only one step away from the death of the empire. More than 90% of the entire planet of Chidi Star is occupied by us." Now, only a small number of places are in the hands of the empire."

   "This is the closest opportunity we have to success. The empire's defense line is already in jeopardy. We only need a little more strength to fulfill our long-cherished wish for thousands of years."

  In the dialogue video, Cole Farron nodded.

"I understand that the empire is just lingering on its last breath. With the help of the last bit of defense, it is trying to save the defeat. If they can't do it, they are doomed to fail. We only need to win the last important node, and we will win, and the empire will be finished. The Word Bearers will definitely dispatch all their forces to try to occupy the entire Chidi Planet and make the empire completely incapable of resisting."

  Hon Suo nodded, "Let's do it, Cole Pharon, we will succeed. The corpse emperor's reign has reached its final moment, and everything will come to an end."

  Communication cut off.

  Hon Suo conveyed the same order to the other war lords.

   Ask them to release their hidden power.

   They must wipe out the last resistance of the empire in one go, fulfill their long-cherished wish for thousands of years, and completely end the human empire.

  Every Chaos war lord and warlord is roaring with excitement.

  They have obtained more than 90% of the Chidi Star, and they are only a few percent short of the final victory, witnessing the disintegration of the corpse emperor's kingdom.

   Inspired by this, more Chaos traitors and demonic vehicles were thrown into battle.

  They took out their wealth accumulated for thousands of years.

   Only for one wave to overthrow the empire.

  There are dark waves of demons and traitors everywhere.

  The animals and plants of the entire Chidi planet have mutated, which is extremely terrifying.

  The demon walked on the ground, howling.

  The world has fallen, only the last few places still resist them.

  Like a solitary boat in a storm, doomed to be swallowed.

  Many Chaos Warlords have decided to destroy Chidi Star at all costs and eliminate the resistance forces of the empire.

  They just want to completely strangle the throat of the empire.

   Soon, they will be able to achieve.

  The huge vengeful spirit was suspended in the void like that.

   Abaddon waited for Calgar's arrival.

  The latter did not disappoint him.

  The Victory Laurel also broke free from the subspace, suspended in the void.

  The two sides faced each other like that.

   Each other is very clear that it is impossible to completely kill each other by relying on naval battles.

   Only seeing each other fall is the end.

   Abaddon asked Erebus to stand with him and prepare for the battle.

   Then he ordered the Vengeful Spirit's shields to drop.

   "Come here, Calgar, don't you want to arrest me? I'm here, if you want my head, come here."

   "You will pay, Abaddon, for your arrogance and stupidity." Calgar responded.

   "Then go aboard the Vengeful Spirit, and make an end here, and take my head for your stupid father." Abaddon mocked.

  On the bridge of the Victory Laurel, Calgar stared at the Spirit of Vengeance suspended in the dark sky on the screen.

  He turned his head to look at the tall figure on the throne, representing miracles and hope.

  The opponent is hidden in the shadows, but the golden double eagles and the azure power armor all show his status as the most noble person in the empire.

   "Father, the prey has appeared." Calgar said respectfully.

"Then let's begin." The majestic figure uttered a voice, thick and powerful, "We want them to know that we are not inferior to them when it comes to playing tricks and tricks. Calgar remembers our primary goal, That is the Vengeful Spirit, and that ship is more important than Abaddon."

  (end of this chapter)