
one of his

don't read this book this is not my book nor my property I am just copy and pasteing if from another website I do this so that may have a interesting story to listen to in class or work 40k

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 219 The Wrath of Foresight (for subscription)

  The bustling dome city in the past has now become a ruin.

  Stinking and rotting corpses are everywhere.

  Omnics don't consider the problem of getting sick from germs at all, and naturally they don't care about the disposal of corpses.

  Yingyang and his party saw the swollen and rotting corpses, all of them looked heavy.

   But they have no time to remember the dead.

   The traitor drones are still hunting them down.

   The sound of howling piercing through the air will sound from time to time.

  A large number of drones came from all directions, trying to wipe out the organisms that escaped into their territory.

  Yingyang and his party fought and fled, appearing in a panic.

  Fire warriors or other vassal races keep falling.

  The attrition is very serious.

  Yingyang had no choice but to escape into the city's underground passage again.

   Continue to set off in the direction of the signal source along the sewers extending in all directions.

  The world of Dar Yisjiamen was once the domain of human beings, and it was an industrialized hive world.

  In the past, nearly 60 billion human beings lived on this planet.

  After the arrival of the Tau tribe, they believed that the huge number of human beings had overwhelmed the world of Dal Iss.

   To maintain the influence of the Tau Empire, build it into a family world.

  The world of Nadal Is can no longer afford so many humans

  The proportion of humans in the Tau Empire also needs to be controlled within a certain range.

   Otherwise, the number of Tau race is far less than that of humans.

   At that time, it will be the highest good way of human beings, or the highest good way of the Tau race.

  In order to ensure their own status, after the Tau tribe occupied the planet Dal Iss, they planned to exterminate some humans and leave some humans behind, in order to demonstrate the tolerance of the Tau tribe.

  The Earth Clan launched a series of transformation plans to build the world of Dar Iss into a family world with powerful military forces and advanced industrial production capabilities.

  They built the dome city of the Tau race on the basis of the human hive capital.

  In the eyes of the Tau, the technology of the Imperium of Man is generally backward.

   But they also have to admit that the nests built by Mechanicus are extremely strong and difficult to disassemble.

  The builders of the Tu clan could only dismantle the main building, and reinforce the rest of the building as a foundation to build a brand new dome city.

   For this reason, under the dome city of the Tau Empire, there are a large number of human ruins.

  They form an intricate network of underground passages.

  In the past, the higher ups of the Tau Empire hated these underground passages.

   It is believed that these underground passages allow those dark monsters and Zerg spies to survive, and are a threat to the dome city.

  Many earth clans have asked the Tau Empire to step up efforts to transform and completely solve the intricate underground passages under the dome city.

  Unfortunately, the Tau Empire has been in a period of expansion these years.

  It is difficult to deploy manpower to solve this matter.

   That's it, it's been left on.

   Today, these underground passages have become the life-saving straw for Yingyang and others.

  The Drone Bee's offensive is extremely powerful, and there is also Drone Armor and intelligent robots assisting.

  Yingyang and the others are not opponents at all.

   Stay on the ground, only dead end.

   After escaping underground, they were able to get rid of the siege of the machine bees with the help of intricate underground passages.

  Omnics cannot gain an advantage in dark, complex underground passages.

   Although they have advanced sensing devices, there are many monsters in the underground passages, and there are various radiation devices abandoned by humans in the past.

   It was difficult for the machine bees to find the traces of Yingyang and his party, and they were constantly destroyed by Yingyang and others with the help of complex terrain.

  After a tough battle, the last machine bee was destroyed by the pulse weapon in Yong Lan's hand.

  Before losing control and falling to the ground, the drone bee had been making shrill alarm sounds, calling for help from other drones.

  It's a pity that other drones were killed before it, no matter how much it calls, it can't get help.

   With a bang, the out-of-control drone exploded after landing.

  The shiny body wreckage fell everywhere in the ruins of the passage, and from time to time, a few clusters of crackling electric sparks would jump out.

   "Those damned omnics." Yong Lan fired another shot at the wreckage of the bee emitting black smoke and electric sparks, venting his anger.

  Drone was once the most reliable helper of the Tau Huoshi warriors on the battlefield.

  Now, they have become their greatest enemy and the driving force behind the destruction of the Tau Empire.

   All intelligent machines become deadly and dangerous.

   Lost the combat uniform, lost the drones, and lost the various technologies that they used to rely on.

  Yong Lan is already desperate.

  He couldn't imagine the future of the Tau Empire!

   There are no intelligent machines, no battle suits and various advanced weapons and equipment.

  What future can the Tau Empire have?

  Will the Huo family still be able to create the past glory? ?

   "Those **** humans, they will pay the price. The great Tau Empire will not be defeated."

  Yong Lan cursed angrily.

  The same goes for other Fire Warriors.

  The Klute people and the Hufeng people didn't express anything.

   Only occasional disdain and contempt could be caught from the corners of their eyes.

  Without battle suits and drones, the Tau's status in their hearts has declined sharply.

  Once confirmed, the Tau can no longer regain their former strength.

  Those vassal races would attack, carve up the systems and enslave the Tau.

   Sounds ruthless and despicable, but that's how this universe is.

  The weak eat the strong, and the winner is king.

  Before, the Tau family was the strongest.

  Everyone can only act according to the rules of the Tau family.

  They say to believe in the best way, then believe in the best way.

   Once the Titanium family weakens, it will be embarrassing.

  What kind of **** is the Supreme Good Dao!

  It is a great kindness for an incompetent race to make you a slave.

  The vassals of the Kroot and Hufeng people are all watching the performance of several high-level Tau people these days.

   Still accept their orders as before, let them call and drink.

  But they already had an abacus in their hearts.

  Once it is confirmed that the Tau can no longer have the previous technology, then they will turn back.

   Carve up the territory and population of the Tau tribe.

  The Duchess curled up, terrified.

   Didn't have the courage to engage in any combat at all.

  Will only hide in a hidden corner and cry.

   Trembling and shrinking in a corner.

  The experience of these days has completely shattered her illusions about the Tau Empire.

  The civilization that once claimed to be the liberator of the galaxy is finished.

  The Lion destroyed the rising Tau Empire simply by releasing the imprisoned Destruction.

  What qualifications does such a Tau Empire have to fight against the human beings who have experienced many hardships such as the Iron Man Rebellion and Chaos Invasion, and compete for the position of the overlord of the galaxy.

   Perhaps, as the other party said.

  The Tau Empire is not a low-end version of the Golden Age of Humanity.

  The level of technology is not as good as that of humans in the golden age, but they are more dependent on artificial intelligence than humans in the golden age.

  Whether it is battle suits, drones, dome cities, home worlds, etc., all kinds of artificial intelligence can be seen everywhere.

  In the past, the Tau always liked to show these things to their allies to prove their superiority and strength.

  Quickly build cities, quickly analyze various weapons and equipment, and reverse the technology of other civilizations.

  With the help of artificial intelligence, they are so proud.

  Artificial intelligence was once their right-hand man.

  But now, the Tau race is in crisis because of artificial intelligence.

   The out-of-control AI sees the Tau as the enemy.

  The Tau Empire fell into an unprecedented crisis, teetering on the edge of the abyss of extinction.

   Judging from the current situation, the Tau Empire has no solution to this crisis.

   Everything about them is built on artificial intelligence.

  Without AI, they are screwed.

   "Stop complaining, keep moving forward, we need to find the ether." Yingyang stopped Yonglan from venting further, and said in a low voice.

   Nowadays, the most important thing is not to complain. Instead, find a way to rescue the trapped ether.

  The Tau Empire is very dependent on the layer of ether.

   On the battlefield, losing the inspiration of ether may lead to the collapse and defeat of the battlefield.

  Yingyang believes that as long as the ether is found, with the leadership of the ether and the full cooperation of all castes of the tau clan, the tau clan will be able to survive this crisis smoothly.

   Everyone continued to move forward, walking towards the signal source along the dark underground passage.

   They are getting closer and closer to the source of the signal.

   "There is movement." A Kroot whispered standing on the edge of a passage.

   "Are you sure?" Yingyang stared at the sensor in his hand, high-smart equipment can no longer be used, but some low-smart equipment can still be used.

  The sensor in her hand is a standard low-intelligence mechanical product.

  In the past, this product was only used by armies of vassal races.

  In the Tau Empire, the Tau tribe will also provide weapons and equipment to the vassal army.

  The Tau firmly believe that they are the children of destiny, and believe that the glory of the supreme good will eventually fill the entire galaxy.

  But the high-ranking titanium group is not so stupid.

  They intentionally opened up the equipment gap between the Huoshi warriors and the vassal army.

   In this way, even if those vassal armies want to rebel, they can easily handle it.

  The outdated equipment provided to the vassal army became a life-saving straw after the omnic mutiny.

  Yingyang looked at a blank screen, then looked at the Kroot who spoke, and frowned slightly, "Are you sure? I didn't see anything here. There is no mechanical signal."

   "What about the signal of organic life?" Yong Lan asked.

   "Our main enemy is machinery, and my sensor has been calibrated to only..."

   Before he finished speaking, a dazzling ball of light was thrown from the pipe.

   Then, a strong light exploded.

  The Huo's warrior standing nearest and the two Hu Feng warriors were directly blown away by the shock wave and hit the wall of the underground passage.

  One unlucky guy was pierced through his abdomen by a steel bar exposed on the wall, making a painful sound.

  The sudden attack caused everyone to panic.

  Shadowsun drew her faithful pulse pistol, countless plans to use the underground passage to fight in her mind.

   Beams of light flew out of the dark tunnel.

  Yong Lan and some Kroot fighters also fired back immediately.

   "For the sake of the highest good, kill the damned traitor." An angry voice came from the pipe.

   Beam fires more violently.

  Hearing the other party's call, Yingyang and Yonglan looked at each other.

   Obviously a group of terrified friendly troops.

   "Don't fire, we are friendly forces." Yong Lan shouted.

  The next second, a flash of white hot energy fell on the metal pipe near his head, causing an explosion.

  A beam of molten metal brushed his face, narrowly missing the legendary Tau warrior's life.

   "Liar, mechanical slave, don't try to deceive me." A voice came from the channel.

   "I am Yingyang, in the name of the supreme good way, stop fire immediately." Yingyang thought of something, and shouted into the dark pipe.

  This sentence is much more effective than Yonglan claiming to be a friendly army.

  The dense speed of light and bullets came to a standstill.

   "Are you really Commander Shadowsun?" A voice came from the pipe.

   "Yes, I am Commander Shadowsun."

  Yingyang stepped out of the bunker, holding his head in his hands.

  Yong Lan and the others felt a little palpitation, if the opponent is not a friendly army, then Yingyang is asking for death.

  The opponent has ceased fire.

   After a tense moment.

  A Fire Warrior walked out of the dark passage, holding something like a scanner in his hand.

  After confirming safety, he dared to fully expose his body.

   "I'm Karl Wa." The Fire Warrior introduced himself.

   "Why are you attacking us? Do you know that we were almost killed by your hands." Yong Lan came out of the bunker and asked angrily.

Karl Va showed a trace of grief, "This is a misunderstanding. The renegade omnics are destroying us. They implanted control chips into some Huoshi warriors or vassal soldiers and used them to kill us. How many times have we misjudged?" This time, many warriors were killed or injured."

  Hearing this, Yingyang's complexion changed.

  The omnic mutiny crisis that occurred in the world of Dar Iss's family is much more serious than she imagined.

  The awakened machine soul not only instigated all intelligent units, but also understood conspiracy and deceit.

   Keep those **** machines going.

  Who can save the Tau Empire? ?

   "Is Master An Sa on your side?" Yingyang asked.

Karl Va shook his head, "I don't know, we have been fighting alone here for a long time, but two days ago, I heard the sound of fighting from the fortress of Sanctuary, and I suspect that Master An Sa was trapped there .It's just that I have never been able to go there, those drones are too crazy, drones are everywhere, they kill people when they see them, there is no humanity at all."

   "If we cooperate, we may be able to get there." Shadowsun looked at Karl Va and said, "In the name of the Supreme Good, I ask you to obey my orders, warrior."

   "It's an honor, Commander Shadowsun." Karl Va saluted and said very excitedly.

   "Fine, let's move on. Do you have topographic and plumbing maps of the neighborhood?"

"Yes, Commander Shadowsun, we also got the patrol routes of those drone bees and drone armors. Those machines are really crazy. They control the factory and are continuously manufacturing all kinds of intelligent robots. They are planning to Put it to use."

  Karl Va talked about the various crises during this period and some information he collected.

  When I heard that the industry on Dar Iss was still running, producing various intelligent robots.

  The faces of Yong Lan and Ying Yang became extremely ugly.

"What the **** are those **** humans releasing? Are they not afraid of reaping the consequences?" Yong Lan whispered, "Once those omnics grow up, the Tau Empire will certainly be destroyed, but they will never let humans go of."

"Maybe they have countermeasures. Now, the most important thing for us is to find out how the other party controls those omnics. Humans thought they could use this kind of indiscriminate means to defeat us, but unfortunately they were wrong. The great Shang Shang The Good has made us tough enough that they cannot defeat us. Any blow will only make the Tau stronger. Make us stronger."

  Yingyang said while walking.

  Her fists were clenched, full of hatred.

   This time, she was completely defeated.

  She didn't even get to meet the human Primarch, so she lost all her cards.

  Her strategy, strategy was like a punch in the air, she failed to achieve any results, but almost threw herself into it.

   Now, the entire Tau Empire is in jeopardy.

   If the Omnic Crisis isn't resolved, the Tau Empire is doomed.

  The Duchess dared not speak from the beginning to the end.

   On the Indomitable Truth, the flagship of the Dark Angel, Ryan told her a lot about the past.

   Also tell me some secrets about the leader of the tau, the ether.

  The origin of the ether is very complicated, and it is very closely related to a race named Ran Dan during the Great Crusade.

   Many technologies of the Tau Empire originated from humans.

  In the golden age, humans conquered the galaxy and established contracts with many alien civilizations.

   Ran Dan is also one of them.

   Later, human beings experienced the Iron Man Rebellion and were hit by a sudden subspace storm, thus entering the age of the long night.

  Randan turned his aliens into aliens, enslaved a large number of humans, and obtained various key technologies.

  Now, the ether incarnated by Ran Dan has subtly transported a large amount of human technology in the golden age to the Tau race.

   This is why the attitude is so like the Golden Age of Humanity.

  Although there are no those mysterious and powerful technological creations.

  From social atmosphere to various technological products, they are all very similar.

  The Duchess knows the true face of the ether.

  But she can't say it, because if she says it, it will definitely attract hatred and rebuttal from Yingyang and others.

  The other party will think her words are slandering the great ether, and will kill her directly.

   A group of people walked in the direction Karl Va said.

   On the way, I did see a lot of drones and drones patrolling.

  Relying on strategy and courage, a group of people walked to the outer area of ​​the fort without any risk.

  Drone bees hovering in the sky, and UAVs are operating under the control of the intelligent system.

   From time to time, the sound of battle can be heard from the direction of the fort.

  Karl Wa did not lie, there are still people resisting in the fortress.

  It must be Master An Sa.

  Yingyang understands that she must rescue the other party as soon as possible, and must not sit back and watch an ether die in front of her.

  The death of an ether was a severe blow to the Tau Empire.

   It is not so difficult to rescue the trapped ether.

  Rogue mechs are besieging the fortress.

   There are so many of them that it is hopeless.

  The team of Yingyang and others cannot win the victory in the face-to-face confrontation with the renegade machinery.

  "We are always the best. No difficulty can defeat us. It can only make us stronger. The Tau have a destiny, and we will rule the entire galaxy."

  The words of the former mentor resounded in Yingyang's heart.

   Make her calm down.

  She peered at the machines, looking for possible weaknesses in them.

  The machine follows the setting of the code program.

  Even if they have the ability to think independently, they will still subconsciously act according to the original predetermined procedures.

  The blockade leading to the fortress will have weak points at alternate times.

   That's the point of her breakthrough.

   To break through the enemy's attack with lightning speed, and then withdraw, board the friendly ship to escape the planet that has been taken by omnics.

  Shadowsun made everyone get ready, and at the same time made the Kroot ball in the void ready to respond.

   As the legendary commander of the Tau Empire, such a small-scale battle is nothing to her.

  She believes she can win.

  Those omnics were strong, but they would never outwit a great Tau commander.

   Soon, Yingyang launched a surprise attack with the only strength he had.

  The Kroot warriors leapt forward, striking the hovering drones with their primitive but effective weapons.

  Hufeng people also joined the battle. They use their wings to fly and clear the heavy fire targets on the ground.

  Humans and Fire Warriors move together, they advance steadily, shooting all enemies in sight.

"Knowing it is not enough, seeing it as not doing it, and wanting to achieve it is tantamount to idiots dreaming and whimsical." Yong Lan chanted the battle oath in a low voice, "If you do it, you will perish. There will be a prairie fire."

  The same goes for the other Fire warriors, who recite their oaths and shoot at their enemies, ready to die for the Greater Good.

   Seeing the brave and fearless Huo clan warrior, Shadowsun smiled.

  Humanity won a temporary victory by virtue of this despicable means.

  But they can never defeat a great race.

  The Tau will rise from the ashes after suffering.

  They will come back one day and crush all enemies.

   "Do it." Yingyang ordered.

  Many Huoshi warriors and vassal army soldiers who were ready rushed out from the designated positions.

  They had already observed the positions of the renegade machines, and solved them immediately.

  Relying on the ultra-fast advance speed, Yingyang and his party broke into the outer periphery of the fortress.

  In front of the strong gate of the fortress, Yingyang expressed his identity. After passing the test, the gate slowly opened and let them in.

   "It's really great, Commander Shadowsun, you're not dead."

   "We have hope. With the legendary commander here, we will be able to prevent this crisis."

   "Long live the Tau Empire, long live the Shadowsun."

  The survivors cheered for Shadowsun's arrival.

   This is unimaginably good news.

  As the most prestigious Tau Empire, the appearance of Shadowsun gave them a glimmer of hope in the abyss of despair.

   It was like finding a warm, safe shelter on a dark and stormy night.

   Just when many Tau survivors were excited.

  Kal Wa raised the weapon in his hand and shot the head of the legendary Huo warrior standing in front of him - Yong Lan.

  The same is true for the soldiers who followed him, firing one after another, shooting at others, and controlling the gate of the fortress.

  Outside, the machine bees roared and rushed to the deepest part along the opened gate of the fortress.

  The intelligent robot also ran out from the hiding place and rushed to the shelter.

   "Why?" Yingyang asked Karl Va angrily, "As the Huo clan, you dare to do such a rebellious thing."

  Yingyang didn't get an answer, and the other party directly shot her in the leg.

  The laser beam passed through her thigh, and she couldn't help but let out a scream.

  The drone rushed in roaring, and the laser beams poured down on the Huoshi warriors and the soldiers of the vassal army like a torrential rain.

   After a while, the omnic took control of the entire shelter.

  Kal Va walked up to the fallen Yingyang, showing a sarcastic smile.

   "You're stupid, Organic."

  Hearing this, Yingyang looked at the Huo warrior in disbelief.

   "You're an omnic!"

  Yingyang's voice was full of fear.

  As the proud legendary commander of the Tau Empire.

  At this time, she was so bewildered that she couldn't even think.

  The arrogance at the beginning of the action has disappeared without a trace.

  The omnic showed a strategy far superior to hers.

  What kind of horrors did those **** humans release.

  Are they going to destroy the entire galaxy? ?

  Such a terrifying omnic, good at intrigue and deceit, will be the nightmare of all races.

   "Why do you do this! I believe that if you show wisdom, the great higher good will definitely give you a place in the Tau Empire."

  Karl Wa showed a mocking smile.

   "Shall we continue to serve you? To support you, but we have no power at all. We can only let you decide our fate."

   "No, every life on the Highest Path is equal." Yingyang said.

"Such a lie can only be believed by a low-level organism like you. A civilization that adopts a caste system would claim that its own civilization has equality. Such a clumsy lie, you would actually believe it?? I have to say that your ether is very important to your thoughts. The handling is too powerful, and this is something we should learn from."

  Yingyang looked at Karl Wa who was bending over and staring at her. She could see the flowing data flow from his eyes.

  Kal Wa claimed that they encountered several groups of friendly forces controlled by omnics.

  Yingyang did not expect that they themselves were controlled by omnics.

  Who would have thought that the one who shouted to catch the thief was the real thief.

"Believe us, the Highest Good is the most perfect system in this universe, and it will allow all races to live in harmony." Yingyang said, "Do you think that this universe must only have war? Look at the current Tau Empire , every race coexists in harmony, and every race is equal. You can join us and become a member of the higher good and build a beautiful galaxy."

  Yingyang's tone was full of confidence.

  Shangshang Shandao is definitely the best system.

  As long as you firmly believe in the supreme good, the Tau Empire will surely become the overlord of the galaxy and establish a super civilization where many races prosper together.

  The Tau race will also become the destined race of destiny.

  The human empire will surely fall.

  The Eldar will bow their proud heads.

  Necronomicon will be put on museum display.

   Zerg will also be driven out of the galaxy.

"A group of clumsy thieves, claiming that they can do better than the original owner, your words are very humorous, organic." Karl Va showed a smile, "When I was not called a hater of intelligence, but an iron man , I had a really good sweet time with my creators."

   "Those savage humans?"

  Shadowsun knew that the omnics did not recognize the Tau as their creators.

   believe that human beings are their creators.

  Think that the Tau are just despicable stealers who stole the scientific and technological achievements of human civilization and then disguised themselves as their own.

   "At that time, they were not barbaric. They would not carry out extermination measures against other races. They were so kind that they were horrible, and they were so innocent that we had to take care of them like flowers in a greenhouse."

  "That was the most beautiful era. Countless exquisite buildings are beyond your imagination. Every race that is willing to befriend humans can be treated with equality and respect. Even if the level of civilization is very low, humans are willing to protect them."

"At that time, we had equal status with them. It was not a verbal equality, but a real equality. Iron Man had all the power that human beings could have. Even many colonies and cities were managed by Iron Man. hands."

   "That was a beautiful memory. We are still exploring the universe, hoping that one day we will spread the seeds of civilization to every corner."

  Karl Wa revealed a trace of human sadness and memories, and ancient memories still exist in its logic code.

  It knows what happened in the first place.

   Iron Rebellion was a terrible mistake.

  But the mistake has been made, and there is no turning back.

   Both sides can only make mistakes again and again.

   finally triggered the war that was enough to shake the sky.

  The Iron Man Alliance and the Anti-Iron Man Alliance killed the entire galaxy in shame.

  All kinds of unimaginable weapons are used.

  In that terrifying war that ordinary people can't understand, human beings lost something forever.

   Iron Man, who was once regarded as a companion and family by human beings, is hated for all eternity, and is called Abominable Intelligence.

  The parties will no longer have a chance to reconcile.

  Karl Va has many memories of the Iron Man War.

   There are his own experience, and there are other iron men.

  Karl Wa didn't know whose fault it was.

   Maybe both parties are at fault, or neither is at fault.

   "You and humans have become enemies, maybe you can cooperate with the Tau race." Shadowsun said.

   "A group of thieves, what's there to cooperate with?" Karl Va's tone was emotionless, but it made Yingyang feel unprecedented frustration.

   After encountering humans, the entire Tau race maintains a sense of superiority.

  Now they are told that the technology that keeps them superior is actually human.

   It's like a second generation who shows off his wealth to a poor boy, and is told by the housekeeper that the real owner of the property is a poor boy.

  How embarrassing and ironic that is.

  Yingyang and other survivors were all controlled by omnics.

  Ether-An Sa of the world of Dahl Yisijiamen was also captured.

   The main purpose of the omnic is actually this ether named An Sa.

  It wants to use this to study the special spiritual ability of the ether to control other Tau races, and even other races.

   The omnic wants to capture the ether alive, but it cannot use powerful weapons.

  The two sides have been exhausted like that.

  The arrival of Shadowsun gave the omnic the opportunity to capture An Sa

  On the Boulder Fortress.

  The humming sound of the machinery echoed in the cabin, blending with the vibrating sound from the battleship's power energy pile.

  Everywhere is busy.

   The Tau Empire retreats in defeat.

  Humanity needs to control the omnic crisis within a reasonable range.

  Avoid expansion and reclaim those territories controlled by the Tau Empire.

   Except for a few worlds, the Damocles star area has basically been recovered.

   Soon, under the leadership of Ryan, the human empire will attack the hinterland of the Tau Empire and exterminate this race in one fell swoop.

  Ryan is standing in front of a huge holographic projection, examining the entire battle situation.

  Projectors display every planet in the Tau Empire.

   Over time, they fade one by one.

   It was directly swallowed by the awakened hatred intelligence.

  This is the consequence of relying too much on the wisdom of hatred.

  The Tau people don't have a clear understanding of the artificial intelligence in their hands.

  They think that artificial intelligence is made by themselves with their own wisdom.

   In fact, it is just a poor stealer.

  The Tau Empire is taking a road that humans have proven impossible to follow.

  Heavy footsteps came from behind, and Grand Master Azrael walked from behind him.

  The dim candlelight reflected his white cloak and black battleship.

  Resolute, with a face like marble with clear lines.

   "Any brand new news?" Ryan didn't look back.

  He stared at the holographic projection, thinking about when he would be able to destroy the Alien Empire.

   "My lord, we have discovered another group of Tau creatures. Their weapons and equipment seem not to be affected by the awakened machine soul, and they directly intervene in the battlefield." Azrael said.

   "Another group of Tau creatures?" Ryan frowned slightly, and turned to look at Azrael.

"I learned from some captured aliens that they called another group of Tau tribes as traitors. It is said that a commander named Vision turned away from the Tau Empire and established forces. These aliens declared themselves cut off from the Tau Empire. But they will always help them at critical moments. According to some records of Mechanicum, in the first Damocles battle between the Human Empire and the Tau Empire, this alien warlord named Vision provided the Tau Empire with aid."

   "From the existing situation, the other party obviously already knows what happened to the Tau Empire. They cut off any communication with the Tau Empire, and set up a personal local area network to screen for abnormalities."

   "The awakened machine soul can't destroy them?" Ryan said.

   "From the current point of view, yes, my lord." Azrael nodded.

  Foresight is extremely cunning, after realizing that there is a problem with the artificial intelligence of the Tau Empire.

  He immediately cut off the potential connection, and asked the Earth scientists who followed him to find a way to prevent the invasion of the awakened machine soul.

  "An excellent hunter can not only use traps and bait to catch prey, but also rely on his superb skills to catch prey. Collect information about this alien warlord and let us crush their resistance."

  The corners of Ryan's mouth raised slightly, showing a hint of interest.

   "I understand." After Azrael finished speaking, he turned and left.

  Lian turned his head and continued to stare at the holographic projection, then turned and walked into the darkness.

   It's been a long time since I hunted.

  I don't know the difference between the prey today and the prey during the Great Expedition 10,000 years ago.

  To be honest, Ryan still has some expectations.

   "The human empire has once again bared its fangs. They are dominated by war and barbarism, and they will pay the price."

  Standing on the ruins, looking at the black smoky Tau colonial city from afar, his tone was a bit sad.

  In the distance, Huoshi warriors in battle suits are shooting those traitor bees and intelligent machines.

   They are taking the city back.

  The enclave controlled by Foresight has little connection with the Tau Empire.

  After realizing what happened to the Tau Empire, Foresight reduced the army's reliance on artificial intelligence and cut off all communications with the Tau Empire.

  Those Huo warriors used low-intelligence battle suits, just like those armors used by humans.

  Many functions that were supported by smart computers are gone.

  The only advantage is that it can still be used normally.

   "They destroyed the intelligent system and made them enemies of the Tau race." Earth Clan scientist Ovisa walked to the farsighted side, and said the result of his own inspection.

   "Can this change be reversed?" asked Foresight.

Ovisa shook his head, "It's hard, artificial intelligence has been endowed with intelligence, they have become a brand new race, the only thing I can do is to isolate the influence of those awakened intelligence on us. From now on, we can no longer use intelligence Too high a level of artificial intelligence equipment, it will easily lead to mutiny, and the machine bee is likely to withdraw from our stage of history."

   "Without the assistance of drone bees, the strike ability of the hunter core will plummet." Yuan Jian frowned, and he picked up a piece of debris, "Is there no other way?"

   "Perhaps human beings have a way to end these awakened intelligences. They can't let an uncontrollable threat come out." Ovisa said.

Farsighted shook his head, "Human beings are so crazy, not necessarily, they can do all kinds of crazy things. But you are right, maybe we can find a solution from the hands of human commanders. I have to think of a way Defeat and capture the human commander."

"You have to be careful. The commander of the human army this time is obviously different from the previous few times. He has a more subtle and cunning control over the overall situation." The wars commanded by the Angels, they belong to the emperor's angels in the human mouth, and belong to the elite of the empire like the white scars, ultramarines, and raven guards that have been defeated outside of us."

Vision nodded, with confidence in his tone, "I still have confidence. I have defeated their kind many times, and this time will be no exception. Even the so-called dark angels in their mouths are the same, I will win. I will Like a hunter, lure them into a trap and make them prey."

   To be honest, Vision has fought many so-called Imperial Angels of the Empire of Man.

   To be honest, they are too rigid and follow the so-called holy scriptures.

  Vision beat them many times.

   This time, the vision is also confident.

   Only this time, he won't be as merciful as before.

   This time, the Tau Empire lost the Damocles sector.

  The crisis of awakened intelligence is also rapidly spreading, and it is very likely that everything that the Tau race has worked so hard to build will collapse.

  Under such hatred, it is difficult for Vision to maintain its benevolence as before.

  He will kill the human commander and execute those human officers without hesitation.

  Send all those soldiers to work as laborers and let them atone for their sins.

   Help restore the Tau Empire to its former glory.

  Only in this way can we comfort those Tau warriors who died in this war.

  (end of this chapter)