
one of his

don't read this book this is not my book nor my property I am just copy and pasteing if from another website I do this so that may have a interesting story to listen to in class or work 40k

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 188: The end is doomed (seeking subscription)

 Jubei City has entered a state of martial law.

   Manufacturing things with unprecedented efficiency.

  All factories are working continuously day and night.

  Ordnance factory, smelter, weapon assembly workshop, refining area, ore warehouse, manufacturing hangar and more.

  Every factory is working without any pause.

   Those workers are required to work the longest hours.

  The red-robed experts, miners and workers are crowded beside the hot furnace and noisy production line.

   Every corner of the city is filled with continuous noise and muffled vibrations.

   This sound is very obvious on the street.

  Everyone's face is very dignified.

  The approach of war made this forge city more solemn and the atmosphere more depressing.

  In the name of Holy Terra, in the name of the Emperor, in the name of Guilliman.

  The great sage Proy issued a war mobilization order, requiring Jubei City to enter a state of first-level combat readiness.

  All productivity was released immediately, civilian industrial products were all abandoned, and all were producing military equipment.

  A steady stream of weapons are manufactured, laser guns, bolt guns, laser cannons, missile launchers, and cannons are manufactured from the assembly line.

  The armored vehicle rumbled down from the vast assembly line, and the heat of welding was still rising from the surface.

  Vaulted hangars and entire city-sized assembly areas were devoted to the production of untold numbers of ammunition and guns.

   And the people who use these ammunition and guns are coming from all over the world.

  Jubei City has its own airport.

  At this time, the airport is also in a state of overload.

  The betrayal of the Lucian family has put many Loyalist troops in trouble.

   There is no logistical supply, and he was attacked by Chaos troops because of leaking the location.

  Great North City provided them with weapons and ammunition, and at the same time assisted them in withdrawing to Great North City.

  The limited capacity of the airport was utilized to the extreme in order to meet the needs of friendly forces.

  Jubei City needs to airdrop supplies to those trapped troops, replenish weapons, ammunition and medical supplies to those troops, and transport the wounded and important personnel away.

  Such a huge demand keeps the airport running non-stop, and we dare not waste any time.

Three Thunder gunships flew in from a distance with flames and thick smoke. The director of the airport had to order the ground crew to clear the apron for them and evacuate the people nearby to prevent the damaged gunships from causing an explosion, which would be meaningless. casualties.

   The gunships groaned and stopped in the open space reserved for them.

  Amidst the air pressure sound of hissing, the hatch opened slowly.

  A group of scarred soldiers came down from above.

   It was Jess and the others who had evacuated.

   While going to the extraction point.

   They were attacked by the enemy again.

   A force of Chaos Warriors, Demon Engines and a Chaos Cultist, two Warhound Titans, attacked the extraction point.

   They are powerful and fierce.

  Jess and the others were unable to fight against the War Dog-level Titan, they were beaten to collapse one after another, and finally escaped by luck.

   There was a massacre at the evacuation point. Troops and civilians who tried to evacuate from all directions were massacred, and blood flowed into rivers at one point.

  Stumps and broken arms are everywhere.

  The weeping refugees wailed for salvation, only to be crushed by the Titans.

   Those Chaos Cultists have no humanity at all, they killed everyone there.

   Neither children nor women were spared.

   Despair and pain are the best sacrifices to the gods.

  Jace couldn't forget the last scene he saw.

  The dark red flesh was mixed with soil, making it extremely dazzling in the sun.

  Jess fell silent after stepping off the cabin.

   He has seen too much sacrifice and death.

  The betrayal of the Lucian family had terrible consequences, and many people died as a result.

  The wife is abandoned, the husband dies meaninglessly, the child cries in the refugee wave, and finally gets killed.

  The emperor's angels were scarred and scarred, but their appearance still gave the people in the airport a lot of confidence.

  The refugees who escaped by chance saw their arrival and recited prayers and hymns, with hope in their eyes.

  Jace could read their thoughts from those eyes.

  Every soul is traumatized by war.

  They longed for the Space Marines to end these sufferings and restore life to its former peace.

  Jess didn't meet those eyes, he couldn't bear the expectation contained in those eyes.

   Facing the chaotic offensive, they have been failing and retreating in panic.

  The civilians who should have been protected were slaughtered wantonly by the enemy.

   Their screams echoed in Jace's mind.

   Their blood stained every inch of the battlefield red.

   "This is our last stop. If we can't stop Chaos' attack, then we have to die here."

   A wolf warrior who lost his eyes whispered.

  The other fighters did not speak.

   But they all thought it was their own voice.

  Great North City is the last hope of the empire to keep Vigilus.

   Even if they die, they will die in Jubei City.

  Jess also agrees with this, they have no way out.

   Once Vigilante falls, the situation in the empire will be incomparably worse.

  Humanity will really usher in the end.

   Behind them is the future of mankind, and there is no way to retreat.

   "I'm glad you guys arrived in time."

  Led by the machine servant, Jess and others walked into Jubei City, planning to prepare for the final battle, and met the great sage-Proy.

   "We paid a very heavy price, abandoning those civilians who should have been protected by us, and came here at all costs." Jess' tone was a bit heavy, and it was helpless to abandon those civilians and mortal troops.

   Once you hold on, the Warhounds and Chaos forces will kill everyone.

  Under the circumstances that only some people can escape, it is undoubtedly the best choice to let the powerful Primaris Space Marines leave first to participate in the final battle.

   It's just that doing this made Jess and the others feel guilty.

  They should have protected those innocent people, but left them mercilessly.

"Your decision is very clear. The Regent of the Empire requires us to treat every life equally, but you and I both know that the value of life is never equal, especially at this critical moment, some people are more important, and some people It can be given up." Proy's voice was very mechanical, without any humanity or emotion, but he was right.

  Jess felt better, he changed the subject and asked about the current situation.

  He wanted to see where the Marauder's offensive was pushing.

   "This is exactly what I want to tell you." Proy waved his hand.

  Three servo skulls flew over and opened their mouths made of brass.

  The laser beam shoots out from the open mouth, outlining a holographic three-dimensional image in the air.

  In the image, there are densely packed red dots. They dispatched from Saint Port City and crossed the dry seabed to enter the northern continent where Jubei City is located.

   Taking a closer look, the scale of those red dots is very large.

   Cultists with chaos runes all over their bodies, knights who rebelled against the empire with the Lucian family, as well as demon engines, Titan Legion and so on.

   Seeing the huge size of the enemy, Jess' expression became serious.

   Such a terrifying army, they couldn't hold it for long.

   Obviously, they will die here.

"The enemy has been dispatched." Proy explained in a mechanized voice, "They will cross the seabed of the warning sea and attack us. I have communicated with the knights, and they will serve as the first line of defense to stop the enemy Fang Taitan's march, just don't have too much expectation about it. The power of the Titans in our hands is too weak, it is impossible to stop them"

   "On the eastern mountain range, there is also a force approaching, and some of them are heretic Astartes. These guys need you to deal with them. Only Astartes can kill Astartes."

   "The situation in the eastern mountain range is very complicated. Years of excavation have made it full of deep mine tunnels. Genestealers have occupied it after the riot. You must be careful. Once you enter there, you may be greeted by a multi-party melee."

  Jess listened to Proy's information, nodded, and had a certain judgment on the current situation.

  They still have Jubei City.

   But the big predators have already been dispatched, and the final battle will soon begin.

   Their winning percentage is infinitely close to zero.

   "I'm sorry, I gave you such a dangerous task when I first arrived, but now, we have no choice." The mechanical sage Proy apologized to Jess and the others.

  As soon as I got down, I had to go to the battlefield to fight desperately without even drinking my saliva.

   "It doesn't matter, we were born to be thrown into the most dangerous places." Jess said, "We will set off after the armor is repaired and the ammunition is replenished."

   "I have ordered a foundry to be cleared out. You can repair it there. The armor repair technicians are already waiting for you." Proy said.

  Jace nodded.

  Proy was silent for a moment before continuing, "May Omnissia be with you."

   Going to the eastern mountains to stop the enemy is undoubtedly a moth to the flame.

   But now, there is no good way.

  Jubei City needs to buy time to lay artillery and build defenses. It cannot let the opponent drive straight in. In that case, Jubei City will fall within a few days.

   "May you and I both return to the throne of the Emperor." Jess made a Skyhawk salute, and then walked away.

  The other fighters left behind him.

   They repair their armor and head to the front without delay.

   Mechanical Ark.

   Regula looked at the daughters of the Jiaoyang Legion.

  Jiaoyang Legion is a very special legion.

   Every driver in the Legion is a woman.

  They set off with Calgar's fleet to support Vigilus.

  The fleet is lost in the subspace, and many people feel uneasy about it, fearing that they will live up to the expectations of the Regent of the Empire.

  However, the many pilots of the Jiaoyang Legion remained calm.

  With the help of the sage Regula, they adapted to the new war machine.

"You should adapt to a brand-new war mode." The sage Regula stood on a high platform and looked down at the carefully selected pilots, "Time has changed, and the old magic machines can no longer meet the needs of the empire. And the old faculties are playing less and less of a role in the grand enterprise of the Regent."

"You need to learn to adapt to the new divine machine, and the amphibious Titan of the Thunderbird Sky is your future partner. You must integrate with them, manipulate them to become the sharp sword of the empire, and cut through the darkness that wants to cover the entire empire ."

   After saying this, Regula asked the assistants to continue to help them conduct tests and do a good job of neural connection.

  Aniya watched the mechanical sage leave, and many sisters walked to their testing workshop with the help of the priest.

   "Master Ainiya, this way."

  Two mechanical priests and a relic administrator serving the legion came over.

  Ania could only follow them.

   Walking into the large workshop, the scorching hot metallic smell of engine oil came to the face.

  The workshop is very busy, and a streamlined fighter jet with a length of 60 meters is parked in the workshop.

   It adopts anti-gravity suspension and fixed design.

  No conventional fighter landing gear.

   Rely on the anti-gravity field to hover.

  The rumbling heavy boom hangs from the roof to adjust the details of the fighter.

  At the same time, pick up a bucket full of giant shells and slender missiles, transport them to the fighter jet arsenal, and fill the fighter plane with enough ammunition.

  The fighter is equipped with Titan-level weapons, lava cannons.

  The cannon signal weapon has been in service for tens of thousands of years in the empire.

  After Guilliman returned, members of the Mechanicus transformed it, making it more powerful and more stable in output power.

  Lava cannons are released, as well as Destroyer short-range missiles, rotary laser rapid-fire guns and other short-range weapons.

   There is also a power spear for close quarters combat, capable of smashing the armored defenses of an Apocalypse Titan.

  A Thunderbird is enough to easily crush a hive city.

  In the center of the fighter plane is a plasma energy supply pile, which is used to supply energy to various areas of the fighter plane.

  The fighter is also equipped with three deflector shields and one void shield, which can be opened by the pilot freely.

  The superior performance of the Thunderbird can be said to have brought a huge challenge to the old fighters of the Empire.

  Once it can be installed in actual combat, many foundry worlds of the empire will usher in a phase-out of outdated production capacity.

  Old fighters are completely incomparable with amphibious fighters like the Thunderbird.

   will inevitably be eliminated.

  Many thick and heavy cables with horizontal stripes extend from the ceiling of the hangar, connecting the energy core buried deep under the shield with the armored torso of the fighter.

  These cables are used in addition to checking the operation of the plasma reactor.

   It also injects a steady stream of energy into it, allowing it to accept the nourishment of an imprisoned star.

   With the help of the technician, Ainiya stepped onto the platform, took off all her clothes, and revealed a youthful body.

  The two machine slaves picked up the nozzle, turned on the nozzle, and washed Ainiya's body with a special potion.

   Disinfect her and stimulate the activity of the surface nerves for better access to the system.

  Ania was still young and barren, so her skin was tight and smooth like milk.

  The mechanical priest's metal fingers slid on the surface of the skin, checking the status of the data interface, to ensure that Ania could be connected to Thunderbird's main control system.

   "No problem." A mechanical priest said in a deep voice, "All interfaces have been tested, please enter the operating cabin."

  Aisha nodded, and she walked towards the Thunderbird cockpit.

  The Thunderbird cockpit is completely different from other cockpits.

  It pursues high maneuverability, and the speed in the atmosphere can reach the first speed in the universe, which is eight kilometers per second.

   With such a fast speed, if it relies on manual operation, it may be too late to react.

  Using intelligent control, it violates the red line of the empire.

   For this reason, the driver and the fighter can only be connected by nerves, so that the two can be integrated.

   That is to say, like the Titan, in that way, it is like wearing a suit of clothes, making the machine an extension of the body.

  The human brain has a computational capacity comparable to that of an advanced computer.

  Under normal circumstances, the brain capacity that ordinary people can use only occupies a part of the brain, while more brain capacity is used to coordinate other areas of the body.

  It is as if a person wants to stand up, his consciousness will issue this instruction, and then the other parts of the brain will split and execute it. After completion, the feedback will be given to the main consciousness.

   The movement of standing up looks very easy.

   It's just such an instruction issued in the human mind.

   It can be executed, but the steps are very cumbersome.

   It is necessary to transmit relevant information to the corresponding muscle mass, control their contraction and expansion, allow other parts of the body to adjust, and keep the center of gravity from falling.

   Then the relevant information must be transmitted back to the main consciousness, such as when standing up, something is stuck, something is on the leg, the leg is numb, and so on.

   Then wait for the command to be issued again, and then perform related operations.

   This alone already needs to occupy most of the brain capacity.

   It was often said in Old Terra that the human brain was only five percent developed.

  In fact, this statement is ridiculous.

  The brain has been used to a very high proportion, and the remaining areas are redundant areas, used to deal with special situations.

  Many areas of the brain are used to store everyday data.

  A high-definition photo in the computer has a volume of tens of megabytes.

  Human beings are receiving the input of surrounding information all the time.

  Sound, smell, image, temperature, etc. These data are so huge that the storage space alone takes up half of the brain.

   What's more, a running system needs to be loaded, otherwise, humans will collapse.

  In the empire, many people use tactical computers.

  But they all use computers loaded with integrated systems.

  Integrated systems convert complex binary and data into understandable images and text.

  So that people can easily use the computer.

   But if people in the empire were to use binary to operate computers, many people would be dumbfounded.

   Complex binary is enough to drive many people crazy.

  As a result, using computers has become a high-threshold thing, which is not good for the development of the empire.

  The same is true for human beings. If the brain is not equipped with an integrated system, then human beings are likely to starve to death as soon as they are born, and they will not be able to reproduce at all, which is very detrimental to the reproduction of the race.

  The subconscious mind is responsible for the work coordination of other parts of the body, and at the same time transforms various problems and difficulties encountered into concepts that the main consciousness can understand.

  After receiving feedback from the subconscious mind, the main consciousness takes action to solve various problems encountered by the subconscious mind.

  Do people feel hungry because the stomach talks?


   It is the related nerves that detect that the stomach is empty and the nutrients are not enough.

  The subconscious mind integrates these information and conveys this concept to the main consciousness.

  The stomach is already empty, you can continue to add food.

   After a while, if there is no food supplement, the prompt will be turned off so that the stomach will no longer secrete gastric juice.

  This is also the reason why people are hungry for a while and then not hungry.

  After seeing the food, the subconscious will give the message again.

  When you get busy wholeheartedly, the main consciousness will also reject these information and focus on the matter at hand.

  In this way, people feel that they are not hungry at all when they are busy.

  Actually, you rejected the message, so you are not hungry.

  Actually, you are already hungry.

   It's like the ancient emperors who didn't hear the news of famine and war, naturally thought that the world was peaceful and their country was as stable as Mount Tai.

  In fact, just because you haven't heard those news doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

  The potential of the human body is terrifying, and after strengthening, it is comparable to any soulless machine.

  Neural link is to empty the brain that originally processed body data and use it to process mechanical data, so as to be able to better control war machines.

  Aniya lay down in the cockpit, and the nutrient solution was poured into it, soaking her.

  These liquids are rich in oxygen and will fill her stomach and the cavities in her body to protect her from the overweight squeeze caused by the fighter plane flying at high speed.

   During the acceleration of the fighter plane, there will be a force acting on the human body. It is difficult for a normal human body to withstand this acceleration. If it is light, it will consume the potential of the body and die easily.

  After injecting the liquid, Aenea's body was immobilized.

   Avoid the violent shaking of the Thunderbird during combat causing her to be thrown.

   "Activate the tentacles of the cerebral cortex." The voice of the mechanical priest came from outside, and the mechanized dull voice had no emotion or humanity.

  Enia heard a soft hiss from the extension of the neck ring.

   And out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the wire cockpit slithering from the retaining ring.

  Ania let her mind relax, and prepared herself for the short-term pain when entering the system.

  Many silver tentacles were like worms along her smooth skin and connected to various holy interfaces, making her feel a little pain.

  Part of the tentacles enter the skull from the nerve interface on the forehead, and finally connect with the neurons of the cerebral cortex.

  The fleeting cold pain inside the skull made Ainiya snort.

  But she quickly relaxed, and that familiar and wonderful feeling struck again.

  She and the fighter are integrated into one.

  A vast sea of ​​information and data poured into her thinking, and the tentacles of the cerebral cortex screened and shunted it, and sent it to the areas of the brain that were not normally used.

   Allowing her to experience every part of this gigantic machine as if it were an extension of her own flesh and blood.

  Within a few milliseconds, the hypnosis implantation device buried deep in the subconscious part of the brain has been activated, analyzing the pre-war inspection situation.

   Various data suddenly lit up inside her eyeballs.

   showing telemetry information about weapon readiness, fuel levels, and millions of other bits and pieces.

  The main control system helps her command this fighter plane that contains the top technology of the empire.

   "How's the situation? Aenea."

  The biological administrator's voice sounded, and Aniya subconsciously manipulated the monitoring probe on the fighter plane to look towards the sound.

  The figure of the administrator of the sacred object appeared in front of her eyes.

  He is already an old man, his body is still strong, tall and thin, wearing a robe with the mark of the Jiaoyang Legion.

  He has sacred parchment all over his body.

   This is a very wonderful feeling.

  She saw the world through the eyes of the Thunderbird.

   At this moment, she is the destruction machine.

   "This time the situation is good." Ainiya's voice came out through the communicator.

   That voice is very similar to hers, and it has been specially adjusted.

   are really just synthesized sounds.

  Ania's body is in a dormant state.

  Her consciousness has been offline from her flesh and blood body, and has become the soul of the Thunderbird fighter, and it is impossible to speak.

   "The data detection is normal, please complete the transformation." The mechanical priest next to him was expressionless. He looked at the tactical screen in front of him and gave instructions to Ainiya.

   Transformation is the most difficult part of the Thunderbird, a war vehicle.

  The change in the airframe will give the driver a sense of twist.

   For this reason, Regula has developed two different control systems. When the transformation is confirmed, the system will be switched directly, allowing the driver to go offline, and then go online again to take over the war vehicle after transformation.

   But even so, switching between different forms in a short period of time is a burden to the human body, and it takes practice to suppress this uncomfortable feeling.

  Ania gave the command to switch the form to the main control system.

   Afterwards, his eyes went dark.

  Everyone outside watched the suspended fighter plane making continuous clicking sounds, and the parts changed rapidly to form a fifty-meter-tall Titan.

  The Titan transformed from the Thunderbird fighter is slimmer and more streamlined than other Titans of the empire. The whole body is silver, and it looks full of technology.

  A powered spear is hung on one arm, and a lava cannon is hung on the other, with the missile system and propulsion system behind it.

  Even if transformed, Thunderbird's propulsion system can still be used, but it can't fly too fast.

   When the light reappeared in front of Ainiya's eyes, the fighter plane had already completed its transformation and stood on the ground.

   The anti-gravity suspension system is still working, making it more flexible and agile.

   "How does it feel?" asked the mechanical priest.

  Ainiya looked at the power spear in her hand through the mechanical prosthesis, and moved it a few times, very smoothly, as if using her own body.


   "There is no problem with other data, you will be allowed to join the Vigilante campaign, Ainiya, please behave well." The mechanical priest said.

   "Don't worry, I can't help but kill those stupid traitors, let them fear and cry in front of the new magic machine. In the name of Jiaoyang, we will definitely bring the punishment of the imperial regency."

   Aenea's voice came out through the sound generator, deafening.

   "Psionic beacon detected."

  A navigator lying in the nutrition cabin yelled in pain.

   "Are you Eldar?" Calgar asked.

   "Yes, it belongs to the Eldar race. According to the database calculation, the beacon should be located on the Vigilante."

   Calgar's chief psychic think tank said with certainty.

   "Enter the physical space immediately." Calga shouted.

  [Ready to enter the physical space. ]

  On the bridge of the Victory Laurel, the machine slave screamed.

  Many crew members controlled the Victory Laurel together, broke through the barrier, and rushed into the real universe.

  They use the connected neural cables to quickly exchange all the data they get.

  Massive amounts of information were stuffed into the calculation matrix. If it weren't for the upgrade of the thinker array, I'm afraid it would be paralyzed at this moment due to the huge amount of data.

   Scenes appeared on the screen in front of Calgar.

   The Imperial Navy is at war with the Chaos Fleet.

  The entire void of the Vigilance Star was full of flashes of torpedoes and missiles, and light spears emerged one after another, forming a terrifying firepower net.

  Wreckage is everywhere, dead people floating in the icy void.

   Calgar did not hesitate, "Join the battle and tear up those stupid ships, the empire will win."

   "Empire shall prevail."

   "Empire shall prevail."

  The voices of many captains will be heard in the communication.

   They have been trapped in the warp for so long, they are already full of anger.

   Now, it's time to make Chaos pay.

  Vigilance star.

   Pieces of distorted energy tore through the night, covering the entire mountain range in dark purple light.

  Dark clouds rolled across the sky, like being pulled into a huge tornado, circling around a certain dot.

  Thunder flashed across the rain, showing many weird silhouettes against the night sky.

  The sky is weeping, pouring unearthly oceans on the ground, tearing the atmosphere into jagged edges.

   Unholy energy roared through the air, drowning everything in the etheric currents.

   Standing at the edge of the battlefield, Anvil's body lay the corpse of a Word Bearer.

  Beside him, the guards waved exquisite long swords, forming a death spiral around his body.

   Killing the enemies who tried to get close to the prophet.

  Anville's face was full of bitterness.

  In the distance, the magic crown shining with black light is shooting a ray of light towards the sky, making the crack in the sky more conspicuous.

  Those guys used the blood sacrifice to pry the power of the gods, amplified the power of the Black Stone Demon Crown, tore apart the stable space structure, and destroyed the anti-subspace force field.

   This is just the beginning.

  Anvil realized that the troops he brought could no longer stop the madness of the Word Bearers.

  He began to enter a meditative state, using the huge etheric power to separate the enemy from himself, and then evacuated.

  Countless images appeared in his mind.

  The fuzzy picture intertwined with the present, the past, and the future revealed a corner of the terrifying future for him.

  Blood will soak Vigilus, and the Empire loses its last way.

  The galaxy will become a plaything in the hands of the gods.

   That eternal pain will have no day of relief.

  Everything will turn to dust.

  Everything will be reduced to ashes.

Anville didn't know whether these were true or not. He suppressed these weird things, immersed his mind in the etheric ocean currents, and set off a thunderstorm with strong willpower, forcing the Word Bearers back, and then He left the battlefield with his guards.

   "Calgar has come to the star field of Vigilance, and he has received the beacon reminder from us."

  Anvil had just left the battlefield when he received another message.

  He sent someone to perform the ceremony to guide Calgar's arrival. On the one hand, he personally led a team to try to destroy the laying of the Black Stone Demon Crown, but the power of the Word Bearers far surpassed him, and this plan failed.

   "Time is running out." Anville responded bitterly.

   "Then what should we do? Prophet, if it doesn't work, let's evacuate. We have sacrificed too many compatriots for human affairs." A personal guard asked.

  He no longer wants to sacrifice for human affairs, too many companions have left.

  The combat skills of the Eldar are very superb.

   But facing the Word Bearers, they couldn't take advantage of it.

   Almost all of the surviving Eldar warriors were wounded.

"No!" Anville shook his head, "Once human beings fail, who in the galaxy can act as the opponent of Chaos? We are just the afterglow of the ancient empire, and we will be easily wiped out by those evil people. The day when human beings fail Day is the moment when the Milky Way is completely plunged into the abyss, and we cannot give up. Without humans, it will be difficult for us to survive, let alone rebuild the Eldar Empire."

"But what else can we do now? Human beings can't take it anymore, they are doomed." The guard said just now, "Even if Calgar lands, the Blackstone Demon Crown Ceremony has reached the last moment. The Nachmond Corridor will be closed soon."

   "Contact Calgar, only by uniting can we have the last chance of survival." Anville said, "As long as the other party fails to completely complete the Blackstone Demon Crown Ceremony, the Human Empire still has a glimmer of hope."

  Warning sea dry seabed.

  The war belonging to the **** machine is starting.

   "Face the fear, servants of the corpse emperor."

  The warrior-level titan belonging to the Death Skull Titan made a mocking sound, stimulating the nerves of the loyalists.

   From the profane spire of the Warlord Titan hang many captured captives.

  Spacemen, mortal officers, and even knights who were unfortunately captured.

  They were stripped of their equipment and held atop the titans with spikes and spears by the inhuman Cultists of Chaos.

  Those people are tortured, but they can't get relief.

   Dark red blood flowed down the wound, soaking in the Titan's body.

  They witnessed the fierceness of the warrior-level titans, but they were powerless to change anything.

   The traitors of Chaos tortured those people in this way, psychologically damaging the morale of the loyalists of the Empire.

   "The lackey of the evil god." Captain Sai Tan roared, he is the pilot of the warrior-level Titan belonging to the Great North City.

  He drove the Titan Mecha and rushed towards the enemy.

  If you want to humiliate the Empire, be prepared to pay the price.

  Compared to the famous Death Skull Legion 10,000 years ago, Jubei City has only one warrior-level Titan, which is completely crushed in terms of numbers.

   If it weren't for the assistance of many knights and titans loyal to the empire, Jubei City would not even be qualified to fight against the Deathskulls.

  However, the difference in size and firepower between the two sides cannot be bridged by courage alone.

  The Titan Corps of Jubei City fell into a disadvantage. They could only rely on the complex canyon on the seabed to conduct guerrilla attacks against the Death Skulls, delaying their speed as much as possible.

  However, in the face of the crushing firepower of the opponent, the Titan Corps of Jubei City made their best efforts, but only slowed down the opponent's footsteps, unable to change the fate of inevitable defeat.

  Captain Sai Tan manipulated the battle-scarred warrior-level titan, and continued to move forward.

  The enemy titan that showed off its might has fled.

  At the position just now, there were only two Titans that came to support each other. There was an explosion sound, and the wreckage burned in flames. The crew members howled and cried in the flames, and finally there was no sound at all.

  Captain Saitan had no expression on his face, he walked in the canyon on the seabed to track down the enemy.

   With one against three, not only did he not lose, but he also defeated the opponent, leaving two behind.

   Unfortunately, that guy ran too fast.

  Cyber ​​Captain was still not found in the end.

   Fortunately, he found another enemy.

  He adjusted the muzzle and shot at a stealthy Warhound-class Titan frantically.

  He has hunted many times his enemies.

  The arrogant and clamoring warrior-level titan was beaten and fled in embarrassment by him.

  Paid a very huge price for this.

   Sai Tan knew very well that he could not go back.

   Today is his last battle.

  Nowadays, every enemy killed is earned.

  The war dog-class Titan tried to sneak to the flank with the help of the complex environment of the seabed canyon, and then launched a charge, trying to hunt and kill the Titan controlled by Captain Saitan.

  The cyber captain will let the opponent know who is the real hunter.

  War Dog's whole body flashed with the desire to hunt, and his waist joints howled while running. It can be imagined how the relay work of War Dog Titan's stabilizer was almost on the verge of collapsing and exploding.

  [Go to hell, servant of the corpse emperor. ]

  The fragmented codes from the War Dogs, in addition to chaos, are also mixed with anger, fanaticism, and foolish loyalty to Abaddon.

  Damn you.

  Captain Saitan roared, he closed the shield and put all the energy into the weapon.

  The power spear was being danced by the titan, the rotating stabilizer was screaming, and harsh warning runes appeared on every interface Sai Tan could see.

  But he ignored it.

  The stabilizer on the leg was hit by the war dog, and he staggered and almost fell down.

  The war dog let out a sound of excitement, but it underestimated the sacrifice a hunter can make.

  The power lance gained kinetic energy in the hands of the high-speed spinning warrior-level titan, and it precisely hit its head.

   Clean and tidy, brutal and terrifying.

  The heads of the War Dog Titans were blown off, the void shields were shattered, and the missiles exploded.

  The driver inside also slipped out of the cockpit, burning in the air.

   Was scorched black amidst the screams, hanging upside down on the fallen war dog-class titan, like a prisoner being executed.

   "Kill +1." Captain Sai Tan smiled as he looked at the fallen War Dog Titan.

   Not happy for a while, several missiles came with trailing flames and hit the Titan's knee, completely paralyzing its final ability to move.

  Originally, a warrior-level Titan that was beaten by the cyber captain and fled in embarrassment appeared in the field of vision.

   Obviously, the other party came for revenge.

   "Coward." Captain Cyber ​​growled.

  In the previous battle, the coward left his companions and ran away like a bereaved dog. Now, taking advantage of his inability to fight any more, he ran back for revenge.

   Not even daring to confront them head-on, only daring to take advantage of others' unprepared sneak attacks, which is extremely shameful.

  Dead at the hands of such a person, Captain Cyber ​​was very angry.

  He turned on the overload button of the energy pile and pressed it down.

  [The self-destruct device has been activated, and the countdown has begun. ]

  Hearing this voice, Captain Cyber ​​touched his old partner who had been with him for many years, and sighed.

  After many years of fighting, he has long regarded this Titan as his friend.

   Now that I personally press the self-destruct button, I feel somewhat unbearable.

  He disconnected the neural connection, took out a pack of cigarettes from under the seat, lit it, and smoked.

   Aware that the Imperial loyalist titans are powerless to resist.

  The other party controlled the Titan and walked over, aiming the artillery at the head area where the cyber captain was, full of warning.

   Some people climbed up and tried to capture the crew members alive.

  Their speed was very fast, they broke through the shell of the Titan, entered the cockpit, and walked in front of Captain Cyber.

   "Drop your weapons and hunt down the traitors of the corpse king," said a Chaos cultist.

   Cyber ​​breathed out the last puff of smoke.

"damn you****."

  Before he finished speaking, there was a rumbling sound of explosion, and the flames surged up along the energy pile, flooding the cockpit in an instant.

  The huge explosion knocked all nearby enemies into the air, and even the mighty warrior-level Titan was blown up badly, with one leg blown off.