
one of his

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 170 and the Covenant of Stellar Vampires (Subscribe)

  Cauer, Sicarius and others also turned their heads to look over.

  They watched as a woman in a dark robe and hood stepped out of the darkness.

   From the figure of the other party, it can be seen that it is a woman.

   "Who are you?" Guilliman asked.

  Sicarius activated the power sword in his hand, showing a vigilant expression.

   On the other side, other honor guards also raised their bolt guns.

  All of them are ready for battle, with solemn expressions.

  They will not let their lord suffer any harm.

   Out of loyalty, but also out of honor.

  Cauer activated the long gear staff in his hand, crackling electric arcs appeared at the tip, and wisps of light wrapped around the staff, making it particularly eye-catching in the cave.

  As a ruling sage who has lived for 10,000 years, Kaur has a lot of cards, even if he is not inferior to the casting general.

  After experiencing the weird scene just now, such a person suddenly appeared again.

  What kind of spirit is not an exaggeration.

  Guilliman stood in place, only he did not make a fighting stance.

  Relying on his primarch-level combat intuition, he knew that this guy was not his opponent.

  If he wanted to, he could crush the opponent to death with one hand.

  The woman who came out of the darkness lifted her hood back, revealing her entire appearance.

  Age looks to be around twenties.

  Looks very young.

   It's hard to imagine that there would be such a woman here in such an isolated place.

  The woman's appearance and figure are very ordinary, and she is an existence that will soon be forgotten in the crowd.

   Perhaps for some men who indulge in low-level physical enjoyment, this woman is very beautiful and has a **** figure.

  Unfortunately, Kaul, Sicarius and others do not belong to this rank.

  They have already abandoned the low-level physical desires.

   They are completely insensitive to the beauty of women.

  The woman's body glowed with mercury, as if what flowed in her body was not blood, but sparkling flames.

   On his forehead, there is also a bright, silver-white tattoo.

  Shaped as a tapering double helix, also adorned with classic wings.

   "It's very rare, there will be visitors today." The woman, her eyes fixed on Guilliman, their eyes were very deep, like a boundless galaxy, containing endless wisdom. "It's been so long, I thought no one would come here again. I didn't expect someone to come here today, and it's still a noble Primarch."

   "Watcher?" Guilliman asked tentatively.

   "Yes." The woman walked towards them, but Sicarius blocked her.

  The woman's attitude is not tough and arrogant, she speaks from a safe distance that Sicarius thinks.

   "May I take the liberty to ask, the current situation? Who won, Horus or the Emperor?"

  Hearing this question, Kaur and Sicarius couldn't help but glance at each other.

  It can be seen from the astonished eyes of the two that they were shocked by this question.

  The decisive battle between Horus and the Emperor took place 10,000 years ago.

   For people today, it is already a very old story that has become a myth and legend.

   "When did you enter here?" Sicarius asked.

   "I entered here when Karbo released the Death Skull Titan Legion to attack Lava City." The woman fell into a momentary confusion, and her consciousness was also thrown into chaos by ancient memories.

   Too long ago.

  She wondered if those memories really happened.

   It's just her raving in this deserted cave.

   "I remember that Mars was in chaos at that time. That lunatic Karbo lifted the seal of Moravek's cellar, allowing the pollution and viruses of the subspace to invade the network of the holy Mars."

"There are mutations everywhere, monsters everywhere, war and artillery cover everything, I have witnessed the fall of the iron miracle, I have witnessed the annihilation of the divine light, and everything has fallen into chaos. I am guided entered the place, succeeding the former caretaker."

   "Are you a person from 10,000 years ago? Did you enter here in the early stage of the war?" Kaul stood up and asked with his electronic voice.

  Karbo was the foundry general of Mars 10,000 years ago.

   That guy has a high position and is the core figure of the Great Crusade.

   But in essence, Kars is an existence that opposes the emperor and is a firm pseudo-theist.

  When the Emperor, the Lord of Mankind, set foot on the land of Mars for the first time, the miracles he performed made countless Martian residents think that the Emperor was the legendary God of Myriad Opportunities, the omniscient Omnissia.

   These people make up the majority.

   But there are still some people who think that the emperor is not the real **** of all opportunities.

   He is just a false god.

  In the eyes of some people, the Mars Treaty promised by the Emperor, giving the Mechanicus and Terra equal status, is an out-and-out slavery contract.

  The essence of the Treaty is the Emperor's ultimatum to Mars.

   Join the empire or be robbed of everything needed by the empire, facing this kind of multiple-choice question with no room.

  Mars was forced to give up independence.

  From a competitor of Terra, it has become a vassal planet with a slightly higher status than other planets.

   This gap made those people dissatisfied, and even turned into resentment.

   This deep-seated resentment slowly fermented over the next two centuries.

  Under the seemingly loyal surface of Mars, an undercurrent gradually formed.

  Until Horus rebelled, he broke through everything and turned into a betrayal of the empire and the emperor.

  Karbo is the representative of this group of people.

  When the Emperor set foot on Mars, Karbo was just an ordinary mechanical priest with no right to speak.

   And during the two centuries of the Great Crusade, he quickly rose through the ranks, eventually becoming the Foundry General of Mars.

   Horus invaded a lost human civilization after the planet Devon was corrupted.

   Captured a batch of intact STC standard construction templates from that civilization, and handed them over to members of the Mechanicus headed by Karbo, expressing sincerity.

   also told Karbo the coordinates of the most important secret of Mars, Moravec's cellar, and the way to open the seal, in exchange for Karbo betraying the emperor and joining his team.

   Horus promised Karbo that when he became the new lord of mankind, he would lift the ban on hating intelligence, allowing the Mechanicus to conduct scientific research without any restrictions.

   The greedy Karbo eventually joined Horus' party and opened the Moravek Vault.

  This vault contains all kinds of forbidden knowledge and weapons, and has been thoroughly polluted by Chaos.

  Karbo unleashes it.

  The contents of the Moravek Vault quickly polluted the foundries and temples of Mars.

  The mysterious chaotic virus quickly corrupted the machine's logistics stack and computer files.

   Propagates to those contemplative systems that are networked.

   Soon, the virus took on terrifying properties.

  The reactor melted down, the production line stalled, and countless foundry factories fell into a state of shutdown.

  A large number of loyal slaves were corrupted and became minions of Chaos.

  Even blessed steel is tainted to the brim, turning into abominable monsters with a hunger to kill.

  Lava city became the fuse of the civil war on Mars.

  The loyalists and the traitors led by Karbo had a series of earth-shattering wars that could tear the planet apart.

   Later, in order to plan the webway and defend Terra, the loyalists were forced to withdraw from Mars and go to Terra.

   It was not until Horus was killed by the Emperor and the rebels were purged that Mars returned to the control of the Loyalists.

"Yes." The woman did not deny Kaul's words, "I entered here at the beginning of the war. There were a few people accompanying me at the time, but they passed away soon, and in the end only I was left here Alone."

   "You haven't told me yet, Horus won or the Emperor won, which side are you on?"

   "My father won." Guilliman said, "Ten thousand years have passed, and my father defeated the rebellious Horus and won the victory."

"Ten thousand years." The woman murmured to herself a few times, and then looked at Guilliman, "It seems that you have lived for ten thousand years? But yes, you are demigods created by the Emperor, with an immortal lifespan And it should."

"No, I haven't lived for ten thousand years." Guilliman shook his head. "It hasn't been long since I woke up. I have been asleep for ten thousand years. I didn't wake up until now. You lived for ten thousand years? Then you are an immortal ?"

   "It has been sleeping for ten thousand years, it seems that there are many things that I don't understand." The woman tried again and walked in front of Guilliman.

  Sicarius blocked her, showing a warning.

  As a qualified bodyguard of the original body, he does not allow anyone to get too close to the original body, that is too dangerous.

  The woman saw Sicarius' resolute attitude, but she didn't force it. She went in another direction.

  While walking, continue the conversation with Guilliman.

"I am indeed an immortal. Of course, I am not a born immortal. The previous immortal gave me his power and life essence, so that I can live and guard the void dragon." The woman said, "You You can call me Dalia, it seems that Horus has failed, so why are you here?"

"Come to find something," said Guilliman. "My brother Horus' conspiracy has long since been foiled, and his soul has drifted away. However, mankind is not free from suffering, and we are in deep despair. I offer my respect to the Emperor." Seeking enlightenment, he told me of the existence of this place."

   "If that's the case, then you came here for it?" Dalia looked towards the cave and smiled.

   "Let's put it this way." Guilliman said, "The situation of human beings is so critical that I have to take all possible measures to ensure the continued existence of this race."

  Daria frowned, "The last person who said that was the Emperor."

"He was right, wasn't he? If it weren't for the Great Crusade, humanity would have been completely wiped out by the gods of Chaos in the Age of Night. He had a duel with the gods, repelled them and paid a heavy price, although No wins, but good results."

   "I thought you would accuse him of arrogance and arrogance," Dalia said.

"No one is omnipotent, even my father. It is an unimaginable achievement to ensure that human beings are not extinct or reduced to a small race at the mercy of others in the Era of Long Night. Human civilization in the Era of Long Night was fragmented until the Great Crusade After that, it was condensed into a powerful human regime."

Guilliman looked at Dalia, and said in a serious tone: "You should have faced those chaotic creatures, and you should also understand how terrible those guys are. They destroy everything, play with the ashes of civilization, and are complacent. They have destroyed Humans will be one of the countless civilizations that have been destroyed, and they look forward to the fall of the huge human empire, and enjoy a gluttonous feast on the bloated corpse."

"Your words are very deceptive, just like your father. You are walking on a dangerous path, and you are very likely to repeat the tragedy of your father." Dalia said, "The power of the void dragon cannot be trusted, you should not Seek its help."

"My father is not a tragedy. Everyone with a vision knows that the future is not smooth sailing, but full of dangers and pitfalls. Civilization is not a straight forward, but a spiral progress. Sometimes we take two steps forward, we have to go back One step before we can move on." Guilliman smiled, "My father founded the empire and maintained it for ten thousand years. The Chaos Gods were once imprisoned in the subspace, unable to exert force on the real universe. Interference, this is success. And I will take over his mission and complete the next work."

   "Well, I can't stop you." Dalia saw Guilliman's eyes, and she knew that this man would not back down.

  He is as arrogant and arrogant as his father, thinking that he must be able to accomplish things that others cannot.

  People who have such an idea often have a sad ending.

   "Come here." Dalia walked to the wooden lectern, put his hand on the ancient gilded book, and opened it.

  Guilliman stopped Sicarius from speaking with his eyes, walked over, and looked at the book in Dalia's hand.

   There are a lot of words written in it, which are complicated and profound.

  Guilliman tries to parse the text.

   Well, he can't recognize those ghost symbols.

   These characters are written with a very complex geometric structure, and they are not human characters.

   "Put it up, this is the thing condensed by the will of the Nether Dragon, everything you want to know is here." Dalia said.

  Guilliman put his hand on it.

  Dalia's skin erupted with pure golden light.

   "You will see all the truth, and you will gain insight into the past of this terrible creature."

  Daria said in a whisper.

   A terrifying torrent of knowledge flooded Guilliman's mind, allowing him to see everything in an instant.

  With the expansion of the singularity, the universe exploded rapidly, and everything within sight became a sea of ​​light.

   Then the light slowly disappeared, and a strange race was born in the ashes of the light.

  Like countless races, they were born simple and crude at the beginning.

   Relying on light as energy to survive, it slowly evolved and became an energy body that can devour stars.

  By this stage, they have a whole new name.

   They are called the vampires of the stars.

  This race is hated by many civilizations and races because of its special evolutionary route.

   Their arrival often represents a problem with the star.

  Many races tried to strangle these vampires outright.

  But this race still survived tenaciously, and survived many disasters that other civilizations could not survive, and completed self-evolution.

  Even the civilized war that destroyed the universe failed to completely defeat them, it just made them shrink to the edge of the dark universe again.

  After the Civilization War, the subspace became chaotic, and the ancient sage race that looked like a mixture of lizards and toads rose up. With the help of webway technology, they once again tamed the subspace and began their life reconstruction plan.

  In order to avoid destroying his plan, the Old Sage expelled that weird race many times.

   Until one day, a weak race called the Necrontyr seeks the help of this weird race.

  The two parties have established a cooperative relationship.

   The Necrontyr help materialize monstrous races without bodies.

   and surrender his soul and flesh.

  They help the Necrontyr defeat the Old Ones and gain eternal life.

   After this, they got a new name.

   Star God.

  The Battle of Paradise broke out.

  The Star God helped the Necrontyr reshape his body, devouring their flesh and soul.

  Relying on the characteristics of isolation from the subspace, the Star God successfully defeated the Old Sage.

  However, after the internal strife, the Star God was betrayed by the Necrons transformed by the Necrontyr, and was blasted into pieces.

   After tens of millions of years of accumulation, a fragment recovered part of its strength and fled to the earth that was still in the Middle Ages.

   This fragment is the Nether Dragon.

  People call this terrifying monster that devours everything the Nether Dragon.

  Countless knowledge and memories poured into Guilliman's mind, giving him a clearer understanding of the so-called Battle of Heaven.

   There is also a clearer positioning of the things I greet.

  The gods of the material world.

  Those cursed stellar vampires.

  They were expelled, but survived tenaciously.

  Countless fragments of memories flooded into his mind, and Guilliman quickly sift through them, absorbing what he needed, and giving up the others unceremoniously.

   After reading these memories, Guilliman found himself standing on a hot and dry land.

  The scent of spices wafts from distant lands and undiscovered countries.

  The underground palace cave fades from view.

  Those silvery lines that defied the fundamental laws of the universe gradually faded away, replaced by soft curves of rolling hills and a vast, beautiful blue sky.

  The heat wave is coming.

  Guilliman was unmoved by this, and the heavy armor of fate blocked all these outside, allowing his body to maintain a suitable temperature.

  The yellow sand under the feet reflects the high temperature, and there is an oasis ahead. A wide river passes through the oasis, and flows sparklingly to the distant horizon.

  In the oasis, a large city of sun-baked rock stands on a plateau of dark rock.

  The gates of the city came in and out, and batch after batch of caravans leading camels were passing the inspection of soldiers.

  With his excellent senses, Guilliman knew that the goods transported by these merchants were gold, spices and gems.

   "Do you know where this is?" came Dalia's voice. She came from behind Guilliman, stepping on the hot sand with her bare feet.

   Guilliman looked at those people, and said after a while: "Ancient Earth? Before humans entered the industrial age?"

"Yes, there is still a long time before the industrial age of mankind. Human nations are scattered all over the world, and they regard the stars in the sky as symbols of destiny." Dalia and Guilliman looked at the city in parallel, "the book records holding many things, it is the embodiment of the memory of the Nether Dragon, and only by tracing its memory can you finally talk to it. You have to be prepared, its power is unimaginable, and anyone who cannot resist it will be turned into dust, even if you are Primarch, contacting the Nether Dragon is also a very dangerous thing."

   "Why do the previous memories enter my mind in fragments, but here are hallucinations?" Guilliman can perceive that he is still in the cave of the underground palace. These are hallucinations, the hallucinations that the book acts on his mind.

"The previous ones are the experience of the Nether Dragon as a whole, and these are the experiences after the fragments. This is the beginning of its captivity and captivity, and it is closely related to humans, so we will enter the illusion." Dalia explained Kiri Man's confusion, and began to introduce the situation of the illusion.

"This is an important node for the trade of several civilizations of human beings. The countries scattered in Eurasia use this road called the Silk Road to conduct trade and learning. And this city has become rich with the wealth brought by trade. Rejoice."

   "Silk Road." Guilliman sighed, it was at least a thousand years away from the industrial age. "It is indeed a long time ago. What does this have to do with the Nether Dragon?"

   "Look down, He is coming." Dalia said, "Right now, the trade has been interrupted, and something is lurking on the trade route, devouring the travelers passing by."

  Dalia pointed to the distance of the city, where poison was permeating, like a scar attached to the earth.

  "The terrible thing from the depths of the void hid in this world and used hunting methods to restore its strength. It killed many troops and asked for a beautiful maiden every day, otherwise it would destroy the kingdom."

   "It's a sad story." Guilliman said, "Mankind has no chance of defeating such a monster from space."

   "Yes, humans have no power to fight back against these terrible things, only him." Dalia pointed in another direction.

  A brave knight in gold armor and a red feather helmet rode a black horse towards the area shrouded in poisonous mist.

  In his hand, he held a spear made of sterling silver, engraved with many mysterious runes.

  A long white banner was tied to the gun shaft, with a picture of a flying eagle holding lightning in its claws.

  Seeing the appearance of the knight, Dalia showed a pious look on his face.

  Guilliman stared at the knight, saw his face, and said involuntarily, "Father?"

   The warrior on the black horse looked exactly like the Emperor he remembered.

  He is very handsome and looks very young.

   "He in this era claims to be the knight of Emperor Diocletian of the ancient Roman Empire." Dalia said, "He is very respected, and he is ready to eradicate this disaster for the people here."

  The knight urged the horse to gallop on the plain, rushing towards the black scar on the ground.

   He held up his rune lance and shield.

   The monster also jumped out of it, ready to destroy this poor, overconfident little guy.

   That is the Nether Dragon.

  One half of the Nether Dragon's body looks like a reptile, and the other half looks like a disgusting bird.

  The huge head is covered with scales, and the tail is a full twenty meters long.

  The body is as huge as a rolling mountain, covered with hard, shiny scales.

  The chest glows with a gleam, the last vestiges of the star it devoured.

  Vicious flames burned in the eyes of the Nether Dragon, and it stared at the knight on horseback with a sarcastic smile.

  It swung its sickle-like claws, and the strong black horse was cut to pieces with one blow.

  The knight jumped up at the last moment and stabbed the Nether Dragon with the rune spear in his hand.

   However, the dragon scales were too strong, and the spear could not penetrate the body of the void dragon under his brute force, but shattered into many pieces instead.

  The knight drew out his long sword again, climbed onto the opponent's body with sharp movements, and slashed at the scale-covered body.

  The Nether Dragon is very powerful. The scales on its body are more terrifying than steel plates. Every attack will ripple like liquid mercury, counteracting brute force.

  The knight's armor was easily torn apart by the sickle-like claws, and the crystal-clear blood flowed all over the ground.

  The helmet was also blown off.

  That handsome face was covered with blood.

   Only those eyes still flowed with fighting spirit.

  The knight did not give up, he continued to brandish his weapon.

  His body emitted a golden light, as if blessed by the so-called god.

  The Nether Dragon bit the knight around, roaring triumphantly, ready to taste the opponent's flesh and soul.

  The knight discovered a weakness of the opponent.

   When the Nether Dragon is fighting, it always protects a place under its left wing.

   Be careful.

   Obviously, that place is its weak point.

  The trauma left by those who betrayed it.

  The knight escaped the fatal blow and seized the opportunity. He rolled forward and found a gap under the opponent's left wing, which was not protected by scales.

   He shouted and stabbed the rune sword in that position.

  The long sword sank into the body of the Nether Dragon smoothly.

  Golden light poured in along the long sword.

  The terrible monster let out a deafening whine.

  The glow of the burning star in the chest slowly dimmed.

  The huge body fell down, and the light in his eyes gradually dimmed.

  The knight's companions came from afar. They were extremely excited, and they also brought a black iron chain etched with countless runes.

  They worked together to bind the Nether Dragon with iron chains, ensuring that it could never break free and endanger humans.

   Excited merchants and city dwellers poured through the gate, cheering and celebrating the knight's defeat of the monster.

  Many girls express their love for the knight.

  A businessman wants to give him some treasures to thank him for what he has done.

   However, instead of enjoying the cheers, the knight told the people.

  Long is not dead, he needs to lock this guy up to prevent him from continuing to do evil.

   After finishing speaking, he and his companions used their war horses to drag the Nether Dragon away.

   The knight and companions spent a lot of time dragging the dragon up to the highest mountain range in the world, the Himalayas.

   They followed an ancient and deep tunnel into the interior of the mountain and entered a maze.

  The labyrinth is ancient and deep, and it is built with complex geometric structures. It should have existed before the rise of human beings.

  The universe has many secrets, some of which are destined to remain unanswered.

  The same is true for the existence of mazes.

   No one knows how it got here.

  However, this does not prevent them from using this maze to achieve their own goals.

  The walls are made of smooth black tiles without any dust or cracks.

   They walked those complicated, impossible to record roads.

  Go all the way to the depths of the maze, where there is another exit.

   They followed that exit directly to the barren Mars, shrouded in gas unsuitable for human survival.

  Seeing this scene, Guilliman almost swears.

  This is too nonsense.

  How many things did the emperor and his horse boys do in the past!

  Why is there a road to Mars in the interior of the Himalayas? ?

  Guilliman's face was as usual, and he did not show the turmoil in his heart, but watched the actions of the Emperor and his companions.

  The Nether Dragon was imprisoned by the knight and his companions in a mountain range on Mars. A complex spatial structure was established, and a part of the space was cut to cover up its existence.

   Unless the knight and his companions, others can't find the entrance of the almost invisible space-time rift.

   "Is this the history of the Nether Dragon's captivity?" said Guilliman.

"Yes, the Emperor defeated it and imprisoned it here," Dalia said. "The Emperor can see what we cannot see. He foresees every future and chooses from it what he thinks is the best. Reliable prospect, guiding people along his path. A push in the distant past to achieve something in the present. From the beginning of the transhumanist movement to the advancement of human understanding of science to perfection, and to human beings. Everything in the starry sky is his plan. He has reserved enough back-ups for himself to ensure that he can complete his mission."

"Isn't it crazy? He promoted the development of human intelligence, but he was worried about its failure, and prepared such an organization to assist his backup plan before the formal development of human beings. The birth of the Mechanicum originated from the influence of the Nether Dragon Hmm. Without the Nether Dragon, there would be no Mechanicum, no Mechanicum Empire. The grand dream of unifying the galaxy for mankind will not come true."

   "The scale of the plan spanning tens of thousands of years is so huge that no one dares to imagine what kind of mentality He will realize it. He distorted the fate of the entire planet to pave the way for his own plan."

  Daria's words are very emotionally distorted.

  The Emperor is benevolent, and He has pushed humanity forward from beginning to end.

  Behind all the development of human science and technology, there is his shadow.

  The Emperor is cruel, and he never cared about the fate of individuals and minorities.

  For the benefit of the collective, He can sacrifice those people without hesitation.

  These hard truths suffocated her.

  But the Emperor's love for mankind made her involuntarily follow his path, even paying the price of her life.

  She has guarded here for ten thousand years, just to protect this secret.

   Once the truth is spread, the existence of Mechanicum will inevitably be shaken.

  The foundation of the human empire will also be shaken.

   That would be an unprecedented disaster.

   "Crazy indeed." Guilliman sighed.

  The emperor is like a silent helm, cold and cruel, asking human beings to follow the narrow road that only he can see.

  His life does not allow any selfish love, full of cruelty and cruelty, doomed not to be understood by the world, doomed to only sacrifice.

   "But human beings need him." Dalia said sadly, "Once he loses his guidance, human beings will soon be swallowed by the malice of the universe, or become eternal slaves of some powerful beings."

  The world cannot imagine the horrors of the darkness that the Emperor has kept from their world.

  Human beings are unbelievably vulnerable in front of the universe.

  Guilliman did not speak, he just silently looked at the picture in front of him.

  The Nether Dragon was imprisoned in the space-time rift.

  The knight asked a companion to stay, to make sure that this guy would not break free and not be found by the xenos who were looking for it.

   Subsequently, the knight left here with others.

  Leaving a lonely guardian behind, fulfilling the mission of the guardian in the dark.

   No one knows his name, and no one knows his deeds.

  Guilliman stared at the pictures formed by the memories of these Nether Dragons, and then he looked into the depths of the cave.

  His next words caused fear and anxiety to appear on Dalia's sad face.

   "I know you can hear me, come out, maybe we can make a deal. I'm going to set you free, and you just have to do a few things for me."

   "You!" Dalia was stunned when he heard this.

  The purpose of a Primarch's arrival is to make a deal with the Nether Dragon!

   "I smell a liar on you."

  The voice echoed in Guilliman's mind, ancient, vicissitudes, and full of anger.

  That strong will is not as strong as the Emperor, and it is also extremely oppressive.

  Ordinary people will inevitably face very heavy oppression when they talk to it, and it is easy to go crazy.

  The existence of the other party is unimaginable, indescribable, and indescribable.

"Everyone is born a liar, this is the ability that evolution has given us. As an ancient existence comparable to the life span of the universe, you can't understand this, right? Come out. We have the same enemy, this premise Now, we can guarantee that we can have a fair transaction. You have ancient wisdom, great strength, and almost infinite lifespan. What good is it for me to deceive you? Or are you too scared to touch mortals. "

   Guilliman said without changing his expression.

  A cluster of light emitting stellar light appeared in the void, which was the will of the Nether Dragon.

   "What kind of deal do you want to do?"

   "Sets you free for a small price to pay."

   "Be clear, mortal, what price do I have to pay!"

   "I just need you to help me complete a few projects. After completion, I will release you. If you want, I can help you restore your former prosperity. How about it? This is a very good deal."

  Guilliman smiled kindly, with a sincere appearance of harmlessness to humans and animals.

   "What project?"

   "I want to build a webway, but the technology in my hands is not complete."

"what about others?"

"We have to finish this first. The rest of the project is very important. If you talk about it casually, it will easily cause trouble. You can choose to accept it, or you can choose to refuse it. But I have to remind you that I don't have any Even if you don't agree with the network channel technology of the system, it's just a little more difficult for me at best, and it's not entirely up to you, the network channel project is just a touchstone for your cooperation."

   "How do I know that you won't break your promise and abandon me after completing the Webway project. Periodic cooperation, periodic demands for compensation, I will expose the technology of the Webway to you, and you need to give me 10,000 flesh and blood sacrifices."

  Guilliman looked at the Nether Dragon and nodded, "Yes. Ten thousand blood sacrifices, this is not a difficult task."

   "Then I'll wait for you, ten thousand flesh and blood sacrifices. Bring them here, and I will give you all the webway technology I know."

   Finish this sentence.

  The Nether Dragon disappeared.

  The illusion also disappeared, and they were still in the cave.

"Are you going to make a deal with that horrible monster? Do you really want to offer 10,000 blood sacrifices to it? Do you know what kind of disaster will happen to this guy after he breaks free?" Dalia questioned with an incredulous expression on her face. Primarch.

"Relax, Dalia, the situation is not as bad as you imagined." Guilliman said with a smile, "This is just a deal, and the situation outside is already completely different, you need to go out and understand before you can make accusations ."

  The return of the Silent King, the leader of the Trinity Council, will accelerate the unification of the Necrons with the rise of mankind.

  Guilliman must be prepared for an all-out war with the Necrons.

  The Star Gods were backstabbed by the Necrons and blown into fragments, but they are immortal, and those fragments were sealed in various dynasties, or lost in various parts of the galaxy.

   According to the performance of the Necrons in the Battle of Heaven, it can be said that this race is too crazy.

  Once it is confirmed that there is no way for them to win, they will definitely take various actions that will kill them all.

   It is not impossible to establish a covenant with the Star God again by fusing the Star God fragments as a bargaining chip.

  Guilliman has to make preparations in advance to block their backhand.

   Necrons can establish a contract with the star god.

  Humans naturally can too.

  Of course, Guilliman would not be so stupid as to sell human flesh and soul to the star gods to play mechanical ascension.

   That is not saving mankind, but pushing mankind into a heated kang.

   If those aliens were used to feed the Nether Dragon, Guilliman would have no psychological pressure.

  Ti-jun, the Groots, and various aliens that ravaged the human empire.

   Pack it up and feed these vampires too.

Why not do it!

   "Let's get out of here first." Guilliman said, "I'll explain the reason for all this to you when we get outside."

  Terra's reform wave slowly soaked into every corner of Terra along with the rebuilding work.

  In order to ensure the strategic position of Terra, the work of rebuilding the food factory and foundry factory was put on the agenda again.

  Without the opposition of the Merchant Organization, this matter went very smoothly.

  In the new plan, it will be guaranteed that Terra will be able to survive for five to ten years with its own productivity and stored materials even if it encounters a void blockade.

   Avoid the bad situation where the route is cut off and collapses immediately.

  The scale of reconstruction this time is unprecedented.

   Various wastelands and deserts have been remodeled to allow green plants to reappear on the land of Terra.

   Huge, towering climate regulators are built on the equator and the poles, forming a huge regulation network to plan Terra's weather, which can ensure that Terra becomes the beautiful sacred home in human fantasy.

  This is a brand-new technology. According to the conservative sect tenet of the Mechanicus, this technology is a blasphemy to the God of Mechanics and should not exist and be applied.

  With the reform of the Mechanicum, this technology was able to reappear.

  The new government headed by Penny even made an ocean plan, planning to make Terra's ocean reappear.

   This is a very great project.

  If it can be completed, the impact will be very far-reaching.

  (end of this chapter)