
one of his

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 149 This is a great era (for subscription)


  The home of mankind.

  The core of imperial power.

  The Greatest Man - Planet where the Emperor sleeps.

   All decrees about the empire are issued from here and are executed by institutions at all levels of the empire.

   Dispatch the army, collect tithes, issue extinction orders, fight against aliens, fight against chaos, build new troops, form new battle groups, etc., many orders are issued by Terra.

   Terra is the seat of the supreme power of the empire, and it is the place where every capable and powerful person wants to come.

  Why do they all want Terra?

  Because only here, they have a chance to hold the highest power.

   Only then can we make great progress and make further progress.

  Tara's nobles also think highly of themselves. They think that they are the masters of the empire. It is their wisdom and talent that protect the empire to survive in the dark galaxy.

   This arrogant thought continued until Guilliman woke up.

  The Thirteen Primarchs, the Emperor's Son, the Regent of the Empire, Guilliman's every identity is so scary.

  Each name represents the legitimacy of the empire and his status as the heir to the empire.

   represents his great power.

   represents the terror of his influence.

  The news of Macragge came, and when many Terran nobles knew that Guilliman had awakened, they were quite happy.

  The big rift is coming, and the natural disasters formed by demons and aliens are ravaging the planet of the empire.

  Wars have increased, and the empire has become more and more exhausted.

  The return of a Primarch is undoubtedly exciting.

   Certainly able to keep the crumbling empire going.

   Maybe they can take their power a step further and gain more power.

   However, when Guilliman announced that he would carry out a comprehensive reform of the existing system of the empire, their attitude changed.

  News of various reforms came, and families that had lasted for thousands of years were uprooted, and more capable people were put in place.

  Some families who resisted were sent to the punishment camp as a whole, and they were sent to death as cannon fodder.

  The hereditary power of the family is deprived, and even businessmen need to be under unified management in order to obtain the qualifications to do business.

   Such news came one after another, making countless nobles feel panic and uneasy.

The tax system has also been re-reformed, and most of the profits were taken away by Guilliman's new system, and handed over to Macragge's new council to re-allocate and distribute them for recruiting new troops, building backward planets, etc. .

   Chamber of Commerce is firmly controlled.

  The original tax system was reformed.

   Hereditary powers are abolished.

  These reforms will inevitably cause many nobles to lose their original status.

   They really don't have the confidence to compete in such a large human group.

   For this reason, many nobles felt dissatisfied, and they secretly cursed the Primarch angrily.

   Before long, they were publicly cursing and spreading the word about Guilliman's evil deeds.

  Tera's evaluation of Guilliman quickly changed from the savior he promoted at the beginning to a traitor and a robber.

  Despicable and shameless traitor.

  The most hated primarch in history.

   They spend more time stigmatizing Guilliman than they do their own work.

  The Imperial Senate that Guilliman once set up is also arguing endlessly about his return.

  Some people claim that Guilliman's reforms are a betrayal of the emperor. This part of the people belongs to the conservatives, and they ask Guilliman to maintain the original system and many regulations.

  Some people feel that the empire has reached the point where it has to change. These people belong to the radical faction and support Guilliman's reforms, even if it will lead to a decline in power.

  The two sides are at war with each other, and the struggle continues.

   But on the whole, on Terra, the conservatives are stronger than the radicals.

   Those who can enter the bureaucratic system of Terra are basically powerful families or top dignitaries, especially those who enter the Imperial Senate, the energy behind it is incredible.

  Thousands of years of accumulation have been surpassed by decades of hard work, and they are unwilling.

   The struggle between the two factions is reflected in various aspects.

  The Imperial Senate was also involved in this storm.

  As the highest authority of the empire, the Senate is composed of twelve most powerful people of the human race, the high lords.

  This institution coordinates and manages various political decisions within the empire in the name of the emperor.

  In the beginning, the Senate was created by the emperor. At that time, the imperial prime minister, Malcador, served as the head of the parliament, making various decisions and managing the empire instead of the emperor.

  With the Horus Rebellion, the Senate was finally dissolved.

   When the Horus Rebellion ended, Guilliman, who was appointed by the emperor as the regent of the empire, rebuilt the Terra Parliament as a transition, so that he could optimize the ruling structure of the empire in the future.

   Unfortunately, in the pursuit of the traitorous Emperor's Children Primarch - Fulgrim.

  Guilliman accidentally fell into an ambush. During the Battle of Thesala, he was stabbed by Fulgrim and fell into a deep sleep in the stasis field.

   This also caused the management model of the Terra Senate to be fixed, and no one will reform it.

  In the days that followed, the administrative efficiency of the Senate became more and more sluggish.

  The Senate not only failed to bring change and innovation to the empire, but instead became the driving force behind pushing the empire into the abyss.

  In order to ascend to the throne, the high lord had to promise a lot of benefits to the family and other dignitaries who supported him, and promised to take care of their interests after ascending to the throne.

  As a result, the chain of interests becomes more and more complicated

   It is conceivable that if Guilliman's reform decree is to be implemented in Terra, there will be a lot of resistance.

  You must know that there have always been only individuals who betrayed the class, never a class who betrayed the class.

   Facing the current chaos on Terra, the Prime Minister of the Empire, Tyrian, felt a little helpless.

  The situation has gotten out of control.

  The dignitaries at the bottom kept cursing, the Imperial Daily published all kinds of radical reports, and even the state religion was secretly indulgent.

   Restless and terrified dignitaries made several proposals to prevent the Primarch from reaching Terra.

  Currently the high lords are discussing and discussing the proposal, and plan to implement it.

  Tirion felt that they had gone mad, at least from the current stage they had fallen into madness.

  After a day of futile arguments.

  Tirion was summoned by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the chief lord of the Terra Council of Elders, Iltu.

  The face of the other party was very pale, and it seemed that there was no blood left.

  Tirion knew that this guy was injected with too many life-extending potions.

   Mortals have a limited lifespan.

   Living through centuries is already a difficult thing.

   During these ten thousand years, the empire has not made any progress in the field of scientific research.

  The same is true for the direction of life extension.

  Technological progress has almost stagnated, and it is still regressing.

   This is a very sad thing.

  Tirion followed in the footsteps of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irtu, and walked into a private room, where it was guaranteed that their conversation would not be eavesdropped by a third person.

  The room is luxuriously decorated, a huge red carpet is laid on the floor, and the walls are covered with precious works of various artists.

   Desks made of logs brought from other galaxies, with fruit from the farming world on top.

  Terra no longer has any agriculture, and it relies on food delivered from other worlds to sustain it.

  The value of these fruits is many times more expensive than the equivalent gold.

  They are very fresh, no more than a week after picking.

   This is unimaginable for a slow-moving empire.

  Of course, this is just an inconspicuous manifestation of the power of the members of the Imperial Senate.

  A piece of fruit is the wealth of a small nobleman's life.

   Now that the subspace storm is raging, the fleet dare not sail easily, and the price of fruits is also rising steadily.

  A lot of low-level fruits, not to mention fruits, are blessed by the emperor if they can eat enough.

  Irtu sat in his seat, and he motioned for Tyrian to sit in front of him.

   "The situation is becoming more and more complicated." Yi Ertu showed worry and anxiety, "People have become fearful and uneasy."

  Tirion didn't speak. He carefully looked at the high lord in front of him, waiting for the other party's next words.

  He is only the executor of the policies of the Imperial Senate. In a sense, he serves these high lords and executes their orders.

"We must take action to stop the absurd actions of the Primarch. His reforms have seriously hit the enthusiasm of a large number of loyalists. Many people are complaining that they have paid everything for the empire, but now the Primarch is going to abandon them. It's too ruthless."

   Speaking of this, Yi Ertu stood up, paced back and forth, and his face became more serious.

   "But he is the primarch, the emperor's son, or the regent of the empire. No matter in terms of law, legal system, or moral ethics, he is the heir and first controller of the empire." Tyrian said carefully.

  To be honest, Tyrian didn't know what to do.

  The last active Primarch disappeared thousands of years ago, becoming a myth.

  Even the great archives of the Law cannot go back so far.

  No one expected that the return of the Primarch would launch reforms that would affect the entire empire.

"He was Regent of the Empire, I do not deny that. But do not forget that he was also part of the Great Heresy that nearly destroyed us, and that Horus the Traitor, and many Daemon Primarchs were his brothers , They launched a war to seize the power of the Emperor, and almost brought the entire human race into the abyss."

  Irtu's tone was contemptuous. Obviously, Guilliman's possible deprivation of his power made him lose his awe of the Primarch.

"Those fools say that this reformation will bring a new dawn to mankind. I fear that such a reformation will only bring us the old night. Humanity has suffered enough, and the Primarch has given us more. much suffering."

   "Do the other Highlords think the same?" Tyrian asked. "Are they all opposed to the Primarch's return and reformation?"

"There are some people who support me, the pope, the foundry general, the merchant, and several marshals. But the Tribunal and the Assassin Court strongly opposed my proposal. They claimed that we put power in a higher position than the empire." Yi Ertu said with some annoyance, "These are groundless accusations, but I can't stop them from happening. Their radical words made some people follow them."

  Tirion was in some pain. He looked at Yi Ertu, and memories of the past appeared in his mind.

  Before Guilliman woke up, he had been trying to persuade the high lord to increase the troops of the Cadia fortress, and even sent out the imperial army to defend the Cadia fortress at all costs.

  However, the decision-making of the high lords is very slow.

   When the final decision was about to be made, news of Cadia's fall came.

   This has to be said to be a very sad thing.

  The high lords had the opportunity to stop all this, but because of the inefficiency caused by internal fighting, they lost their last chance.

"My lord, perhaps we should send someone to talk to the Primarch and make an agreement with him, knowing that the reforms the Primarch needs will take a long time to achieve. We can be a product of his transition, which will allow us to retreat unscathed and bring Fame and applause." Tyrion suggested a compromise.

  The territory of the empire is very large, and Guilliman's reforms will take decades, or even hundreds of years, to cover many territories of the empire.

   During this period, they only need to reach an agreement with Guilliman, and they can land safely without being liquidated.

   In a filthy swamp, it would be foolish to expect the lotus inside to be spotless.

  Tara's bureaucracy is like this, it has been rotten for ten thousand years.

   There have even been unspoken rules, only when you become the same kind of person will you be accepted by other dignitaries

  As long as you stand in this position, the distribution and entanglement of interests is necessary.

"No, it's not for ourselves, but for the empire, and for the well-being of thousands of people of the empire." Iltu's face was gloomy, "The reform and power of the Primarch is the real danger to the empire. What do you think Guilliman would do once he was given supreme power in the Empire? Another Great Crusade? Cleanse everything we've worked so hard to build. And now he's doing that."

"Isn't it a red flag that he launched an indomitable crusade to wipe out those nobles who disobeyed him and treat those loyal as aliens and chaos? As Chancellor of the Empire, you know the history of those taboos, don't you?" ?"

"They are brother-in-law lunatics who tore apart the galaxy in order to fight for power. Let's look at the history and see how much destruction they have brought. Guilliman's return and power will inevitably bring suffering to the people of the empire. Poor Have pity on them, Tyrian."

  Tirion didn't answer, he remembered something interesting.

  Before Guilliman woke up, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in front of him kept talking about the scriptures and laws created by Guilliman.

  When Tyrian proposed to unban the Wanfu regiment and increase troops to the Cadia fortress.

  Irtu, General Foundry, Steward of the Star Torch Court, and other opponents all spoke of Guilliman's holy scriptures as a reason for opposing the lifting of the ban on the Ten Thousand Orders.

   "This is the wisdom left to us by the supreme commander of the empire, the great Primarch. The holy scriptures and laws have helped us extend the empire for thousands of years. If it is easily changed, it will undoubtedly lead to self-destruction."

  Tirion clearly remembered what Irtu said back then.

  The supreme wisdom that Irtu once claimed to be admiring over and over again has now become a potential rebellion in his own mouth, a terrifying Primarch that almost split the empire.

   And Tyrian, who tried to destroy Guilliman's holy scriptures, wanted to unban the Wanfu and unban the holy scriptures.

   For this reason, the guy who was accused of blaspheming the imperial regency and was almost labeled as a traitor became a supporter of Guilliman's reform.

   This is undoubtedly a huge irony and reversal.

   These guys never cared about Guilliman's canon or anything, they cared about the system that gave and maintained their power.

  Selfishness is disguised with loyalty, and greed is decorated with dedication.

  Tirion carefully concealed his true inner thoughts.

   "Then how do you stop him, in addition to the support of the law, he is also the commander of a legion, and those space warriors will fight for him."

   "The Legion no longer exists, right? The era of interstellar warriors crossing the galaxy is over and has become a long history, so the Primarch should also become history."

"But Calgar, and many battle groups have responded to his orders. Otherwise, he would not be able to organize a large-scale expedition, let alone build such a magnificent fleet." Tyrion said, "According to the existing clues, Ultramar and several other star regions that have surrendered to him already have the ability to manufacture armaments on a large scale, and those armaments are stronger than those of Mars, and the manufacturing speed is faster."

"We still have an advantage, don't we! The Custodian and the Imperial Fists are still on Terra, and many warbands have not yet declared their allegiance to him. We still have a chance, and many of the war preparations on Mars will be lifted because of this. The Rogue Traders have already stated their position , they will support us. The Forged General of Mars promises to provide us with more armaments, and summons the Titans and Star Warbands who obey them. The Gray Knights and many warbands are subject to the Inquisition. The representatives of the Inquisition Weight is not happy with Vinsenhorn, and they will be our strength."

"In addition to these, the Pope's Inquisition, the Admiral and the Field Marshal have promised to give us more support, and we will be able to mobilize a large-scale Legion to prevent the Primarch from coming to Terra. We will use the fastest Pass many bills quickly, and then mobilize the army to block the Primarch in the Beta-Garmon system."

  Tirion looked at Irtu, with a rare look of astonishment in his eyes, followed by his inner anger.

   Of course, he didn't show it.

   He keeps these emotions hidden inside himself.

   Facing the plight of Cadia, Iltu and his supporters claimed that they had to vote in accordance with the complicated procedures of the empire before they could lift the ban on the Wanfu regiment and mobilize troops to support the Cadia fortress.

  And now, face your own power.

  They were able to mobilize a huge army to fight against the antigen with incredible speed.

  If it was before, they have always had this speed.

  Many enemies of the empire may have been overwhelmed and destroyed by the endless human army long ago.

   "It is impossible for us to fight against a Primarch, his military strength and reputation are too strong." Tyrian thought for a long time before speaking.

"The Primarch is not invincible, they will also fail and die." Yiertu's tone became agitated, "As long as we work together, we can defeat him. He can't take power from us, and he can't." No. We will show him by action that the time of the Primarch is over."

"Those guys say the empire is a slowly decaying corpse, but I never believed that we are greater than before, and the trials before us are the same as the difficulties we have overcome before. We are more adaptable to suffering and more united than before Unanimously, we face darker days longer than his. His time is past, and this time is ours."

  "The people of the empire support us. Are we going to push those poor people into the abyss? The reforms and expeditions launched by Guilliman are the bottomless abyss, which will kill everyone."

  The director of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has gone crazy, and Tyrian made a judgment on Iltu who waved his hands and gave an impassioned speech.

  Considering the current power of conservatives, Tyrian knew that he had to be careful, otherwise he might be in danger.

   "So what do you want me to do?"

  Iltu walked to Tirian's side, with a maddened tone in his tone.

   "Support us, Tyrian, and persuade the Imperial Army and the Assassin Court, as well as those who hesitate and even oppose our army to join in, let them recognize the form and stand on the side of justice."

"We must work hard, otherwise the Emperor's power will be taken away by the Thirteen Primarchs. You have to let the Custodian Marshal know that once Guilliman seizes power, in order to clear the way, he may directly kill the Emperor. In this way , no one can stop him."

"Guilliman cannot become the new Lord of Terra. If he wants to reform, let him go back to Ultramar and hide in his own little kingdom. We can give him enough autonomy, Karl Let Ja and the other warbands go to Ultramar if they want to, and we can create a whole new warband to replace them."

  Tirion was silent for a moment before nodding, "My duty is to serve the High Lord. If this is an order from the High Lord Council, then I will faithfully execute it."

   "This is the best way, Prime Minister, you will find yourself making an extremely wise decision." Yiertu said.

  Tirion smiled, did not say anything more, saluted, turned and left, and ended the meeting.

   Walked out of the mansion of the Minister of Internal Affairs, the assistants and bodyguards who had been waiting for a long time welcomed Tyrian into the aircraft.

  The scope of the imperial palace is very vast, if you rely on walking, the speed is too slow.

  The best way is to use the aircraft to quickly shuttle between buildings.

   Terra has gathered the most nobles in the empire, and they all have their own flying machines, which they consider a status symbol.

  The aircraft that shuttle in it is like a school of fish in the ocean.

   Of course, Terra no longer has oceans.

  Tirion has been to other worlds and seen oceans in those worlds.

   To be honest, the ocean is beautiful.

   Unfortunately, it does not belong to Terra.

  The aircraft flew straight to Tyrian's mansion, and Tirian sat in front of the high-strength bulletproof glass, looking at the magnificent city of Terra.

  Because of air pollution, the city has always been shrouded in a faint, hazy smog.

  The cloud and mist allowed Tyrian to see only the hazy outlines of buildings.

  Even the reflected sunlight seems to be polluted, and it looks slightly dim when it shines on the building.

   This is the norm on Terra.

   In some ways, Terra's homeworld is not much different from those polluted industrial planets.

   Those toxic air deposits at the bottom of the city.

   Inhaled into the lungs of those poor people and mutants who have nothing, hastening their death.

   The rich and powerful are indifferent to this, they live in the highest places, where the air is clean and pleasant.

  They have gardens, fountains, and various luxurious and exquisite mansions that those at the bottom do not have.

   Enjoy natural and clean food.

  They don't care about the suffering suffered by the bottom.

  Recently, due to the subspace storm, there was a shortage of food on Terra.

  The high lords don't care, they allocate those safe waterways for the benefit of which family should be controlled.

   Cultists, gangsters, and those shady forces are also flourishing in Terra.

   Those in power don't want to clean up those cancers.

  When necessary, these cancerous tumors can be used to attack one's enemies, or become a tool for oneself to deal with some shady black work.

  Tirion sat on the aircraft, looking at the city of Terra.

  Every building is magnificent and gorgeous, extending into the atmosphere.

  All kinds of majestic sculptures can be seen everywhere.

  Those exquisite paintings are all from the hands of well-known artists.

   This is a splendid city.

  The embodiment of the great era in the mouth of Iltu.

  Tirion moved his gaze down, and the neon lights were shining, that was the residence of the bottom people.

  The people there breathe the poisonous air.

   Eating synthetic food.

   They are cheap labor for the Empire.

  Tirion recently hopes to pass a decree to limit the disorderly price increase of the chamber of commerce and ensure the survival of the bottom.

  But according to the progress of the high lord meeting, it will take at least a year to process this decree.

   Regarding this, Tyrian was also very helpless.

  There is not much he can do, the most he can do is to reduce the suffering of those at the bottom as much as possible.

  The imperial bureaucracy has become an extremely inefficient but **** and cruel machine. Tyrian knows himself, and he can't change this machine.

  Tirion withdrew his gaze, tapped on his desktop, lost in thought.

  He recalled every conversation he had with Yi Ertu, and at the same time flipped through the latest information, guessing that Yi Ertu and others would mobilize those troops, and what he could do.

  He didn't like the Civil War.

   At least at this moment, it would be foolish to start a civil war.

  He doesn't like Guilliman either, and the other party's reforms will make him lose a lot.

  The power of the family, and the wealth accumulated over the years.

   But he knew very well that Guilliman was still right.

  The empire is dying, and continuing to maintain the old system will only lead the empire to the abyss.

  He had to do his duty, to protect those worlds and the Emperor from the xenos and chaos.

  For his duty, Tyrian could only help Guilliman.

  Help the opponent to break up the crisis of civil war.

   Help the opponent clear the obstacles, come to Terra, put the noose of reform around his neck, and destroy everything about him.

  The aircraft passed through the many buildings, and finally landed on the large platform in front of Tyrian's mansion.

  Dozens of bodyguards came out to check the surrounding situation for him.

  Assassinations are very common.

  Usually come from political opponents and forces with different ideas who want to be superior.

   After confirming safety, Tirian stepped out of the aircraft and entered the mansion.

  The servant came to report that the Cadia general he was going to meet earlier was already waiting for him.

  Tirion received the other party in the study.

  The opponent is very tall, burly, with strong limbs, like a little giant.

  The position of the right eye was installed with a biochemical prosthesis.

   There is a scar across the entire cheek on his face, and he has short gray hair.

   exudes the unique atmosphere of a soldier, fierce and hostile.

  His face is tired, but his demeanor is decent.

   "General Haster." Tyrian handed over a glass of drink with a very kind tone.

   This is his innate talent, and he can always switch to the most suitable state and tone of the opponent.

  Hast and Tyrian have a good relationship, because Tyrian is the group of people in Terra who care most about Cadian Fortress.

  Urging Mars to promise equipment for Cadian Fortress, proposing more support, and allocating supplies are all promoted by Tyrian.

   "Prime Minister." Haster said with tiredness in his tone, and picked up Ryan's drink, "I don't know if you summoned me for something?"

  After the fall of Cadian, the surviving Cadians fought around, trying to paralyze themselves and forget that their home world was destroyed by the great predator-Abadon.

  The same goes for Hastur.

  During this period, he encountered some difficulties before choosing to return to the solar system.

  He wants to get documents from Terra to get more resources so that he can continue to attack the enemies of mankind.

   "Didn't you get an order from the Admiral or the Field Marshal?" Tyrian said, "an order to change your purpose."

"Got it, they want me to go to the Beta-Galmon galaxy to stop the Regent of the Empire, I think they are all crazy." Haster said without hesitation, "And I feel very ironic, when I spent It took ten years to get fifty regiments, five or six hundred thousand people. Now, they only spent a few months preparing a hundred times more military force than this."

   "If there was such an efficiency, the Cadian Fortress would never have fallen. With all due respect, this is no less than a betrayal. The Cadian Fortress has become a victim of political struggle."

  The slow flow on Terra is like a bottomless pit, which makes the aspirant feel both pointless and frustrating.

  When mankind is facing an unprecedented crisis, Terra's bureaucracy has become an obstacle on the way to salvation.

   Only when the interests of the powerful and powerful are threatened, will the system run quickly.

   "You are very angry at their orders," said Tyrion.

"Shouldn't I be angry? My homeland was destroyed, and more than 90% of Cadian died on the battlefield. I was like a stray wild dog biting wildly around the galaxy to vent my anger." Haster said angrily.

"I once came to Terra, groveling and humbly begging for support, begging the high lords to pay attention to the threat of the big looters, but they turned a blind eye to it, and it took me ten years before I finally left with hundreds of thousands of people ."

   "And now, they have spent several months gathering millions of star troops, a huge imperial fleet and the Titan Order. Isn't this Terra's betrayal of Cadian?"

  Tirion hadn't said anything, and Haster had every right to be angry about it.

   And this anger is also what he needs.

   Cadian Fortress held back the Great Marauders and the Eye of Terror for the Empire for 10,000 years, only to fall because of the increasingly corrupt Imperial bureaucracy.

  They became vagrants, being excluded and stared at everywhere.

  Can only paralyze himself with crazy fighting.

   Waited until Haster calmed down before Tyrian continued, "I hope you will answer their call and join the team heading to Beta-Garmon."

   "What do you mean? Do you want me to continue to serve those high lords who disregarded the Cadian fortress and fight the Primarch's army? Use the lives of the Cadians to stabilize their power?"

  Hastur questioned Tyrian with anger in his eyes.

"No, Haster." Tyrion said, "That's not my purpose. The current empire cannot afford a large-scale civil war. Soldiers who die fighting for power are a terrible crime. Their lives It shouldn't be wasted like this. But I can't stop the madness of the high lords, and the conservative faction headed by Yiertu controls most of Terra's power. Therefore, I have no way to confront him openly."

"The only hope of stopping this civil war lies in the Regent of the Empire. His military strength is strong enough, and most of the warbands support him. You join Iltu's team and go to Beta-Garmon. At the critical moment, passing on the relevant defense information and defecting on the battlefield will deal a blow to the morale of the unstable army, so that the Primarch can win at the least cost."

  Hearing this, Haster's anger subsided a lot.

   "Is this okay? It's hard to do it with my troops alone."

"You won't fight alone. During this time, I will recruit some like-minded generals and lobby the Imperial Fist's Chapter Commander and the Marshal of the Forbidden Army. We don't need to destroy the entire dam, as long as we destroy the key nodes, we will It can cause the dam to collapse under water pressure. And the troops that Yiertu is building are the dam we are going to deal with."

  Tirion revealed his plan.

  Hast fell silent, and after a while, he agreed.

   Terra's conservative forces are too strong, and Tyrian's solution is undoubtedly the best.

  Getting Haster's promise, Tyrian smiled. "Very well, but please be sure to keep our conversation private, or it will be for naught."

   "I will," Haster said.

  Tirion sent Haster to the door, performed a sky eagle salute, and said goodbye to him, "May he bless you."

   "May He bless you too," Haster said.

   Afterwards, he walked towards his aircraft and left under the protection of several personal soldiers.

  Tirion watched the aircraft leave, and ordered his servants to take out the data pads and read the information of each unit.

  He has to see who the next person to persuade is.

  Only those who are dissatisfied with Terra's bureaucracy and have hope for the Primarch can be recruited.

  He must do this very carefully.

   Otherwise, it would be disastrous for Valtu and others to know about it.

  The high lord will never be stingy in sending dead soldiers or using his connections and power to kill him.

  Tara's upper layer is undercurrents, while the bottom layer is also turbulent.

  The collapse of the Great Rift, the dark fate of mankind affects those people at the bottom in a special way.

  The warp space storm has made warp space navigation dangerous, and many fleets dare not take risks.

   Several families have monopolized the supply of materials with the help of several hidden safe waterways and the protection of the high lord.

   And under the pretext of the risk of subspace navigation, prices were raised, and they began to collect money crazily.

  There is nothing the Ministry of Justice and the Trial Court can do about this behavior.

  Those families took advantage of the loopholes in the laws of the empire and used the influence of the Chamber of Commerce to interfere with the decision-making of the High Lords Conference.

   Coupled with the inefficiency of the high lord council, these families are extremely unscrupulous.

  These families are shameless to the extreme, and prices rise several times a day.

  Too high to grab every drop of wealth from the poor.

   Let them sell everything they own to enrich the family wealth of those with vested interests.

  Judges and legal officials can only desperately suppress those bottom-level people who intend to riot.

  A large number of leaders who incited the mob were burned at the stake, using an iron fist to declare that the order of the empire should not be offended.

   "These traitors will be sentenced to fire. They have been bewitched by the cultists. In the name of the emperor, give these traitors death."

  An official of the Ministry of Justice stood on a suspended platform and used a loudspeaker to announce the verdict to the people of the empire who crowded over.

  Several men and women were pushed to the stake.

  The law enforcer pulled the trigger, and flames spurted out, burning those guys into coke amidst screams.

  With proud and proud smiles on their faces, they seem to be announcing to people.

   Behold, I have burned another traitor of Chaos for the Emperor.

  What a noble and just thing this is.

  The Emperor will rejoice in what I have done.

  Nahua was one of the civilians watching.

  He witnessed his friend screaming in the flames, and his friend's two children heard their father's screams, and hid in his arms and wept silently.

  Tears flowed down her immature face, and her eyes were full of hatred.

   When he realized that the Ministry of Justice had taken action, his friend sent the child to Nava's house to avoid being implicated by himself.

  Fortunately, the Ministry of Justice only wanted to quickly suppress the riots and use a strong gesture to declare that the laws of the empire should not be offended.

  They don't want to waste time investigating the background of these leaders.

   After executing the leader, the people from the Ministry of Justice left.

  Nahua looked at his friend's body with a sad expression on his face, but there was nothing he could do.

  No one dares to contain the corpse, otherwise they will be labeled as cult traitors.

  Nahua felt extremely angry in his heart, and he knew one thing very clearly.

  That is, the friends who have been with each other for many years are definitely not some cult traitors.

  He's just a poor worker trying to keep the chamber of commerce from raising prices.

  The meager salary is all used to buy food, which cannot support myself and my two children.

   For this reason, friends can only protest the price increase of the chamber of commerce family, hoping to unite everyone to fight against unscrupulous chambers of commerce who take the opportunity to raise prices to make money.

  The situation got out of control amidst the Chamber of Commerce's reluctance to compromise and the dispute between a group of hungry and crazy people.

  The protesters turned into thugs, stormed the chamber of commerce, killed the shop assistants, and took away the food.

  But for those high-ranking Terra dignitaries, the bottom has never been worthy of attention.

  For the sake of a great empire, the bottom should endure suffering silently and move forward with heavy burdens.

  For this riot, they feel unparalleled anger, which is a provocation to the empire.

  The Ministry of Justice made a thunderous attack, arresting the leaders with lightning speed and sending them to the stake.

  The corpse was thrown on the stake, and no one restrained it.

  Nahua did not dare to collect the corpse. The Ministry of Justice is now arresting people everywhere. Whoever collects the corpse is undoubtedly giving the other party an excuse.

  An adulterous cult, the hat of betraying the emperor has been buckled,

  The lighter ones will be stripped of their skin, while the more serious ones will be served on the stake.

  He picked up the two children and walked home.

   Some projected images are projected along the road.

   Inside, speeches of several big figures are being delivered.

  A publicity official from the Ministry of Justice roared loudly in the video.

"This is the best era. We have achieved greater achievements than our ancestors. Look at the magnificent buildings of Terra and our army. The Emperor will be pleased. However, those cunning traitors still want to take Going through all this, I call upon the people to arm themselves against those enemies who seek to destroy our good life. The traitor who has turned his back on the glory of the Emperor and deceived people with demagogic language is about to reach the Beta-Garmon galaxy, and our brave army Assembled, the loathsome traitor must be driven out of the sacred solar system."

  Nahua turned a blind eye to this, and walked forward with the child.

   But after a while, another image appeared.

  A man dressed luxuriously and from a high-class society is talking about the rebellion.

   "Regardless of any reason, rebellion is intolerable. It is a blasphemy and betrayal of the Holy Emperor. The Ministry of Justice should take a tougher stance to suppress those **** thugs, maintain the dignity of the empire, and uphold the laws of the empire."

  (end of this chapter)