
one of his

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 95 The Great Four-Armed God Emperor (Subscribe)

   "Phocles, what gift did you prepare?" Calga looked at Phicles with confusion on his brows.

   "Ah! This!" Phikris was speechless.

  How to explain this matter? ?

   What a hassle!


  I thought you were giving gifts!

   So I went to prepare presents, and also prepared to celebrate the Primarch's birthday.

  Who would have thought it would look like this!

   I made a big oolong myself.

  Phichristian swears that he really didn't think that the so-called gift of Calga that Sicarius said was the Colossus of God's Punishment.

   is a giant battleship capable of destroying the battle moon.

  He thought they were planning gifts for the Primarch's birthday.

  That's why he went to prepare gifts.

  Economist Reddy was also asked to find a baker and a batch of fine wines that have been preserved for many years, in order to make the Primarch happy.

   As a result, who would have thought that the gift of Calgar that the Primarch has been talking about turned out to be the giant battleship of the Colossus of God's Retribution.

   Not for the so-called birthday at all.

   Everyone didn't prepare any gifts!

  As soon as the giant ship, the Punishment Colossus, appeared, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

  He made Reddy stop all preparations.

   Also deliberately issued a gag order, never allowing anyone involved in this matter to speak out.

  So embarrassing!


  Why would he go to such a thing!

  Who would have thought that now the Primarch would personally intervene.


  Who can help save the field!

   "Gift?" Sicarius looked at Phikris, frowning slightly.

   He speculated for days about Calgar's gift.

   Does Phikris also have technological creations that surpass the current empire?

   "If there is something good, why not take it out now, it's better than Lord Guilliman watching our jokes again."

  Colvo, Chapter Master of the Nova Chapter, spoke.

  Others also nodded.

   In the final battle with the orc warlords.

   All of them believed that it was impossible for the Imperial Navy to confront the Battle Moon head-on.

   It is even more impossible to destroy the battle moon of the orcs with the help of the empire's ships.

  But the dramatic change caught them all off guard.

  No one expected that the Primarch could create such a colossus in such a short period of time.

  Although it uses existing technological creations, it is still very scary.

   It is definitely not something that other people in the empire can do.

  Just the roadmap and energy architecture is a very complex project.

   Not to mention other things.

  If the Mechanicum came to fiddle with such a project, it would take less than a hundred years, so don't try to do it well.

   Now, it took only a few years for the Primarch and Caul to build such a huge structure as the Colossus.

  It can also be mass-produced.

  What does this kind of thing represent? ?

   represents that the human navy will usher in a completely new enhancement.

  The empire currently has quite a few giant structures.

  The Mountain Array used by the Imperial Fists.

  Dark Angel's home star fortress - the megalithic fortress.

   Mechanical Sage's Mechanical Ark.

  A star castle suspended in the dark void.

   and mining bases for mining giant planets.

   These are giant structures comparable to celestial bodies.

   It takes an extremely long time to build these huge giant structures.

   It will take hundreds or thousands of years.

  The God's Punishment Colossus only took a few years to build.

   This is undoubtedly a miracle.

   is also a replicable miracle.

  Everyone is still amazed when they think of it now.

  In the eyes of everyone, the thirteen original body is already a mysterious super master of technology.

  Only he can complete a giant structure that takes decades or hundreds of years to complete in just a few years.

  Humanity will go to unparalleled glory in his hands.

   There is a good chance that there will be another golden age.

   That would be an exciting thing.

  When Guilliman talked about Phekris' gift.

  Everyone immediately thought of whether the Primarch had a new technology.

  What kind of progress and enhancement will the empire obtain as a result.

  Feeling everyone's attention, Phikris blushed even more.

  How is he going to say it without embarrassment.

  This is much more difficult than fighting chaos.

   "Phycles may want me to solve the mystery myself, Reddy, bring it up, and share the cake and wine with you brothers."

   Guilliman said loudly under the astonished eyes of Phekris.

   Accompanied by Guilliman's order.

  Reddy walked in with several men in chef's clothes pushing a huge cake.

   Behind them, there are servants carrying boxes of fine wine.

  Many Chapter Leaders stared at the cake dumbfounded.

   Not only them, the admirals, knights, and nuns were all shocked

  What the hell!

   Isn't it technology? ?

   Isn't it a brand new achievement? ?

  Why is it a cake? ?

   "My lord, how do you know..." Phikris was astonished to see the cake coming in.

  For a while, he didn't know what to say!

   Didn't he tell Reddy to end the project?

  Why didn't Reddy terminate the program? ?

   "I know everything, Phikris, this is the flagship my father gave me. I know the location of every secret passage and every secret door better than you," Guilliman said with a smile.

   "What does this mean??" An admiral looked at the exquisite and huge cake and asked in puzzlement.

  The others were also at a loss.

   They guessed wrong again.

   Phikris's gift is not a new technology, but a cake? ?

   What the **** is a cake? ?

"This is a gift, everyone." Guilliman looked around the crowd, "We need to understand why we are fighting? Only in this way can we hold the sword firmly. There should not be only war in the dark galaxy, and we must never forget us. The human side."

  "Many of you may think that the new gift will be a powerful technological creation, so you will be shocked when you see the cake, but I want to tell you that this gift is also a weapon."

"It is the weapon of our hearts, the weapon against the deceptions of Chaos. Open your eyes, my colleagues, and see how many planets have been turned into a terrible **** under the rule of corrupt bureaucrats, how many of my father's The people endured horrific torture."

"People have nothing, but they are required to work all day long for my father's empire. Their average life expectancy does not even reach thirty-five years, and their wealth is gathered into their own hands by the nobles in the name of the emperor. Sad thing."

   "In the empire, we have worshiped the strong over the weak for generations. Does this make us better? No, this approach makes the situation worse and worse."

  "Humanity has lost its pioneering spirit, lost its blood, and people have become numb. We recruit a brutal soldier and then turn him into a brutal lord, continuing this vicious cycle."

   "As a result, people have the same attitude towards Chaos and Empire, that is numbness."

   "A fine line must be drawn between the beautiful and the ugly. If Chaos offers power to a man who dwells in Hell, why should he refuse Hell's invitation?"

"Loyalty to the emperor is precious, and it is worth advocating and admiring. But we must always be vigilant against those who do evil in the name of the emperor and grab benefits. The change starts today, and we must always be alert to ourselves. The purpose of our war is To end war. War for war's sake is always foolish."

  Guilliman looked at Phikris, "Thank you, Phikris. You let us understand that some things should not be forgotten. We fight to defend the beauty of human beings, not to push them into the abyss."

   "Ah!" Phikles was stunned for a moment, unable to speak.

  He has clearly ordered Reddy to give up the preparations, so why is there still cake.

   Phikris looked at Reddy puzzled, and found that she was also smiling at him.

  Everyone stood up, all applauded, and some even cheered.

   They will fight for the Primarch and the Emperor's dream.

   Until everything is on track.

  The Primarch himself picked up a large cake knife.

   That knife is so big that it can be regarded as a machete.

  Guilliman used it to cut the cake but it was just right.

   After dividing a few pieces of cake symbolically.

  Guilliman handed over this work to others.

  He doesn't have much time, and he doesn't attend the banquet simply to relax.

  When the fate of the entire human race is placed on the shoulders of one person.

  Then this person will definitely not be so relaxed that he can drink and have fun at a banquet.

  He came to the banquet with a plan, not just to relax.

  Guilliman attended the banquet mainly to award medals to those chapter leaders and generals who fought bravely, and also to convey his reform ideas.

   Fight for many reasons.

  If you ask, you will get various answers.

  For the empire, for mankind, and for the loyalty of mankind.

   Guilliman knew well that the Emperor had sat on the golden throne for ten thousand years.

  Even the government affairs on Terra are handled by the Supreme Senate.

   Allegiance to the Emperor is a big joke.

  If you are truly loyal to the emperor, why does the state religion still rise? Why is the Senate still so decayed?

   As for fighting for humanity, this sentence is even more ridiculous.

  In addition to chaos and aliens, the poison of corrupt bureaucrats in the empire is the most serious poison to all worlds.

  The Ministry of Internal Affairs made a small mistake about the taxation of the planet.

   can turn the entire planet into a barren land of bones.

  Imperial tax ships literally scrape the ground to make up the taxes the planet needs to pay.

  Once there is a disobedience, the imperial fleet will come to clean up the world's rebels.

  The decay of the Empire is there for all to see.

   Eliminating corrupt bureaucrats is the best way to save mankind.

  But now, there is a group of people called the nobles of mankind, standing on the opposite side of the reform.

   Isn't that ironic?

  In the final analysis, many people fight for honor and for themselves.

  Guilliman needs to feed these people with honor, power and interests.

   Only in this way can these people continue to fight.

   This is one of the reasons for holding a celebration.

  Guilliman hates this kind of thing, but he also has to admit that he needs these means to win over these loyalists and stabilize his base.

  After completing the work of awarding honors, Guilliman withdrew and left the banquet.

  His status is too high, it is not a wise decision to stay at the celebration reception.

   It will make those people restrained and unable to let go.

   People will be more comfortable with him gone.

   Troop carrier Righteous Fury.

  The empire has many troop carriers of this level.

   Their task is to transport the soldiers of the Empire from this world to that world.

  Once set sail, very few soldiers can get on the spaceship back to their home planet.

   The Milky Way is really, really, really big.

   One accident, that is decades, a hundred years have passed.

  Don't talk about going home, if you accidentally die in a foreign land, your soul can't go back.

  In this era when darkness is approaching, being able to survive on the battlefield for a few years is regarded as the emperor's mercy.

   Still want to go home.

Stop dreaming.

  The carnival belonging to ordinary soldiers was held in the cabin of the Path of Justice.

  After careful consideration by the high-level empire.

  These Astra Militarum soldiers are also allowed to enjoy events, used to celebrate the victory of the Empire.

  Hawk stood in the crowd, toasting with his corps brothers.

  Celebrate victory.

   Also celebrate being alive.

  Compared with his appearance a few years ago, he has changed a little bit now.

   The sluggishness left by long-term labor faded away, and the eyes and face became vicissitudes.

   His eyes are no longer cynical, but calm.

  I have seen many deaths, and I am aware of the danger of the battlefield.

  The years of fighting have also made him understand the terrible **** price to pay for the survival of the empire.

  His left hand has been transformed into a metal prosthesis.

  The original arm had already been cut off by the orc, and there was no way to get it back.

  In a battle with the orcs.

  The imperial forces were raided, the battle was lost, and the front line fell.

  The whole line collapsed, causing countless casualties.

  The imperial commanders originally wanted to withdraw their troops and regroup before continuing to fight.

  Hawk misheard the commander's order and charged all the way carrying the regiment's battle flag.

  His behavior infected a large group of people, and others saw them charge, and then followed in a confused charge.

   As a result, I won by accident.

  Hawk's hand was also lost at that time.

  The commanders of the empire saw his bravery, so they arranged for the mechanical priest to install mechanical prosthetics on him, and promoted him to be a captain.

   Not long after that, he was promoted to major by the fire line and became the head of a temporary regiment.

  After the Battle of Gorod this time, he was officially converted and became the head of a regiment, leading the Natal 502 regiment.

  The 502nd Regiment is a group of recruits who have just been recruited from the planet Natal.

  In order to cope with the consumption of the Indomitable Crusade, the Primarch eagerly absorbed the soldiers and resources from various worlds.

  Natal responded to the Primarch's call and sent men and women of the right age to the battlefield.

  It is different from other wars where the more you fight, the worse your equipment becomes.

  The 502 regiment is a new regiment, and the equipment they get is new equipment.

  After the Primarch reintegrated the five hundred worlds, many forged worlds were handed over to the great sage Kaul.

  Comprehensive reforms and technical optimizations have revitalized each foundry world.

  A large amount of technical and theoretical knowledge is tilted towards low-level priests.

   So that they don't need to waste too much energy on some unimportant technologies.

   According to the order of the original body, Kaul is optimizing the knowledge structure of the empire to ensure that human beings can once again raise their hearts to explore the universe, instead of indulging in finding the lost technology of the golden age.

   With the promotion of these initiatives, the five hundred worlds will usher in a technological innovation every once in a while.

  These innovative technologies will also indirectly affect foundry factories to produce more cost-effective individual equipment.

  Of course, the various measures of the five hundred worlds have seriously violated many prohibitions of the Mechanic Church.

   During this period of time, the conservative sects of the Mechanicum continued to put pressure on the Ultramar sector, asking them to stop this blasphemy against the God of Mechanics immediately.

   Mars even issued a war notice, demanding an immediate cessation of blasphemy.

   Otherwise, they will take all necessary means to maintain the majesty of the God of Myriad Chances.

  Guilliman has always been indifferent to this, and has not taken the old school's ideas and many protests to heart.

  He asked Kaul to continue to form a new scientific research team, speed up the absorption and digestion of various technological knowledge he gave, and integrate the current technology of Mechanicus to enhance the strength of the empire.

  Of course, Hawke has no way to touch these things.

  He only knew that the later the corps, the better the equipment.

   There are even some corps wearing a full set of exoskeletons, and their combat power is much stronger than other corps.

   "What are you thinking? Captain Hawke."

  A crisp voice sounded, Hawk looked up, and a red-haired, blue-eyed woman walked beside him.

  The other party was holding a bottle of fruit wine from an unknown world.

   The distance between galaxies and galaxies is too long.

   It is impossible to specify a single galaxy for logistics procurement, but to adopt the principle of proximity.

   "Major Cass." Hawk nodded in response.

   "You haven't answered me yet, what are you thinking?" Cass shrugged and asked with a smile.

   "I didn't think about anything, I was just thinking about whether the emperor would protect me tonight." Hawke laughed.

   "The battle is over, do you still need the Emperor's protection?"

  Major Cass asked with a trace of curiosity.

"You and I understand that the war will never stop. I heard some new news. The Tyranid Zerg is coming, and their goal is the Charadon sector. Do you think the great Primarch will swing his troops to fight the Zerg?" ?"

  Hawk took a sip of the wine in his hand. It was sweet and sour, and tasted very good.

   I heard from several colleagues that this kind of alcohol has a strong aftertaste.

  Drink too much and can't get up the next day.

   "That will be a matter of the future, there is absolutely no need for the Emperor to protect you tonight," Major Cass smiled.

   "Because there is another battle tonight." Hawke said with a smile, "I just don't know if I can invite Miss Cass to be my opponent."

   "Do people in Natal like to beat around the bush?" Cass laughed. "Besides, if you find me as an opponent, I am very worried that you will lose too quickly. The Emperor has no way to protect you."

   "Even if the emperor does not bless me, I still have a great chance of winning."

   Once war broke out, how quickly would the Astra Militarum be promoted? ?

  Ordinary people can't believe it.

   I was thrown on the battlefield today, as long as I can survive, I might be able to be promoted to the head of the regiment.

   This is a cold joke, but it also reflects how high the death rate of the Astral Army is.

  The main enemies of the empire are Chaos, Zerg, Orcs, Necrons, and Dark Eldar. Once these powerful forces descend on a certain planet, they will start a terrible war.

  At this time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will throw dozens, or even hundreds, of corps onto the battlefield.

   It is extremely tragic to exchange human life for victory.

  The death rate is as high as 100%.

   To give an example, the Tyranids once attacked a place called the Krania galaxy.

  For this reason, the Ministry of Internal Affairs invested more than a hundred corps. When they finally evacuated, less than one-tenth of the personnel remained, and half of them were still disabled.

  In such a battle, the Astral Army would be easily harvested like weeds.

   Under such pressure, the hormonal activity between men and women is also very special.

   They talked about love when they started, but they were ordinary people they no longer knew after the end.

  Everyone understands that investing in emotions will only increase their sadness.

  No one knows when death will come.

  Hawk didn't understand it before, but now he understands it, and Cass understands it too.

  The two looked at each other, and instantly understood each other's thoughts.

  Cass drank the wine in his hand, turned and left.

  Hoke also drank the wine in his hand, and walked over with a smile.

  If tomorrow will usher in death, why not party today? ?

  Vitria galaxy.

   This is a galaxy on the edge of the Charlaton sector.

  Under the rule of the Senate of Terra, the systems adopted by the various worlds of the empire are different.

  Vitria is a pure capital world.

   Merchants are everything here, they are judges, magistrates, councilors.

  The plutocratic family has ruled here for generations, and the planet Vitria has been shaped into their back garden and their factory.

  Because of the existence of interstellar trade, the plutocrats don't care whether the common people and workers of Vitria can afford their products.

   Their guests are nobles from other worlds.

   There is no need for workers and civilians to digest industrial products.

  The only function of the civilians in the world of Vitria is to provide cheap labor, other than that, they are useless.

   The unemployment rate on Planet Vitria is high, and people can only become homeless.

  Because the supreme law here is that private ownership is sacrosanct.

  No matter what the reason is, private ownership laws cannot be violated at will.

   And everything on Planet Vitria belongs to the plutocrats.

   The civilians have nothing.

  If it weren't for the express regulations of the empire, the ownership of all human colonized worlds belongs to the emperor.

   I'm afraid that these people don't even have the qualifications to wander, and they will be driven out of their cities by the chaebol.

  The plutocrats also know that their rule is unpopular.

  In order to maintain their rule, the chaebols spent a lot of money to build a powerful security team.

  This security team is well-equipped, with biological modification and mechanical prosthetic modification, powerful force, any rebellious behavior will be crushed by them.

  But where there is oppression, there is resistance.

  A free sect has formed in the city sewers of Vitria.

  Some believers with long foreheads and smooth scalps spread leaflets about freedom, equality, mercy, and kindness among the crowd and homeless people.

   At a hidden meeting place.

   "We want to defeat those damned oppressors and **** back the gifts that the God-Emperor gave us. For the God-Emperor, we will sacrifice everything."

   A man in a robe shouted.

   As he shouted, other believers also shouted.

   "Let us pray to the great God-Emperor." The man pointed to the four-armed Emperor God statue painted with red paint on the wall and said. "We will bring salvation to this world."

   I was delayed a bit, a bit late. Talk about problems in the group, sometimes the inspection is not detailed enough.

  (end of this chapter)