
one of his

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 92 The Colossus of God's Punishment Shocked Everyone in the Empire

  Seeing that Korwu publicly proposed to the Primarch to lead his Chapter brothers to destroy the battle moon.

   Many chapter leaders regretted it belatedly.

  They followed Corvo closely, asking for the first battle.

  Hope the Primarch will send them to raid the Battle Moon to clear the way for the Imperial forces.

   "The Argent Skulls are willing to destroy the Battle Moon for the Primarch."

   "The Creation Corps is willing to take the lead."

   "The Fire Eagle is willing to share the Primarch's worries."

  Many chapter leaders are all fighting for the qualifications for the first battle.

   I want to add another thick stroke to the honor of the warband.

   Among the many battles in the past, the battle moon that raided the orcs was extremely dangerous.

   A little carelessness may wipe out the entire battle group.

  But those situations happened without the original body.

   Now the situation is very different.

  In order to solve the problem of the Charadon star area.

  Guilliman dispatched a total of thirty battle groups.

   All of them are space fighters who have completed the original casting upgrade.

  The strength of the Primaris Space Marines alone is more than 30,000.

   Such scales were common during the Great Crusade.

  But since the end of the Horus Rebellion and the Second Army Establishment, the space fighters have basically operated in a battle group of more than a thousand people, and rarely gathered together.

  In the 10,000-year history, there are only a handful of times that so many warriors have gathered.

  In addition to the thirty battle groups, there are new battle groups coming from all over the galaxy.

  Let the primordial cast space fighters in the hands of the original body reach more than 40,000.

   This is already a devastating force.

  For a force in the galaxy capable of resisting more than 40,000 Primaris Space Marines, one slap is not enough.

  The orc warlord is certainly powerful.

   But facing more than 40,000 Primaris space fighters, it still seemed a bit unsightly.

  The Imperium of Man is destined to triumph.

  Whoever can defeat the battle moon of the orcs will be able to win the first victory in the final battle, and add a strong sum to their battle group's achievements.

   Guilliman watched the many Chapter Masters, and naturally guessed their thoughts, but he would not choose any of them.

   As for the war moon, he already had his own arrangements.

  Seeing that everyone was arguing endlessly, Guilliman smiled and reached out to stop their quarrel.

  Order the mechanical priest on the side to release a holographic projection covering the entire hall.

   Show off the Orcs' massive, menacing battle moon.

   The surface of the Battle Moon is a layered weave of massive molten debris and interconnected metal plates.

  Looks like a giant half-rusted clockwork structure or an intricate planetary toy, the bright paint on the exterior has been rubbed off to expose its inner workings.

  Battle Moon is the pinnacle of orc technology.

  Big enough to affect the gravity of a planet.

   Those orc ships that are several kilometers long are like swarms of insects compared to the battle moon.

   In many battles between the Empire and the Orcs.

   Once the battle moon appears on the void battlefield, it represents the beginning of the defeat of the imperial fleet.

   Never without exception.

   During each periodic WAAAGH wave, the empire also attaches great importance to whether orcs have the appearance of the battle moon.

  If there is one, it must be paralyzed and destroyed immediately at all costs.

   Otherwise, the Imperial Fleet will be defeated.

   "This time, we don't need any wargroup to make a surprise attack. We will directly defeat the orcs' battle moon on the frontal battlefield."

   Guilliman didn't speak until everyone was quiet.

"My lord, in that case, the Imperial Navy will pay a heavy price." Iser said, "The Imperial Fleet is almost powerless to fight back against the Battle Moon, and it has already been affected by the gravity device on the Battle Moon before approaching. A weaker warship will even be torn apart by the chaotic gravity storm."

   "My lord, I beg you to think twice. We are definitely not afraid of death, but the battle moon of the orcs is too terrifying. Even if the imperial fleet pays heavy sacrifices, they may not be able to break through the enemy's defense head-on."

  Another admiral also spoke.

   "Let the Raven Guard deal with it." The company commander of the Raven Guard who was silent just now, Verano said, "The naval power of the empire is precious, and it is not worth wasting it on the orcs."

   "Indeed." Corvo agreed not to waste the power of the Imperial Navy.

   "Are you all worried that the navy will not be able to defeat the battle moon?" Guilliman asked with a smile as he looked around the crowd.

   "Yes, my lord. Judging from the records of the empire's many battlefields, the empire's navy is indeed unable to defeat the battle moon. Every time, it paralyzes the battle moon by relying on the suicide attacks of various battle groups."

  The captain of the Glory of Macragge, Breher also spoke.

   He also disagreed with the idea of ​​the Primarch confronting the Battle Moon head-on.

  Sicarius did not speak, he noticed that Guilliman did not show any irritation because of everyone's opposition.

   On the contrary, he enjoyed the questioning of everyone at the moment.

   "My lord, perhaps you should explain the reason." Sicarius said, "Share your wisdom for me. There must be a deep meaning behind this."

   "With your strategic wisdom, you will never make such a decision to hit a stone with an egg."

  As soon as Sicarius said these words, everyone woke up like a dream.

  From waking up to the present, the reforms implemented by the Primarch and the innovations in various technologies, as well as the victories he has won on the battlefield, all represent that his wisdom is absolutely unmatched by others.

   Now, uncharacteristically, the naval fleet that cannot match the strength of the orcs is required to confront the battle moon head-on.

   Quite unusual.

   They just thought the primarch didn't know much about the orc battle moon.

   After all, he never participated in the battle against the orcs to fight the moon.

   But now that I think about it, something seems wrong.

  The Primarch has never made a mistake, and it is impossible to misjudge such information.

   "My lord, is there any other way for the navy fleet to destroy the battle moon?"

  Korwu's tone was confused. He really couldn't think of what kind of thing could help the navy fleet defeat the battle moon on the frontal battlefield.

  Other chapter masters, naval generals, army generals, head nuns, knight family leaders and many other imperial heroes all looked at Guilliman.

  There was confusion in their eyes.

   Didn't understand why the Primarch was so insistent on letting the Navy fight that battle.

  Guilliman did not answer their questions, but turned his head to look at the astropath - Luo Shan.

   "Can I ask how long it will take?"

  Wearing a light-colored robe, with a thin figure, Luo Shan was the astropath who was in charge of the Glory of Macragge, and Luo Shan showed a rare smile.

   "It's close at hand, my lord. Once it arrives, the latest news will appear in your database as soon as possible."

"what on earth is it?"

  Hearing the conversation between the Primarch and the Astropath-Roshan, Phikris, who had been silent all the time, also showed a confused look.

   "The existing naval fleet cannot fight against the battle moon, but what if the navy has ships that can destroy a planet with a single shot? Can they destroy the battle moon?"

  Guilliman showed a teasing smile, and revealed a small mystery for everyone, allowing them to see a corner of the answer.

   "My lord, this!" Breher was at a loss for words for a while.

  He didn't know how to express the many emotions in his heart.

  Because of the Primarch's words, confusion, curiosity, and suspicion were all mixed together.

  A ship that can destroy a planet with one shot? ?

  If such a weapon really exists, then the navy is indeed qualified to fight against the battle moon.

  Is there really such a ship? ?

   Such a terrifying ship, why have I never seen it, or even heard the rumors.

   "Master of Forge, does Mechanicus have such a weapon?"

  Chapter Leader Korvu looked at the casting general Keren in the Charlton sector, and asked.

  The technology of the empire is in the hands of Mechanicus.

  The ships are all cast by the Imperial Mechanics.

   If you want to verify the Primarch, the best way is naturally to ask the foundry general of the Charadon sector - Keren.

  As a foundry general, even if he doesn't master that kind of technology, he will still hear about it.

  Casting General-Keren's mechanized face revealed a trace of bewilderment.

  He searched his memory storage, trying to find the technology that meets the Primarch's requirements.

  Among the many sages of the Mechanicus, there are indeed some who have a mechanical ark that can destroy the entire planet.

  Those powerful mechanical arks are creations that cannot be copied.

   Some Mechanic Arks are semi-finished products left over from the Golden Age, and then perfected by the Mechanicus Magi.

   "Did your lord obtain a mechanical ark controlled by a certain sage?" Karen asked.

  If it is the mechanical ark of a mechanical sage, it may indeed have the power to fight against the battle moon.

   Guilliman shook his head with a smile, "I'm not talking about the Mechanical Ark, but the newly completed naval ship in the Macragge Dockyard."

  As soon as these words came out, Karen, the casting general who had lived for several centuries, was also stunned.

  The newly cast naval ship has the power to destroy a planet with a single shot.

   There is no such technology in Mechanicism that I know.

   Even if there is, it is fragmented and cannot be restored.

   The Mechanicum's vast inventory holds countless technological lore.

   But a lot of knowledge is fragmented and unsystematic.

  If you want to build such a ship, the technology must be systematic.

   Without one link, there is no way to forge such a weapon.

  The Primarch said that he has a ship that can destroy a planet with one shot, and it has just been manufactured.

  This means that he has a systematic construction technology in his hands.

   Such techniques are by no means mechanically taught.

  As the Mechanicum became more formal and conservative, a large amount of technology has been lost in the pile of papers.

   Don't talk about building a ship that can destroy the entire planet with one shot.

   Even a lot of equipment from the Great Crusade period, the Mechanicus has lost the relevant manufacturing technology and cannot be manufactured at all.

   "How could there be such a technology?" Casting General Karen's mechanical voice was also a little confused and at a loss.

  Why would the Primarch have technologies that the Mechanicus doesn't have!

   Seeing the casting general, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. It was obvious that Karen did not know such a technique.

   "Is this true?" An admiral looked dazed. He couldn't believe that the empire still had the ability to create weapons capable of destroying planets.

  The others didn't speak, but judging from their expressions, they thought so too.

  In today's empire, technology loss has become more and more serious as time goes by.

  Many things are gone when they are used up.

  Many equipment cannot be remanufactured.

   "It seems that your hearts are full of doubts." Guilliman looked at the crowd and smiled. "Don't worry, you will soon be able to verify the authenticity of my words."

   At this moment, a crisp sound sounded.

   A special rune appeared on the holographic projection in front of Guilliman.

   Obviously, what he's been waiting for has arrived.

   "Now, I present to you the sword of the Empire - the Colossus of Retribution. It will pierce the void and become a source of fear to the enemies of the Empire."

  Guilliman ordered people to open the observation window and the visual capture device in the void.

   At a distance of one million kilometers from the gathering point.

  The divination detection device is constantly moving the strengthened void lens in order to better capture images.

   It can be seen that in the area with a diameter of 50,000 kilometers, strong space-time distortions and fluctuations have occurred in the void.

   Light bends in the ultra-wide-angle lens the probe is looking at, as if twisted at the grasp of a black hole.

  The etheric witch fire from the supreme sky shines and goes out quickly, burning the barrier between reality and illusion.

  The space-time structure was distorted several times in a row, eventually causing the barriers between reality and illusion to be overwhelmed.

  A crack appeared.

  Intense rays of light gushed out, quickly widening the crack.

  The real space vibrated violently, twisted and stretched at the same time, and then was quickly torn open like a gaping wound.

   After a while.

  A huge ship beyond the imagination of the world rushed out of it and appeared on the stage under the gaze of everyone.

  The golden double-headed eagle logo with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers represents that this is a ship belonging to the empire.

  Its scale is so terrifying.

   Larger than all the Imperial ships assembled here.

  That's not even a ship, more like a suspended continent wrapped in armor and rock.

  The appearance of the ship is also completely different from many ships of the empire.

   It is spherical in shape, with a special triangular structure composed of three giant metal pillars at the front end.

   Unimaginable muzzles extend from the battleship's spine, and launch ports dot its surface.

  Its huge structure has even begun to squeeze the space structure, forming its own gravity.

  It can be said that it is the manifestation of human might among the stars.

   What is even more frightening is that there is not only one such behemoth.

  The appearance of two Colossi of God's Punishment of the same size from the subspace represents that Guilliman's words are true.

   These giant ships comparable to a continent were really cast by Macragge.

  Korvo: (ΩДΩ).

  Villano: (ΩДΩ).

  Iser: (ΩДΩ).

   Many admirals: (ΩДΩ), (ΩДΩ), (ΩДΩ), (ΩДΩ).

  Forge General-Kron's mechanical prosthetic eye was buzzing.

  His eyes widened.

  The data processing center in the skull keeps sending out warnings.

  Others were also so shocked that they couldn't recover.

   "How! What do you think of the Colossus of God's Punishment designed by Kaul and me?"

   Guilliman smiled, looked at the people who were too shocked to speak, and asked.

   "I've never heard of such a project." Casting General Karen was stunned, too shocked to say a word.

  He was already sluggish.

  The calculation module in the skull has been overloaded for protection.

  He frantically retrieved all the information he stored, wanting to check the information of this giant ship.

  But no matter how he searches, the result is that there is no such data.

   "Of course you haven't heard of it. This project started after I woke up." Guilliman smiled, with a hint of complacency in his tone.

   "How is it possible?" Casting General Karen shook his head, unable to believe it was true.

  The original body has only been awakened for a few years, how could it be possible to build two such huge ships.

  The diameter of the sphere alone is estimated to be thousands of kilometers long.

  How could it be possible!

  Others also had expressions of shock and disbelief.

  It takes more than ten years for a lunar cruiser in the empire.

  It is so huge that it is comparable to a giant ship on a continent. It only takes a few years, which is incredible.

   "Nothing is impossible." Guilliman smiled.

  According to the urine nature of the Mechanicus, this kind of thing is of course impossible.

   According to Guilliman's personality, everything is possible.

  His pursuit is to be fast and good, and put other things aside.

  Actually, many of the main components of the Colossus of Punishment are not brand new.

   Instead, it is selected and optimized from the parts that already exist in the foundry world.

  The technological level of the empire is hard to describe.

   There are still many good things in the forgeable world.

  The Colossus of God's Punishment is created by using brand-new technology to assemble existing things and adding key technologies.

  It seems that the Colossus of God's Retribution needs a power supply device.

   This device does not need to be specially built.

  You can choose from existing energy supply devices, optimize them and install them in the Colossus of God's Punishment.

  The same is true for other parts. When necessary, it is also possible to dismantle the parts of several warships and replace them.

   Besides, the Colossus of Heaven's Punishment is big.

   But many places are made of marble or other building materials, not all of them are welded steel.

   One point, worth mentioning.

   That is about the composition of starship materials.

  Under normal circumstances, starships cannot all be made of metal.

   When navigating in space, there are only two problems that need to be solved most.

   The first one is how to maintain the life support system of the spacecraft, keep oxygen circulating, and ensure the supply of food and water.

  Second, how to power the spacecraft.

   solves both problems.

   It doesn't matter what the hull of the ship is made of.

   As long as it can be sealed.

  You can use ice cubes to make it.

  Many ships of the empire are made of pure gold or high-quality materials to make the bones.

  Other positions are filled with marble or other building materials.

  Will not use metal entirely to weld the hull.

   Unless it is necessary to enhance the defense, thick metal armor will be added.

   Many battleships in science fiction films are made of metal.

   is actually a lie.

   Starships don't necessarily need metal to build.

   All in all, the Colossus of God's Punishment is a standardized product produced in pursuit of efficiency.

   Just splicing together the various existing things of the empire so that it can achieve the expected functions.

  It is completely different from the current Mechanic Education production model.

   The ships produced by Mechanicus are all in charge of different Mechanic Sages.

  Each ship is unique.

   There are some parts that the Mechanicus will even handcraft to please the Machine Spirit.

  This is also the reason why the construction period of imperial ships sometimes lasts for several years, decades.

  After all, grinding parts is delicate work, and you have to pray during it.

  The speed is naturally slow.

   "There is communication." The communications director stepped into the hall and reported to the Primarch.

   "Come in." Guilliman said.

   "Okay, my lord." After the communication director finished speaking, he instructed his assistant, "Synchronize all the data to the conference hall."

   After a while, the projection in front of everyone flickered.

  The image of Calgar appeared in front of everyone, facing the position of the Primarch.

   "My lord." Calga, who was fully armed and ready for battle, knelt down on one knee respectfully in the video communication.

   "Don't be so red tape, report your situation." Guilliman said.

   Shocked a group of imperial heroes and made him feel quite good.

"According to the order passed by the great sage Kaul, I was ordered to bring the colossus of punishment over here to participate in the battle of the Charadon sector. At present, two colossi of punishment have been completed, and four more will be completed in half a year. In addition to participating in the battle, these two Colossi of God's Punishment also undertake the task of testing. The great sage Kaul will optimize the battleships behind based on the data obtained by these two Colossi of God's Punishment."

   "At present, the two giant elephants of punishment are ready for battle and can be put into battle at any time. The relevant crew members have completed charging their weapons and can lock on to hostile targets to attack at any time."

   Following Calgar's report, the shock in everyone's hearts became more intense.

   There are four equally huge Colossi of Heaven's Punishment, which will be completed in half a year.

  Aside from such industrial strength, the empire's naval strength will swell to a terrifying level by then.

  The space undead, who claim to have the strongest technology in the galaxy, may not be able to compete with humans in terms of the navy.

  Casting General Karen swallowed even more.

  He knew that the thirteen original body must have violated many prohibitions of Mechanicum.

  But in the face of such a powerful Colossus of Heaven's Punishment, the opposition of the Mechanicus seems a bit insignificant.

   Really, as the original body said, it has the power to destroy the planet with one shot.

  Let's not talk about the Mechanicum, even the Empire's various actions against the Thirteen Primarchs, I'm afraid they are powerless and can only condemn verbally.

   Just now, I questioned many of Guilliman's high-level empire.

  The expression on his face at this moment was full of astonishment.

  Can't say a word.

  The appearance of the Colossus of God's Punishment shocked their hearts beyond need.

   There is no way to calm down.

  Just in terms of scale, the Colossus of Heaven's Punishment is much smaller than the battle moon.

   But it is fierce, a single shot can destroy a planet.

   Even if there are a few more battle moons, I am afraid that there is no way to resist the attack of the Colossus of Heaven's Punishment.

   "Let's go to war, the battle moon will be handed over to the navy to destroy." Guilliman stood up and said to the crowd, "Let us wipe out the cancer here for the emperor, for the empire, and for mankind."

  After declaring war to many high-level empire officials, Guilliman turned his head and looked at Calgar's projection.

   "Get victory for me, Calgar. Lock down that battle moon, destroy it, and clear the way for the Imperial forces to advance."

   "As you wish, my lord." Calgar saluted with fists.

   I thought about writing seven or eight hundred words, how can I explain the punishment of the colossus during the day, and now I find that I was wrong.

   The Colossus of God's Punishment is just a welded frame, and the basic generators are all spliced ​​with existing ones, and the rest are all marble building materials.

   I clearly laid out dozens of chapters and told you that this is an industrial quick product.

   You have to tell me that the industrial capacity of the five hundred worlds cannot keep up, and you want me to build it for decades.

   You didn't mention the matter of GW exploding hundreds of thousands of cans and tens of thousands of warships in the five hundred worlds.

   With the mobilization ability of Five Hundred Worlds, it is entirely possible to do this.

   Industrial productivity increases with the development of technology.

   The empire's production speed is too slow because of the lack of intelligence.

   I'm being reserved about building spaceships out of marble.

   At least it hasn't mentioned the practice of spraying water into ice and then building a spaceship.

   There's a science fiction novel written like this.

   Match the fine gold structure as the bottom, use marble for other places, and fill with other thermal insulation and sealing materials.

   All alloys are used, do you know how exaggerated it is?

   The Emperor's Phantasm is constructed of adamantine and marble.

   To be honest, some technologies are like that, you say that Potian is just that stuff.

   The void has no gravity, and the meteorites are very sparse.

   The only threat to the Colossus of Retribution is the invisible stellar force field.

  (end of this chapter)