
one of his

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

Chapter 31 Brand new warrior 1/4

   "Guidos, thank you for your hard work." Guilliman said.

   Guidos was selected from those psykers who were willing to serve him, and was responsible for maintaining the clone of the mechanical sage in the depths of the Glory of Macragge.

   This area of ​​the Glory of Macragge is kept absolutely secret, and even loyalists such as Sicarius are not allowed to enter at will.

   "It is my greatest honor to be able to serve the master." Guidos raised his white pupils and said respectfully.

   "It's an honor to have your allegiance. Let's start working officially. I need to know what message Kaul sent me so that I can control the overall situation." Guilliman nodded and said.

   Guidos nodded, turned his head and walked into the depths of darkness.

  Guilliman followed him in.

  The more I walked, the more I felt the scorching heat, and the machinery hidden somewhere began to hum.

   Uncomfortable psychic oppression hit Guilliman heavily.

  Guilliman endured the discomfort and followed behind Guidos.

   The two finally came to a door.

  The structure of the gate is very complicated, consisting of three sets of glued tortoise shell nets that are staggered to a thickness of one meter.

   When he walked to the door, Guidos opened slightly, and Guilliman stepped forward to accept the identity check.

  A red light scans the primarch's pupils.

   "Retina detection passed."

  After the retinal detection, various safety inspection devices protruded from the steel wall.

   Test the Primarch's physical, mental and spiritual state.

   Guilliman was not allowed to enter the secret room until everything was confirmed.

  The two of them stepped into the room, and there was deep darkness inside, and nothing could be seen.

   "Lighting," Guidos called.

  The machinery in the room hummed, then became a low rumble.

   One white light source after another shines on the top of the room, reflecting the outline of the room.

  The details in the room are also clearly visible. Ten closed panels are arranged at the same height as the human line of sight, and pipes tightly fixed with metal nails hang from the ceiling.

"Cauer's psychic communication is unusually dull, lacking the vibrancy produced when the mind touches the vast void. I guess he may use a machine to send it, although I used to think that such a thing was impossible, but I have to say, He's a master."

   "You can put it this way," Guilliman shrugged. If he didn't have a database, the mechanical sage Caul would definitely be the one with the most knowledge among humans.

  He lived for 10,000 years, literally 10,000 years, which is unimaginable for other lives in the empire.

  The Eternals of Humanity either died in the Horus Rebellion or disappeared during that rebellion.

  From the currently known information, Kaul is the one who lived the longest in the empire.

"His information is very simple, and will not suffer the kind of corruption that psychic communication often suffers after the opening of the Great Rift. Kaul's information has not been disturbed, nor has it been tampered with maliciously. This kind of technology is for us now It is precious, and the Great Rift has changed a lot, and it also puts the fate of our family at stake."

   "This situation will change, Guidos, I promise." Guilliman said.

   "I believe it, my lord." Guidos stepped towards a machine with a large footprint.

   "With the will of the God of All Opportunities, initialize the sequence."

   Guidos leaned on crutches and spoke the activation code.

  A soft creaking sound came from the curved steel wall, followed by the harsh sound of machinery.

  Detection rays radiate from the wall, scanning the person in front of him.

  [Identity test passed, astropath, Guidos. Please provide a second unlock. ]

   At the prompt of the mechanical sound, Guilliman stepped forward and let the ray scan himself.

  [Identity confirmed, Primarch: Robert Guilliman, Regent of the Human Empire, Lord of Ultramar. ]

  [The identity scan has passed, and the gene scan has started. ]

   A horizontal beam of green light shoots from the wall, spreading up and down, sweeping across the Primarch and Astropath.

  [Gene scan confirmation, identity confirmation, password confirmation is required. ]

   Following the sound, Guilliman's position was shrouded in a light cone shield, and all sounds were blocked outside.

   The code was given to Guidos by Kaul, and it was kept absolutely confidential. Even the Primarch was not allowed to know that part of the code.

  This method is to prevent Guilliman's memory from being read by others, which will lead to the destruction of encrypted communication.

  Kauer once said about this, "Never underestimate chaos, they are much smarter than we think."

   After Guidos finished speaking the password, the sound mask covering Guilliman disappeared.

   Guidos raised a shield to block the sound.

  Guilliman spoke out his part of the password.

  [Dark code detection passed, main system activated. ]

  Accompanied by a mechanical sound, the metal panels on the wall slid down one by one.

   Behind each panel is an illuminated tempered glass cabinet.

  Each glass case is filled with a nutrient solution, soaking severed human heads.

  The neck of the head is wrapped in a metal sheet, and the neat cables and pipes extending from the small holes from below are connected to the machine above the glass cabinet.

  The machine hidden behind the panel starts up quickly, and the sound of the equipment becomes soft. Circuits carved into the glass of the cabinet shone with the same light, and the faces of the human heads began to contort and become painful.

   "My lord." Guidos said softly.

   "Well, you go away." Guilliman waved his hand.

   After Guidos made another Skyhawk salute, he put on his hood and walked towards the darkness.

  Guilliman didn't care about his departure, but watched the circuits in the room being activated one by one.

  A dull metallic sound sounded.

   It was the mechanical sage's voice, like brass rubbing against each other, without any emotion.

   "Master Primarch."

   "Caule, how's the progress?" Guilliman asked.

   It is Kaul's avatar who is talking to Guilliman, and it can also be said to be his sub-personality.

  Cauer will convert the relevant information into codes, send it out, and after being accepted by the Glory of Macragge, it will be converted into information.

   The clone uses this information to talk to Guilliman.

   Such technology has touched a certain red line of the empire.

   This is one of the reasons Guilliman trusts Kaul.

   Without his protection, once Kaul's technology is leaked, it would be light to be sent to the stake. It is estimated that it will be directly offline and molded into a machine slave. His spiritual consciousness will be used by his enemies to conduct various inhuman experiments.

   The radical Kaul has provoked many conservative great sages, and the conflicts between the two sides are irreconcilable. If it weren't for the existence of the empire, I'm afraid they would have gone to war in the name of the God of Myriad Opportunities.

"The situation on the Great Sage's side is progressing well. New technologies have been applied. The Primaris Space Warrior project is being launched. The Star Warriors will receive four more technical improvements, tendon coils, hymn pituitary glands, and Belisa. Keep the furnace, the transformation of Guilliman's Heart."

   "Guilliman's Heart??" Guilliman frowned.

"Yes, the mechanical sages have obtained a new inspiration from your technology. The gene engine in the super soldier technology will be integrated into Guilliman's heart, which will give the fighters more possibilities. Your wisdom is so Profound and terrifying, Lord Primarch. The emergence of Guilliman's Heart will be trans-epochal, it perfectly fits the physique of human beings, and can easily shape human beings into superhumans. More importantly, this peculiar organ It can be shut down remotely, and it can paralyze those primordial space fighters who are unwilling to obey the orders of the empire, so that we can avoid the recurrence of Horus's rebellion to the greatest extent."

   "The mechanical sage even plans to re-change the surgical procedures of the space fighters, and list Guilliman's heart as the first organ to be implanted. In that case, the success rate of the operation can be increased, and the goal of mass production of the primordial space fighters can be achieved."

   "The plan is crazy, but it is indeed worth studying. I will ask someone to give you more authority." Guilliman smiled, not caring about the consequences of doing so.

   It's cool to be recommended, and I feel hopeless, but the promised update will still be fulfilled.

   Brothers, let's read it, you will die if you raise it, brothers.

   Don't wait until I'm cold before coming to my grave to pay homage.

  (end of this chapter)