
one of his

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 14

Chapter 14 new battle

   "They are very fast." Guilliman sat up straight again.

   "They were already on their way to support us. Your recovery made them choose to temporarily abandon the task of chasing chaos and turn to Macragge."

  In the communicator, Sicarius' voice was deep and powerful.

   "They said they could wait, but I thought it would be better to let you know."

"There are many things that need to be done urgently in this world, but receiving a group of loyal people from afar is definitely an imminent thing that needs to be put in the first place. Let them come, I am waiting here in the reception hall with them."

   "As you wish, my lord."

  The sound of electric current sounded, the communicator was turned off, and the meditators who processed the information fell into dead silence again.

  Guilliman sat in his seat, thinking about the future.

   New technology has been given to Kaul, and the Reform Council is ready.

  The remaining task is to wipe out the chaotic forces in Ultramar and gradually promote their own plans.

   When the time is right, he will go to Terra, take over all the rights of the empire from those corrupt and greedy high lords, and continue to promote his own plan.

  The opening of the big rift not only strengthened the evil god, but also gave the emperor a chance to recover.

  He needs to gain enough strength to protect himself before the emperor recovers, so as to avoid the emperor crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, and killing himself with his backhand.

  With ten thousand years of faith, no one can guarantee that the emperor will still be the emperor ten thousand years ago.

  The recovery of the Emperor is not necessarily a good thing.

  The wide corridor of Hera Fortress.

  The more than 50 representatives of the battle group who came from afar were led to the reception hall by two fighters of the Ultramarines.

  The promenade is very magnificent, covered with gorgeous gold and silver carvings.

  There is a marble column supporting the flying porch every few meters.

  The floor is made of interlaced black and white floor tiles.

   "This incident makes me feel a little incredible."

  A representative of the Chapter holds a scepter inlaid with a golden skull and bone spur ring, and the crackling psionic current shows his identity as the Chapter's Librarian.

  Think Tanks are interstellar warriors with psychic powers. They generally have the ability to predict, manipulate elements, etc., and can help the battle group fight against demons and various aliens with psychic powers.

   "Nothing is inconceivable, everything is arranged by the Emperor." Said the space warrior in black and white armor.

  His head covered with hideous scars is inlaid with two gold and one silver service nails, which are particularly conspicuous.

   This is a veteran who has served for more than a hundred years. Judging from the golden double-headed eagle on the breastplate, his status is extremely high.

   "Stop talking about these things, we are standing on the surface of Macragge at this time, don't talk about a Primarch casually."

  Verano, who was walking in front, turned his head to look at the two colleagues who were talking, and signaled them not to talk about this matter again.

   Talking about an awakened Roboute Guilliman in Macragge is a disrespect for the Ultramarines.

  He didn't want this kind of thing to cause hostility between the battle groups.

   The two people who were talking fell silent, and Verano turned his head again, looking at everything he could see.

  Cobalt blue banners were hung outside the corridors, and the logo of Ultramar was dotted with silver threads to form a unique pattern, surrounding the imperial sky eagle wearing a crown.

  On the road leading to the hall, stood the invincible Iron Guard Terminator wearing iron cavalry-style fierce armor.

  They stood like sculptures, solemn and silent, and the power weapons in their hands were activated. Once an attack was launched, a blue or **** field would emerge.

  The entire area is under a high degree of martial law.

  Verano has seen these Ironclad Terminators, when Calgar led the imperial army on several expeditions.

  These guards of honor surrounded the legend of the empire and walked through the grand triumphant ceremony.

  The first door sounded with a sharp pneumatic sound, and there were more Honor Guard members standing inside.

  The atmosphere is also depressing. These members of the honor guard are all veterans of many battles, and have experienced the existence of fighting with chaos, aliens, and traitors.

  A Ultramarine in Captain's armor walks towards them.

   "Welcome to Macragge."

   "Sicarius, I'm glad to see you again." Verano saluted the Ultramarine as a greeting.

"I am also very happy, Verano. It has been twenty years since we last met. If you want to reminisce about the past, please wait a while. My master is waiting for you, please go to meet him as soon as possible. "

  Sicarius held out his hand, beckoning them to go in.

  Villano and others walked along the corridor to the last door.

   Responsible for guarding, members of the honor guard stomped their feet and stood at attention, making solemn and solemn voices.

  Carved with complex patterns, inlaid with golden imperial sky eagles, the main body of the hall door was made of marble, and was opened amidst the sound of machinery.

  Representatives from various battle groups felt a little nervous in their hearts. They took off their helmets, kept as calm as possible, and walked in.

  The first time they walked in, they were stunned.

   On a throne of solid gold surrounded by hundreds of ornaments, sat a living miracle.

  A giant warrior in blue and gold armor sat on it, with a broad face handsome and solemn, one hand equipped with a huge glove, and a huge power sword in sheath was placed beside his throne.

  Vilano thought he was ready, but when he saw that face, he realized that he was not. He was so excited that he couldn't restrain it, and he burst into tears after a while.

  He had seen this Primarch before, Macragge had been threatened by the Tyranids, and their chapter had been ordered to come to their aid and repel the threat of Anrest from beyond the galaxy.

   It was because of this that he was able to meet Guilliman in the sanctuary of Hera Fortress.

  He is placed in a stasis field.

  The battle 10,000 years ago left him only one second away from death, but because of the special function of the stasis force field, the arrival of that second was infinitely extended.

   Now, he got rid of the stasis field and sat there alive.

  Boundless vitality emerges from his strong body, and his eyes are full of wisdom and majesty.

  Verano and the other Space Marines dropped to one knee, as if instinctively.

   "What they said is true, you are resurrected, my lord."

  Vilano could feel his voice trembling.

   This is not because of fear, but because of excitement and excitement.

  In this situation, everyone in the empire will tremble with excitement. A living myth has appeared in their world.

   Guilliman inspected them and walked down the steps.

   "Get up, everyone. You have defended mankind and the empire, you are the heroes of the empire, so you don't need to be so polite."

  Guilliman walked towards the nearest space soldier, grabbed the man's shoulders with both hands, and helped him up.

   "What's your name?" Guilliman asked.

   "Verano, from the Raven Guard, Captain of the Silent Company."

   "Nice to meet you, Captain," Guilliman said.

   "It is also my honor to see you, my lord."

   "I hope so, I thought you would deny me, that would give me a headache." Guilliman said humorously.

   "There is absolutely no such possibility, we will fight for your will." Verano said.

   "Haha." Guilliman patted Verano's shoulder, "Soon, I'll have a chance to prove it. I hope I won't be too disappointed."

  Guilliman greeted the representatives of the chapters in the front row one by one. These space fighters were from the Raven Guard, Space Wolves, White Scars, and some chapters established after the formation of the army.

  They all came for the revived Primarch.

  Ask their names, and try to create a relaxed and humorous atmosphere as much as possible, and get closer to each other in laughter.

  Guilliman spoke highly of every visitor, praising their contributions to the empire.

   After the conversation was over, Guilliman was ready to get straight to the point.

"You have come from afar, I should have given you a good rest, but the current situation in the empire is extremely bad, and chaos and aliens have not given us any free time for vacation. I urgently need to stabilize the situation in Ultramar so that Let me proceed to the next step. The fleet is already gathering, and the army is also gathering towards Macragge. I want to ask if you will fulfill your oath and join my army."

   Guilliman looked around at the representatives of the many battle groups and asked.

  (end of this chapter)