
Chapter 423 Water And Oil

Nora's point of view….

I was done decorating the pool garden for Abigail's small party. Her worst place in the house,I do not even know why I chose the garden for the party. She will still complain about it like she did about the dress. 

   It was the best place I can think of since her dad had said there is no need inviting too many people because Abigail has no friends and he doesn't want the people around us to start questioning why Abigail will be married at her age, there is no way explanation will be enough if they start asking questions and that might also lead them to go and start digging for truth and that's a problem for the Singhs. Ben wants our secret to remain a secret. People do question why we remain young these years and we have managed to keep the humans' curiosity under control with the help of the Motionless spell. This spell makes you not to question what you think it's abnormal but it has limitations and that is why he thinks putting up a small party will be nice because it will lessen curiosity. It will just be the friends of Ben's father and Sharon, mine and Ben's then the rest of the witches that would want to come. Number of attendees will not exceed a hundred.

   I looked at what I had done and smiled. It was to my taste, being a photographer for years had given me insight of what decorations are all about.

  Looking at this, you will think it's a pro that did it, doing little of everything is a blessing, a real one. 

  You might have knowledge of some things but because you want the best, you will be charged for it and at the end you will realize that not much work was done and it was something you could do. I once had an experience and it pained me to the core so I learnt to try before looking for paid service. Mistakes can't be made twice.

  I turned to leave the garden when I sighted someone sitting with his back turned to me. I have not seen him for a long time, since Abigail was a baby. There was no other way I could be told otherwise that it is not Jeff, his hair color had given him out already.

   "Jeff, what are you doing here?"

He turned and smiled at me.

  "Aunty Nora, I want an ice cream"

He said with pouty lips and I chuckled, this reminded me of the first time I saw him crying. I had bought an ice cream to calm him down and the rest of the story happened.

   "I could have taken you out for an ice cream but I am a bit occupied, Ben can take you, you are his friend"

I replied and he frowned deeply, 

"That big baby of yours that has refused to grow up. Let's assume that I am here with him and I am taller than him. I would have been knocking his head since."

   "Jeff, you won't stop saying this. Waiting on me for ice cream is impossible because I would not have time today so you have got to go with Ben. I had mind linked him already. He will be here soon because he wants to step out after he is back.

 "Whatever you say, it will not be my fault if he returns with a messed up mood. I am not always the problem, he is"

He said in a warning tune. Ben and Jeff will always be water and oil that can never be mixed although it's one entity.

   My smile dropped when a sad feeling settled in my mind. The last time Jeff came here was at Abigail's two year birthday party. He was here to prevent something he never disclosed to me till today. I only knew he was here on a mission so what has brought him here again?. Jeff can only appear when doom looms in the air.

  "Jeff, you being here has to do with Abigail's marriage. Spill, why are you here"

  Jeff smirked.

"I must not be here whenever there is a problem. I am just here for an ice cream and to disturb Ben a little. I have been sleeping for so long, so I want to play a little before going back to a deep slumber again"

He replied like he was bored and sure he is bored because it was written all over him.

  I don't know if I am overthinking or not but deep down I know there is something and that's why he is here and it bothers me that I don't know what it is.