
Chapter 397 Bitch Is Always A Bitch

Abigail's point of view…..

I was sitting down with mom and dad at the pool garden like we normally do every morning since I was a kid. Breakfast was over and it's a lot better today because Dad didn't get to pick on me as always.

  "So I was thinking we host a big birthday for Abigail, Ben?"

Mom said to dad who looked on without a word.

   "Mom, I don't think that will be necessary. I am okay with no birthday celebration."

I voiced out to them still dad said nothing.

 "That's nonsense Abigail. This is your last celebration in this house and you don't want us to celebrate it for you. Sorry my darling but there will be a celebration and that's final"

   Mom can be stubborn sometimes. I just don't have the strength to argue with her.

  "Later mom, bye dad"

I said and left them.

I got to my room and my phone rang, it has been ringing since. I saw several missed calls all from Briana.

    "Hey bitch, you are not picking your calls"

She said the moment the call got connected.

  "Don't beat around the bush, say why you called"

I said, ignoring her statement.

   "You will always be a bitch, I just called to say we are touring around town. I don't know but if you are not interested. It is fine. I could go on my own"

She was hurt by my previous statement and like she said, I am a bitch. No doubt about it but thinking about the offer, I realized it is a good one. I actually need the tour because I would not do this ever again. Soon, I will be married and my life will be over.

  "I am in, where are you?"

"Where of course, my house. Bye"

She said with no sign of excitement.

I shook my head and picked a short bum and a crop top with my lace sandal. I wore them, made my face up and disappeared. Going with a car or feet has not been my thing, although, dad had warned me severally not to be practicing Magic because Beverly is not like South. Humans don't smile when they figure you out to be a witch.

  I got to her room and she was putting the last touch of makeup on her face.

   "That's so fast unlike before, I would wait for eternity"

She said without looking.

  Briana is the only one who knows that I am a witch and has sworn an oath of secrecy not to say anything.

  "What's up with your choice of words today? If my presence is irritating you, why ask me to come?"

   "See, it's not like I compel you to do it, if you don't want to, you can kiss my ass and get out. Abigail Singh, you are not the only one that is alive. I called you several and you did not pick and when you picked, you were not apologetical. Don't think I don't have a life aside you, I  consider you because I love you, Abigail but I can't say the same about you. You are a damn an arrogant bitch, the world is not all about you. Get it into your head, bitch"

   I was shocked by her outburst.

"Chill girl, take a pill. No one is being arrogant here so stop saying nonsense"

I replied nonchalantly. She is supposed to know me by now, I don't care and if she thinks I would start today, she would be dreaming.

 "How can I forget that your ego is overbearing? That's why you can't realize when you are wrong. Simple sorry can do but no, you will always choose to be right. Fuck you, Abigail Singh"

  She spat angrily and I chuckled.

   "You are learning about me for the first time?. See, if you don't want us to go, tell me now let me go back home. I don't have time for your nonsense this morning."

She saw that instead of me being sorry, I was making her angry the more so she sighed and took her purse and we left her room. I cringed at the red color all over, it was almost like the room of the red goddess of the sea, only that the red goddess does not have a room, she lives in the ocean.

  We got to her main door and she slammed it on my face. I rolled my eyes and walked through the door. She should better get over this mood or she will come back home more angry than she left. If she is getting angry because of me, she is wasting her time.