
Chapter 36 The Amulet Story

Writer's point of view.......

       The old woman has been observing Gina for a long time now. She knew all that Gina has passed through. She could not help but to pity her because she knows the girl carries a whole lot on her shoulders. She is the only hope for the people of the South.

     "Why don't we go talk to her"

Her partner asked,the red headed hood guy.

"You think she would need some company"

The old woman asked.

"I don't think so,I know so"

He said,

   "We have been doing this for  two decade now"

"I know but don't you....."

   "No but mother"

He cut her off

 "Let's go say hello and see how it goes"

     He said and they moved towards Gina who was sitting out alone at the park wallowing in her tears. She can't help it anymore,why can't she have friends? This has been her way of letting her pains go away. She hated to see any one see her tears that's why whenever she is in pain,she goes far away from people and cry. It's makes her small when you catches her crying. She was never weak that does not mean she could not let her tears flow. She believes that embottled emotions kills slowly.

      Gina Morgan is one weird girl who would do anything not to hurt the people she loves even if it means she getting hurt and that's how she has been doing it ever since.

     "What makes you to cry, my child?"

 The old woman asked when they got to Gina

  She looked up and smiled wiping her tears away.

"It's nothing granny"

 She said and smile again,she made a space for her to sit and the old woman sat leaving the red headed good guy to stand.

    "Are you sure my child?"

The old woman asked again

 "Yes granny,it's just dust in my eyes. Crying makes it go away"

She responded, wiping her tears with her palm.

"Here use this"

  The red headed hood guy said stretching out a handkerchief  towards her, she took it and mouthed her thanks.

  The old woman smiled and patted her back

      "No matter what happens in life, crying does not solve anything. If it does,millions of problems would have been solved. When I was a child my mother told to always talk my problems out"

     "Talk your problems out,how?"

Gina could not but to ask.

"By letting it out,talk to any thing about it and when you do that,it will be surprising how you will be relieve"

The old woman replied her patting Gina on the head.

   " I am Hailey and this is my son Jack"

She introduced themselves to Gina

"Oh! I am Gina. Nice meeting you granny,Jack"

 She said and stretched her towards Jack for a hand shake.

    "The pleasure is all mine,a pretty girl like you should not be wetting that pretty face of hers with tears."

He said, advising her.

 "Alright!thanks granny Hailey and Jack. I hope we meet again"

She said and stood up to go

"Definitely we will,I can assure you that"

He told her smiling and Gina returned the smile.

    "Well ,till then. I need to go home now,mom should be worried"

 Gina said getting up

 "Alright my child,'

 madam Hailey said and brought out an Amulet and handed it over to her.

"Let it be your guide and whenever you feel the world is not being fair,talk to it"

  Madam Hailey handed the amulet to her and enclose her hand on it. Gina wanted to reject it but she persuaded her to take it.

   "You Will need this in the nearest future. Take it as a gift from granny Hailey to you"

She said and Gina took it,she kissed her cheeks,hugged Jack and left the park.

    "See it was not difficult"

Jack said smiling at his mother.The world got a virtue.

 "Yes it was not,you were right. She is indeed a lovable child"

 She said and wiped the tears that were threatening to spill.

 "Offcouse she is"

He said and look towards the direction that Gina  followed.

     "May you see when destiny comes knocking"

He whispered.


Gina's point of view....... 

    I ranksacked my wardrobe and pick out my old pjymas. I headed to the bathroom to go have my bath. I need to sleep,it feels like am not sleeping well these days.  Mom had checked on me a while ago and bade me good night.

     Maybe tomorrow I will give my boss a call to see how he is doing. It feels like ages,the last time  I saw him was on Thursday.

    I got done with my bath,dressed up and went to bed. I bet tomorrow will bring it's own mistery. Hope tonight gives me peace because I need it.


We are making progress,stay with me guys. Much love❣️. Connect with me on Whatsapp(+2348110461687) and share your thoughts with me.❤️ from Rose Sam.