
Chapter 140 Mate Hunt

     Gina is someone who could tell that there is actually a problem when you yourself don't think there is. She is very unique in every aspect of her life. I don't know if  because she is the witch princess or it's just the way she is but you can't play super cool in her presence. You might lie to others that you are good but not to Gina,you can pretend to be okay with others but not with Gina,that's her essence of Uniqueness.

   How am I to tell her that I gave up on Ben and drove him a way?

    "See baby,you can tell me anything. You know that I can't judge you if you feel so be rest assured that I am always with you in everything"

   She said and I know she meant that. Offcouse,it's not about her being the witch princess that made me to love her but her nurturing nature. She don't mind going extra mile to make you happy.

    She pulled me down and sat me on the kitchen stool.

    "So now tell me,what went wrong today?"

She said and stared at me. For someone who could read mind,I am surprised that she does not make use of it. Well she does know that one's mind is very important so she invading it without permission is out of character.

    "I broke up with Ben"

I said, sobering and she looked sharply at me.

 "What the heck?Nora,you ended something you just began."

She said with shock and I can't blame her,I am as surprised as she is. What the heck is wrong with me,am I actually cursed not to be happy or what?.

   "I am don't know why but I felt I am doing something wrong, Gina. Ben can't replace my mate. I feels my mate is out there somewhere. What happens when he finds me,it will be unfair to ditch Ben. Ben is a good guy and he deserves someone who will stick with him,not someone that will be walking out on him sooner or later"

   She sighed and hugged me.

"I understand you so well and maybe it's for the best,I can't tell but if you feel that what you did is wrong then it's wrong. One's instinct plays a huge role in time like this. So Nora I am with you in every step you take.

She said and smiled,I smiled too. It's felt like a burden was lifted off my shoulders.

   Thanks so much Gina,you are one in a million. Sometimes I fell you are my godmother instead.

I said and she laughed.

 "Oh please! Spare me that."

    She said with her all teeth out and I could not help but to chuckle. She is damn funny,her attitude alone is anti sadness. You can't be by her side and stay sad for long time.

"Destiny has a way of finding you maybe he is not your destiny after all. Maybe after this is over,we will go on a quest of finding your mate more like mate hunt."

     She further said and I smiled at her, best friend for life. I have thought of dedicating a poem to her and I think this is the right time to do that. This poem has been with me as long as I could remember.

   "I have got something for you"

I said and her eyes lit up like a little child.

"Really!wow, what's that?"

She asked and I smiled at how impatient she is.

   "Hold on,it's a poem for you.

I said and her eyes holds anticipations. I chuckled and began,

    "Through thick and thorn,

We will walk this path together.

We will stand for each other without checking faults.

    Time and season might end but us will not fade,

We will stand the curse of time.

Go through the sand of time together.

For we are one hell of bitches that are made for each other.


    You are the apple of my eyes,

Your happiness is mine to give.

The world might ditch you,

That will not be the case with me.

Because losing you is losing me,

Cos you are my everything.

Day and night,you live in my mind.


  Bestie,I gat so much love for you.

In a normal of time,you would have been my bae.

I don't give fvck about that,

Because I don't even deserve to be the one you call a boo,

Still I am not afraid to love,

Because you are my life.


I love you to the moon and out,

And forever,

We are stuck with each other."

   I got done with the recitation and she hugged me so tight.

" Awnnnn, Nora that's so sweet of you. I am over the moon right now"

   She said sniffing and ruffled my hair. I chuckled,I was supposed to be the one to ruffle her hair but she ended up doing that to me.

"Anything for you baby,I love you"

   I said and hugged her. This how it should be.