
Chapter 121 Time will Tell

Nora's point of view....

     I kept noticing his stares over me while I eat and I felt uncomfortable. I did not want to sound rude to him so I pretend not to noice him. The sauce was delicious and sharing it with someone other than Gina had it own feeling entirely. it high time I stop comparing Gina to Ben. They are two different individuals, Gina is someone who is a part of me for as long as I live but Ben,I don't know for now,*time will tell*.

      "Here, open"

I looked up to see a spoon in a hand that belongs to someone I know. There was a sauce on the spoon and I bet he wants to feed it to me. I instantly became shy. What in the world should I do now?.

       "Just open up,it's no big deal"

    He said once more and I could not refuse him. I opened up and he fed me the Sauce. I smiled my thanks and he scooped more into my mouth.

     When last was I pampered like this?,it's been a century old. I felt the joy in his eyes and I was glad I did not do anything contrary to his request because he got a mood swing,he moods are like light switch. I just have to be careful not to switch it off.

      I kind of like him feeding me. I decided to do the same for him since him feeding me brought Joy to him if I should do the same he will have a bigger Joy.

    I scooped some some sauce from my plate and gestured for him to open and he did.

  I smiled and fed him some more.

      "You like it?"

I asked 

"Sure, I love it,it's delicious and you the cook,I bet you will be more delicious."

   He said and smirked,I couldn't help but to blush. 

    "Oh someone got a red face,it that's for me or because me"

 He asked smirking some more and I felt like smashing his head. This guy sure knows how to turn you off and on,this minute he is making you sad,next minute,he will be making you happy.

     I just have to learn how to handle him in other not to always get him pissed off. The best to do is to study him very well,so for now I will just play along with him and be a fool for a while.

      "I think it's for you rather because of you"

I said and smiled shyly. Two can play this game.

      "oh I see "

He said and relaxed back on the couch. I kind of like his personality,he is calm,funny and easy going from what I have seen so far. Ben might actually turn out to be a great guy but who knows,you can't tell a person by looking at him or her.

     I was okay,the sauce and Spagh has been one of the best meal I have had lately and to think I shared it with someone I care for is another awesome feeling.

     Ben kept watching me or more like scrutinizing me. I raised my brows in questioning manner and he smiled when he saw the looks in my eyes.

    He stood up and came to my side of the couch and sat down.The tray has been pushed aside by him. He took my hands and squeeze them.

      There was a sweet feeling creeping in my body when he held my hand and I felt like not pulling away. The funny part of this that I don't seems to resist him each time he makes sexual attempt towards me,it will be like I was anticipating for his next move.

      "I want to tell you something"

He said and stared deep into my eyes.The sadness was back in them and I wondered what had happened to this guy to warrant him having this sad look almost every time.

     I pulled my right away from his grip and caressed his left cheek.

   "You can tell me anything,I am a good listener. No matter what I will not get angry,you can trust me on that"

    I said and gave him a smile and he smiled as well.

      "I know you don't know much about me and with time you will get to know me better. I want you to take me as I am. I am not a perfect person,I have a lot of flaws but please accept the way you see me. I know I will never do you wrong,I cross my heart on that but I also know that I am hot tempered and I am a nuisance sometimes so my love accept me the way you see me everytime."

     He said and I felt like tearing up. I never knew He could be this emotional.

    "I will do that at all time"

I responded and gave him a reassuring smile.