
One night with Mr. Billionaire

ANNOUNCEMENT: Before you start reading, go through the content,that is, the chapters I have uploaded. Some chapters have been tagged “ DO NOT READ”. Please skip those chapter and do not unlock them. Thank you. Do you realize you just played with fire?” He asked in a deadly tone but Maya was too drunk to know what was going on. “Yh, and I loved the heat.” She replied drunkenly, wrapping her hands around his neck. “You’re going to regret this when you sober up,” he said, trying to peel her off him but she pouted and shook her head like a five year old whiles settling on his lap more comfortably. At least, comfortable for her not him because he was having a hard time controlling his little guy down there. “I need you to show me all the fire you possess, handsome,” she says before giving him a chaste kiss on his lips. “Was that supposed to be a kiss?” He asked with furrowed brows. “Uh...huh,” she nodded with a smile. “Lemme show you how it’s properly done,” he said pulling her chin closer and claiming her lips fully. ———- “The divorce papers will be here soon, make sure you sign them,” Damian said bitterly, without sparing her a second glance. Maya’s mouth opened and closed but no words came out. This came as a pure shock to her. She wanted to pinch herself so hard to wake up from this nightmare. Is this the same man she got married to? Is he the same person who swore his undying love for her? The one who promised to be by her side no matter what? The one who swore to trust her no matter what? “I thought you said you trusted me,” Maya said, her voice coming out in a whisper. “Where did all that disappear to?” “I did Maya.....” “Maya? So it’s Maya now?” Maya cut him off. He had never called her by her biological name ever since they got married. It was always ‘wife’. So what happened now? “It’s no more wife?” She said a drop of tear rolled down her left cheek. “I can’t be married to a murderer,” Damian said coldly and Maya’s already broken heart shattered into pieces. It felt as if her heart had been ripped out. She just wanted to fall on her knees and shout till her lungs hurt. “I’m a murderer now? Is that what you call me?” Maya asked, pain evident in her voice. “That’s what you are,” Damian yelled making her flinch. “I won’t explain anything to you again Damian,” Maya chuckled sadly. “But the day my innocence is proven, this is a promise I’m making to you Damian. I’ll walk out of your life just like you’re doing now and I won’t come back again,” Maya said determination filled her voice. “I’ll wait for that day,” Damian said coldly and turned to leave. The tears Maya had fought so hard rolled down her cheeks as she stared at his retreating back,this was the man she had given her all to. The man she fell blindly in love with and this is how he pays her back??? Filled with an unknown but strong determination, Maya decides to do whatever it takes to prove her innocence even if it means getting help from an unlikely source. **** Maya’s world came crushing when she finds her fiancé in bed with another woman. Out of sadness, she goes to a bar that same evening to drink her sorrows away. What happens when an out of control drunk Maya ends up on the laps of a cold hearted CEO. A dark night, series of misunderstandings, a contract, what happens after she sobers up and realizes what mess she has gotten into. Will she succeed in thawing the cold CEO and make him a bit soft and gentle? He tasted her and now he feels addicted. If her lips and innocent kiss could make him feel this way then what if he went further? What would happen to him if he crossed the forbidden gates. He’s been with a lot of women but no one has made him feel this way. He feel the walls he has built around him crack and his stone cold heart thaws whenever he’s with her. He wants her and would do anything to to have her and make her his. ****** BOOK COVER OR IMAGE ISN’T MINE. CREDIT GOES TO GOOGLE.

Aishat_isd · Urban
Not enough ratings
118 Chs

Chapter Twenty-one:

"I understand if you want us to take things slow. I'm willing to move at your own pace. I just couldn't keep my feelings to myself anymore," Damian smiled and stood up. "I'll leave you to change, you can call me if you need anything," he said and started walking towards the door.

Maya watched Damian close the door behind him and she let out a deep breath. Deep down she knew she knew she felt the same way towards him,yet she couldn't bring herself to tell him how she felt but something deep inside her was stopping her. That was fear, the fear of being hurt. The fear of being rejected. She was Damian's class. He was rich whiles she had nothing. What if he met something who matched his luxury? What if he met someone made for him?

"Maya what's wrong?" Maddie's voice interrupted Maya's thoughts.

"Everything is fine," Maya lied, forcing a smile.

"Don't lie to me Maya, Damian just walked out and he looked...I don't know disturbed or something," Maddie said worry filled her voice. "Please What is going on? Tell me Maya," Maddie urged her bestie to tell her whatever was bothering her.

"Damian just confessed his love to me," Maya said eyes glued to the ceiling.

"That's great news!" Maddie exclaimed happily. "Now what was your reply?" She asked holding Maya's hands in hers.

"I didn't say anything....."

"What?! Why?!"

"I'm scared Maddie, what if he leaves me? Why if things end in a bad way. It's not like I don't feel the same way towards him but everything is happening so fast so I can't even think straight," Maya sighed.

"Maya, come on. That guy loves you, I know it. Just look at the way his grandpa treats you. They have accepted you into their lives and you're one of them now. I don't see any reason why Damian would play with your feelings. I could see the love in his eyes when you were at the alter. Don't let overthinking ruin the great chance life has given you. I know you're scared because of what Alfred did to you. But don't let that asshole ruin what Damian has in store for you. He's your past and that's where he belongs to. Just forget about him and enjoy your day," Maddie smiled and Maya's heart felt at ease.

"Thanks Maddie, I don't know what I would have done without you," Maya said and pulled her friend into a hug.

"Ok let me leave you to rest,"Maddie pulled away and got up.

"Yeah, I need it," Maya smiled waving her friend as she walked out. Once Maddie had left, Maya took one of the large towels in the bathroom, slipped out of her outfit and tied the towel around her body. Next she released the bun and wiped off her makeup before going to the bathroom. The breeze from the sea had made the room a bit chilly so she filled the bathtub with warm water. She slipped into the bathtub and allowed the warm water to relax her muscles and her eyelids slowly shut in their own accord.

She heard the door open and a gently click followed almost as if the person didn't want to be noticed.

"Maddie?" Maya called, sitting upright but received no answer. She could the hear the faint breathing of whoever was inside and the gently sound of heels hitting against the tiles, which meant whoever was inside is a woman.

"Audrey?" Maya called again, the time getting out of the bathtub and grabbing her towel. Her heart was beating madly against her chest as she drained the water.

"Maddie is that you?" Maya called out again, yet received no response.

She slowly held the door knob and opened the door only to be greeted by an empty.

What was wrong with her? Was it stress? Was she hallucinating?

Maya tried to take in a deep breath to calm her nerves but the smell of an expensive female perfume hit her nostrils confirming the presence of someone.

Clutching onto her towel, she eyes darted around the room for any sign of a person but she saw no one. Beads of sweat started forming on her forehead as fear crept into her chest.

A shadow moved behind the curtains and she jumped in fright and turned her attention to the window but it turned out to be just the breeze from the sea and the reflection of the curtains too.


"Ahhh....." Maya screamed almost tripping. "Geez, you scared me Maddie," Maya whispered, placing her hand on her chest to calm her racing heart.

"Why do you look so paranoid?" Maddie asked closing the door as she walked in.

"I think there's someone in here, did you come in whiles I was in the shower?" Maya asked, her eyes still scanning the room.

"No I didn't. And what do you mean by someone was here?" Maddie asked with a frown, gently placing the dress she was holding on the bed. She started checking the closet, the bathroom, under the bed, any possible place she felt an intruder would hide but there was no sign of whoever Maya was talking about.

"I don't think someone was here," Maddie said, taking Maya to the bed.

"Here, have this juice," Maddie said handing Maya a glass of orange juice. "I'm sure you were just hearing things," Maddie said patting her back gently as she drank the juice.

When Maya finished she took the glass and put it on the table.

"Get some sleep," I'll stay here and keep you company," Maddie offered and Maya nodded. After changing into a robe, she went straight to bed where sleep took over her senses.


"Maya's shoes and jewelry are in, it's time to get her dressed," Audrey and the makeup artiste walked in when Maddie was about to leave.

She didn't realize she had fallen asleep with Maya until her phone rang. It was her mom calling to check up on her. After talking to her mother, she went to the bathroom and washed her face. After that she decided to go downstairs and check how things were going. That was when Audrey walked in.

"I'll wake her," Maddie said as the other two started setting the other stuff.

"Maya," Maddie tapped her friend whiles stifling a yawn but to her surprise Maya didn't move. She looked pale and cold too, making Maddie worry immediately.

"Audrey something is wrong with Maya. She's not moving and she's hardly breathing too," Maddie worriedly alerted Audrey who rushed over to check what was happening.

"Rub the back of her hands, I'll go get Damian," Audrey said and rushed out of the room.

Maddie vigorously rubbed the back of Maya's hand switching form left to right and tapping her cheeks lightly but she received o response from Maya.

"Come on, what is wrong with you. You were fine two hours ago," Maddie said blinking back her tears.

Minutes later, Audrey walked in with Damian, Master Dan and another man who rushed to check Maya's heartbeat with his stethoscope.

"She needs to be rushed to the hospital immediately," the doctor said and without waiting for another second, Damian lifted Maya's almost lifeless body and run out of the room.

This is getting interesting. I can’t wait to see how things will turn out.

What is wrong with Maya? Who was in the room earlier?

I know you want to know more. You want all your questions to be answered just as much as I do so why don’t you add this book to your library???

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