
One Night Stand with a Stranger

In a dim, noisy, chaotic, and smoky place, Miguel first met a woman who made his heart beat faster. Back then, he was just looking for a companion because all of his friends had someone with them while having fun inside the bar, and he was the only one alone. So, he decided to walk around hoping to find someone. And while he was searching, he saw a woman in a red dress with a dahlia flower in her ear, dancing in the middle with men dancing alongside her. Until their eyes met, and he was captivated. And because of that moment, Miguel felt a strong electric shock and warmth in his body, making him instantly drawn to the woman. He didn't hesitate and quickly ran towards her, fearing she might end up with one of the men surrounding her. He didn't care about bumping into people as he passed by all he could think of was getting closer to the beautiful woman he saw. He successfully approached the stunning woman! But...another man seemed to be catching the attention of the beautiful woman, which made Miguel's blood boil. Seeing the man about to take advantage of the unaware woman, who seemed drunk and disoriented, made Miguel lose his temper. Without further ado, he delivered a solid punch that made the opportunistic man fall to the ground, resulting in a big brawl inside the bar. Luckily, Miguel was known in that bar, so some security guards quickly protected him and he managed to escape. Carrying the beautiful lady, they safely exited the bar. Feeling breathless as he reached his car, the woman he carried fell asleep, so he gently placed her in his luxurious car and left shortly after...

sunjaystories · Urban
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13 Chs




"What's wrong, girl? You're so mad at the guy, but he's just trying to help. And come on, guys, even if you were exes, can you set that aside for now? The most important thing right now is Mama's safety. So, Gabriella Monica, will you help us for Mama's sake, or will you let your pride stop her from getting treated at a better, undeniably excellent hospital?" Riley's lengthy tirade made me shake my head in frustration.

It seems my best friend has switched sides. Riley even brought Miguel a nurse's uniform to help him get in here. It's actually quite amusing to see two Nurse Rileys standing in front of me.

Anyway, all sh*t aside, my best friend Riley has a point. Samaniego Medical Hospital is undoubtedly more advanced. Sigh! If it wasn't for Mama's well-being, I wouldn't agree.

"Sissy Monica, please. I want Mama to get better, and only Dr. Miguel can help us," Faith said, crying while hugging me.

I couldn't help but shed tears as I hugged the sister I consider my own.

But our moment was abruptly interrupted when the nurse suddenly entered.

"M-Ms. Monica?" the nurse said as she entered.

She was shocked to see the four of us in Mama's room.

"Oh? Why are there so many of you? And wait, two nurses? And why does it look like—" Nurse Shirley walked toward Miguel and Riley.

We all fell silent, watching what Nurse Shirley would do next.

"Omg! T-two Nurse Rileys?" She looked as if she had seen a ghost and suddenly screamed, running out of the room.

"Ghost!!" Nurse Shirley screamed as she ran out of the room.



What terrible timing by Nurse Shirley. The moment she realized there were two Nurse Rileys in the room, I hid and ran out.

"Sorry, Sir Miguel, I didn't expect a nurse to come in. I forgot to lock the door," Riley said, panting.

I patted his shoulder. "It's okay. But we need to get Mama Emma out of this hospital as soon as possible. If she has a brain aneurysm, we can't predict when it will burst. It's best to act before it happens."

Just then, Jeric arrived.

"Boss? Good thing I caught you here," Jeric greeted.

"Boss, Queen Bee has arrived. Captain Richard just called, so we can leave now," he added.

 turned to Riley and placed my hand on his shoulder...




Oh my god! Why is it so hard to say no to Sir Miguel? One look from him, and I'm ready to give in. Because how can anyone resist his handsomeness, muscles, and overall yumminess? And that powerful presence he has and also his assistant, Jeric! Oh my god, I feel like I'm in heaven, surrounded by gorgeous angels. Oh no, my gay side is acting up again!

But thankfully, I can still control myself; otherwise, they might discover the real me. I don't know how much longer I can keep pretending to be a man. It's all Monica's fault! Making me her husband was the worst decision she ever made. Because of that, I can't flirt with Sir Miguel and his assistant, Jeric. What a tragic situation!

Anyway, when I got back to the emergency room, I immediately went to Mama Emma's room. Sir Miguel ordered me to convince Monica to transfer Mama Emma to another hospital.

But when I entered, Monica wasn't there. Only Faith was inside, asleep next to Mama. I approached and gently woke her up.

"Faith? Baby girl? Wake up!" And after a few attempts, Faith finally woke up.

Her eyes were still sleepy as she looked at me. "Yes, Auntie Rylie?"

"Faith, where's Monica? We need to leave. Call your sister. I'll handle the preparations to move Mama. Hurry up," I said while packing up the surrounding items.

"Huh? I don't know where Sissy Monica is," Faith calmly replied.

I frowned at her response. "What? How could you not know? You two were left here, right?" I said, hands on my hips.

Then I noticed something on the floor—a cell phone. I picked it up. "Hmm? Wait, this looks like Dr. Blaire's phone. Why is it here?"

When I opened it, I saw Monica's picture as the wallpaper. "Sigh, Monica really takes everything. That's why she frustrates me," I muttered while looking at the picture.

Then a text message suddenly appeared on the screen. I didn't want to read it, but I was alarmed when I saw my best friend's name.

"Blaire, it's time for you to go home and take your medication. Why are you so fixated on Monica? There are plenty of beautiful, more respectable, and affluent women out there. Don't keep pushing yourself onto her. Look for someone else. Go home now with your driver Roger and get yourself together. We can't afford another incident where we have to pay off the police to protect our reputation. So, go home, take your medicine, and we'll expect you in just an hour. Move quickly!"


Omg! What did I just read? And the message was from Dr. Benjamin De Guzman. I was trembling from what I read. They're paying off the police to cover up their crimes? This family is really scary, doing things behind the scenes. It's dangerous to be around them. Speaking of their family, why is Dr. Blaire's phone here? What's it doing on the floor?

"Faith? Did you see anyone come in earlier? Like a man?" I asked.

Faith thought deeply. "A man? Uhm—"

But before Faith could answer, Sir Miguel suddenly arrived.

"Monica? Riley? Let's go. I already have the hospital's permission to transfer Mama Emma to Manila. Pack up your things so we can leave immediately," Sir Miguel said hurriedly.



Meanwhile, as Miguel and the others were busy arranging Mama Emma's transfer, they were unaware that Monica's life was in danger. Dr. Blaire, nearly driven mad, had forcibly taken Monica to a hidden room in the hospital.

When Dr. Blaire heard about the plan to transfer Mama Emma to Manila, he was furious. He went berserk in his room, even throwing his parents' photo in a fit of rage. His biggest fear was losing Monica to his rival, Dr. Miguel Samaniego.




"Dr. Blaire, what are you doing? Have you lost your mind? Let me go, Mama Emma needs me," I pleaded, crying.

The grip of fear was suffocating, wrapping around me like a vice. It felt like the final chapter of my existence. The haunting memory of Faith's traumatic ordeal still loomed large in my mind. The image of her being injected with a sedative, and the realization that I was next, sent shivers down my spine. But in that desperate moment, feigning unconsciousness became my saving grace, causing them to pause, if only for a moment.

As they hauled my limp body to an unknown room within the confines of the hospital, my thoughts turned to prayer. Four shadowy figures, accomplices to the sinister Dr. Blaire, stood by his side. His eyes bore the mark of a man unhinged, and I was to be his latest victim.

Thrown onto a sterile bed, the presence of Dr. Blaire's henchmen only heightened the sense of dread. With a dismissive gesture, Dr. Blaire sent his cohorts away, sealing the door behind them, leaving me alone to face the impending horror.

"Don't even think about screaming, Monica. This knife is freshly sharpened," he said, grinning maniacally, his eyes wild. I could only cry in response.

He pinned me down, the knife still at my throat. I could barely breathe from fear. "Let me go, Dr. Blaire, please. My Mama needs me," I sobbed.

He covered my mouth to silence me. "Shh! Shh! No, Monica... Quiet, quiet..." He licked my neck. "Ahh sh*t. You taste so good, Monica... There's no one like you," he laughed as he violated me.

I couldn't move because of his tight grip.

"Please, Dr. Blaire, let me go. What do you want from me? Why are you doing this? I need to see my Mama," I begged, crying.

He suddenly smiled at me. "Wait, so you're really asking me what do I want? Does it mean that you are ready to give me everything? Really, my sugarboo?" he laughed.

I saw him place the knife on the bed.

"Yes, Dr. Blaire. What do you need? I'll give you everything..." I sobbed.

His eyes lit up with joy. "R-really, Monica? You'll give me everything?"

Tears of joy welled up in his eyes as he hugged me. "Monica, forgive me for what I did to you. I just couldn't bear the thought of you going with that man. I love you so much, Monica. I can't lose you..."

While he cried, I discreetly let his knife fall. I timed its drop with my words so he wouldn't hear it. I touched his face to keep his attention on me.

"Yes, Dr. Blaire. I won't go with him. I'll stay here, with you," I said, smiling through my tears. He hugged me again.

This was the only way I could think of to avoid harm. Despite the disgust I felt, I had no choice but to do this.

Because of my feigned affection, he leaned closer to me.

"Prove it, Monica. Kiss me," he said, slowly moving towards me.

I noticed he was reaching for the knife behind him, so I held his arm.

"Dr. Blaire, can't you focus on me? And if I kiss you, can you close your eyes? I want to feel your lips," I said seductively, caressing his arm.

Dr. Blaire was clearly smitten.

"Close my eyes? S-sure! I'll do it," he said, smiling as he closed his eyes.

So because of that, I gained some time. With all my strength, I pushed him away, causing him to fall on the bed. And after that, I quickly searched for the knife on the floor.

"What the hell are you doing, Monica? You traitor! Give me that knife!" he shouted, enduring the pain in his back from falling on the floor.

He was about to attempt to approach me, but I aimed the knife at him. "Go ahead! Don't you dare to come closer or I'll slice up your head!" I threatened him. Meanwhile, I was groping for the doorknob behind me so I could quickly get out.

"Monica?! What are you doing? Don't leave, please, don't leave. Please, I beg you," he said, crying.

And his eyes glared at me again.

"I thought you'd do anything? I thought you'd kiss me. Where's your promise, Monica? Where is it?!" he yelled in anger and frustration.

"Shut up!! I'd rather die than be with you! You're insane!" I shouted back at him.

Until I finally managed to open the door. And as soon as it opened, I quickly left.

"You son of a b*tch, Monica! Come back here! I'll kill you!!" he shouted as I left the room.

And when I got out of the room, I ran fast. My heart was pounding as I continued to run. I didn't know where I was going because Dr. Blaire had sent me to such a remote place. I just followed the light ahead of me. Until a moment later, when I was close to the light, it felt like my world suddenly turned upside down. Because I suddenly bumped into something hard. I thought I was going to fall, but then I felt a tight grip until I felt its embrace.

That smell... Miguel? And I closed my eyes and couldn't help but cry.
