

“Who are you?” The voice said who stared at Roselina with curiosity in his gaze. Roselina opened her eyes and saw the man's face and jumped to sit upright on the bed with a scream. She tried to get off the bed but felt soreness between her legs and realized she had slept with the man and lost her virginity to him. “Go away.” She screamed without looking at the man's face as he left the bed for the bathroom. He didn’t meet her in the room before he came back as she left with no traces. Roselina drove home looking rough and sad, crying while driving back. She met her father with his wife. “Where have you been since yesterday? Look at you, you spent your night out there with whom?” Her father yelled at her. “And who are you to ask me that? You're not my father, why yell at me like that, do you even care?” Rosalina yelled back with tears. 20 hours ago...(Yesterday)... “Don’t worry, father, I'll disappear as you want,” Rosalina yelled to her father, who was fuming with anger, his eyes all red. “How dare you raise your voice at me, you unfilial daughter.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo yelled at Rose, who was not going to engage with whom he wanted her to marry. “I dare, father, I have told you I don’t love him, U-Jin is just my friend and yet you’re forcing me to get engaged to someone I don’t love for your reasons… you can just choose your second daughter to marry him, okay.” Rose yelled and ran to her room, locking herself up. “Honey, why don’t you just leave her since she won’t listen, after all, she’s not your daughter.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo's wife, whose name was Yeri, said, rolling her eyes. “If she’s not going to do what I want, then she should leave my house.” Mr Kim Hyun Woo said angrily while Rose came out of her room and unknowingly, heard them. “What! Did she just say I’m not your daughter?” Rose said, shocked and unable to believe what she heard. Mr Kim Hyun Woo was shocked to see her because they thought she was in the room. “Huh… well… uh” Mr. Kim Hyun Woo didn’t find suitable words as he stuttered, but Rosalina stormed out angrily with tears, entered her car, and drove with speed as she couldn’t believe she was just a bastard of the Kim family. “I’m not going back to that house,” Roselina muttered to herself with tears as she tried calling her friend’s number, but it was off. Then she decided to go to her house, but she didn’t find her at home as her door was locked. Rosalina was so sad and thought of going to the hotel and spending her night there, but she drove to a club to have fun, maybe she could forget all she had on her mind. POV This is Roselina, but her Korean name is Yoona. She lost her mother when she was ten, who died of a heart attack the day her father confessed he had a wife and a daughter but later brought them to the mansion. Mrs. Min-Ji didn’t look like she was hurt and accepted the fact that her husband married and had a daughter secretly and brought them to the mansion because of how much she loved him. But things changed when Mrs. Yeri and her daughter started living in the mansion and always caused trouble, especially with her daughter. When Rose and Mrs. Yeri's daughter are fighting, Mr. Kim Hyun Woo takes Mrs. Yeri’s side, shouts, and yells at Roselina’s mother. The day they fought, Mr. Hyun Woo refused to see Mrs. Min Ji, who was having a hard time in her room, crying until she started having a hard time breathing and died from a heart attack. QUESTION...… Who was the young man? Do you think their one-night stand was destiny? Would destiny get them to meet again after that night? How would Roselina live her life when she found out she was pregnant? Are you curious to know about this novel? Okay, let’s look into this story and grab our popcorn as we check into this serial novel and find out what it has for us.

Rikky_Joy · Urban
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44 Chs

I Want My Kids Because I Am The Biological Father Of Those Twins And I Have The Right To Claim Them

Rosalina woke up the next day with her head banging.

she got off the bed and walked to the drawer, picking up some pills to take and ease her aching head.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"Suzy asked, who came in to check on her and discovered she was taking some drugs.

"My head hurts,'' Rosalina said, just then her eyes lit up like she remembered something.

Rosalina looked at her body as she leaned over it, expecting to feel any strange pain, but she was fine.

"How did I get home last night? At dinner night, I remembered I drank too much.'' Rosalina rushed her words to recall the whole scene last night.

Suzy smiled and walked closer to her;

"CEO Gu Won brought you home when you were so drunk and could barely walk by on your own," Suzy said and reminded her of last night's events.

Rosalina recalled everything and screamed and hit herself softly;

"Oh no, I ruined his clothes, too. I didn't want to drink, but those staff members would not let me rest if i didn't drink, telling me that the dinner night was specially planned for me." Rosalina said feeling bad.

"Chill okay? you're fine, and thank God you have a nice CEO who brought you home. I took his jacket and washed it for him. According to what I told him last night, you'll have to take it to him." Suzy said.

"Thank you. How about the kids?" Rosalina asked.

"They're fine. But I'm still confused about something. Don't you think your two young children look so much like Mr Gu Won? Last night, I deliberately watched his face and realized that they, especially Joon Woo, looked exactly like him. Have you not noticed that?" Suzy asked.

Rosalina rolled her eyes;

"I don't even have time checking out people to notice that. Maybe it's just your hope, how could my children look like him? That's insane. Let's not talk about it. In the evening, I will return his jacket. I'll call him and tell him when to return his jacket." Rosalina said and walked to the bed to sit.


"Hello Mr. Gu?" Rosalina called as she dialed Lee Gu Won's number to speak to him on the phone.

"Good morning, Ms. Yoona. " Lêe Gu Won said.

"I called to ask where I can meet you to return your jacket, and so I will expressly apologize for causing you trouble and ruining your jacket. Rosalina said.

"Okay, I'll arrange for my assistant to pick you up." Lee Gu a Won said on the other end of the line.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Gu Won," Rosalina said and ended the call.

"Is he going to invite his assistant to come and pick you up to meet him?" Suzy asked while Rosalina nodded her head in response.

"That's fine. I think he isn't so mean as some people think about him." Suzy said and slightly smiled.

Rosalina rolled her eyes;

"You can't tell. He is like what people say. Cold and arrogant. People would not want to cross his path or like to get on his bad side." Rosalina said and twitched her mouth.

"He may be cold to others and to those who work for him, but I can tell he is a gentleman," Suzy said.

"Whatever. I've known you for years and you're so easy to impress, so I'm not surprised. Rosalina said and chuckled.

"You know, he is just so perfect," Suzy said daydreaming.

"Had it been you haven't married, I would have advised you to propose to him and marry him," Rosalina said and sneered.

"Haha. Who knows if he is what I'm thinking? He may be the father of your children, you know?" Suzy said and laughed.

"It's not funny," Rosalina said and stood up from the bed, walking to the bathroom to take her bath and dressed in a simple white short gown. She left the room to join Suzy and the kids in the dining room.

"Good morning, mommy." The children said happily as their Mother walked to join them in the dining.

"Morning babies," Rosalina said and sat down.

"How are you feeling now?'"Joon Ah asked sharply.

"I feel good and now, great seeing my babies looking as cute as always," Rosalina said and smiled.

"Come on guys, let's eat," Suzy said and served the food, while they ate quietly like a normal family.

After eating their food, the kids ran to the room to play with their toys.


"Are you going now?" Suzy asked Rosalina who checked a message that beeped from her phone.

"Yes, I got a message from Mr. Gu that his assistant is here to pick me up," Rosalina said and stood up from the sofa, picking up the bag where she had neatly folded the jacket.

"Oh, good. Don't stay out late," Suzy said.

"Yeah, I won't," Rosalina said and left the room to meet assistant Hyun, who was waiting outside to resurrect.


"Hello, Ms. Yoona," Assistant Hyun said politely and opened the car door for her to get in.

"Thank you," Rosalina stepped into the car and thanked him.

Assistant Hyun hopped in and started the engine and drove straight to the company.

Rosalina was led to the office where Gu Won had been waiting. She knocked and stepped forward, recognizing Lee Gu Won standing with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Gu Won,'' Rosalina said trying to avoid his gaze.

Lee Gu Won sipped from his coffee and chuckled;

"Hi Ms. Yoona, it's great to see you today." Lee Gu Won said.

"Uhh, thank you. This is your jacket, and I'm sorry for causing you trouble to get me home last night. I was so drunk and took you so much trouble to get me to my house and ruin your jacket. Find a place in your heart where you can accept my apology." Rosalina apologized and bowed. She stretched her hand and handed him his jacket, which was neatly folded and placed in the bag.

Lee Gu Won smiled as he collected the bag.

"It's fine. It's great that I wasn't drunk and was able to help you get back to your house." Lee Gu Won said smiling.

"But, you should have told them you don't drink, rather than causing yourself to drink that much, you know?" Lee Gu Won said again.

"I thought I'd be able to control my alcohol intake, and will not take much because I've promised myself not to drink alcohol outside of my home because of my little experience that I don't want it to repeat. I was carried away and couldn't stop myself from being drunk," Rosalina said with a slight smile.

"Your experience must be the worst for making such a promise to yourself never to drink or take too much of alcoholic drinks, especially outside of your home, right?" Gu Won asked.

"It's all in the past now," Rosalina said with a smirk.

"Why does it seem like we have the same stories? I was also inebriated and involved in an accident a few years ago, but now I know there's something wrong and missing in my life that I need to fix." Lee Gu Won said and sipped the remaining coffee in the cup he was holding and dropped it on the table.

He continued,

"Five years ago, when I met a girl who forced herself on me and we had something that night. I met her next to me on the bed the next day, but she ran away, even though I was able to see her ID card, which she had forgotten or had fallen from her bag. Do you know the girl on the ID says to be you? The same name and the same face." Gu Won said and walked closer to Rosalina, who couldn't believe her ears when she heard it.

She looked at the young man and studied him, she realized that her children had his face.

"Is it just coincidence, or you're the same lady of that one-night stand? Ms. Yoona," Lee Gu Won said and stood right in front of her.

"Oh, uhh.... what happened with you five years ago or I is now over, and I've forgotten about it. I'll take my leave now, Mr. Gu Won" Rosalina said. She walked forward to walk out but Gu Won pulled her back.

"I purposely want you to remember this because it seemed you didn't know the face of who you slept with five years ago, and now that you remembered, I have the right to ask you about what is mine that is with you." Gu Won said to her coldly.

Rosalina sneered and took her hand away from him.

"I don't have anything that is yours with me, so if you do mind, can I leave now?" Rosalina said coldly.

"Mmm. Why are you hiding it from me, about my children? I want my kids because I am the biological father of those twins and I have the right to claim them." Lee Gu Won said losing his temper.

"Do you even think of it? What about your children? They're my children, not yours, and no one is going to take them away from me. I'll leave now." Rosalina said and left his office angrily.

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