
Chapter Fourteen

A handful of passion is worth more than a bucket of lust, for the first comes from the heart and the other from the body-- Dipendra Tamang

It's being days after the crazy incident: the unconldusive sex that got interrupted by intruders: the unidentified caller and aunty Nina. Yet, the communication between her and Obi didn't improve neither did it dwindle; it just took another form altogether.

Before, they used to sometimes exchange greetings like a lame good morning or afternoon or evening as the case may be ; now nothing.

Obi was deliberately avoiding her; she didn't need a soothsayer to confirm that to her. Just like it had always being; he was ashamed of her or perhaps are body wasn't enticing enough to him. But, she would have sworn she felt his body welcome hers on that day of delicious pleasure. She didn't know what to think or believe anymore.

Obi had told aunty Nina to hire more maids to help around the house, which she found unnecessary but, this was his house and he was the boss so his words were law.

She didn't know, if she felt comfortable with so many maids around the house, just like now; a brown skinned, slender, petite lady, clad in a black gown that stretches just above her angle and a neatly ironed apron tied just below her waist approached her with some diced avocado and apple's; she wondered the combination.

"Ma it is said that avocados are very good for a pregnant lady and nutritious for the baby" the petite lady said as she put the plate of fruit on a patio chair by the side.

Ifeoma took a deeper look at her face; she had a delicate figure; her eyes were big but beautiful and her noise stood pointing like a protruded dick while her mouth was full like that of typical African woman; she looked slender and almost fragile, Ifeoma wondered how she would cope but she knew better than anyone else: looks were deceptive. In all, the maid could be said to be fine but not beautiful.

She had come to the garden to breath in some fresh air and exhale her frustrations. The smell of the white and red roses that stood symmetrical in the garden calmed her nerves, the purple hibiscus by the far end captivated her sight, the hyacinth by the side reminded her of Hyacinthus :(Greek mythology) A Spartan youth loved and accidentally killed by Apollo. The flower hyacinth sprang from his blood.

Generally, the sight was breath taking, the scenery was opulent and magnificent. The garden housed other variety of beautiful flowers and some local herbs.

"What's your name?" Ifeoma asked forking some avocado into her mouth; it tasted great.

"Mara ma" she muffled.

"Mara aha.. You know what it means? Pain..."

"It's actually Amara but I prefer to be called Mara for short..."

"So I take it you're Igbo?"

"Yes ma."

"We're sisters then" Ifeoma said as she sucked on the avocado.

"So, Mara do you have someone in your life?"

"Ehe" the confused maid mumbled.

"I mean, to do have a man you love or a man that loves you?" Ifeoma asked looking up at the maid.

Mara was perplexed. She wasn't expecting this at all. She only came to serve fruit's to her; she had being told by aunty Nina that if she wanted to last here, she had to be nice to the madam of the house since that was why they were here; plus Obi made it known to them explicitly.

Her relationship status was complicated. She was confused on whether to lie or tell the truth but the truth was delicate. She face palmed mentally.

Ifeoma took a bite of apple as she looked at the maid curious at what her answer would be. She knew it was a personal question but she still asked. The only reason she loved the maids around was the fact; she would have people to talk to....

"Actually ma I... there's this guy I love but it's kind of complicated between us..." She stammered.

"Does he love you?"

"That also is complicated" Mara answered truthfully.

"Thank you Mara. Maybe we could be friends. I feel we've something in common" Ifeoma finally said after some seconds of observation. She knew Mara was already feeling uncomfortable so she decided to let the poor girl off the hook until she was comfortable around her.

"Thank you" Mara mumbled almost in a whisper. She wondered what they had in common when they were many miles apart.

Meanwhile, Greg still felt a nostalgic longing for Ifeoma; the moments they shared, her laughter; which was as radiant as a blooming flower. He remembered it all; even how resolute she could be especially when she believed something to be right. She was indeed a sweet soul.

He cleaned an invisible sweat off his face. He had just had a fantastic time with Olivia yet he found himself thinking of Ifeoma the whole time. As he pumped into her; he imagined it was Ifeoma he was so deliciously pumping into. Even as their lips collided he had imagined Ifeoma's taste on his lips. As he licked and sucked, savouring Olivia's mouth he imagined it was Ifeoma's lips he licked and sucked; he had projected he's mind to be Ifeoma that he was with.

Maybe the realisation that it wasn't Ifeoma was why he wasn't gentle as he pumped and banged. It annoyed him because it wasn't his Ify; the only woman that was capable of making his heart fluster. He slammed Olivia so hard , that even when she had begged him to stop; it only angered and intensified his movements. Her plea only excited him the more; he showed no mercy.

His emotions were in shambles and he decided to vent it all through sex. He banged Olivia so hard that she collapsed before he could bring himself to stop. They had gone on several rounds and different positions yet he still wasn't satisfied thou he was full.

He sat on his bed smoking a cigarette and puffing out the smoke through his nose as he thought about what to do. He didn't mind that Ifeoma was married or he didn't want to mind.

Thinking about it gave him murderous vibe especially towards that supercilious bastard called her husband. He knew he would loose his mind and sanity if he doesn't do something quick and fast. As he was already concocting a plan in his mind, he heard Olivia who was still laying naked under the quilt sniff as she opened her eyes.

"Good morning babe" she said as she yawned loudly.

"It's already noon dear" He smiled. Olivia was closest thing to being a girlfriend. She had the stamina to satisfy his sexual fantasies and lust thou she had still not reached his level but she sure was sweet.

"What! It's already noon? What do I expect when you dived me like a lion yesterday; I still feel sore all over" Olivia said while sitting up revealing  her very fair breasts and pink but not so big nipples.

Her body was decorated with love bits and her nipples still had a shade of brownish red from the fumbling and biting: Greg bite so hard.

"I'm a beast babe; a big wild naughty beast" Greg said as he moved closer and took her nipples in his mouth, Olivia let out a moan.

"And I know you love what this beast does to you" he bite her gently on her peach and she moaned even louder.

" Aha I'm still sore... I need..." She let out another moan as she felt his finger slide down her clitoris and she knew she was in trouble.