
One Million Skill Points at the Start of One Piece

Ron, an ordinary student from the 21st century, has been surviving in the Pirate World for a year. One day, as he is being chased by navy soldiers, a point of light in his mind starts to flicker. This light represents a powerful system that has finally integrated into the world after a year of flickering. Ron is excited to have finally obtained a golden finger as a crosser. The system informs him that he has a hundred billion skill points waiting to be claimed. Ron collects them and learns that he can use them to upgrade any skill that he has learned. The skill points can be used to add points until the skill reaches full value. The only limitation is the host's learning ability. Ron checks his data panel and sees that he has billions of skill points left. He realizes that he has essentially infinite skill points and can use them as long as he can learn the skills.

Yvesx · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


Behind Old John's weapons shop is a blacksmith's shop dedicated to making swords, a family shop that integrates production and sales.

On this day, Ron was learning forging skills from John Sr., and after half a month of serious study, even if Ron learned that talent was garbage, he finally learned the entry threshold for forging swords today.

"You child, though stupid, can overcome with enough effort!" Old John took a look at Ron, in the past half a month, he can also see that Ron is studying hard, from Ron's learning, he also sees that Ron's learning ability is very poor, but every day is really very hard, not only learning to forge hard, working very hard, and finally after half a month down, in front of it is a beginner.

"Thank you Master John for your teachings!" Ron said with a smile.

"Huh!" Old John smiled slightly while inspecting the long knife blank in his hand, he said: "But the entry is only the entry, the forging skills are profound and profound, you spent half a month barely getting started, want to go a long way in this skill, it is difficult!" "

Ron's face was calm and gentle, but he was not good enough to tell old John directly, did he have to tell the other party that he could become a god-level being who was more cattle than the casting master now as long as he used his hands?

"The younger generation is only interested in learning to cast, and now that they have barely started, it is almost time to leave!" Ron opened his mouth and said that he was going to go to sea next, hurry up and find Namikoya and others and then go to sea, the great voyage is still waiting for him to conquer it, well, or those beautiful women on the great voyage are still waiting for him to pamper it!

"Are you satisfied just by getting started?" Old John gave a slight pause, frowned and put down the knife billet in his hand, looked at Ron, and then shook his head secretly, originally seeing that this little guy was stupid but harder, and thought that he was a person who was interested in forging, it turned out that he was really as he said, just slightly interested in forging.

"Since that's the case, then I won't keep you more, count the time, my bastard should also come back, it took so long to go to the sea to buy materials this time!" Old John did not say much to keep Ron, saying that he remembered that his son should also return in these days, and if his son returned, he would not be afraid of anyone else when he worked, after all, the guys and apprentices who followed their son away from the escort would also return, and there would be no one to worry about.

"Then thank Master John for taking care of him during this time!"

Ron said, solemnly saluting old John.

In any case, his casting skills were taught by the old man, just as Grace taught himself the art of drawing the sword and the flow of the second sword, he was also very kind to the other party, just as the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment taught him the Evil Wolf Fist, as well as the Gun Technique and other skills, he would not turn around and leave, and at that time he also rescued the Evil Wolf Pirate Regiment.

Ron is not an ungrateful man, and even if his power is now stronger than the best in the world, he will not change his birth principles.

Where there is grace there will be repayment, there will be revenge, happiness, and revenge, freedom, and freedom!

That's his principle!

Ron packed up and prepared to leave.

At this time, a short and fat middle-aged man suddenly ran outside the door of the blacksmith's shop, shouting while running: "Old John, old John is not good!" "

"Huh?" Ron stopped his form, and he saw the sweat and anxiety on the face of the stocky middle-aged man, and there must have been something big that made the weapon store manager difficult to deal with.

Yes, this stocky middle-aged man was the steward who helped the old John family manage the weapons store, the elder John was responsible for forging swords, he was responsible for helping to sell, and the son of old John was responsible for purchasing various raw materials, and the division of labor was clear.

"What's wrong? Dorlo! Old John frowned and asked, "What happened?" "

"Young Master Plinton is back!" Steward Dorlo gasped and said.

"The boy is back?" Old John heard the words, and his brow frowned, his son coming back should be a good thing, why did Dorlo have such an expression: "Is Plinton in any trouble?" "

"Yes, old John, come with me, the owner of the iron furnace weapons shop in the city has taken someone to intercept Young Master Plinton in front!" Dorlo said anxiously.

"What?" Old John suddenly changed color, stood up, and said with anger, "What does that old iron egg want to do?" "

"It seems that the young master purchased some precious casting materials this time, and the owner of the iron furnace weapon shop took a fancy and wanted to rob it!" Dorlo said quickly, "Let's hurry up and have a look." "

"Okay, let's go!" Old John strode outside with Dorlo.

Ron watched the two men leave, and also followed, looking at the back of old John, although the old man was a little older, there was still the might of his youth, and old John had spent most of his life forging a living, and his body was still strong, and he did not look weak.

Ron calmly followed him to the outside of the weapons store, and at this moment, the door of the weapons store had been surrounded by a large group of people, noisy, noisy, and there were many people watching the liveliness.

Ron with a gentle look, stood by and watched the situation, after listening to it for a while, his heart moved, reached out and clicked on the data panel, his fingers flicked, and the casting skills that had just entered the casting skills were madly upgraded, so that the casting skills that had just entered the casting skills were instantly pointed to the full level, so far, he also became the top sword casting master in the entire pirate world, which is more powerful than what master, grandmaster, the grand master is countless times more famous, and even whether the entire pirate world now has a goldsmith-level sword casting master is still unknown, Ron, however, achieved this in just half a month.