
One Man Army (Twisted Twins)

Scarlet was working as an assistant in a fashion industry and her boss is extremely handsome. Sacrlet fallen in love with him at first sight what she didn’t know was he was married before and he has sons. Not one but two sons that are twins and 7 years old. To get what she wanted she tried to cope up with those evil kids but they were way smarter than she thought. Mason was in love with a girl when he was in university. In his eyes they were made for each other. Mason proposed her and they got married and his wife Diana gave birth to two cute little boys but after some time she left this world tragically. For Ason his sons are everything so he never stopped them from doing anything. Even if that suppose to be a fight that turned those sweet angles into monsters. By the grace of God Mason fallen in love again but his kids did everything to tear them apart.

BlackRose223 · Urban
Not enough ratings
8 Chs



I stood in front of the mirror, wearing just a towel. My phone had been buzzing incessantly while I was in the bathroom, so I decided to check it. As I read my emails, my mother walked into the room, smiling at me.

"So you're getting ready for the office?" she asked. I nodded and tossed my phone onto the bed, quickly putting on my shirt. I looked around for my studs when my mother said, "They're in the drawer, Mason." I smiled gratefully and went to the drawer, finding my studs. She always knows where things are.

As I put in my studs, my mother spoke again, "Mason, I think it's time for you to find a life partner. You can't stay single just because of your sons." I looked up at her, giving her an annoyed look. I didn't want her to start with this topic again. I sat on the bed, putting on my pants and grabbing my towel. She turned around and left the room, saying, "Think about it, Mason."

Shaking my head, I finished getting ready and headed to my sons' room. They were still asleep. I smiled at them and went to their beds, gently waking them up.

"Jasper, Casper. Wake up. You'll be late for school," I said softly. They both sat up, rubbing their eyes, and climbed into my lap, hugging me tightly. I kissed their foreheads and walked them to the bathroom, telling them to get ready while I went downstairs to make breakfast.


I sat at the breakfast table, watching the morning news on television. It was my habit to catch up on some TV while having breakfast, so I always woke up early. After finishing my meal, I washed the dishes and got ready for work. I grabbed my bag, slipped on my heels, and left the house.

I decided to take the bus to the office, and it only took me fifteen minutes to arrive. As I walked into the building, I smiled at the receptionist, Julia, before proceeding inside. Checking my files, I picked them up and headed to my boss's office. I knocked on the door, and he gestured for me to enter.

Inside, I felt a fresh wave of admiration as I looked at his handsome face. He glanced up, catching me staring, and I couldn't help but blush. I placed the files on his desk, smiling. "Sir, these files are complete and edited. I've also made some designs for the upcoming meetings; they just need a little touch-up." He nodded appreciatively and thanked me, his smile lighting up the room.

Leaving his office with a skip in my step, I made my way upstairs to Laila, the artist designer. I needed to collaborate with her to finalize the designs. As I entered her workspace, she stood up and hugged me, clearly relieved that I had arrived.

"Ah, finally! You're here. I was getting so bored. Come, sit down, and let's have some juice while we work together." I took a seat beside her, opening my file and sharing how Mason had praised my work. Laila rolled her eyes at me and said, "Scarlet, you know he doesn't feel the same way about you. Why don't you tell him how you feel, so you'll know if he loves you or not?"

I shook my head, reluctant to reveal my feelings. "I can't, Laila. If he rejects me, I'll feel more embarrassed than heartbroken." She grasped my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Oh, my poor baby. I hope everything turns out well for you." I nodded, forcing a smile, and changed the subject to lighten the atmosphere. Soon, we were laughing and working together, enjoying each other's company.