
One Man Army (Twisted Twins)

Scarlet was working as an assistant in a fashion industry and her boss is extremely handsome. Sacrlet fallen in love with him at first sight what she didn’t know was he was married before and he has sons. Not one but two sons that are twins and 7 years old. To get what she wanted she tried to cope up with those evil kids but they were way smarter than she thought. Mason was in love with a girl when he was in university. In his eyes they were made for each other. Mason proposed her and they got married and his wife Diana gave birth to two cute little boys but after some time she left this world tragically. For Ason his sons are everything so he never stopped them from doing anything. Even if that suppose to be a fight that turned those sweet angles into monsters. By the grace of God Mason fallen in love again but his kids did everything to tear them apart.

BlackRose223 · Urban
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8 Chs



I was filled with a mix of anger and sadness as I processed his assumption that I was a gold digger simply because I came from a poor background. It hurt deeply, especially because I genuinely loved him.

When I arrived home, I paid the taxi fare and walked inside, feeling a heavy weight on my shoulders. I threw my box on the table and slumped onto the couch. My mind was spinning with conflicting emotions, driving me towards the brink of insanity. Desperate to escape my thoughts, I went to the fridge and grabbed a couple of bottles of beer.

As I sat down and turned on the music on my DVD player, the familiar tunes created a temporary solace for my troubled mind.

Moving to the kitchen, I started preparing lunch while the music continued to play. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, interrupting the temporary respite. Curiosity piqued, I went to answer it and found Mason standing there, exuding an air of pride. I rolled my eyes at his presence and asked curtly, "What do you want?"

A smile played on his lips as he replied, "Won't you let me in?" I opened the door wider, begrudgingly allowing him to enter. He sauntered in, casting judgmental glances around my small house. I crossed my arms and stared at him, waiting for him to speak.

Finally, I pressed, "What do you want?"

He cleared his throat and began, "Laila told me that she was the one who sent that text, not you." I gave him a sarcastic smile and he continued, "But, it doesn't change the fact that you have feelings for me."

Taking a seat across from him, I spoke firmly, "There's nothing wrong with liking someone. If you don't like me, that's fine. But don't underestimate the impact your words had on me. You called me a gold digger."

Mason raised his hands in submission and sighed, "Listen, I'm here to clear up any misunderstandings, not to create more. I was married, and I have two sons. I can't give anyone the space I had in my life for my late wife Diana. So, please, remove those thoughts from your mind."

He stood up, ready to leave, and turned his back to me. I couldn't hold back my emotions any longer and spoke passionately, "It's your choice if you can't give someone space in your life the same way I can't keep dwelling on the past. The dead stay in our hearts as memories, but we can't let that dictate our future. Each day is a gift from God, hence why it's called the present."

He turned his head to look at me, but remained silent. We shared a charged moment of eye contact, but eventually, he broke it and left my house.