
One Laugh Man

What would happen if Saitama became Jokerized? When the Joker appears and wreaks havoc in the One Punch Man universe, Saitama springs into action and easily defeats the clown prince of Gotham, but not before the laughing villain manages to spray him with a peculiar gas. With his dying breath, the Joker uses the same device that he used to enter Saitama's world to teleport them back to Gotham city, where the caped baldy struggles to get his bearings on the alternate Earth, all while the strange concoction that he was hit with begins to transform him into something truly horrifying.

Sneekurp · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Battle of Dominica: Part 2

Rocketing skywards as he aimed his fist to hit Saitama again, Shazam was suddenly caught up in the barrage of punches that the bald clown had sent downwards and was sent careening into the beach that was tens of thousands of feet below, landing in a massive crater as the rest of the incredibly powerful blows touched down around him. The shores of Dominica were immediately riddled with craters as the hundreds of rapid punches obliterated everything in sight.

It was death from above as the beaches, which had since been filled with over 50,000 troops that were unloading from landing craft and helicopters, became saturated in a thick red mist as thousands of men and women were shredded by the unseen force, where most of them were dead before that were even aware that they were under attack. The NATO fleet wasn't spared from the carnage either, where Saitama's downward punches quickly sank 137 out of the 141 vessels that were taking part in the operation, and giant explosions occurred where the blows struck the water's surface.

"Heh, I wonder if anyone survived that," the caped baldy whistled as he began to fall back to Earth while witnessing legions of smoke begin to rise from the island's shores as well as out at sea. Landing hard nearby his mansion, the Earth trembling as Saitama touched down, and the villain scanned the area for other potential opponents.

A deafening roar echoed above the island, where upon looking up, Saitama watched as at least 40 jet aircraft screeched through the skies. Leading the massive squadron was a distinctly bat-shaped plane, where the large formation converged on a direct course with the mansion. Seconds later, the sky lit up as the many jets launched several missiles apiece, sending a huge wave of projectiles streaming towards the bald man.

"Serious series: Serious Punch!" Saitama yelled with a grin, where he added a slight bit of effort to the attack and threw a punch with the same destructive power as the one that leveled Gotham city.

The effects of the devastating blow were immediately apparent, where the missiles first exploded in rapid succession as they were seemingly hit by an invisible shockwave, before the planes themselves were obliterated in a series of fireballs as the air became a deathtrap for anything in it. Watching as the bat plane fell to Earth in flames, the caped baldy giggled with amusement as the rest of the shredded jets fell into the jungle, their remnants exploding amongst the trees.


Miles away, on one of the blood-stained Dominican beaches, Aquaman had knelt down and was tending to a mortally wounded soldier. Saitama's consecutive normal punches from above had obliterated a vast majority of the ground forces, where only a few scattered survivors out of the 50,000 soldiers remained. Sensing the impending doom, Aquaman himself was barely able to move out of the way to avoid one of the all-powerful blows, while the troops that he was leading weren't so lucky.

"M-mama," the young soldier cried as he coughed up blood. A grim expression on his face, Arthur Curry held the hand of the dying man, where he looked towards the marine's abdomen. His legs and pelvis had been vaporized by one of the descending punches, and what was left of the poor guy was bleeding out fast.

"Shhhh, it's going to be okay, my friend," the Atlantean whispered gently as he squeezed the soldier's trembling hand. "Just close your eyes, buddy. Your mom is coming to meet you now."

Coughing again, the man began mumbling incoherently, before his head slowly turned to the side, and his breathing ceased.

Sighing, Aquaman grabbed his nearby trident and stood up as he looked towards the distant mountains of the island nation, where he gritted his teeth as the blood-drenched beach behind him was all that remained of tens of thousands of men and women.

"Arthur, it me, J'onn," Martian Manhunter spoke to the Atlantean via his telepathy. "Diana and I are converging on the bald clown now. He's currently at this large, white mansion between the jungle mountains to the north."

"Understood, I've got my eyes on the place now," Aquaman replied as he spotted a large, white building off in the distance. "Heading your way."

Although he was nowhere near as fast as on land as he was in the water, the sea-themed superhero could still hustle and cover a vast amount of distance in a short time as he broke out into a sprint towards where the rest of his team was headed.


Back at the mansion, Saitama nonchalantly picked his nose as he waited for more heroes to show up. His ears perking up as he heard the distance sound of rapid footfalls in the jungle, the bald clown turned towards the tree line as a tall, muscular woman who donned a red and gold armored chest plate, blue armored skirt, and a golden tiara across the her forehead, was sprinting towards him.

"So long as there is hope, there can be victory!" Wonder Woman yelled as she drew the sword of Athena and leapt into the air while swinging the God-killing blade at the bald man.

Grinning at the warrior woman's efforts, Saitama was about to quickly dispatch her with a punch, until he realized that someone behind him had grabbed hold of his arms.

"Now, Diana!" Martian Manhunter yelled as he used his extraordinary strength to keep the villain's arms pinned behind his back.

Watching the shining blade as it swung towards his neck, Saitama simply shrugged as his neck swiveled, where he opened his mouth to catch the sword between his teeth. To the horror of the Amazonian, the bald man promptly bit down and shattered the divine sword into many pieces.

"T-this weapon could kill a God, even a Kryptonian can be cut by this blade!" Wonder Woman stammered as she jumped back upon the destruction of her sword.

"Well then, what does that make me? HAHAHA" the bald man laughed, before wiggling out of the Martian's grip and leaping towards the Amazonian. "What else ya got, shiny lady?"

Kicking one of her muscular legs in a powerful sideswipe, Wonder Woman's attack missed thanks to Saitama's blinding speed, where he reappeared a short distance away, holding something in his hands.

"Ooohhhh, what's this now?" the villain laughed in amusement as he held up a glowing rope that he'd frisked from the Amazonian.

"The lasso of truth! Give that back, you fiend!" Wonder Woman replied angrily as she charged towards Saitama.

Shrugging, the bald man swung the rope and flung it towards the valiant warrior, where its loop fell around her neck. Before the hero could tug her own weapon from around her head, Saitama mercilessly yanked the lasso and choked the muscular woman as he dragged her towards him.

"So what's this thing do anyway? Tell me it's not just some sparkly rope," the villain chuckled as he continued strangling Wonder Woman, where he let up for just a bit so that she could speak.

"It's the lasso of truth, it forces those it binds to obey the commands of the wielder and to tell the truth always," the hero groaned as she desperately tried to fight the power of the weapon.

"What? That's awesome, I'm definitely holding onto this!" Saitama exclaimed as he began to tighten the rope again, where he pulled harder and harder as the poor Amazon choked and wheezed while she was mercilessly asphyxiated by her opponent.

"Let go of her!" The Martian Manhunter roared as he shot towards the bald clown.

Clenching his fist, Saitama prepared to easily take out the green-skinned alien, only to pause as his foe suddenly vanished from sight. A massive unseen uppercut to the jaw launched the villain into the air a second later, where the Martian had merely activated his invisibility before attacking.

"Thanks for that," Wonder Woman coughed as she clutched her aching neck, before watching as Saitama landed a short distance away, unharmed.

"Looks like I got here at the right time!" Aquaman bellowed as he appeared from the edge of one of the jungles, spinning his trident in his hand as he watched his two teammates about to counter attack their grey-suited opponent.

Smiling to see the Atlantean, Martian Manhunter looked skywards as the sound of thunder filled the sky. Gliding towards the group, a furious Shazam spread his arms as lightning sparked from all over his body.

"You're gonna pay for what you did to Lantern!" the God-like hero growled as he approached Saitama from behind, while Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and the Martian all flanked the front of the villain, cutting off any escape routes.

"4 on 1? Geez, talk about unfair," Saitama chuckled with a wide grin. "Unfair for YOU, I mean! HAHAHA!"