
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Where are You?

The food was arranged perfectly as always on the dining table. She sat on the chair Mr Bo had opened earlier for her. A maid standing by the side walked closer and put in some food on her plate. She stared blankly on the food after the maid finished dishing in some food to her plate. She was famished but had no appetite or no strength in her to raise a hand and place on the fork. Her stomach growled, but she paid no attention to it. Her mind was concentrated on somewhere else. All she wanted at that moment was to see him, to hold him, then she'd be alright. Without touching her fork or having a bite of the food, she stood up.

"Thank you for the food Mr Bo." She said staring blankly on the food.

Without uttering more words or waiting for him to say something, she walked out of the room and headed to the door leading to the beautiful large flowery compound and stood there. She stared into the starry night blankly with a broken heart.

"Where are you Francis?'' She said tearing down.

She finally took a sit on the door step and cried her eyes out with her hands covered on her eyes. She felt useless and helpless because she so wanted to go after him, but she had no idea where to start from.

Sh stopped crying after few minutes. It was almost midnight when she stood up from the door post. She searched around the compound and still saw no sign of him. She had tried calling him severally but he didn't answer or return any of her calls nor send back a message. She tried calling again this time, but it was switched off. Panic, fear and guilt cloaked her all at once.

"Are you alright?" She asked into the blank space in front of her.

She got really scared about his whereabouts. What if something bad had happened to him? She covered her mouth shaking her head in refusal to what her mind said. "Oh... Francis. Where are you? I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. Just come back home, please." She said crying again.

She quickly wiped her tears after a short while of crying and walked in to the parlour. It was midnight already when sleep and fatigue from crying came kicking in. She was about surrendering herself to the sleep that came knocking on her, when she suddenly heard someone barged in. She stood up in shock and saw who it was. Her heart sank down in relief and ran up to him. She was about diving him for a hug, but he stopped her by holding her arms from doing so. But that didn't matter to her. All that mattered was that he was back and not a scratch or anything was on his skin. He was looking fine.

His gaze became stern and cold.


"Where have you been? I've been worried sick about you. Are...are you fine? I've been waiting for you. Why did you just leave me like that? What did I do wrong?" She said as tears began flooding down from her eyes cutting him from speaking or rather she didn't hear him speak. She could no longer hold on to her emotions. She was happy and relief that he's back. Her heart wasn't at peace with herself till she saw him.

Without saying a word to her, he let go of her arms and walked deeper to the room like he hadn't seen or heard anyone. Before he could take further steps, Jane's hands caught his and hugged him from behind very tight like she wasn't going to let him leave her again.

"I'm really sorry. I'm sorry I made you angry. Please forgive me."

His face became dark and his eyes burned with more fury. It was as if her hugs angered him more.

"Stop acting like a wife to me. It's disgusting." He said coldly tearing her hug from him.

She stopped weeping instantly but strands of tears were still on her eyes. She got more confused and more guilty as those words resonated in her ears. She slowly walked up to his front and saw the fiery look in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." She apologized even though she knew nothing about his anger.

He clenched his hands tight into fistballs, controlling himself from letting something burst out. "Why are you still awake?" He asked coldly and his fiery gaze on her not changing.

"I...I was waiting for you to come back home. I was worried about you."

His look became more fiery gritting his teeth hard. "Don't try acting like I'm married to you now. Go to bed." He ordered gritting his teeth in anger. Without wasting a second anymore he walked out of her sight.

Jane gritted her teeth hard.