
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasy
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125 Chs

The Adult Drama

The light stage turned on and Lisa face had gone sober.

"Why are doing this to me. Why... why can't I be with the man I love so much father." She spoke to a man who was dressed like a king sitting on a royal chair. "You told me that love have no limits and no reason to stay. So why aren't you letting me be with the man I love so much. Why are you doing this to me father?"

"Melissa, as a king or a queen, or a prince, as long as you belong to the royal bloodline, your first duty should be that of the kingdom and nothing else. I have told you this thousands of times already. You will have to marry the prince from the Northern kingdom."

"But father, I don't want to get married to him. Please father. My heart doesn't beat for him. I don't love him." Tears already raining down her eyes and her voice, a bit high.

The king's look had become cold. "It's not a matter of love Melissa. That is not important and never will be. Do you like all that's happening in our kingdom, to our people. We have no allies anymore. Everyone have turned their backs on us. The ones ready to save us are the Northern kingdom. All they want is for you to marry their son. The crown prince. The soon-to-be king."

"But.... "

"Melissa...." He barked in anger getting up from his seat and looking all furious. The audience gasped in shock. "No further discussions."


"Lock her up in her room." He ordered his guards.

"Father.... Father.... Father...." She cried out, screaming as the guards forcefully took her away.

The audience have become so emotional as she was acting that role so perfectly.

Next Scene:

"Where's you brother?" The king asked a man whose clothes were all torn and his mouth dripping blood. He was strongly held captive by the guards.

He scoffed. "I'll die for my brother if this is what it takes for him to be with his beloved. So kill me now." The look in his eyes showed no hint of pain compared to the torture he went through physically.

There was a heavy silence in the stage and from the audience.

The king walked up to him and held his chin up, making him look at him. The enslaved man looked at him with so much boldness in his eyes, not minding if his death was just few minutes away.

"For the very last time. WHERE. IS. YOUR. BROTHER?" His looks were so fierce and hot.

The enslaved man laughed hysterically like he heard something funny. "Kill me. Kill me. Kill me." He screamed out those words.

The king's eyes became furious. "Behead him and make sure you send his head to his family." He ordered with so much fury in his voice.

"You can never separate two hearts in love. Never. My brother will always come back for his lover No matter what." He yelled. "You can't separate them."

The king slapped him hard and the audience gasped.

"I'll kill you myself." The king said in gritted teeth and drew out his sword from one of the guard's scabbard about to behead him, when a voice made him halt his hand in mid-air.

"Stop!" A young handsome gentleman spoke walking out from the darkness.

The whole audience opened their mouths seeing how handsome he was.

The king's lips wried up wickedly. "So you have finally showed up."

"Brother, no. Go. Run. Run away from here you can't die now. I don't mind dying for you brother. Go. Run." His voice very high.

"Such an amazing duo." The king spoke. "Seize him." He ordered and the guards seized him.

The Backstage**

"Aunt Jane...." a child screamed seeing her and the rest children ran to hug her. "How is Abigail? Is she alright now?" They asked.

She squatted. "Abi's fine now. There's no need to worry." She looked up at one of the guardians who just appraoched them and stood up. "Abi needed her toy, so I came back for it. Do you perhaps know where it is."

"Here it is." A child spoke showing them the toy.

She walked to the child. "Thank you dear." Touching his chin. She faced the guardian again. "How's the show going?"

"It is going well. The adult drama started a while ago. I think it's drawing to an end now."

She smiled nodding her head. She decided to stay back and watch the show till the end. She walked to the entrance leading to the stage where everyone stood and watched Lisa and Francis acting like they were born for this.

Back to adult drama**

Melissa had drank some poison hearing that her beloved was going to be beheaded. Her lover scooped her in his arms as she lied down there dying slowly. The poison had started speculating in her body. 'Fuck! I can't believe I'm doing such a thing right now'. He cursed in his mind.

"In the afterlife, I'll... I'll always.....love you."


Don't forget to check out my new novel, Zombies Territory: A place of no return.

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