
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
125 Chs


"Today was fun." Lisa said as soon as the room door was shut closed. "I think we should do this more often now."

"Hahaha. Yes, I did enjoy my day. I think we should do this more often." She said sitting on the bed.

"Hmm. I must say you almost spoilt my day cry baby." She teased sitting on the chair.

Jane sighed and lied on the bed. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. You hungry?"

"No. I'm full from the all that I've had today."


Jane lied there staring at the ceiling. She was more quiet than her usual reticent self. She cloaked herself in her own world as lots of things were running in her mind.

"Jane?" Lisa called noticing Jane's unusual quietness. Though she was a quiet person but not as her present state. When she didn't hear a sound from her, she walked up to the bed and sat on it. She noticed Jane was lost in a world of her own. She placed her hand gently on her thigh and called out her name again. When Jane was drawn back to reality, she quickly sat up. 

"What's wrong with you?" She asked looking worried. Since Jane stepped in her house, she noticed that something was bugging her. Even when she smiled or laugh, she noticed Jane's quietness and how she cloaked herself in her own world, which was definitely so not her. "What's bugging you?" 

Jane went quiet for a while before she spoke sitting and staring at Lisa. "Its Francis."

Lisa raised a brow in confusion. She knew Jane barely make friends and she knew the people she hangs out with, so who was Francis?

"Who is Francis? And what did he do that you're thinking so much about him."

Jane sighed as she was about spilling the bomb that'll will be exploded anytime soon. "Francis Wang."

Lisa widened her eyes in confusion and in shock.

"The man I was to go out on a date with." She added.

Lisa's eyes blinked severally trying to digest what she just heard and why she was calling his name. "Is he named Francis?"


After a while of trying to digest the few things she spoke again. "Wait, hold on. How did you get to know his name so fast. And why is he the one bugging you this much. What happened?" 

Jane sighed and fell back on the bed. She took in a deep breath and exhaled to spill out everything. "Francis....."

She told her everything from how he came to the house that evening to apologize and handed her a blank cheque. How she followed him outside to return back the blank cheque but ended up asking for her request after he kept insisting. How she was rejected by him, but told him to give her a try out, which he agreed and invited her over to a party.

"What?" Lisa screamed with her eyes wide opened, completely shocked. "You... He..... Wait. Hold on." She stammered not knowing exactly what to say. 

"Yes Lisa. Whatever you just heard is the truth. I don't know what to do anymore. What if he's trying to humiliate me in present of the people at the party tomorrow. I mean, why will coming to a ball party be part of my test."

"Jane. You.....you actually did something like?" She asked still unable to digest all the things she heard. Jane had always been a shy type. So how and where did she get the courage to approach him? Why him of all the guys, and why was she so desperate about him?

"Yes. I....I don't know what was going on my mind that day." She sat up and stared at Lisa and spoke. "The words just kept forming from my lips before I....I had the chance to think about it."

Lisa blinked as her body went paralyzed from the shock. For the first time in her life, it felt like the cat cut her tongue. She was utterly speechless. She didn't know how to react. If she should be happy for her bestfriend because she'll finally get herself a boyfriend, or if she should feel sorry or angry because she had to be the one to approach him first.

"What the hell." After a while of contemplating on what to say, that was what could come out of her mouth.

"Lisa, don't panic. I made the decision. I just...well...I just feel different when it comes to him. I...I don't know if.....if it's....." She paused biting her lower lip. "I don't know if it's love." 

"Uhn?" She raised a brow at Jane. "Love? You're.... you're in love? With him?"

Jane sighed and lied back on the bed. "I'm not sure Lisa. But all I do know is that I haven't felt like this for anyone before. And I just feel the urge to do this before...." She paused her words as she didn't want to say the words that'll escape her lips. "I just want to experience all this." She changed the words that were about escaping her lips.

Lisa still didn't know how to react or what to say. Only a smile curved on her lips. A happy smile at last that her friend will be getting herself a boyfriend for the first time in her life. For being so confident for the first time to approach someone. To make the first move to approach a guy which most girls including her - except for the first day she saw him at the bar - would not do.

"Woah." Lisa said excitedly smiling widely.