
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
125 Chs


The sun was already setting when she left the hospital and was now at the park. Sitting down on the swing and slowly moving it back and forth, she stared at the setting sun. It was beautiful. She let out a faint smile and said in her mind, 'if only there was enough time for me, or if only I could find someone to love and who will love me before my time is up. If only my lover and I could stare at the sun setting together.' How she wished deeply. Jane didn't wanted to die a boring life without feeling that thing called 'love'. She let out a sad smile and shook her head knowing it was all in her head, all her imaginations, that none of this will come to reality.

"It's never going to happen." She said with tears rolling down her cheek.

After wiping her tears, she looked at the beautiful setting sun once more and slowly closed her yes. Her happy memories from the past slowly reflecting on her mind and the beautiful memories she would have made if she only had enough time. 

She saw herself walking down the aisle with her father by her side, slowly marching on to her soon-to-be husband. Oh how she has always dreamt of that day. Wearing a beautiful white dress, exchanging the vows on the alter with her partner, kissing in front of her family and friends, how her honeymoon would be like and a beautiful happy married life with her children. 

She had imagined making a beautiful memory with them. Including a miracle happening one day that her so-called illness would disappear. That would make her the most happiest person on earth.

She was so lost in her own imaginations making her own beautiful memories when a drop of water touched her face. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that it was dark. 

"Time flies by so quickly." She uttered to herself sadly. 

She stared at the dark sky again slowly swinging herself when another drop of water touched her face. She let out a sigh and could see that it'll be raining at any moment from now. She slowly stood up carrying her bag, and stood in that spot for a while. She let out a sad sigh and sadly spoke to herself.

"My life will end up like this anyway and my imaginations will always be imaginations.

She finally took some steps to head back home when she saw something that made her halt. She smiled at a child who was taking burgers from her mom. Memories flashed in her head as she remembered her childhood days. How her mom and her always came to this park every Saturday when she was a kid and head back home in the evening. She remembered how her mom always came along with burgers saying she would only give it to her if she behaved very well; that means she wasn't allowed to play too much to get her dress stained. It was frustrating and annoying at first, but because those were her weakness, she could only succumbed to it. Even though she wanted to have as much fun as the other kids, she couldn't. Her mom will definitely not give her the burgers if she gets herself dirty and her mom was dead serious anytime she told her not to get herself dirty. Sometimes she even finds herself playing with the older kids.

When she came back to reality, the child and her mom were no longer there. She was about taking a few steps when her eyes widened in surprise and make her halt her steps again. She saw a shooting star.

"It's a shooting star." She said smiling.

With the big smile on her face, she closed her eyes and made a wish.

"I wish.....I wish my illness will finally disappear for good. Even though it doesn't, atleast to be with someone whom l love and who love me back in return, unconditionally for who I am. Someone to accept me for who I am." She said emotionally as little tears dropped from her eyes.

She wiped the remaining of her tears as she walked away as the rain started drizzling.