
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasy
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125 Chs



"I'm going to miss you." Lisa said hugging her.

"I'll I miss you more." Their hugs tightened more as they sat on the bed. "Jeez Lisa, I'll only be gone for a couple of weeks and you're acting like I'm married now and will not return."

"It's still the same thing. I'll miss you so much. Nobody not even your future hubby have the right to separate the both of us. We're going to be together forever." Lisa said becoming more emotional.

"Lisa..." She said coaxing her back. "We'll be together forever. Don't worry. Nothing in this world can separate us. Nothing or no one."

"We're inseperable. "


"Oh Jane. I love you so much."

"I love you too Lisa. Now you're gonna make me cry." She said almost breaking down.

Lisa pulled away from the hug and cupped Jane's face. "I'm really sorry about that. Just promise me that you'll take care of yourself. That you'll be fine. And if that guy hurt you, always know that I'm here to beat his ass up."

"Lisa..." She called her name warmly holding her hands gently. "I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me. I need to learn how to stand for myself. You told me that remember."

Lisa pulled her in for a tight hug. "You know I always want the best for you. This is your first boyfriend, and I wish you all the good things life have to offer, in your new relationship."

"Thank you Lisa. Thank you so much. Thank you for being there especially in my darkest times. Thank you. You're nothing but a big blessing in my life."

Lisa's eyes pooled down to rain fall. "I love you so much my little wormio. Just be okay for me and call me if anything feels off."

They tightened their hugs. "I will and I love you so much too."

Lisa wept profusely on Jane's shoulders. It was the first time Jane saw Lisa crying. Who would have thought that the brave and mighty Lisa would break down so easily.

They hugged and did not move away from that position for some minutes. Lisa pulled away and wiped away the strands of tears in her eyes.

"It's time to go now." She said trying her best not to break down again. "You don't want to be late."

Jane cupped Lisa's face. "Thank you."

Lisa smiled slightly and they headed out of the building apartment and the building. Right outside, Kevin was standing by the parked car.

Jane and Lisa hugged one more time. "Tell me if he tries hurting you." Lisa told Jane in a whisper. "I'll come running really fast and beat him up black and blue. And if he dares threaten you, you know you got me." 

Jane chuckled. "I know. I'll miss you so much bunny."

"I'll miss you so much too my little wormio."

After pulling away from the hug, Jane walked to the car. She smiled at Lisa one more time and blew her a kiss and told her 'thank you' in a whisper. She understood what Jane said to her and blew her a kiss using her two hands and waved goodbye to her. She saw Jane entering the car and her heart could not help but sink down. She stood in that place watching the car drive away till it reached out of sight.

The ride was quiet. Jane was missing Lisa more. Their memories started playing in her head. How she met Lisa in the park one day when she was lost. They were only three years old then, and Lisa was the one who took her to the cops in the park telling them that she was lost. And the next time they saw each other was at the mall. That was when their friendship blossomed. Lisa had a phone when she was a kid. She had asked for Jane's phone number, but Jane had none. Lisa walked up to meet Jane's mother who was standing by her side. She handed her mother her phone and politely asked for her number so that Jane and her could contact each other. Her mother smiled lovingly at her and did so. She knew it was the girl Jane talked about, the girl who saved her at the park. Weeks later, Jane's mother got her a phone. Jane was so happy, and the first thing she did was to call Lisa. Lisa screamed in excitement that day hearing the goodnews. Luckily, Jane's parents enrolled her in one of the most expensive elementary school to give her a better education, and that was when she saw Lisa again. The both of them danced and screamed in joy seeing each other. As the day passed by, Jane's parents could no longer further her higher school education into those expensive schools Lisa was attending. She was sad to hear that and told her friend, Lisa. Lisa's heart broke down into pieces. She didn't know what she would do without Jane around. Lisa spoke to her parents about it. Realizing that their dear Lisa would be hurt about Jane's absence in the school, her dad decided to further Jane's education to the same school as Lisa's through her remaining years in school. Jane was so happy to hear what her friend did for her, and Lisa was more excited that they'll be together all through their years in school. That was how they ended up in the same high school and college. The bullies in school always tried to bully Jane because she was poor and weak. But Lisa was always there for her.