
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasy
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125 Chs


It was already close to noon when her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the sun's brightness. She turned around but didn't see him on the bed. Few seconds later, someone came in after knocking on the door, and shock slammed on her face upon seeing who it is.

"Good morning, Ms. Jane." The woman greeted her with a warm smile.

Jane's mouth parted, and her eyes were as round as the earth. Wait! What is going on here? She knows she is sick, but what does her sickness have to do with a designer coming here, to her room, or stuff like that? The woman is among the top designers too.

"Don't worry, ma'am." She spoke after seeing Jane's confused face. "We were sent here by Mr. Francis to get your measurements."

Her brows crunched in utter confusion. "Measurements?" She finally managed to speak. "Why? What is happening?"

With a smile tugging on the designer's face, she kindly spoke. "I don't know, ma'am. I'm only here to get your measurements."

With confusion still etched on her face, all she could do was nod her head. With the nurse assisting her, she got up on her feet. After a while of taking her measurements, she left.

Jane still pondered what the measurements were all for and why she hadn't laid eyes on any of her family or him ever since she woke up. None of them has come by to check on her, and it is now past noon. What is happening? Why aren't they here yet? Those questions kept spinning like merry-go-rounds in her head.

She was lost in her own world of thoughts, and shortly after, a few people came in to her room. Confusion once again slapped her face. 'Okay. Now, can someone please tell me what is going on? She screamed inwardly.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Jane. We're sent here to give you your makeover."

Make over? Oh, heavenly burgers! What in the world of burgers is going on here? First, it was a designer; second, she hadn't laid eyes on her family or him; and now this, a make-up artist? Oh God of burgers, help her not to melt down completely.

"But, may I ask what is happening?" She asked the artist, who was assisted by maybe her minors.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I have no idea. We are only told to come and give you a makeover, ordered by Mr. Francis." She spoke kindly, with a generous smile tugging on her lip.

Her big brown eyes closed and opened a few times, severally. Isn't this man just too much? He's just too full of surprises. But what was it that even the designer and the artist knew nothing about? What in the world of burgers is he planning on doing this time around?

Because there was no other choice, she succumbed and allowed them to proceed with the makeup. In a short while, her make-up and hair started. But her mind still wasn't at ease. What is going on? It wasn't her birthday or her wedding? So what's all this for? What the hell is going on here? After a while, her make-up and hair were done.

The designer, who came earlier that morning, came knocking and entered. She came in with a dress hanging from a mannequin. Jane's eyes threw open in both shock and surprise. It wasn't just a dress, but a Disney princess dress. The most amazing thing that ceased her breath was that the dress wasn't just any other princess dress; it was from her all time favorite cartoon, 'beauty and the Beast. The dress looked exactly like it did in the cartoon.

She couldn't tear her eyes from the dress. It is beautiful. No. She shook her head. This is way beyond beauty. If there's a word that can describe how out of this world this dress looks, that is the word she meant.

Her hair was also styled perfectly, like that of a princess, which she is to him. She just cannot believe what is actually going on. She stood up, as per the designer's order, to try on her dress. She was trying to solve this unsolved puzzle of what was going on and why she'd be putting on the beautiful princess dress. The worst part is that nobody told her anything, even after she asked them several times.

After they had finished adjusting her dress a little to make sure it fit perfectly on her, a mirror appeared in her front, and she looked... speechless. Happy. Surprised. She just cannot keep her emotions intact. Different kinds of emotions were cooking in her body.

Her eyes began to well. This is not true, right? He was doing it. He was fulfilling her one last wish. She had always wanted to dress like a Disney princess. Though that wish was written when she was younger than her current age, she has always loved it. She never thought that a day like this would come in her life. They were just her silly imaginations. It never popped into her mind that one day all those things would become a reality.

"Don't cry, Ms. Jane. You might ruin your makeup." The designer spoke, smiling at her.

The whole scene befalling before her eyes was just too emotional to keep her from crying. Her dress was designed in the exact same way as the character in Beauty and the Beast. Her hair was packed perfectly in a bun, and two strands were bouncing at the corners of her head. It was all too much. No words could express how happy and grateful she is at the moment.

She blinked her eyes a few times, trying not to ruin her makeup with tears, at least for his sake. And this whole thing was literally every girl's dream to dress like a princess. Only a few of those girls get to experience that magical moment. She never thought she'd be part of those girls who'd get to feel this magical moment. She never expected it, even if she wanted it to come to pass one day.

They had also informed her that two doctors would be following right behind her, just in case anything might happen since her body was still weak, and that was also Francis' order. She just nodded in agreement to what they had told her.

As the door opened, her eyes opened in shock.