
one in a 7.594 billion people and it had to be me

this is my second attempt of making a story first person and relatable. hope you enjoy read in it.

Loulou_small · LGBT+
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8 Chs

where am I?

me and ellie were suddenly falling. so afraid, we tried to see if any water near to us. (well I wasn't looking I was too scared to look down, I was about to die!) ellie, not soon after, grabs hold of me, firmly and then lands in some water. I passed out, knowing we had hit water. (because I was wet!) ellie put me on a wide tree stump and started giving me mouth to mouth. (I might sound a bit creepy but... I liked every second of it!)

I violently woke up choking on water. she asked if I was alright I said,"yeah, why wouldn't I be?" ellie reminded me that we could of died if she wouldn't of found water. (little dies she know I have powers.) i just agreed while she was trying to find out where we ended up.

we heard a deep howl coming from the dark nightmare induced woods. as the thick fog sets on the night sky, we find ourselves huddling together, (or maybe it was just me?) It slowly crept out of the woods and near us. the wolf-like figure strutted into view. what was it? where did it come from?