
one in a 7.594 billion people and it had to be me

this is my second attempt of making a story first person and relatable. hope you enjoy read in it.

Loulou_small · LGBT+
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8 Chs

well someones in love.

"THE SCHOOL IS ON FIRE!" the cafeteria lady screeched. I dont know why they didnt use the fire alarm. I was also trying to keep calm, as was the teachers and students. the look of horror on their faces, I dont think they actually had a real fire before. to be honest I wasn't really that worried because fire doesn't hurt me as it hurts other people. I just makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Now back to the fire situation. the teachers just leged it out of the doors and so did the students. soon it was just me with a few plastic chairs.

this was the first time for me too so I didnt know what to do. the cafeteria was close to the hall as well so... I did something I regret.

I stacked up all of the chair in the hall, I know not the smartest move on my part. then the fire blasted in to the hall. I tried my best to get away from it. the fire soon surrounded me, like a lion stalking its prey. then it pounced upon me. it was so warm.

then dark, just dark. what happened? I finally opened my eyes to see someone, a girl with jet black hair and brown tinted skin. she was the one who saved me. she douced the fire with a water and carried me out safely. she was told by the other students that I was still in there.

I fell deeply in love, so much in fact I fanted. I wanted to be with her forever. I softly asked for her name, she answered with," Ellie, my name is Ellie. " I new from the moment I first saw her, we would be seeing much of each other.